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In 2009, when Ron Paul is innaugerated president; I expect you will be part of his national security advisory team.


Years ago in order to keep the Russians from over taking Afghanistan the US CIA covertly backed the mujahideen in their struggle. The long engagement took a huge toll on the USSR and cost them dearly. The financial strain was part of their downfall. The US didn't want them too close to the oil assets of the middle east. We will not be able to do any better in that region even with our tech than the Russians did.
Although there are plenty of prozionist in this country the reason Sadam was a threat had more to do with oil than religion. He was selling oil for Euros and the US must maintain the US petrodollar as the world reserve currency or our economic empire will be history. That, not WMD were the threat. Notice as soon as Iran and Venezuela started talking about sales in other currencies how they became a problem for the US. If the dollar is dropped as the reserve currency we will not be able to pass the cost of our global military and deficit spending cost on to those who receive our devaluing dollar. The way we operate it doesn't really matter if a country is run as a democracy or by a despot as long as they are pro US business interest. Unfortunately this has caused a lot of bitterness by many in the middle east and elsewhere. The sooner we get off of middle east oil dependancy the better off we would have been but it will not happen in time to avoid what's in store.


Ron Paul will be whacked before he has any chance of becoming el presidente!

anyone that talks about dismantling the biggest criminal enterprise in the world the so called federal reserve will not be allowed to get anywhere near the oval office.


There is not that much difference between American democracy and Pakistani democracy in actuality.


Just a followup, there have already been two reports in the internet media of that solution being bandied about. There has been one actual warning to Dr. Paul, delivered by Cheney's mouthpiece on Meet the Press last Sunday. Odious Toad Russert ended his interview with Dr. Paul with a very pointed "be safe out there." Oh well maybe Mrs. Clinton will call for a full international investigation of the murders of the Kennedy brothers, Malcom X, Martin Luther King, Medgar Evers By her standards ( a free press and an uncompromised legal system ) the call would be appropriate.

Elaine Supkis

True except for one thing: we no longer have riots right now but we have in the past!

Assassinations are quite American, by the way. When Kerry was running [strolling] for President, he was in no danger since he wasn't changing anything.

The Kennedys were assassinated because they were making the Black Ops guys uneasy or they were viewed by various assassins as possible changers of history so whacking them would bring about greater changes.

Many of our assassins were lone wolves but they came from a pack of wolves. In the case of the many assassins running around the world today, the inability to stop the empires via open fighting means they use underground methods.

Bin Laden is exploiting this. He has no desire to win a popularity contest. People win these by handing out goodies. And any leader who is in the opposition to the ruling elites of the world gets killed or arrested or ASSASSINATED by the black ops people.

Note that no Muslim leader who is popular with the 'street' is ever allowed to live. The 'street' is very anti-American. So they are kept from any power and influence. Increasing the pressure on the average person in Islamic lands is part of the revolutionary force represented by bin Laden. He wants everyone to be unhappy, not happy.

We could easily win against him by making the 'street' happy and this is laughably easy: stop the dismemberment and diaspora of the Palestinian people! Right after 9/11, Bush even said he would do this and this is why we had support back then!

BETRAYAL BIG TIME. The fury felt over this betrayal is still playing out and it works against us and for bin Laden. The refusal of our media to tie all this together is typical, by the way. Few people read my stuff.

Elaine Supkis

Ron Paul splits the right. He attracts the young techies/educated class who are the spine of the financial manipulator class, from the GOP mainstream which is mostly Christians wanting Santa Claus and gambling.

Note how they have spread gambling all over this nation, eh? HAHAHA.

Anyway, just like Wallace was wrecking Nixon's Southern Strategy, Ron Paul is wrecking the 'Christians/money men' strategy. The fact that Ron is the ONLY GOP candidate talking about money is very significant and quite dangerous to his future health.

I really want to see him in the election just for this reason. NONE of the major candidates are talking about money and Kucinich has been studiously ignored so he has been already marginalized.

Alas, on both the right and left, the desire for a Santa Claus solution is very, very strong and very hard to resist.


Al-Qaeda denies Bhutto killingFrom correspondents in Peshawar
December 29, 2007 06:16pm
Article from: Agence France-PresseFont size: + -
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AL-QAEDA linked Pakistani militant Baitullah Mehsud was not involved in the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, his spokesman said.

