Elaine Meinel Supkis
Once again, AIPAC is in the news as the FBI continues to investigate this organization. Do note the FBI isn't chasing down the oil lobbyists! Anyway, Harman is the latest in their crosshairs and this is all due to the fact that the Jews running AIPAC are too anxious to control our government and have slipped up very badly and are on the verge of causing a backlash that will be a tragic historic event.
AIPAC needs people very close to their organization as tools.
Posted Friday, Oct. 20, 2006
Did a Democratic member of Congress improperly enlist the support of a major pro-Israel lobbying group to try to win a top committee assignment? That's the question at the heart of an ongoing investigation by the FBI and Justice Department prosecutors, who are examining whether Rep. Jane Harman of California and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) may have violated the law in a scheme to get Harman reappointed as the top Democrat on the House intelligence committee, according to knowledgeable sources in and out of the U.S. government.
The sources tell TIME that the investigation by Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which has simmered out of sight since about the middle of last year, is examining whether Harman and AIPAC arranged for wealthy supporters to lobby House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi on Harman's behalf. Harman said Thursday in a voicemail message that any investigation of — or allegation of improper conduct by — her would be "irresponsible, laughable and scurrilous." On Friday, Washington GOP super lawyer Ted Olson left voicemail messages underscoring that Harman has no knowledge of any investigation.
The AIPAC can of worms that was opened when Franklin and two members of AIPAC were arrested for passing secrets continues to wriggle all over the place. Thanks entirely to the internet, the tracks left by various worms that wriggle out of our foreign policy can are visible if one looks for them. In other words, we can now easily track these activities. It is very interesting that the FBI is investigating AIPAC influence when nearly all of Congress is pretty much owned by AIPAC. This is a notable event for it means the shadowy power of AIPAC is about to end quite abruptly.
Harman is already in trouble over leaking stuff from the Shadows like the secret spying on American citizens done by our goofy dictator. When a member of her staff revealed this, it forced Congress to legalize Bush's spying and so we got to lose even more liberties and freedoms. Of course, if I were this Congresswoman, I would have raged around DC trying to stop the destruction of Habeas Corpus but that isn't all that important to our Congress, obviously. The FBI, being an arm of the rightwing, cooperates with Bush in trying to prevent anyone in America from knowing what our own government is plotting behind our backs. This is why Cheney is constantly in court fighting attempts at opening up his appointment books so we can see who (Abramoff) he is making deals with.
In this soupy mix, the one verity is, if anyone tries to help Palestine, all hell breaks loose and virtually all our Congresspeople rush all over screaming and wailing. So one must question this lack of real interest in saving our Constitution versus the careful, nearly hysterical need to protect Jews in Israel no matter what.
There are several forces at work here in these investigations of AIPAC and its tools in Congress. One is, AIPAC does give a lot of money to Democrats and in return, the Democrats seig heil Israel nonstop. The GOP wants to cut these funds off and so they tried sieg heiling harder and this did direct a lot of money to them but it didn't cut off funds to Democrats. Indeed, AIPAC by far prefers to own people who have a lot of seniority which is why our system barely changes because incumbents have much more money thanks to lobbyists like AIPAC than anyone challenging them.
Thanks to AIPAC pushing very hard for a very ruinous foreign policy, the American people are on the verge of voting into office a lot of newcomers. AIPAC has been fundraising very frantically in order to keep these potential newcomers yoked to the Zionist plow. The FBI has hired nearly only rightwingers because it is a police state institution and it is no surprise to see the FBI ignore Foley when he was reported to them even as they break down doors of innocent people's homes seeking pedophiles, the FBI certainly will look at Democrats under a microscope and a lot of these right wingers are not friendly to the Jewish plans for world domination. So we have a subgroup in the Federal government who are out to break the power of AIPAC. This sets us up for some very dangerous things, namely, when the evangelical Christians suddenly turn on Israel and denounces the Jews as infidels and devils, etc.
