Spy week continues. Atta's German buddy was arrested in South Pacific but was released because he is a CIA agent(!!!!). Secret mercenaries reveal to Raw Story, Litvinenks joined Erinys, a mercenary company that guards pipelines in Iraq, the day he was fed poison. The Secret Service denies they spied on Diana. This spooky stuff is spilling all over the place and I wish to examine the magical side of all this, for it is all very magical. Occult, even.
Dec 11 2006--Venice,FL
by Daniel HopsickerWolfgang Bohringer, the German pilot who was one of Mohamed Atta’s closest associates in Florida as well as the subject of an FBI terror alert in the South Pacific, was apprehended two weeks ago and taken into custody, but then was almost immediately released after he told authorities responsible for his capture that he works for the CIA.
We all know 9/11 was a government operation. No Muslims have any serious magical significance for the number 9/11 nor the date but Jewish world organizations and Masonic world domination covens have a tremendous fondness for this day. It is a 'Key' day, writ large. So of course, they would have a ton of input as to the way this event unfolded, the one that was supposed to be 'A New Pearl Harbor' but is proving to be really 'A New Stalingrad.'
Arrest everyone involved in this. Sigh.
&hearts New revelations in the spy vs spy murder mystery tour:
Larisa Alexandrovna
Raw Story
Monday, December 11, 2006Alexander Litvinenko, the ex-KGB/FBS officer who was recently murdered in London, was working for a British security firm at the time of his death, two well placed British sources who wish to remain unidentified tell RAW STORY.
One of the 12 to 24 polonium contamination sites in the Piccadilly area of London identified by British authorities was the office of the security and risk management company Erinys International Ltd.
Erinys has been a player in international relations since it was founded in 2002 by Sean Cleary, a South African Apartheid-era official with ties to Angolan right wing extremist Jonas Savimbi, and Jonathan Garratt, a former British Guards officer. Cleary left the firm in October 2003. Garratt, for his part, has strong ties to Ahmed Chalabi, the notorious source of Iraq pre-war WMD fabrications, and managed to land Erinys an $86 million dollar contract to guard Iraqi oil pipelines after US-led forces began war with Iraq.
Two separate British sources who, given the security risk, asked to not be identified in any specific way, have confirmed that Litvinenko was working on contract for Erinys. Given the focal point of the company, Litvinenko’s employment has proven to be an interesting development.
We knew he went to that oddly named office and now it is confirmed, he decide to work with them but to do what? Ah, that is where the game is afoot.
I saw the name and sat up fast. Ah, the goddess so intimately entangled in the affairs of ancient Pegasus, back when he was the Lightning Bolt god in ancient Ur! She is most dire.
Erinys was a chthonic goddess of wrath, who according to legend was a consort of Poseidon by whom she bore the famous horse Areon. Some speculate that by implication, she may also have been a grim material figure who engendered all horses. She may be equated with a wrathful Demeter who is occasionally given the epithet of Erinys. Erinys appears in the collective form of three Erinys; snake-locks cover their heads, signifying the underworld. In the Iliad they are described as those "who beneath the earth punish dead men, whoever has sworn a false oath." They are the Furies in Roman mythology. A.G.H.
She is the Guardian at the Gates of Death, aka, the Portals to the Outer Darkness. A very fearful woman, she forces people to see themselves as their souls see them and the soul sees everything. She is the one all occult devotees want to slither past so they can gain power and knowledge without being hit by lightning which is Pegasus, of course.
&hearts Here is more about her as the Greeks tried to make sense of who she is:
The Erinys or Furiae also called Dirae, Eumenides, or Semnae - that is, the "revered" goddesses - were, in Greek mythology, daughters of Night, or, according to another myth, of the Earth and Darkness, while a third account calls them offspring of Cronus and Eurynome. They were attendants of Hades and Persephone, and lived at the entrance to the lower world. Their first duty was to see to the punishment of those of the departed who, having been guilty of some crime on earth, had come down to the shades without obtaining atonement from the gods. At the command of the higher gods, sometimes of Nemesis, they appeared on earth pursuing criminals. Nothing escaped their sharp eyes as they followed the evil-doer with speed and fury, permitting him no rest.
This is the Key. All the magic spells being woven by the covens in the upper reaches of the ruling elites are designed to tie down or evade this very goddess. Obviously, there is a purpose to this madness: they can't kill millions of people unless they first secure themselves from her. The deranged plans of these...monsters...is to hide, make occult, their crimes from her all-seeing Eyes. She has many, the snakes writhing on her head, her location being the Gates of Death, her obvious ability to pierce the Darkness with her many eyes, why do these people think they can trick her?
