Elaine Meinel Supkis
Obviously, the entire push to punish North Korea comes strictly from the USA and Japan. This story, published by the Chinese, talking about North and South Korea pushing still for reunification, is proof the mainland Asians know what the real game is: a gambit by the Japanese to dominate Asia, not fear of nuclear bombs.
PYONGYANG, Oct. 30 (Xinhua) -- The Democratic People's Republicof Korea(DPRK) and South Korea established a national literature association on Monday, the official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported.The organization, named the June 15 Association of Persons of National Literature, was inaugurated at the famous resort, Mountain Kumgang, in the DPRK, the KCNA said.
Kim Tok Chol, chairman of the DPRK's June 15 Association of Persons of National Literature, and his South Korean counterpart Yom Hung Gyong attended the ceremony, said the report.
"A statute of the association was adopted and members of the co-presidium of the association were announced there," it said.
At a meeting of the co-presidium, the two sides discussed the publication of "Reunification Literature," an organ of the association, the establishment of the "Prize for June 15 Reunification Literature," and issues concerning the operation of the association, according to the KCNA.
American media treats China like the Soviet Pravda organ treated the USA during the Cold War: namely, they look at the warts, the problems with riots and prisons and all sorts of civil rights violations and not at the whole picture.
Being willfully blind means not understanding what is really going on and this blindness afflicted the Soviet rulers and they went bankrupt. China is, like our empire, a police state. It probably has cops dressed in riot gear going into schools to terrorize the children just like we do here. It, like us, imprisons many people for petty reasons and like us, punishes politicians who dip too much in the kitty, too. There is virtually nothing different between our empire and theirs.
Except one very important matter: they picked rulers who are a million times more intelligent than ours. And this shows! So, they are winning against us.
This news here looks tiny but trust me, it is a big red flag: our cleaving to Japan's interests in the issue of North and South Korea stinks! GAHHHH! NOOOOO! We are making a huge, stupid, ridiculous historic mistake nearly as great as the one which led us to invade Afghanistan and Iraq.
Since WWII's end, the USA has opposed the reunification of many lands. This desire to keep the world cut up into tiny slivers so we can dominate them all is so naked, it is....leading us into one disaster after another. Democrat or Republican, it doesn't matter: we want to chop apart all nations. Look at Yugoslavia, for example! It was the bulwark of the Third World Nation political force in the UN under Tito who triangulated Russia, China and the USA deftly.
Now, it was totally destroyed and ripped to shreds and the tiny enclaves that resulted are all feeble political units worth exactly nothing on the world stage.
Korea is a very dynamic nation. The people are not easily pushed around and it is full of energy. The Japanese look upon this with rather a great deal of fear. They don't want the militism of the north coupled with the capitalism of the south. Like China, a united China raises fear in Tokyo and DC so both work tirelessly to prevent it from happening.
We tore apart Iraq and now Iraq tears apart America and England, the twin empires.
By Thomas Harding in Basra
Last Updated: 8:56am GMT 30/10/2006The British consulate in Basra will evacuate its heavily defended building in the next 24 hours over concerns for the safety of its staff.
Despite a large British military presence at the headquarters in Basra Palace, a private security assessment has advised the consul general and her staff to leave the building after experiencing regular mortar attacks in the last two months.
The move will be seen as a huge blow to progress in Iraq and has infuriated senior military commanders. They say it sends a message to the insurgents that they are winning the battle in pushing the British out of the southern Iraqi capital, where several British soldiers have died and dozens have been injured.
The evacuation also comes halfway through Operation Sinbad, which has experienced some success in restoring control in Basra. The operation ends early next year but Basra will need massive investment by the Foreign Office and the Department for International Development to build on its successes.
Without the British officials' presence the stability of the city's fragile economy and political infrastructure could unravel, paving the way for Iranian-influenced militias to take control. There are about 200 staff at the impressive consulate building - formerly one of Saddam's palaces - including a team of bodyguards and ex-Gurkha guards. There were 12 full-time staff, some hand-picked by Tony Blair.