Ie: already a significant number of Americans are, thanks to the internet, aware of the influence of AIPAC and the plans of the top elite, very wealthy Jews to use our government for their own personal agendas and this in turn will cause a significant backlash that will happen quite suddenly. All it takes is some great event such as...defeat in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Here is Tom Hayden talking about Harman's activities as a member of the House Intelligence Committee.
It's no secret that Harman is the center of Democratic friction. She was one of a handful of Congressmembers invited into the secret White House briefings on what has mushroomed into a major scandal: the launch of domestic spying by intelligence agencies without warrants. The ranking Democrat on the House intelligence committee, Harman promised the White House to keep secret what she heard at the meetings.
Like Joseph Lieberman in the Senate, Harman was a forceful hawk on Iraq when Democrats were trying find a way out. Pelosi seemed protect her status. Maxine Waters finally broke with Pelosi over Iraq, and formed an Out of Iraq congressional caucus, now enrolling some 70 members. One of Waters' first speeches after forming the caucus happened to be in Venice, a frustrated progressive enclave in Harman's district. In response to a question, Waters spontaneously called on the residents to vote against Harman. It was a breach of the usual incumbent protection ethos, revealing the depth of divisions within the party itself.
Harman's base began to erode as the unknown Winograd showed up at one endorsement meeting after another. Harman couldn't even achieve the endorsement of the Democrats from her own district. In Sacramento, the party hierarchy bailed her out at the state convention, but not without an uproar from the floor delegates.
I was banned from posting at Democratic (sic) Underground because after the 2002 election when everyone was wailing about our 'losses' I suggested AIPAC's activities were corrupting the Democratic Party and this should be examined and discussed. Oops. Verboten! For years and years, discussion of AIPAC was more secretive than talking about the CIA! But thanks to the internet even with supporters of Israel first infiltrating every possible nook and cranny, the net is so vast, they can't stop everyone all the time and once an article is published, it stays there, in the open, for all to find if they look.
Here is an article from last year about the AIPAC spy scandal.
Important new details of the U.S.-Israeli espionage case involving Larry Franklin, the alleged Pentagon spy, two officials of the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, and an intelligence official at the Embassy of Israel emerged last week. Two AIPAC officials—who have left the organization—were indicted along with Franklin on charges of "communicat[ing] national defense information to persons not entitled to receive it." In plain English, if not legal-speak, that means spying.
But as the full text of the indictment makes clear, the conspiracy involved not just Franklin and the AIPAC officials, Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman, but at least several other Pentagon officials who played intermediary roles, at least two other Israeli officials, and one official at a "Washington, D.C. think tank." It's an old-fashioned spy story involving the passing of secret documents, hush-hush meetings and outright espionage, along with good-old-boy networking.
But the network tied to the "Franklin case"—which ought to be called the "AIPAC case," since it was AIPAC that was really under investigation by the FBI—provides an important window into a shadowy world. It is clear that by probing the details of the case, the FBI has got hold of a dangerous loose end of much larger story. By pulling on that string hard enough, the FBI and the Justice Department might just unravel that larger story, which is beginning to look more and more like it involves the same nexus of Pentagon civilians, White House functionaries, and American Enterprise Institute officials who thumped the drums for war in Iraq in 2001-2003 and who are now trying to whip up an anti-Iranian frenzy as well.
This is all about the grand conspiracy to push all of America into a war. The threads running through 9/11 and into the bloody loom of Iraq were woven in Jerusalem and in America as people wanting Eretz Israel conspired with oil barons and Saudi despots to destroy potential powers that might menace Israel and Mecca. One of the most dangerous things running around America right now is the idea that rich Jews pushed America into these wars. The left likes to imagine it was oil corporations and this is true, too, but the alliance of rich Jews with rich oil potentates has set the stage for one of the biggest disasters to befall the USA. The American right wing can't wait to leap upon the throats of rich Jews, this is the traditional way to pay for wars.