"He had no involvement in this attack," Mehsud's spokesman Maulvi Omar said by telephone from an undisclosed location.

"This is a conspiracy of the Government, army and intelligence agencies," he said.

"I strongly deny it. Tribal people have their own customs. We don't strike women."

Elaine Supkis

Al Qeada isn't a tribe. It is a classic underground organization. These things usually have teams of 3 people each. They have a common goal and philosophy and perhaps, a mysterious, dead or hidden leader.

None operate in direct conjunction with the other. This is how all Resistance organizations operate. The 3 person unit can't be tortured if a member is caught, and betray the movment!

So anyone leading a large group like this tribal leader denying everything, can denounce 'terrorist' attacks and on top of this, have nothing to do with it at all!

But there are other 3 man groups being launched every month, to do these very things. Over and over again. Note that this business of the 3 man unit was created by commmunists and people fighting Nazis in OCCUPIED TERRITORIES.

The US has crushed all opposition that is ORGANIZED but NOT the UNDERGROUND opposition. As Mao noted, 'Revolutionaries swim in the sea of the people.' And the US as well as our puppet rulers mock the people in the 'street' in Islamic lands. We think they are stupid and silly and HELPLESS.

Then we wail as they strike back, over and over again!

Elaine Supkis

Indeed, one reason why Americans can't think clearly about bin Laden is due to our country working very hard to prevent any revolutions such as the ones run by the communists so successfully in the past.

Bin Laden wanted to do the classic warlord thing and he played this game, without the backing of a tribe, in Afghanistan. But over the years, he learned the lessons of the International movement, the Wobblies, etc. I don't know if he read books or learned the hard way but he did figure out that disparate, non-connected groups could do massive attacks using asymetrical warfare.

The riddles that surround Atta are still not being dealt with. The 9/11 group had virtually no connections with Bin Laden. They trained and met either in Europe or the USA. They did all this right under the nose of Mossad. The very first person killed on Atta's plane was a top Mossad agent sitting right next to the hijackers.

Mossad knew about this conspiracy and was closely associated with it but did not try to stop it any more than Bush tried to stop it.

The hijackers operated at one level above the 3 man level: it was a dual-3 man operation which is why the Israelis knew about it. It had too much 'leakage'. Since then, these groups have shut down even more intercommunications due to all the spying by the great powers and operate very subterraneanly which means there are few ways of tracking or countering them and they are increasingly active due to the very repression which forced them to break apart into the classic 3 man underground resistance teams.

We forget that this is what all wars entail: sabotage. Blowing up trains, planes and buildings as well as assassinations. The Nazis used to murder whole towns after assassinations. The Israelis will hammer all of Palestine when there are 3 man team attacks from the Palestinians.

Note that Israel's Prime Minister was assassinated by a right wing Israeli seeking to change the government there. HE SUCCEEDED. Indeed, these sorts of things are political and often, not ordered by the people who win power this way, but ALLOWED by them.

Pakistan is even bloodier than Israel and America. Their chief way of changing power is via violence. I remember the present dictator took over and immediately, the law office representing the former Prime Minister was invaded by armed thugs who murdered everyone there. This made the BBC but not US news.

Elaine Supkis

Indeed, one reason why Americans can't think clearly about bin Laden is due to our country working very hard to prevent any revolutions such as the ones run by the communists so successfully in the past.

Bin Laden wanted to do the classic warlord thing and he played this game, without the backing of a tribe, in Afghanistan. But over the years, he learned the lessons of the International movement, the Wobblies, etc. I don't know if he read books or learned the hard way but he did figure out that disparate, non-connected groups could do massive attacks using asymetrical warfare.

The riddles that surround Atta are still not being dealt with. The 9/11 group had virtually no connections with Bin Laden. They trained and met either in Europe or the USA. They did all this right under the nose of Mossad. The very first person killed on Atta's plane was a top Mossad agent sitting right next to the hijackers.

Mossad knew about this conspiracy and was closely associated with it but did not try to stop it any more than Bush tried to stop it.

The hijackers operated at one level above the 3 man level: it was a dual-3 man operation which is why the Israelis knew about it. It had too much 'leakage'. Since then, these groups have shut down even more intercommunications due to all the spying by the great powers and operate very subterraneanly which means there are few ways of tracking or countering them and they are increasingly active due to the very repression which forced them to break apart into the classic 3 man underground resistance teams.

