Right after the US flotilla of sitting ducks floated grandly past Iran Kitty Cat, Bush sent first the incompetent lover, Condi who flubbed everything in Egypt and then he sent regular diplomats who are now trying desperately to imitate Henry Kissinger. For we are basically surrendering to Iran if they only can stop the wild violence in Iraq and tame that Sadr rat. Unfortunately, no one is going to stop al Qaeda. Also, China and Russia swear eternal love. Kisses between the Dragon and the Bear.
The United States and Iran broke a 27-year diplomatic freeze Monday with a four-hour meeting about Iraqi security. The American envoy said there was broad policy agreement, but that Iran must stop arming and financing militants who are attacking U.S. and Iraqi forces.Iranian Ambassador Hassan Kazemi Qomi told The Associated Press that the two sides would meet again in less than a month. U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker said Washington would decide only after the Iraqi government issued an invitation.
Catnip, anyone? From day one, I predicted Iran would win all their confrontations just like North Korea. The more pressure applied by the Axis, the weaker the results. At this point it is obvious to everyone that the US is finished as a Great Power. You can't be a dupe and Superman at the same time. Just like the US had to crawl on a Nixon belly to a dying Chairman Mao to beg for help leaving Vietnam, so it is today.
Crawling in the dust after that vain attempt at intimidation by sailing lots of really vulnerable ships back and forth in front of Iran, we beg for peace. Just like Vietnam, the war is now just as unpopular and impossible. The looming elections will mean the Republican party will be totally humiliated if they can't find someone to extricate our military from the Iraq cul-de-sac. I stated before the war, geography is a top item when considering war plans. Such as, don't attack Russia in late summer, for example. Hell, don't even attack Russia's interior!
So it is with Iraq: it is shaped like a sack and more than one army has rushed in only to find themselves bogged down with no escape, especially if Persia is pissed. Even the Romans had to retreat. Only Alexander the Great and the Mongols were able to come in and stay. And even then, it was very dangerous, they usually passed through quickly. The Turkomen succeeded in making all these places part of the Ottoman Empire, a significant victory.
In comments to the state-run television network Iraqiya, Mr. Qumi said, “Some problems have been raised and studied, and I think this was a positive step.”According to The Associated Press, Mr. Qomi told Mr. Crocker that Iran was willing to train and equip the Iraqi security forces to create “a new military and security structure,” although he did not describe the plan.
Mr. Crocker said the Iranians asserted that the American efforts to train and equip the Iraqi security forces had been “inadequate,” and called the presence in Iraq “an occupation.”
In addition, the American ambassador said, the Iranian delegation proposed forming a “trilateral mechanism” to coordinate security matters in Iraq, a proposal that Mr. Crocker said he would forward to Washington for consideration.
HAHAHA. So, the crafty Persian Kitty will train the Shi'ites in Iraq. This proposal was thrown into the public arena to show the world just how much contempt the Perisans have for us. I am very curious about this 'trilateral mechanism' the Cat has proposed. Is this a deal with the present rulers of the former Ottoman Empire, the Turks? Or is it a deal with Saudi Arabia?
All I know is, these latest developments are dire for the Axis of Evil. The US and UK want very much to dominate the earth and to have everyone shake in their boots when we sneer. Alas, this crummy non-diplomacy is falling apart and not because our military is incompetent and can't win wars or protect America, it is 100% due to the fact that the US must go to China for funds to fight these wars and keep our navy afloat.
And the banker is very pissed off at us this spring. So everyone knows the US has very few options. Congress just overturned public desires to end this brutal, stupid occupation and cheerfully voted $100+billion more for the next several months.
ONLY WHO WILL BUY THE BONDS??? This is all pure red ink, there is no hope of any revenues to cover this. And it is a great deal of money although Congress pretends it is nearly nothing. This is false! Our government must go to the Golden Cave where the Chinese Dragon lives and it is in an ill humor. So we are begging the Japanese to buy when they have been selling over $110 billion in bonds to the Chinese because they want to reduce the bonds they hold. They won't fund us an extra $300+ billion a year!
The whole world, at least the leaders and the readers of this blog, know that the US has only $66 billion in our reserves and this is behind even Iran! China and Japan as well as RUSSIA have a death grip on our own currency and I hate to say this, but projecting power when powerless is not only stupid, it is FUNNY AS HELL. HAHAHA. What is our plan? To make Baby Dragon of North Korea, the Persian Kitty and the Russian Bear die laughing?
The Communist Party of China (CPC) and the United Russian Party started a seminar here on Friday in a bid to exchange views on international situation and promote bilateral ties.The two-day seminar, participated by more than 70 party leaders, scholars and government officials, is also one of the nearly 200 activities to be held this year to mark the "Year of China" in Russia.
Kiss-kiss, the Dragon and the Bear hug and fondle each other and laugh at the FOREX reserves which, if you add Russia's to China, is nearly $1.6 trillion smackers. OUCH. China and Russia are cooperating in many fields, most of which are either energy or military. They are what we quaintly call, 'An Axis.' And this Axis has something the US/UK one doesn't have: lots and lots and LOOOOOTTTTSSSS of cash.