Even as some people in DC (not many, alas) lie awake at night worrying about the skyrocketting deficit spending and how on earth we are going to raise taxes to pay for all this, right wingers are happy because they know the ancient way to pay for wars always has been to loot the Jews and then expel them. This has happened with tedious regularity. In the case of today, Jews hope to prevent this by owning a lot of the media and using it to convince people this is a bad thing to do.
As in Germany, this will fail because of the logic of looting: if regular people were told they must pay ruinous taxes to pay for a failed war that was viewed universally as a war fought for Israel, Americans will instantly demand that Jews pay for this war via confiscation of property and higher taxes on Jews.
This is how the game is played. Jews are less than 3% of the population and thus, have no real power in the bitter end if 97% of the population suddenly changes their minds and decide it is time to loot them. This is why the present game of using our Congress so nakedly to pass nearly unanimously, laws that hurt American diplomatic interests while enabling Israel to commit war crimes, is most dangerous.
Anyone who opposes any initiatives of the wealthy Jews running the Israel-first lobby is destroyed by them.
Not surprisingly, most in Congress see far more harm than reward in getting in the Israeli lobby's way. "There remains a perception of power and fear that AIPAC can undo you," says James Zogby, president of the Arab American Institute. He points to the defeats of Representative Paul Findley and Senator Charles Percy in the 1980s and Representatives Cynthia McKinney and Earl Hilliard in 2002, when AIPAC steered large donors to their opponents. Even if AIPAC's make-you-or-break-you reputation is largely a myth, in an election year that perception is potent. Thirty-six pro-Israel PACs gave $3.14 million to candidates in the 2004 election cycle. Rahall said his opponent for re-election issued his first press release of the campaign after Rahall voted against the House resolution. "Everybody knew what would happen if they didn't vote yes," he says.
AIPAC continues to enjoy deep bipartisan backing inside Congress even after two top AIPAC officials were indicted a year ago for allegedly accepting and passing on confidential national security secrets from a Defense Department analyst. "The US and Israel share a lot of basic common values. The vast majority of the American people not only support Israel's actions against Hezbollah but also the fundamental US-Israel relationship, and the bipartisan support in Congress reflects that," says AIPAC spokesman Josh Block. Rosenberg, himself a former AIPAC staffer, puts it another way: "This is the one issue on which liberals are permitted, even expected, by donors to be mindless hawks."
The belief that the 'vast majority' of Americans support AIPAC is false. The latest poll taken this month show 35% of Americans are worried about AIPAC's excessive influence. This is a very significant number and can swiftly rise to over 70% if we get hammered mercilessly in Iraq. And I am betting we will be hammered quite mercilessly.
Since anti-AIPAC activity isn't allowed to appear in public, the Jews who are madly twisting arms in private can live in the delusion their propaganda and blatant attacks on anyone supporting the Palestinian cause is popular. This misreading of the tea leaves is typical of the entire gang pushing all these disasterous initiatives. They can't understand how their own actions are feeding the far right as it uncoils itself like a snake, preparing to counterattack.
Here is an example from the past as to the sneaky way AIPAC works and how a very brave Jewish citizen exposed their schemes by recording a conversation he had with the past president of AIPAC, Mr. Steiner.
In 1992, AIPAC Harry Katz phoned the President of AIPAC, David Steiner, to offer contributions. Steiner proceeded to make several claims, including negotiating with then-candidate Bill Clinton over who would be Secretary of State, and had already "cut a deal" with Baker for more aid to Israel.
Unknown to Steiner, Katz taped the phone call and gave the recording to the media, worried that AIPAC's influence had grown to dangerous levels.
DAVID STEINER AIPAC: From a Jewish point of view, I believe in political loyalty.
DAVID STEINER AIPAC: And if someone has been good for Israel, no matter who, if my brother would run against them, I would support them because they'd been good to Israel because that's an important message to people.
DAVID STEINER AIPAC: What I'm going to be doing for you. . .
HAIM KATZ: Now D'Amato, has he been good for Israel?