Christianity, for example, created 'Jesus'---he would intercept souls passing her and protect them by preventing her from examining them. He would judge them on only one thing: do they love HIM and swear fealty to him? Based on this alone, he then can whisk them past her.
Talk about delusional.
I have sat death-watch. People tell me what they see and when they finally see her, they confess to astonishing things such as an upright lady flipped out her daughter who thought she was her aunt whe, dying at 105 years of age, she admitted she had this lady out of wedlock!
In Greek mythology, the Gorgons; Stheino, Buryale, and Medusa, were daughters of Phorcys and Ceto. Two of them were believed to be immortal, while the third. Medusa, the youngest and most beautiful of them, was mortal. She loved Poseidon, and having met him once in the temple of Athene, to the desecration of that building, was punished by having her beautiful hair turned into snakes, thus making her appearance more ghastly than that of her sisters. Her face was terrible to behold, turning the spectator into stone. At last Perseus, finding her asleep, cut off her head with his curved sword, and presented it to Athene, who had assisted him in the enterprise, to be worn on her aegis or shield as a terror to her enemies. The ancient poets describe the Gorgons generally as horrid, aged women, and frequently place them by the side of the Furies. In early times there was only one Gorgon - Medusa - instead of the three of later times. The winged horse, Pegasus, was the offspring of her and Poseidon. In art Perseus is represented standing with sword in one hand and the head of Medusa in the other, turning his face away to avoid seeing it. The subject of Perseus cutting off the head of Medusa occurs in one of the earliest examples of Greek sculpture - one of the metopes of the oldest temple at Selinus, in Sicily; and from the conventional manner in which her face is represented, compared with the other parts of the sculpture, it is agreed that the type must have been familiar for some time to Greek art. To possess a representation of a Gorgon's face waa to be provided with a charm against ills, and accordingly it was frequently employed as a personal ornament.
The ancient Greeks liked to think that someone could have decapitated this fearsome guardian. They then stuck a three-headed dog at the Gates of Death and then decided what lay beyond was really a very boring place. Nonetheless, the very ancient beliefs from Ur and Egypt lurk in the background. Our rulers don't want to merely rule on earth, they are interested in controlling Heaven, too. They spend a lot of energy trying to finagle all this, ask the Pope, Ratzi.
&hearts It seems Erinys wants KGB agents.
But the spicy tales of special operations veterans commanding salaries of $1,000 a day to guard VIPs mask a more prosaic reality. For the soldiers of cash-strapped former Soviet armies, it's the promise of a steady paycheck—and not a particularly fat one by Western standards—that brings them to Iraq.I came here as a correspondent for Expert, a Russian newsmagazine, to tag along with Erinys' "Russians," a group of professional soldiers from the former Soviet Union. (Much like embedding with the military, covering the private security industry means agreeing to a few rules; Erinys, which has been quite open to the press, requested that I not identify operators or clients by name.)
This company gets paid a fortune in American money borrowed from China as well as oil revenues. The crew from Russia that trotted around London last month were obviously shopping themselves as mercenaries. Then most of them returned to Russia. Someone knew what they were up to. And 'took care' of them.
&hearts The polonium was with these guys before they came to London.
HAMBURG, Germany: German authorities were testing four people for radiation contamination in connection with the investigation of the fatal poisoning of ex-spy Alexander Litvinenko, German police said Monday.Investigators have found traces of polonium-210, the rare radioactive substance that killed Litvinenko, in at least two locations that businessman Dmitry Kovtun visited during a four-day stay in Hamburg before he met Litvinenko in London on Nov. 1.
Like the murky Diana case which is also in the news again as the Secret Service denies they were spying on her despite the fact the commission said they heard the tapes...this whole business is strange in ways that makes my scalp itch. Seemingly meaningless yet frought with all sorts of strange resonations.
Always, whenever anything in the news strays into this territory where myth, magic and manipulations of numbers enters, it creeps me out. This is because I know for a fact, there are many interlocking, intermeshing organizations and satanic-magic seeking groups that overlap and compliment each other and they have a program of world domination that is quite astonishing and pretty long-running, namely, multi-generational. This doesn't mean their schemes 'work' but the actions of CREATING these things does happen in reality: people really are killed, raped or tortured! Sometimes millions of people.