Condi Rice is supposed to be an expert in all things Russian but she barely can speak the language and knows only right wing propaganda. As a diplomat, she is the biggest disaster to walk the world's stage. Today, she called the Russian Republic, 'The Soviet state'. This is on par with Bush playing the Taiwanese national anthem for the President of China when he visited DC last year.
"There are some who are using democratic ideology to interfere in our internal affairs.... The flow of money from abroad used for direct interference in our affairs is growing," Putin told members from both houses of parliament gathered in the Kremlin.The attack stood out as a sharp rebuke to Western critics who accuse Putin of having rolled back democracy during his seven years in power.
Putin also warned that Moscow could halt compliance with the Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE) treaty, a major 1990 agreement limiting troop deployments in NATO and former Warsaw Pact countries.
"I propose we declare a moratorium on fulfilment by Russia of the CFE treaty," Putin said.
Condi and the other neo cons are like those kids in southern China who decided to bother a pool full of alligators so they climbed over the fence and started tormenting them until one of them jumped out of the pool and pulled one of the kids in and they ate him. It was all in Xinhua news. I often hear of people sticking arms in lion dens or tiger cages or taunting elephants, etc. I have had 1 1/2 ton oxen and they could understand what people said and if people said stupid things, the boys would step towards them and swing their horns. Scared off lots of people that way.
My horse liked to try to step on people's toes and then grind his hoof until I taught him to stop doing that.
Anyway, poking at a nuclear bear in a bad mood is stupid. Why is the USA doing this? Bush has to be the Manchurian Idiot Candidate: Hu and Wen love it when he annoys Putin because then Putin calls Beijing to complain and they pass him treaties and joint protection plans which he signs. Thus, a great relationship has been carefully built.
Obviously, with Bush starting an economic war with China, they need Putin pissed off so they asked Bush to poke at Putin some more. Actually, they don't control Bush, they don't need to control him. He is insane as well as stupid and has the dumbest diplomats on earth working for him and we are at war in several places and losing so why not start the Cold War again!
Russia says the missile shield plan —- which Washington says is intended to protect from attacks by so-called “rogue states” -- is a threat to its national security.“(NATO countries) are ... building up military bases on our borders and, more than that, they are also planning to station elements of anti-missile defence systems in Poland and the Czech Republic,” Putin said.
“In this connection, I consider it expedient to declare a moratorium on Russia’s implementation of this treaty —- in any case, until all countries of the world have ratified and started to strictly implement it,” Putin said.
He made the announcement as U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and NATO counterparts prepared to meet Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at a NATO-Russia meeting in Oslo.
So, Putin is going to meet with that inept idiot, jogging/boot licking/ 'my husband, the President' Condi? Will they meet under a lamp post in Paris? Will she wear high heel boots and low cut dress? Will Bush tag along so he can fondle the Prime Minister of Germany?
Condi was once asked in Russia, a question in Russian from a smart-aleck student in St. Petersburg. She couldn't understand him and the question was, 'Do you speak Russian?' What a tool. What a fool. I actually went to school in Germany in the sixties as well as speaking the language. Not an American school, a Gymnasium.
She should be told by someone that everything a diplomat says matters in spades.
“The idea that somehow 10 interceptors and a few radars in Eastern Europe are going to threaten the Soviet strategic deterrent is purely ludicrous, and everybody knows it,” Ms. Rice said before a meeting of NATO foreign ministers expected to focus on the missile-defense dispute.
She misnames that very important nation! It would be like Putin coming here and calling us 'That British Colony' or 'The Confederacy'.
Rising tensions between the United States and Russia cast a shadow over a meeting of NATO's top diplomats Thursday with the former Cold War foes trading barbs over missile defense and military deployments in Europe.As the 26-member alliance's foreign ministers gathered to discuss critical improvements to their operations in Afghanistan — as well as the future of Kosovo — Russian President Vladimir Putin and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice sharpened their rhetoric on U.S.-Russia differences.
In Oslo, Rice dismissed Russian concerns over Washington's plans to deploy anti-missile defenses in Europe as "ludicrous."
The AP reporter covers up her super-duper blooper. This goes on all the time and one has to read a number of news stories to get the real facts. More than one blogger has picked up this tidbit from the New York Times. Congress has the right to demand she resign since she is endangering the USA but her clumsy attempts at egging Russia into starting WWIII. This is far worse than Iran. Iran is a tiny country with no nukes but lots of suicidal religious fanatics.
Russia is one of the world's biggest countries and has one of the biggest nuclear arsenals. Um, this is not a nation one should be popping in the nose. Of course, we imagine Europe will come to our side in this dispute our dipsy doodley diplomats are cooking. But I think Germany is reconsidering a lot of things relating to our alliance.
Rice, part of a team of senior U.S. officials making the case for missile defense, said the United States remained willing to work with Moscow on the matter."We are very happy to continue this dialogue, but we have to continue it on the basis of a realist assessment of what we are proposing, not one that is grounded somehow in the '80s," she said.
Russian officials and generals have revived Cold War language in criticizing the American plan, threatening to target the installations in Eastern Europe. The rhetoric has unnerved some in Western Europe, who fear the negative impact on relations with the Kremlin may outweigh any benefits of the missile shield.
Europe has 0% chance of surviving after the first nuclear exchange. Poof. It will be annihilated and uninhabitable. Ditto Japan, twice as bad since both Russia and China have nukes. During the whole 'Saddam has WMD' and 'Iran might get nukes' hysteria, I said, not one nuclear nation will give up its own arsenal nor their seats on the Security Council where they can lord it over all the unarmed nations.
This failure to disarm will come back to haunt us.