DAVID STEINER AIPAC: You couldn't have a better . . . listen I think Abrams would be good too, but that's not the message.
HAIM KATZ: So the message, so the message is that ah...I agree with you all the way, that if somebody's been good for Israel, I'll take D'Amato. But you have no complaints with D'Amato?
DAVID STEINER AIPAC: I have no complaints with D'Amato.
HAIM KATZ: Uh huh, so and ah, you know, let me tell you, Abrams might be, might be too liberal. I don't know if Abrams supported, let's say the ah, the war against Iraq.
DAVID STEINER AIPAC: Yeah, I don't know, and ah, I don't know. But all I know is if I have a guy who is there and he's doing it, then I don't want to change, you know?
Click here for the list of AIPAC donations up until 2001.
When many members of the Democratic party voted against Desert Storm I, AIPAC retaliated. Do note how the GOP swept into power two years later? On the issue of tax cuts, no less! Even as individual Jews are often quite liberal which is sensible, they are not when it comes to Israel. Then it is fascism all the time. The power of the far right feeds off of this dissonance. Every justification of Israel's wretched policies including the total silence when Israel admitted they used phosphorous bombs in Lebanon just as Hezbollah accused them of doing, is noted by the right wingers who want to use these powers to attack Jews. This is why I am so upset about the path chosen by the Chosen People: it leads straight back into Dachau!
The NY Review of Books had a lengthy article about the Mearsheimer book about AIPAC.
AIPAC claims to represent most of the Jewish community. Its executiv committee has a couple of hundred members representing a wide spectrum o American Jewish opinion, from the dovish Americans for Peace Now to the militantl right-wing Zionist Organization of America. Four times a year this group meets to decide AIPAC policy. According to several former AIPAC officials I have talked to however, the executive committee has little real power. Rather, power rests with th fifty-odd-member board of directors, which is selected not according to how well the represent AIPAC's members but according to how much money they give and raise
Reflecting this, the board is thick with corporate lawyers, Wall Street investors, business executives, and heirs to family fortunes. Within the board itself, power is concentrated in an extremely rich subgroup, known as the "minyan club." And, within that group, four members are dominant: Robert Asher, a retired lighting fixtures dealer in Chicago; Edward Levy, a building supplies executive in Detroit; Mayer "Bubba" Mitchell, a construction materials dealer in Mobile, Alabama; and Larry Weinberg, a real estate developer in Los Angeles (and a former owner of the Portland Trail Blazers). Asher, Levy, and Mitchell are loyal Republicans; Weinberg is a Scoop Jackson Democrat who has moved rightward over the years.
The "Gang of Four," as these men are known, do not share the general interest of a large part of the Jewish community in promoting peace in the Middle East. Rather, they seek to keep Israel strong, the Palestinians weak, and the United States from exerting pressure on Israel. AIPAC's director, Howard Kohr, is a conservative Republican long used to doing the Gang of Four's bidding. For many years Steven Rosen, AIPAC's director of foreign policy issues, was the main power on the staff, helping to shape the Gang of Four's pro-Likud beliefs into practical measures that AIPAC could promote in Congress. (In 2005, Rosen and fellow AIPAC analyst Keith Weissman left the organization and were soon after indicted by federal authorities for receiving classified national security information and passing it on to foreign (Israeli) officials.)
Within Israel, Jews boast about their incredible level of influence in America and how they can, even in the face of public opposition, get Congress to do their bidding. Then they come here and tell us the notion that they control our government is a bunch of lies and anti-semites are spreading this story. As I have pointed out in the past, this game is extremely deadly because it confirms the idea that Jews are traitors to any host nation that shelters them and they are sneaky and seeking to undermine their host nation. When a handful of Jews in America do exactly that, it is extremely dangerous.
America's democracy is supposed to respond to desires and wishes of the American people. If the system becomes too corrupt to respond, it falls. The more Jews in America and Israel try to control the government the more they expose all Jews to the dangerous backlash that will inevitably come. If these policies made America stronger and richer, there is no fear that Jewish influence will be exposed and then purged.