As the Chinese craftily play the USA in Asia, we and our models, the British Royals, play 'Lawrence of Iraq' in Babylon. And we are losing, hugely. The futile 'victories' all fuel our defeat. The more fights we 'win' the more we lose. The more we 'train' troops the stronger the insurgents become since they are the troops. We refuse to understand this and whine that we just want to import slaves from India and the Philippines so we can use them to build up Iraq and why can't they accept this tremendous imperial gesture?
And to pay for all this, we run off to the Chinese dragon who lives in a cave and the river of gold flows in and the river of blood flows out and we demand more blood for gold! And we wonder why we are dying?????
Funerals have been held in Pakistan for people killed in a helicopter strike on an Islamic school which the government says was used by militants.
There were angry scenes as they were buried - with denunciations of Monday's attack by Islamists, who say most of the 70-80 people who died were pupils.
During the day, I looked at the photos coming in: at first, shocked people standing about, a few here and there. Then, the bodies were laid out in increasingly well-arranged rows and the crowds began to gather and there were more and more and more people walking in and not one of them is a friend of America or Pakistan's dictator who took over in a CIA-sponsored coup.
Now, the photos are of very angry young men, tears in their eyes, screaming 'Death to America!' and they are marching, they are filled with blood lust and they want to kill us. This constant 'fighting to win' is winning the war...for bin Laden.
And the Israelis, the ultimate cause of Muslim rage, continue to dig their own grave.
PM promises German chancellor Israel will do everything to ensure that misunderstanding which took place last week with German naval forces off Lebanon's coast will not recur. Earlier, German Defense Ministry says another incident occurred on Thursday, involved German navy helicopter, Israeli F-16 fighters. Bild am Sonntag newspaper reports Israeli planes had 'dangerously badgered' helicopter
Ronny Sofer
Not once but twice the Jews harrassed the Germans? OK, there has to be a special room in hell for suicidal nuts. This need to irritate everyone until they try to kill is really stupid coming from a very small minority population that exists only because the USA protects them from the rest of humanity. Using this protection to poke at virtually everyone is psychotic.
Also, the Israeli military, after years of running amock in the West Bank and Gaza, have become criminalized. They can't follow orders and they are careless and stupid. This is why they keep getting 'kidnapped'. (HAHAHA, right) Anyway, this sort of bizarre and useless sort of action should get the people involved put in the brig for a long, long time.
Only the IDF won't punish anyone because the entire organization is basically a gang, sort of like the USA's troops have become, given a license to misbehave, they have committed many crimes. But then, Bush and Cheney are the top criminals.
By Sebastian Mallaby
Monday, October 30, 2006; Page A17In 1995 Francis Fukuyama came out with a book called "Trust," in which he argued that a society's capacity for cooperation underpins its prosperity. The same year, Robert Putnam's famous article, "Bowling Alone," lamented that the United States was depleting its stock of precious social capital. The question of trust -- in government and also in communities -- preoccupied politicians too. "It Takes a Village," Hillary Rodham Clinton urged in the title of her 1996 book, which became a best seller.
You don't hear much about trust these days. Instead, we want accountability.
We couldn't trust Hitler and we can't trust Bush! This is because both are war criminals and both were arrested and put in jail! They are what we call 'criminals' and no one should ever trust a criminal! Never! Criminal Bush's accounting was so screwed up, he added more debt to our nation than all previoius Presidents put together!
This is totally insane. Cheney is openly (but secretly) shredding all his secret paperwork for he expects to be investigated by Democrats.
Spotted on 10/19, by an eagle-eyed Wonkette reader: The Mid-Atlantic Shredding Services truck making its way up to the Cheney compound at the Naval Observatory.
And so it goes: the USA has always been a semi-criminal organization and now is a totally illegal scam and we are going down the drain and the Democrats will be expected to do the dirty work of cleaning up this Heculean stable.