Visiting Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said here on Thursday that he feels "deeply sorry" for the so-called "comfort women" who were forced to serve as sex slaves for Japanese forces during World War II."As a person and as prime minister, I feel sympathy from the bottom of my heart to former comfort women, who experienced hardships," Abe, who arrived for talks with President George W. Bush, told some members of the U.S. Congress.
"I feel deeply sorry that they were forced to be placed in such extremely painful situations," Abe said.
Abe, who sparked anger and controversy last month by claiming there was no evidence the Japanese army directly coerced "comfort women" to become sex slaves during World War II, has since offered his apology over then Japanese government and army's involvement in the forced recruitment of women from other Asian countries to provide sex to Japanese servicemen during the war.
U.S. officials have publicly rebuked Abe for denying that the Japanese military had coerced women into sex slavery during World War II.
The Chinese have been hammering Japan on this little matter. Japan wants to hammer on North Korea for kidnapping school girls and forcing them to marry Koreans and all this has to be sorted out because no one is forgetting anything and one thing we better not forget is WWIII: this beast looms in the dark night, it heaves its rotting carcass as it lumbers closer. Feeding this beast, playing matador with it is insane. Its horns are very wide and very sharp.
Time for the United Nations to dissolve the Security Council and demand these dangerous nations all eliminate all their nuclear arms and nuclear missiles. This is top priority. Now! Before it is too late. After all, we are screaming with fear over the thought of Iran having nukes. We better fear the USA starting a nuclear war with Russia.
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Ellen. Rice meant what she said. If you knew what you were talking about you would understand.
Putin came up through the KGB. Rice is telling him that she understands the direction that he's going. Putin runs a KGB state. Get that clear.
Oh, and she understands Russian quite well. One of her heirlooms is a first printing of War and Peace in the original Cyrillic.
Posted by: section9 | April 26, 2007 at 08:49 PM
And the USA is going towards Naziism. Great. Let's redo WWII as WIII.
Do you have any faint idea what that means? Seriously. It is one thing to be a loud mouthed neo-con and quite another, being a diplomat. I hope you have a very deep bomb shelter. Condi and her boss have several.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | April 26, 2007 at 09:04 PM
And this is why I despair for us! We can't go around telegraphing that we want war. We are bogged down in fatal wars already, wars we lost.
If we love democracy, we would arrest Bush and Cheney and Condi because they got power via NON-DEMOCRATIC means. And Bush Sr RAN the effing CIA! And then took over the Presidency!
Gads. And waged wars in the Middle East. And then there is Iran/Contra run by Bush Sr. during the Reagan years. Holy cows and calves.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | April 26, 2007 at 09:07 PM
"Oh, and she understands Russian quite well. One of her heirlooms is a first printing of War and Peace in the original Cyrillic."
Well, my analysis came up with the conclusion that Rice doesn't have much of a grasp on English. She can put one word in front of another, but that's about all. I don't have the data right on hand. But just ask me to prove my case. I double-dog dare you!!!
Posted by: blues | April 26, 2007 at 09:36 PM
Bush talks in an alien tongue and it also isn't Russian. I would love to see old Condi debate Putin in Russian. French, for that matter.
Putin is very fluent in German. Maybe I should debate him. Ist gut?
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | April 27, 2007 at 12:07 AM
Old Putin is a smart customer. He hasn't debated anybody in decades. Just gives 'em their instructions. And I'm sure he knows this. So he won't debate.
I don't like debates anyway. They seem to put people into this mindset where they feel the need to make points they don't have much faith in themselves. That's a good way to start deceiving one's self. Not a very productive activity, from my perspective.
Posted by: blues | April 27, 2007 at 06:34 AM
I would be interested in 'debating' Bush, for my own devious reasons. ('Devious' is a wasted adjective here — I know.) I wouldn't try to make him look bad. I would try to open the hidden doors he doesn't know about.
Doesn't 'confessing' all your foibles in a stupid coffin at Yale make you a radioactive security risk? Why not, Mr. Bush? Of course he wouldn't talk about it. Then I would ask about Valery Plame...
Posted by: blues | April 27, 2007 at 06:47 AM
Have you seen this?,,2064157,00.html
It fits your world view very well.
A lot of its true of the UK too
Posted by: Suusi M-B | April 27, 2007 at 08:52 AM
What if Rice had said, "The idea that somehow 10 interceptors and a few radars in Eastern Europe are going to threaten the RUSSIAN strategic deterrent is purely ludicrous, and everybody knows it..."?
She's right. It IS ludicrous. Pootie-poot knows it, too. He's just indulging in some heavy breathing. That's what Russians do, ever since that peasant Khruschev banged on a table with his shoe.
Posted by: JSmith | April 27, 2007 at 10:07 AM
Fascism rides in on economic distress. Communism rises when the peasants get mad and get armed.
Smith, your commentary is getting flaccid. I know your clock runs backwards. If Russia or better still, China puts missiles on the border of Texas, you can say it is meaningless.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | April 27, 2007 at 12:44 PM
Smith is now senile. He cannot even remember the Cuban missile crisis -- or rather "non-crisis", as all the Soviets/Russians wanted to do was put some missiles on an island that was friendly with it. It almost started WW III according to most historians.
Please get your section 8 certification and just get out. You contribute nothing.
Posted by: DeVaul | April 27, 2007 at 02:05 PM
We need right wingers here. They amuse me. :)
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | April 28, 2007 at 10:31 AM
Let’s benchmark the parameters: yes, I will die.
Posted by: Discount Red Bottom shoes | December 17, 2011 at 09:13 AM
We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future.
Posted by: Canada Goose Parka | December 26, 2011 at 07:16 AM
He laughs best who laughs last.
Posted by: Beats by Dr Dre sale | December 28, 2011 at 07:44 AM
God never shuts one door but he opens another.
Posted by: Beats by Dr Dre sale | January 12, 2012 at 02:34 AM