Elaine Meinel Supkis
Except for Australia and a bunch of extremely tiny islands about to disappear under the sea as global warming melts the world's glaciers, the USA stood all alone with its master state, Israel, as the entire planet condemns the incessant attacks on the virtually totally disarmed Palestinian people. Blair also says the war in Iraq was a disaster but then shows total incapacity of understanding he is a war criminal and should commit hari kari or jump in a firey lake or dispose of his own carcass in some honorable way.
By Irwin ArieffUNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The U.N. General Assembly voted overwhelmingly on Friday to deplore a deadly Israeli artillery attack in Gaza, six days after the United States vetoed a similar measure in the Security Council.
The assembly voted 156-7 with six abstentions to approve a resolution put forward by Arab states that also urged the Jewish state to immediately withdraw its troops from Gaza.
Palestinian U.N. Observer Riyad Mansour told the assembly that last Saturday's veto by Washington, Israel's closest ally, sent a message to the Jewish state "that it can continue to commit crimes and acts of outright aggression with impunity,"
The USA cannot run this stupid 'war on terror' which seems mostly about tasering students at computer labs in the USA, without some cooperation from the rest of humanity. But of course, the war on terror is a total farce, it is a mask used to hide the imperial intentions of the hostile American people who seek oil and land from Muslims, to be taken by force, if possible.
We can't afford to buy anything anymore unless we are given loans as the Chinese and Japanese do. So instead, we resort to stealing. And the theft in Iraq is failing but the theft of the olive orchards, tiny homes, small wells and other possessions of the Palestinian people continues onwards thanks to the USA bankrolling and protecting the terrorists in Israel who want an apartheid state that grants only Jews many powerful privilages while denying even the right to stay alive to the subject Palestinian populations.
Voting "no" were the United States, Israel, Australia, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru and Palau. Abstaining were Canada, Ivory Coast, Papua New Guinea, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.U.S. Ambassador John Bolton said the assembly resolution, like the one before the Security Council, was a "one-sided, unbalanced" text that raised questions about the world body's ability to confront global problems.
The tiny islands we conquered in WWII and still hold, whose people are welfare cases supported by the American military, are virtually the only ones to vote in a block lockstep with the USA and Israel. Australia votes with us, too. This is because the right winger running the place is scared of China and wants to tap into the American military/industrial system like Israel.
We just alienated the entire planet except for these few, sparsely populated regions. This insanity coming from a nation pretending to be a world-dominating empire, is pure silliness. We can't do even the most elementary diplomacy thanks to the death grip the Israelis and their supporters in America have imposed upon our once sovereign nation.
"We believe that the United Nations is ill-served when its members seek to transform the organization into a forum that is little more than a self-serving and polemical attack against Israel or the United States," he said.Arab diplomats said they took particular umbrage at Israeli U.N. Ambassador Dan Gillerman for cautioning delegates a "yes" vote would make them "accomplices to terror."
Our threats to the countries that supply us with oil is particularily bizarre. This need to slap everyone in the face on behalf of the misbehaving Israelis makes hash of everything, absolutely everything we are trying to do. Like, stop nuclear proliferation.
Our psychotic need to have Japan lead us by the nose is causing our power in Asia to collapse, too.
By TERENCE HUNT, AP White House Correspondent 21 minutes agoHANOI, Vietnam - President Bush, trying to stiffen global resolve to confront North Korea, failed to win South Korea's support Saturday for a tough inspection program to intercept ships suspected of carrying supplies for Pyongyang's nuclear weapons and missiles.
Bush sought to persuade South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun to fully implement U.N. sanctions imposed on North Korea for testing nuclear weapons. He also sought South Korea's support in the Proliferation Security Initiative, a voluntary international program that calls for stopping ships suspected of trafficking in weapons of mass destruction.
HAHAHA. I predicted this! I read the news from South Korea and saw clearly, there was no support for the Japanese empire and their American running dogs! We barked at the wrong tree. China wins yet another round and our sun sets and the Japanese will grow weary of us if we destroy our fragile powers by trying to keep a billion Muslims at bay while neglecting to hold down Asia for the Japanese overlords.
Our fading ally, Blair, bleats that the war in Iraq was, indeed, a total failure.
The Liberal Democrats have seized on his comment saying he has finally accepted the enormity of his decision to go to war in Iraq.But Downing Street has insisted that Mr Blair's views have been misrepresented.
Mr Blair made the remark when he was challenged by Sir David that the Western intervention in Iraq had "so far been pretty much of a disaster".
He replied: "It has, but you see what I say to people is why is it difficult in Iraq?
"It's not difficult because of some accident in planning, it's difficult because there's a deliberate strategy - al-Qaeda with Sunni insurgents on one hand, Iranian-backed elements with Shia militias on the other - to create a situation in which the will of the majority for peace is displaced by the will of the minority for war."
I remember fondly a British comedy show where two men decide to rob a bank. They put on a woman's pantyhose on their heads as a mask only the legs are still connected so when they run away with the loot, the run on either side of a traffic sign and crash into each other.
Heh. That is us and Britain in Iraq.
Pleasing everybody is pleasing nobody.
Posted by: Cheap Red Bottom shoes | January 16, 2012 at 04:11 AM