We forget that this is what all wars entail: sabotage. Blowing up trains, planes and buildings as well as assassinations. The Nazis used to murder whole towns after assassinations. The Israelis will hammer all of Palestine when there are 3 man team attacks from the Palestinians.

Note that Israel's Prime Minister was assassinated by a right wing Israeli seeking to change the government there. HE SUCCEEDED. Indeed, these sorts of things are political and often, not ordered by the people who win power this way, but ALLOWED by them.

Pakistan is even bloodier than Israel and America. Their chief way of changing power is via violence. I remember the present dictator took over and immediately, the law office representing the former Prime Minister was invaded by armed thugs who murdered everyone there. This made the BBC but not US news.

larry, dfh

I wish to slightly disagree with you on a couple of points: I don't think Ms. Bhutto was a 'dilettante'. I think, like you, she was an amazingly accomplished, intelligent, brave and unafraid woman. If she were just a dilettante, she would have spent the rest of her days shopping at Harrods. And I don't think that As'Sadr has been 'driven back into the shadows'. I think he is in the shadows because he's actively buying armaments for when the real fight begins. He has learned from Mao. He will be a force to reckon with, and, if he lives, will control Iraq.
It was recently made aware to me that the CIA, despite the CW, was very active in Afghanistan BEFORE the Russians invaded. In fact, I think the Russians invaded to stop the prospects of cross-border unrest fomented by the CIA/Al Quaida. Thinking about this, it may just be the case that Pakistan is being sacrificed to the so called extremists to initiate just such a destabilization in China, which has a very large and restive Muslim population. Look, Gates was around when the Taliban was created in Afghanistan, and he's still around. Ms. Bhutto, in at least a symbolic sense, stood in the way of such a plan.
Geronimo, like the Palestinians you mentioned, terrorized the whites with just a couple of buddies. Over-reaction is our stock in trade.


Larry dfh, I have the same info regarding our presence in Afghanistan prior to the USSR going in, at least six months before. Brzenski (sp?) was certainly in favor of it. That government was only nominally Marxist, essentially they were nationalists who opposed the two biggest forces in Afghanistan, who were pretty much intertwined - the drug dealers and the fundamentalists. That was probably the only real hope Afghanis had-women were in the workforce and attending schools. Where were the laura bush "we're doing this to help the women" types then ? Or the charlie wilson types - I've got no intention to see it but assume hanks will play him as a good guy, rather than an asshole who piled more misery on those people.


Dr. Paul's support is a lot more than just "young techies". He pulls a lot of unhappy dems ( which is why DailyKos is so rabidly anti-Paul ), independents, old folks ( myself at 60+ and self employed ), etc.
About the lack of riots currently, the economic nasties will be hitting home about the same time as spring planting, watch for some riots then. There are already tent cities springing up, whole neighbourhoods of empty foreclosed or just abandoned mcmansions, think 1929-40 but with free internet access and the ability to flashmob.
( Why else would AipacRepresentative Jane Harmon and the House have pushed through that "Thought Crimes" act last month in such a hurry and in such silence. It went through under a no debate special provision in the house on a day when Dr. Paul was out on the stump because no votes were scheduled that day )
HR 1955 The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 for those who prefer exactitude. This is the turn off internet access for civilians act. It is there in the section 899b findings:
"(3) The Internet has aided in facilitating violent radicalization, ideologically based violence, and the homegrown terrorism process in the United States by providing access to broad and constant streams of terrorist-related propaganda to United States citizens."

"(6) The potential rise of self radicalized, unaffiliated terrorists domestically cannot be easily prevented through traditional Federal intelligence or law enforcement efforts, and requires the incorporation of State and local solutions."

Elaine in case you don't recognize yourself in the above READ IT AGAIN.


Uses the Internet to inveigh against our staunch allies the Japanese in their currently depressed economic state.
Uses the internet to talk about Blowback.
Uses the internet to explain the virtues of Chinese COMMUNIST diplomacy.
In her use of the internet she has weakened the necessary beliefs in the efficacy of the Federal Reserve, the righteousness of the CIA NSA FBI IRS DHS in their never ending attempts to find domestic terrorists.
Shall I go on? The indictment writes itself just by going over a half dozen of your less incindiary posts.
This is the America that Hillary and Rudi, Barrack and McCain, Edwards and Mitt, Fred and Huck want. Brain dead, incapable of even the thought of resistance to any damn bureaucrats momentary mental brain fart that becomes administrative law.