But when defeat and bankruptcy loom, this program of domination becomes FATAL.
Throughout history, populations have turned on a dime. All it takes is some key event, most often, an empire going bankrupt. Quiet populations that keep their noses to the grindstone are suddenly released. If we have a bad economic stretch and this is quite possible, there will be a reaction that will be most explosive and totally sudden. Even without the internet, Jews would have to fear such events simply because they are a relatively rich minority. Throughout history, minorities with ready funds to loot are the favorite targets of popular displeasure.
The royals of Europe regularily resorted to this, pushing public anger onto the halpless Jews. But then even that can run out and the mobs turn on the royals themselves. These are then called 'revolutions.'
Either way, the present course chosen by Jewish supporters of Israel are set to backfire. Just as Jewish attempts in Europe to imprison anti-semtic songwriters or authors is backfiring.
Here is a typical example from the BBC:
More than 1,200 neo-Nazis from across Europe are due to march on Berlin's Tegel Prison to demand the release of a jailed singer.
German neo-Nazi Michael Regener, aka "Lunikoff", is in jail for three years after a court ruled his band Landser was spreading racial hatred.
In March 2005, a German court rejected an appeal by Regener to have his sentence repealed.
Germany has strict laws against promoting Nazism or using Nazi symbols.
Europe has no freedom of speech bills of rights. And Jews carefully go over everything written or sung in Europe seeking out 'antisemitism' and then overreact. This is already causing a very significant backlash. As Israel's government trolls around Europe seeking support in crushing the Palestinians and bombing civilians in Lebanon, they are increasingly unpopular with the people there even as the Jews manage to get various governments to OK these crimes. The refusal to give so much as an inch to the Palestinians is backfiring because it is causing a groundswell in favor of not just giving the Palestinians a rump state but eliminating Israel.
Iran, under attack by the Jews in America and Israel, is openly and defiantly talking about all this and it isn't 'madness' but clever politics for Iran knows they are addressing the entire far right in America and Europe, giving them the voice they really want to have. It makes headlines and they read this eagerly.
Misunderstanding these tactics, Israel joins with the governments of Europe and America to suppress and oppress right wing sentiment and this is exactly what right winger want: the Jews obviously fighting them! And they are martyrs to a cause that has some justification thanks to Israel's relentless propaganda endorsing ethnic cleansing and ethnic privilages!
The NY Review of Books article even mentions all this, mocking people who suggest Israel is a racist state like the former South Africa 'because 1.5 million Arabs live there.' Of course, this is the whole point: they are second class citizens. Any Jew can move to Israel, any Arab who leaves is expelled forever. Even today, if one moves to the USA and then their sons or daughters try to return, they can't! This is probably the most gross discrimination possible.
So the main point of this meandering article of mine is, the attacks on Harman are being orchestrated by rightwing FBI agents working with rightwing (antisemetic) Republicans to reduce the chances of Democrats running the government coupled with a very serious, underground push to deal with the powerful Jewish lobby. Within the military as well as other parts of our government, there is tremendous resentment towards the Jewish lobby. For example, the incident when the Israelis shot up the Liberty, a naval vessel watching the Six Day War, was covered up by the Israeli lobby and Nixon killed any investigation and he silenced the victims yet behind everyone's backs, he talked on tape about how much he hated the Jews and wondered if they were behind his troubles with Watergate (the answer being 'yes' now that we know a Jewish FBI top offical was 'Deep Throat'),
And if Democrats take over, the lobby will be temporarily triumphant. But if the Democrats continue the disasterous policies of this lobby, they will fall (military coup) and be replaced by an American version of the Nazis. Gads. That would be most disgusting.
And all this takes me back to a main theme here: people grasping for power and control, the more powerful they are, the more likey they will be opposed by increasingly energetic coalitions and alliances until they are taken down or destroyed. This is why smart diplomacy and politics means giving as well as taking, compromising rather than seeking total victory.
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