Elaine Meinel Supkis
Again and again, the Washington Post has 'experts' bloviating about diplomacy and nearly always, they leave out vital information and their analysis is feeble. The latest 'have our cake and eat it too' fan, Greenstock, hopes to 'internationalize' negotiations inside Iraq to bring this rebellious province of the Axis of Evil under control. Not once does he mention 'Israel' or 'Palestine.'
If wishes were fishes we would all be swimming underwater.
By Jeremy Greenstock
Saturday, November 18, 2006; Page A21Avoiding defeat in Iraq is an unavoidably critical national interest -- for the United States as for Britain. If potentially lethal enemies are strengthened and re-motivated, the consequences will haunt us long after the headlines about withdrawal have faded.
Yet the United States and Britain have never attempted a truly comprehensive policy on Iraq. Unless the United States and its principal allies construct an approach that brings all available resources to bear to establish stability, there will be no point in staying in the country when all objective observers see a continuing downward spiral. If we are left with only the current policy, then we might as well cut our losses and withdraw.
OK, so we aren't 'bringing all available resources to bear'? After sending over most of our navy, much of our military, spending much of our children's money, after focusing on trying to get our captive province under control so we can pump the oil and keep them from helping the captive Palestinians, we have what?
How about a full-scale rebellion and civil war. All the brainiacs toiling at various New World Order think tanks are scratching their noggins over this riddle within an egnima. Namely, how can we steal the Muslims blind, order them around and in general, treat them as slaves, while we talk about freedom, democracy and free trade?
We are also doing this in Asia only the Asian communist block is funding our Axis in the Middle East so we can't do military or diplomatic operations there without first going to Beijing for some pocket money. This think tanker never mentions this dirty fact. Nor does he mention the fact that his nation, England, is one of the three parts of the Axis of Evil! Geeze.
There has to be a new initiative. The United States, wounded though it is on this issue, has to shake off denial and pessimism and achieve what only a superpower can. The internal and regional dimensions of the Iraq tragedy must be brought together in a conference that reaches beyond the narrow objectives of financial burden-sharing. The binding substance is Gulf security.All the neighbors of Iraq must be invited in; even Iran understands that a shattered Iraq is more likely to return eventually to a military autocracy. So must other potential contributors and stakeholders: Egypt, the five permanent members of the Security Council, the United Nations as a convening authority.
The United States is the country that must take the initiative. While it has the hardest corner to turn, it also has the strength to succeed in this effort. But if Washington tries to dominate the agenda for such a conference, it will not work. Even at such a vital point, the United States needs to take a step back.
The structure of the conference should be both international and bottom up. Countries in the region must be allowed to present their own agendas, even if they do not convince others for long. Senior U.N. practitioners must be invited to make their own experienced judgments. A new dynamic could be created and a new hope offered, with no participant able to say truthfully that the collapse of Iraq is in its particular interest.
This idiot thinks the USA who just voted with Israel against the entire world's wishes, to not allow any international interference with the rape of Palestine, he imagines the USA can turn around and 'lead' everyone into an international conference to discuss what to do with Iraq?
HAHAHAHA. What a total fool.
Oh, there will be a 'new dynamic' in the Middle East and it isn't going to be one we will like. And proof this think tanker is drunk is his line, 'no participant is able to say...the collapse of Iraq is in its particular interest.' There is one country that is very intent on this: Israel. The fact that this think tanker never mentions the key nation in all this mess is very revealing: Nacht und Nebel. Israel has to be obscure and occult. Very smart people have to become instantly stupid when Israel hoves into view. Suddenly, these proud idiots who pretend they are all-seeing and all-knowing become ignoramouses. They know who the paymasters are and they know their cushy jobs will be yanked if they see Israel at work. And they know the Washington Post and the New York Times will blacklist them if they examine Israel's politial and diplomatic activities and if they dare discuss the goals and actions of Israel vis a vis the USA and the Middle East.
Super verboten, buddies!
Did the UN ask the USA to invade Iraq? No? Well, doesn't that reveal the reality? The USA went in because we egged ourselves on and the Washington Post was in full bellow to invade and back then, we were not allowed to talk about Israel's goals and desires, everyone was supposed to look the other way. Israel was very mad at Saddam for funding Hamas. Israel wanted Iraq removed as a power. Saudi Arabia didn't want this, they love despots and thought Saddam was caged in pretty good and they fear the Shiite community. But they have no influence over the parties fighting in Iraq because the Saudis can barely hold onto their own country.
The USA wants the world to save us from our own follies but they don't want the world to save the Palestinians. This is the continuous key to this whole hideous Gordian Knot. Alexander the Great killed democracy in Greece and then proceeded to slice the Gordian Knot. Our rulers did this too and now they discover the empire is breaking up.
No surprise. The Axis of Evil is very lopsided. The smallest member controls the other two and is milking them for all they are worth and soon they will be worthless. Imagining that Iran, which is under the gun with Israel constantly threatening to bomb them, the USA has most of its navy parked outside waiting for orders to attack, expecting them to pull our ass out of the Iraqi fire is beyond silly.
It is utterly detached from reality. Every day, I read articles detailing how we can simply ask the Iranians to save us. And even the Iranians have offered to save us so long as we eat crow, as my cartoon showed, but we want to eat Iran, not crow. For some odd reason, we think the Iranians are really stupid. They can't do clever politics. The Iranians secretly want us to prevent chaos in Iraq because they are scared of some 'powerful leader' taking over.
Like...um...Sadr? Sadr, a Shi'ite who is very good buddies with the Shi'ites in Iran? Um, I would call this a victory for Iran, I seriously doubt they are even slightly scared, I bet they will be overjoyed.
This is why such articles like this one in the WP are utterly useless. There are no specifics and no analysis of anything real at all. This silly, silly man is probably paid over $100,000 a year to sit on his ass and pull total garbage out. He drives a nice car, wears spiffy clothes and his wife probably serves fine wines at dinner.
And he is pointless and meaningless. A moving mouth, a finger drawing in the sand at low tide, thinking he is writing profound statements for all eternity.
I think reading Iranian news might profit all of us. Or at least, al Jazeera.