Musharraf initially blamed her death on unnamed Islamic militants, but Interior Minister Hamid Nawaz told The Associated Press on Friday that "we have the evidence that al-Qaida and the Taliban were behind the suicide attack on Benazir Bhutto."

He said investigators had resolved the "whole mystery" behind the opposition leader's killing and would give details at press conference later Friday



its ok everyone!!!! the spoon bender did it, move along nothing to see here!!

dubya and musharaff say he did it, heck thats good enough for me!


Aunt Benazir's false promises

Bhutto's return bodes poorly for Pakistan -- and for democracy there.

By Fatima Bhutto

12/13/07 "LA Times" - -- KARACHI -- We Pakistanis live in uncertain times. Emergency rule has been imposed for the 13th time in our short 60-year history. Thousands of lawyers have been arrested, some charged with sedition and treason; the chief justice has been deposed; and a draconian media law -- shutting down all private news channels -- has been drafted.

Perhaps the most bizarre part of this circus has been the hijacking of the democratic cause by my aunt, the twice-disgraced former prime minister, Benazir Bhutto. While she was hashing out a deal to share power with Gen. Pervez Musharraf last month, she repeatedly insisted that without her, democracy in Pakistan would be a lost cause.

The reality, however, is that there is no one better placed to benefit from emergency rule than she is. Along with the leaders of prominent Islamic parties, she has been spared the violent retributions of emergency law. Yes, she now appears to be facing seven days of house arrest, but what does that really mean? While she was supposedly under house arrest at her Islamabad residence last week, 50 or so of her party members were comfortably allowed to join her. She addressed the media twice from her garden, protected by police given to her by the state, and was not reprimanded for holding a news conference. (By contrast, the very suggestion that they might hold a news conference has placed hundreds of other political activists under real arrest, in real jails.)

Ms. Bhutto's political posturing is sheer pantomime. Her negotiations with the military and her unseemly willingness until just a few days ago to take part in Musharraf's regime have signaled once and for all to the growing legions of fundamentalists across South Asia that democracy is just a guise for dictatorship.

It is widely believed that Ms. Bhutto lost both her governments on grounds of massive corruption. She and her husband, a man who came to be known in Pakistan as "Mr. 10%," have been accused of stealing more than $1 billion from Pakistan's treasury. She is appealing a money-laundering conviction by the Swiss courts involving about $11 million. Corruption cases in Britain and Spain are ongoing.

It was particularly unappealing of Ms. Bhutto to ask Musharraf to bypass the courts and drop the many corruption cases that still face her in Pakistan. He agreed, creating the odiously titled National Reconciliation Ordinance in order to do so. Her collaboration with him was so unsubtle that people on the streets are now calling her party, the Pakistan People's Party, the Pervez People's Party. Now she might like to distance herself, but it's too late.

Why did Ms. Bhutto and her party cronies demand that her corruption cases be dropped, but not demand that the cases of activists jailed during the brutal regime of dictator Zia ul-Haq (from 1977 to 1988) not be quashed? What about the sanctity of the law? When her brother Mir Murtaza Bhutto -- my father -- returned to Pakistan in 1993, he faced 99 cases against him that had been brought by Zia's military government. The cases all carried the death penalty. Yet even though his sister was serving as prime minister, he did not ask her to drop the cases. He returned, was arrested at the airport and spent the remaining years of his life clearing his name, legally and with confidence, in the courts of Pakistan.

Ms. Bhutto's repeated promises to end fundamentalism and terrorism in Pakistan strain credulity because, after all, the Taliban government that ran Afghanistan was recognized by Pakistan under her last government -- making Pakistan one of only three governments in the world to do so.

And I am suspicious of her talk of ensuring peace. My father was a member of Parliament and a vocal critic of his sister's politics. He was killed outside our home in 1996 in a carefully planned police assassination while she was prime minister. There were 70 to 100 policemen at the scene, all the streetlights had been shut off and the roads were cordoned off. Six men were killed with my father. They were shot at point-blank range, suffered multiple bullet wounds and were left to bleed on the streets.

