Like a badly trained puppy, Bush pisses all over everyone and gets everyone pissed off and it is time to arrest him. He wants to have everyone chat, not testify under oath. I remember Clinton. The GOP tried to impeach him for lying under oath about a stupid blow job.
We have had no Constitution for seven long, awful years.
WASHINGTON - A defiant President Bush warned Democrats Tuesday to accept his offer to have top aides speak about the firings of federal prosecutors only privately and not under oath, or risk a constitutional showdown from which he would not back down.Democrats' response was swift and firm: They said they would start authorizing subpoenas as soon as Wednesday for the White House aides.
"Testimony should be on the record and under oath. That's the formula for true accountability," said Patrick Leahy (news, bio, voting record), D-Vt., chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Yeah! Leahy. Vermont is always proud to be the brave, the smart. Being stupid where it goes below zero in springtime leads to a swift death. So Vermonters tend to be flinty, hard to fool and in general, tough tree root-people.
So Leahy won't back down. The anthrax killer tried to kill Leahy years ago. Maybe Bush will ask daddy to ring him up again.
Maybe he will call his family buddy, bin Laden. Note how Congress is forcing Bush's hand over this meaningless issue or rather, a side show from the real thefts and crimes. Like with Nixon, they dare not go after the lies about wars that kill millions of innocent people. Nope, they just hung one of Saddam's people today in Bagdad for doing less than Bush or Cheney!
No, we are most careful to get our leaders on the equivalent of unpaid parking tickets or overdue library books. Our Presidents can conspire to overturn legal elections in Palestine or Chile. They can conspire to assassinate elected leaders in free democracies like in Chile or have putsches like we did recently in Haiti. All over the world, our CIA commits vast crimes in order to kidnap innocent people and torture them, overthrowing governments, starting wars and stealing stuff.
Never will we ever see anyone prosecuted for any of these crimes or Kissinger would be swinging higher than Saddam and Cheney's head would be bouncing across the floor boards.
Instead, when a President is unpopular enough, he is dragged over the coals and then sent into internal exile. Only Jimmy Carter defied this and he decided to tell the truth about the abuse the Jews inflict on the Palestinians and now he is being punished as if he had gotten a blow job or murdered half a million Iraqis.
Back to Bush: we knew before the first selection that he was a multi-arrested criminal who also went AWOL and wasn't punished. This disqualified him for office right off the bat but the media supported him and attacked Al Gore and we still voted for Gore despite this so the Supreme Court installed Bush whose minions stole the following two elections.
Well, the ruling elites are not happy with their Georgie porgie so they will now dump him. He barely understands this. Cheney is wildly popular with AIPAC so we might see him as our ruler and he will attack Iran for Israel.
Arrest them all. Arrest AIPAC for working for a foreign power. Arrest Cheney for shooting people in the face and lying about war and outing a CIA undercover agent. And arrest Bush for being a psychopath with arrested development.
Time is running out. Money is vaporizing at an incredible clip. We don't have until September, 2008 to get the troops home. We have precious little time for anything except arresting Bush and his entire gang.
"I remember Clinton."
So do I. Clinton wrote the playbook on dealing with Congressional investigations: stonewall, obfuscate, stall, eat some clock. There's only 20 months or so left for the Dems to do whatever.
Posted by: JSmith | March 21, 2007 at 09:10 AM
"Arrest Cheney for shooting people in the face...
Do we want to arrest everyone who has a firearms accident? Or just Cheney?
"...and lying about war..."
"... and outing a CIA undercover agent."
But "all over the world, our CIA commits vast crimes in order to kidnap innocent people and torture them, overthrowing governments, starting wars and stealing stuff", so how is outing a CIA undercover agent a bad thing?
Posted by: JSmith | March 21, 2007 at 09:15 AM
I was joking. Cheney's death list is identical to Saddam's. Who was executed for it. So time to execute Cheney.
And I am happy to see you are a traitor. Being a right winger, you can't help it. Heh.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | March 21, 2007 at 09:34 AM
I gotta say isn't saying, "yes Rove and Gonzales can testify but no transcript can be kept and they can't be put under oath" the same as saying, "yes Rove and Gonzales can testify but they are going to lie and we don't want proof of it or for them to get into trouble for it"?
And I agree this is the equivalent of issuing a speeding ticket to the guy fleeing an armed bank robbery.
Posted by: Z | March 21, 2007 at 01:21 PM
Well, they got Al Capone on tax evasion, not murder; and Al was an altar boy compared with the Bushes.
It would be a small victory indeed to see Bush's "culture of lies" brought down by the US attorney fiasco, but I'll take what I can get from the timid Dems in Congress.
Posted by: DaliWood | March 21, 2007 at 02:14 PM
Hey: DaliWood:
You are ever the smart WOG!!!
What's a WOG?
Yeah, right.
The rest of us are not totally stupiid, actualy.
Posted by: blues | March 21, 2007 at 06:08 PM
We cannot convict our own rulers for the crimes which we happily hang people we defeat.
This is why all our bloody rulers are punished for the most petty of crimes. It is all a farce.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | March 21, 2007 at 09:58 PM
Sorry, DaliWood. My 'WOG' thing was wacko. I have to shut off the damn computer after I take my sleeping pills.
Also, I really appreciate the way you write. Your words are always so fine.
Posted by: blues | March 22, 2007 at 03:50 PM
I really love Daliwood. And he is a wonderful writer.
Indeed, everyone who posts here is fascinating. The depth of commentary is quite inspiring. I love to read everyone.
Thank you, everyone.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | March 22, 2007 at 07:16 PM
This is a load of uneducated unproven propaganda. If the US people were more educated, bull sh** like this would never get to anyone. A prime example of this article's stupidity is the comment that the Supreme Court weasled in Bush over Gore. Al Gore lost the electoral college despite his majority in the popular vote. As per the Constitution, the popular vote does not matter. The winner of a presidential race is the one who secures a majority in the electoral college. Research stuff before posting mindless propaganda, please.
By the way, I, too, am anti-Bush.
Posted by: anonymous | May 10, 2008 at 08:38 PM
Since the mood of today is casual. off-the-cuff, or should I say off-the-wall I would like to step and say, despite the threat of Israeli cyber hackers and English legal Beagles, clicking on to Elaine's superb analysis and commentary is educating fun at it's best. The first self-portrait in the antique store window was a post-modern masterpiece. Your work is appreciated Elaine.
Posted by: Jojo | May 12, 2008 at 11:49 AM
Don't you have other reasons to have fun from? Politics is not a joke. It's rather an epitaphs
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