Time to attack the Queen of England again. I can't help it. The European news is filled with more stories about the royal tax havens. The Liechtenstein business is now pulling in banks in Switzerland. The gnomes are gmad. Heh. A think tank wants to see if the G7 can control the flow of money across borders. This would anger the gnomes gno end, eh? Even more amusing, a British writer calls for these gnome ghomes to be invaded! I am very happy to see someone else call these places pirate coves, etc. I have been suggesting naval attacks for some time already! But a curious thing here: the British writer, Mr. Butler, cannot attack the Mistress upstairs! He cannot say, 'These pirate coves swear fealty to the Queen of England who owns them.' This would get him arrested for sedition. But since my family voted to execute Kings of England or revolted against Kings of England, I say, 'Off with Her Majesty's head!' And She can't do a thing about this. Heh, again.
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