My father was Benazir's younger brother. To this day, her role in his assassination has never been adequately answered, although the tribunal convened after his death under the leadership of three respected judges concluded that it could not have taken place without approval from a "much higher" political authority.

I have personal reasons to fear the danger that Ms. Bhutto's presence in Pakistan brings, but I am not alone. The Islamists are waiting at the gate. They have been waiting for confirmation that the reforms for which the Pakistani people have been struggling have been a farce, propped up by the White House. Since Musharraf seized power in 1999, there has been an earnest grass-roots movement for democratic reform. The last thing we need is to be tied to a neocon agenda through a puppet "democrat" like Ms. Bhutto.

By supporting Ms. Bhutto, who talks of democracy while asking to be brought to power by a military dictator, the only thing that will be accomplished is the death of the nascent secular democratic movement in my country. Democratization will forever be de-legitimized, and our progress in enacting true reforms will be quashed. We Pakistanis are certain of this.

Fatima Bhutto is a Pakistani poet and writer. She is the daughter of Mir Murtaza Bhutto, who was killed in 1996 in Karachi when his sister, Benazir, was prime minister.



I think you didn't understand important facts here:

1. Bin laden doesn't exists. He doesn't have any stratagy against US because he doesn't exists.

2. Pakistan is about to be split. US has noadays a close relation with India and doesn't need Pakistan. A splited Pakistan is part of Great Game: Balkanization of middle east: Divide and Conquer, again.

Elaine Supkis

Sorry, I hate to tell people this, but bin Laden is very much like me: he is a member of the ruling class in Saudi Arabia. He was raised in a western fashion and his family socialized with the Bushes!

Yet the 'left' has erased him! This astonishes me totally. That is pure insanity.

Elaine Supkis

The idea that a very real person who grew up hobnobbing with, hanging around with and socializing with the leaders of the world today, the idea that he no longer exists or can figure out how to upend the ruling elites....this baffles me a lot.

I was 'erased' by our own government. I am a loudmouth who even camped out in front of the UN, joked with world leaders while doing this, the ruler of China called my dad in the dead of night to complain about me, Bush Sr. screamed at me on the telephone, I was on international TV, I forced some changes in the law as well as international politics

AND I AM INVISIBLE. This is goofy, bizarre and deliberate. On the other hand, like Bin Laden, I can still push things around. Seriously. It just won't make the news.


I hear a lot of speculation about bin Ladin being dead. A lot of the Arab press has reported this, he was diabetic as I understand it. Someone on the run with this disability is at a tremendous disadvantage. Were he to be dead I'm sure the US would never admit to it, he makes too good a boogey man.


I think the description of Ms. Bhutto as a "dilettante" was one of the more accurate and meaningful descriptions of a political exile that I have read in a long time.

You hit on the right word there, Elaine.


Elaine, the things you write reveal all the reasons to believe and understand that bin Laden is dead, as well as why. The thing I wonder is what has clouded your sight regarding this? You have all the information needed to come to the conclusion that he left the scene long ago. What is it that blinds you?

Whether he lives or not matters not to Al Qaeda, they are on their own course, largely insulated (deliberately) from one another. The only people that his existence matters to are the ones who need him as a place to focus fear and hate.

1984. Big Brother and Goldstein. They made him and they perpetuate him.


You know, I seem to recall seeing bin Laden on videotape several times and his mouth and hands were moving (i.e. he did not appear to be a dead parrot).

It seems to me that his strategy is very clear. To borrow a line from Febre of the movie "The Musketeer": Rhetoric does not conquer nations. Chaos conquers nations.

bin Laden's goal is to spread as much chaos as he can throughout the muslim world until the arabs finally just overthrow all their stupid governments and kill all foreign mercenaries. The plan seems clear enough.

First Afghanistan, then Iraq, and now Pakistan. After we invade Pakistan and reduce it to ashes, al Quiada will erupt somewhere else and then we will be told that this new barren wasteland is vital to our national security and thus we must invade and "secure" it.

While we are desperately trying to put out the raging fires in Pakistan, al Quiada will quietly pack their bags and move out and start new fires somewhere else, just like arsonists do.

Once chaos has spread throughout the entire region, there will be no more oil for the western world. Not a bad plan, if you ask me.

bin Laden may be dead, but he left behind the blueprints on how to destroy us.

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