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Hello, everyone, this is Elaine Meinel Supkis, Thursday, March 22, 2007, bringing today's Culture of Life Podcasting from my mountain in upstate New York
And today is 3/22, the ritual magic number of the Skull and Bones. Bush got his start in politics by joining this satanic coven at Yale. Bush is also the guy who works day and night to destroy America and his cult worships the number which is the date democracy died in Athens in 322 BC.
It looks today like Bush is going to be B.C.'ed himself. First Bush then Cheney. As usual with our empire, when a leader fails to lead and all the polls show him unpopular, he is ushered to the door with trumpets blaring and people applauding as the miscreant is shoved ceremoniously out the door. Democracy is saved! Cry the press. The long nightmare is over! Hooray!
With Clinton, they tried showing him the door only he refused to leave because he didn't break any of the arcane rules. And he was popular, to boot. But he also balanced the budget and raised taxes on the rich.
These are not pretty things as far as the rich are concerned. So out, damn spot! Oh, by the way, the FCC doesn't license this podcast so they can't censore me! Hip, hip hooray. I almost did a radio show once except I was told, the station would be fined if I talked like a normal American or like Cheney in the Senate. Or Nixon in the Oval Office. For shame!
This being the internet, I still have freedom. Not like the poor bloggers in Russia or Egypt or Germany. These and many other countries persecute people for saying or doing many things. Like talking about the Holocaust but not buying the entire official story. Heck, talking about 9/11 and not buying the load of manure they laid over that graveyard! Indeed, revealing what the cops do when they beat people is going to be forbidden in France, gets you raped in Egypt and in Russia, sends you to prison.
So far, Americans still cling to that ancient right called the FIRST AMENDMENT. This gives us the freedom to talk about or write about nearly anything. We can even say, Seig Heil in America. Many left wing and right wing organizations want to clip this right. Today, the Supreme Court is hearing something about this: the right of students to make a joke about Jesus.
Oh, I remember the mockery our media made about Muslims being angry about mocking Mohammed. But here we are in the Land of the Free, going to court for the right to bong Jesus in public! Pass me a joint, my friend!
Bush and his gangsters in the Supreme Court have tried to rip up our Constitution. I wish all nations had our Constitution. I often demand Israel have a Constitution that forbids the Church and State from being the one and same. Set a good example in the Middle East, guys!
But no, many, many people hate the Constitution and plot against it. There are many nasty people who pretend to be liberals who want to pass laws forbidding 'hate speech' and to put people in prison for saying embarrassing things. Like calling each other names. I could have put half of my own relatives in prison for calling me names when I married into a Jewish family, for example. Not to mention, my own family: I heard hate speech at home. When I was a child in the South during the tag end of the Jim Crow era, I would repeat the nursery rhyme that ends with 'catch a nigger by the toe' without knowing what that was.
Only when a black playmate began to cry and I asked why, did I learn. I must have been only five years old at the time.
Hate speech is protected speech. One can embarrass or annoy hate speechers but putting them in prison is TYRANNY. And the USA has way too many tyrannous laws and Europe crawls with these laws and far from bringing peace at home, they are setting up worse effects. The Neo Nazis in Europe are revelling in being attacked by the State and being put behind bars for writing, 'Heil Hitler' as the lawyer of Zundel is now facing. Here in America, the lawyer who represented the Muslims in the first WTC attacks is being put in prison because her confidential talks with the blind cleric was secretly recorded.
Try getting a fair trial when one can't talk in security with a lawyer! But then, fair trials are so passe in today's world. Instead, we have spectacles like hanging Saddam for killing Iraqis.
So why isn't Congress arresting Bush and putting him on trial for killing Iraqis? For lying about going to war?
This is Elaine Meinel Supkis of Culture of Life News signing off. Goodbye.
elaine - you are hilarious! what a cool idea. we certainly don't want any of those terminally ill cancer patients smoking any of that dope you were speaking of, now do we? maybe you could do an address on state's rights. or on rhenquist the drug addict - - or rush limbaugh, the drug addict - - - or who knows? - - - laura? bushie, the boozer? all kinds of topics. or on rhenquist the drug addict who killed the constitution - you know what they say - - - why do you think they call it dope? - - - our high school choir had to sing a number in 1970 - - - "keep your head, straight on, baby, straight on your shoulders, keep your head. It's the only head you get, and drugs will kill its hope. It's dumb to let your head go. Why do you think they call it dope?" Then: call it dope, call it dope - - arpeggiated 7th chord ..." maybe you could sing your podcasts - like the Minnesingers - they're sending us back to the middle ages - why not get ready?
Posted by: D. F. Facti | March 22, 2007 at 06:56 PM
Can Arthur sing too? My dogs want to bark along. I wish I could sing better. Maybe do some Wagnerian yodelling.
These pod casts are fun. If you want, I can set you up.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | March 22, 2007 at 08:27 PM
Art is very fussy about singing. He cannot abide Happy Birthday to You, but says little during Happy Trails to You. This is a true story.
I am going to Phoenix on Saturday for a week. Not a vacation, tho.
Will post from the road.
A podcast might be delightful. God knows I am pissed off about something at least once a day. You have a perfect voice for this sort of communique. Sort of like the early days of radio. Fun.
Posted by: D. F. Facti | March 22, 2007 at 10:09 PM
I hope your trip succeeds, Facti! If you move to Arizona, I will try to visit, heh!
I just worked out some more bugs with this business. I can definitely set you up, will inform you how to do all this stuff later when you aren't busy. It is nerve-wracking, doing this the first few times and I don't think you would want to try this right off the bat while travelling.
Good luck! And love, Elaine
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | March 23, 2007 at 11:38 AM
So what went down yesterday, disaster-wise?
It was as magical-numbery as could be - if the Shadowy String-Pullers are all hung up in Magical Numbers, that would've been a tough one to pass up. In fact, thay've pased up several now.
WHat's up with that?
Posted by: JSmith | March 23, 2007 at 12:13 PM
I like hearing your voice. And oddly enough you sound just like I thought you would.
Oh regarding the magick number days. I'm fairly sceptical but... It would be fascinating to find out what day those 15 British sailors were captured by the Iranians. If that builds into the pre-text for war and they were captured on 3/22 it could be argued that the war began on their capture.
Posted by: Z | March 23, 2007 at 02:00 PM
This is a dual-magic day, triple: Vernal equinox on the 3/21 then 3/22 and 3/23, all are like any godhood: three in one.
The three furies, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, etc.
Yes, this was a PLANT by Tony Blair to give us a causus bellus only the Brits were breaking the law, not the Iranians.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | March 23, 2007 at 02:29 PM
This is a comedic website... I thought there was a war, I guess I am not in Iraq afterall... must be a mindtrick that the armed terrorist regime is killing my buddies and trying to kill me.. I guess my buddy Pvt pope didn't get hit by a roadside bomblast week. I guess my base didn't get hit a mortar last week. My bad.. Do you really believe this stuff? Oh, you must have met Mr. Bush and therefore you understand him psychologically enough to where you can determine all these plans and secrets completely on your on? Nvrmd I see you have been to Iraq so you must know...
But still, an avid fan.
Posted by: John | March 30, 2007 at 10:55 PM