China has surprised the Pentagon with the pace of development of a new class of submarine that threatens the nuclear balance by providing Beijing with a more robust nuclear deterrent.According to the 2007 Pentagon China military power report - details of which were obtained by the FT - the Chinese navy is developing a fleet of five nuclear ballistic missile submarines [SSBNs]. The Jin class submarines would provide a much stronger nuclear deterrent because they would be armed with the new long-range JL-2 missile.
On NPR two days ago, a Congressman was talking about how we must build more subs every year. He would love to build 5 a year. There was one problem he didn't discuss with the reporter: money. He made some really irresponsible and stupid statements that China didn't need subs and was arming itself to "show off'. This very stupid man whose name I didn't get due to the fact that I was driving, laughed about China's pretensions and thought nothing about adding yet another $100 billion to the miltiary budget!
This characterizes our political establishment. And our media. The reporter wasn't me so she didn't bark questions like, 'How the hell are you proposing we pay for this?' No one does this. Indeed, all of Congress and the President and everyone is ignoring this very vital fact.
Today was Memorial Day. We remember all the soldiers and sailors who died to make America strong. If they have any say in the afterlife, they would probably demand our present leaders be sent straight to hell. And I agree.
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You know, this entire post is beyond ignorant.
What you know about naval deployments and strategy is too embarrasingly little to even comment on. You're just too stupid to stop posting this drivel and embarrasing yourself.
The Iranians don't attack us because they don't want to lose their pittance of a navy. They attacked the Brits a couple of months back because they could. They don't attack us because they have been told that if they do, they will get their balls cut off. We have been preparing for war with Iran for the past three years.
Now stop posting this billingsgate. You don't know what the hell you're talking about. Oh, and by the way, Nixon's visit to China was a brilliant strategy to leverage China against Russia. China had very little to do with us getting out of Vietnam. By the time Nixon arrived in Beijing, most of our troops had left Indochina.
A little research goes a long way.
Posted by: section9 | May 29, 2007 at 12:26 AM
Section9 drivelled:
"Now stop posting this billingsgate. You don't know what the hell you're talking about."
The Iraq war is lost, Afghanistan is lost. History will tell you why this is so, if anybody in power ever learnt anything from history.
The Idiot in the white house is bleeding the USA dry and selling you all out to his friends the Bin Lardens.
Posted by: Suusi M-B | May 29, 2007 at 04:10 AM
"China had very little to do with us getting out of Vietnam."
That seems a somewhat extreme statement, given that China was interested in the fate of its ally, North Vietnam.
There were several meetings of Henry Kissinger with the Chinese prime minister in 1970-71 (maybe others I'm not aware of) in which Vietnam was heavily discussed. It was in diplomat-ese and I'm no historian, but it looks pretty clear that in those discussions, Kissinger was negotiating over the withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam. China was giving aid to its North Vietnamese allies, so if Nixon wanted to withdraw but was afraid that this would lead to a communist takeover, it makes sense that he would go talk to the Chinese about it. It also makes sense that at that time it might have been politically impossible to do it himself, so he would have sent Kissinger in his place.
"By the time Nixon arrived in Beijing, most of our troops had left Indochina."
Of course that is true, but it doesn't prove anything as I have tried to argue above. Nixon didn't have to go to China himself in order to negotiate with the Chinese. I'm not saying you're wrong, just that you can't make your argument based on that one piece of information.
"A little research goes a long way."
It is also very easy to jump to erroneous conclusions based on only one piece of information. I'm no expert here, so I'd love to see more information myself.
Posted by: Eric | May 29, 2007 at 05:17 AM
"A little research goes a long way."
Yes it does, so why don't you show us some?
Oh, and there is that other saying, much more popular and understood than yours:
"A little knowledge is a dangerous thing."
Google it to find out what it means. It most certainly applies to you. As for your new saying, I googled it and the top find was to increase "appointments" by making "cold calls". Again, that sounds about right.
Try to limit your cold calls to this site until you can actually drum up some real information to impart to us ignoramouses. Hmm?
Posted by: DeVaul | May 29, 2007 at 07:23 AM
Heh. China actually betrayed North Vietnam with the secret negotiations with Kissinger! China and Vietnam came to blows right after we left!
As for the secret Chinese negotiations back then: my dad was involved. I know a LOT about those days. The Chinese even went out of their way to contact me directly to find out information for these negotiations.
Like Stasti and the KGB, all the spooks knew who were the CIA or US spooks and everyone spied on everyone else. My dad's name came up the ladder to Mao's attention via Chou Enlai. He got it from a Chinese rocket scientist who ran back to China during the McCarthy era.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | May 29, 2007 at 09:56 AM
That is fascinating. In some transcripts of those secret meetings there were also indications that already in 1970, China was looking to open up trade with the US.
What do you think a China-dominated world would look like? One can imagine both good and bad things. One good thing might be a massive shift to solar power. I wonder if opportunity on a personal level would be out the window though. (How do people in China qualify to get high-level education? Most of them surely do not.)
Posted by: Eric | May 29, 2007 at 12:14 PM
They fight to go to school... they are fanatical about getting an education. This is very important.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | May 29, 2007 at 11:41 PM
Every man has his liking.
Posted by: Discount Canada Goose | January 11, 2012 at 02:10 AM
Quick feet and busy hands fill the mouth.
Posted by: Canada Goose Jackets sale | January 13, 2012 at 04:08 AM