The deaf students demonstrating at Gallaudet have been arrested in the middle of the night. This has started a firestorm of protests and deep anger in the deaf community. This also is part of the New World Order whereby they give orders and everyone else gets the shaft.
The National Association for the Deaf loudly protest the mistreatment of Gallaudet students.
By Daniel de Vise
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, October 16, 2006; Page B01Scoggins's (President of the National Association of the Deaf) appearance underscored the impact of the confrontation in the international deaf community. She said sympathizers around the world had erected more than 70 "tent cities" in solidarity with the Gallaudet protesters, four of whom launched a hunger strike at the start of the weekend.
"The whole world is with these people here," said Scoggins. "The administration claims this is a local issue. It is not."
In an e-mail sent to the campus yesterday, Gallaudet President I. King Jordan defended the arrests and said they resulted from "a complete lack of good faith" on the part of the protesters.
"You have been heard by me. You have been heard by the Board," Jordan wrote. "We have heard you from the beginning of your protest. We have considered and discussed your points of view. We just haven't agreed with you. And we still don't."
It is rather awesome that an organization that is totally deaf to the pleas of the deaf students, saying, 'we hear you.' Of course, 'hearing' means nothing if one listens and then tells you to go to hell! And this is how the 'hearing' process is working: totally deaf to any input from the students.
The dismissive attitude of the leaders of this school is mirrored by our general political culture. We can still speak but the reception of the information is shut down. This is how our diplomacy works: our way or the highway. This leads to wars. Well, duh!
What on earth do they expect? The school exists for one purpose: for the students. When the students complain the school is failing them then it is failing them! The school should be able to persuade the students. Arresting them and telling everyone to drop dead isn't persuasion, it is 'coercion.' This is the master/slave sort of leadership. Obviously, the students feel strongly enough about all this as to risk being put in a metal box and abused. They didn't back down when asked to go home and shut up.
Since this is now pretty obvious, the school has an obligation to start talking with them and not at them. The power of persuasion has to resume or it will end up full-scale warfare.
Posted September 20, 2006The law requiring closed captioning was passed in 1996. The FCC closed captioning rules were established in 1998. The rules required closed captioning to be increased gradually over 8 years. Since January 2006, 100% of all new TV programs must be captioned, with some exceptions.
The FCC weakened the closed captioning rules.
It appears the FCC changed the rules without proper notice to and comments from the public. This may violate federal procedure law.
It appears the FCC granted requests without public notice and chance for the public to comment. This may violate the closed captioning rules.
It appears the FCC has created a new category of TV programs that can be excused from the closed captioning rules.
Hell, my own relatives who are losing their hearing and they use the captions on TV to be informed! The number of people needing this service will be rising, not declining! My husband loves closed captions because otherwise he gets less than 50% of what is being said! And if a high-pitched voice comes along, it is totally out of his ken!
No one wants to spend money. Everyone wants el-cheapo for us and super service for themselves.
"We have considered and discussed your points of view. We just haven't agreed with you. And we still don't."
In other words... "What part of NO don't you understand?"
The students will now occupy the dean's office and the administration building prior to issuing their latest list of non-negotiable demands. (Wonder when they'll call out the National Guard?)
Posted by: JSmith | October 18, 2006 at 09:15 AM
How about "compromise" instead of "no means no"?
The students issue "nonnegotiable demands" (if that is true, which I have no proof of that) because they learned all about intransigence from I. King Jordan and his new friends at the top. The students have been trying to avoid a showdown for several months now, but like a corporation bent on total domination, the administration blocks all forms of compromise. Only they can choose. This is what lead to the first shutdown back in 1988 that put I. King Jordan in the top spot.
I noticed he did not complain then about the students shutting down the school so he could be president.
I suppose you think all strikers are communists too, huh?
The difference is that the school is there for the Deaf, not for Congress. A factory is there for the owner, not the workers, yet we still allow some strikes to proceed because of our innate sense of fairness and justice. Why cannot the Deaf have the same?
Posted by: DeVaul | October 18, 2006 at 12:47 PM
When I said "The students will now occupy the dean's office and the administration building prior to issuing their latest list of non-negotiable demands." I was Just Kidding - I have no idea what the students a Gallaudet have in mind.
But that's what they did back in the Sixties: take over the dean's office, take a crap on his desk, and wipe their asses on the drapes because the strawberries in the dining halls weren't fresh.
Posted by: JSmith | October 18, 2006 at 03:22 PM
Gads, Smith, are you dim!
Um, I was one of 'those students' back then and we had a very sophisticated list of things needed to be done. For example, our universities were recruiting grounds for the fucking C.I. Fucking A. And all the big universities did research for all sorts of ugly projects designed to enslave humanity.
Crowd control, mind control, biological weapons, WMD, nuclear war, nuclear missiles, the list is very long. Still is!
And then there was that pesky War in Nam, the one the entire present GOP leadership chickened out of.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | October 18, 2006 at 05:24 PM
Ok Smith, you fooled me on the dean's office thing. I just took your word for it.
However, you still owe me an answer to my question regarding the illuminati website. Go see my question under the Religion section (Foley post). I want to know if that is a joke sight or not.
Posted by: DeVaul | October 18, 2006 at 06:34 PM
"Gads, Smith, are you dim! Um, I was one of 'those students' back then and we had a very sophisticated list of things needed to be done. ..."
Not as dim as you are, apparently. Or maybe it's just that time goes by.
My allusion was to the once well-known but since forgotten text, The Strawberry Statement. Surely you know it?
Posted by: JSmith | October 19, 2006 at 09:52 AM
"However, you still owe me an answer to my question regarding the illuminati website."
OK - Icke (the guy whose website that is) apparently believes it, but I think he's completely, totally, absolutely nuts. I ran across his stuff a couple of years ago when I was browsing used bookshops - he has several books out on the same theme. Very strange stuff.
"I think I will just stick with the "international bankers" as my code word for those who really pull the strings in this world."
International bankers? Is that the Rothschilds? The Bilderbergers? The Great International Jooosh Conspiracy to Dominate Us All?
Posted by: JSmith | October 19, 2006 at 10:02 AM
I have heard those names mentioned in long articles on the topic of our "real rulers", but I do not know if it is true or not.
I personnally think that the international bankers and money lenders prefer absolute secrecy so as to continue their scam. It is all about greed and possibly wielding power, without the risk of direct responsibilty. (i.e. let the president take the fall if things go south.)
I think all these occult organizations are created for lower level quiselings who do their bidding while believing they have supernatural powers. The bankers just loan them the money to wreak havoc -- with interest due, of course.
They create the money out of thin air, but not the interest. The debts can never be paid off and are passed down from one generation to another. A kind of perpetual debt servitude on the masses that keeps the ultra rich from having to do any real work.
Posted by: DeVaul | October 19, 2006 at 10:15 PM
The occult organizations are at the very HEART of all this!!!!!
Period. Totally. Trust me on this. Gads. Lightning bolts and all.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | October 19, 2006 at 10:18 PM
Underlings get to play the sillier occult games. The top entities understand the Portals to the Outer Darkness, its relationship with lightning bolts (gads, these things are one and the same) and how to make these things 'work' which requires human sacrifices and the best way to do THAT is war or police actions.
This is why the Bush family has done so many executions. It is a requirement just like Mrs. Bush's killing her ex-boyfriend enhanced her own occult powers.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | October 19, 2006 at 10:20 PM
"The top entities understand the Portals to the Outer Darkness..."
"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn."
Posted by: JSmith | October 20, 2006 at 10:40 AM