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How crucial is the huge new US airbase in Kosovo in the speedy recognition by the USA?


"It baffles me that England endorses this. One peek at the bloody history of Ireland shows us that the Crown and Parliament both love to seize nations and enslave them."

Elaine this is typical, sorry to say, it is just business as usual. They need all these little conflicts to feed the Military Industrial Complex while there is no World War. It pays the bills. It allows them to test new weapons technology, and clear out dissent, while making profit.

The best tool for creating war is religion. It is just another facet of the world elite, and they work hand in hand for the greater profit. They depend on the ignorance of humanity to ply their trade.


"It baffles me that England endorses this. One peek at the bloody history of Ireland shows us that the Crown and Parliament both love to seize nations and enslave them."

Elaine this is typical, sorry to say, it is just business as usual. They need all these little conflicts to feed the Military Industrial Complex while there is no World War. It pays the bills. It allows them to test new weapons technology, and clear out dissent, while making profit.

The best tool for creating war is religion. It is just another facet of the world elite, and they work hand in hand for the greater profit. They depend on the ignorance of humanity to ply their trade.


"It baffles me that England endorses this. One peek at the bloody history of Ireland shows us that the Crown and Parliament both love to seize nations and enslave them."

You have identified the motive of the dual car bomb attacks in London and Scotland last summer. Right about the time the Kosovo independence movement regained momentum (via Kisinger?) Just this fall a 'business' man from Kosovo visited my sister in-laws high school. He was there with a UN official crying about his homeland.


"[We] are sending assassin drones around the planet at will, murdering people in their beds."

al-Libi wasn't actually in bed... and he wasn't actually some poor innocent goatherd, either. The Predator UAV is an excellent tool for neutralizing those who may be beyond the reach of an arrest warrant; in 2002 we whacked a carload of guys in Yemen who thought they were safe, too. If these guys are a little nervous that something they can't see is watching them from 30K feet, and that thing has a couple of antitank missiles on board... great. You can run, but you can't hide!

"I remember when we DENOUNCED assassinations!"

You DO? When was that? You're not that much older than me, and assassination has been a tool in the US policy kit throughout both our lifetimes.

"Just like we didn't fight WWI or WWII with assassins!"

Once upon a time, we didn't have an intelligence service, either. In 1929, US Secretary of State Henry Stimson said, "Gentlemen do not open each other's mail," when he closed the State Department's cryptanalytic office. But Secretary Stimson was old school; luckily, we had scruple-free people like Dulles and Angleton to do the necessary.

Speaking of doing the necessary... any ideas on who planted the carbomb that got that Hezbollah fellow, Mughniyeh? One report noted that "He lived by the car bomb, and he died by the car bomb." It's almost like... poetical justice!

(In other good news... did you see that Castro quit?)


"And this is why we must take the high road, not the pig sty road, and stop endorsing or doing assassinations."

Perhaps President Obama will invite fellows like al-Libi and Mughniyeh to the White House for dinner instead of whacking them un-forewarned.


Actually Obama said six months ago that he would do exacty this type of attack against AQ operatives in Pakistan, even if it was without Pakistani approval.

Perversely, it may seem, he got roundly criticized by that warmonger McCain for that stance in the debates.

The US is digging itself a very deep hole, and it looks like future US leaders will increase the tempo of the digging.


"Actually Obama said six months ago that he would do exacty this type of attack against AQ operatives in Pakistan, even if it was without Pakistani approval."

Good on him!

Funny thing is... Democrats HAVE to say that and McCain can criticise him because everyone knows where McCain stands - and that he'd do it too.

"The US is digging itself a very deep hole..."

OK... maybe if we ask 'em nicely to stop, pretty please, then everything will be OK. We might have to pay some reparations or bribes or tributes or something, but what the hell... it's only money.


I read about the car bomb assassination of the presumed terrorist. What stunned me was the glee in the voice of the writer and the fact that no mention was made of how many others were killed or injured by our assassination of this person in Syria.

When the same occurs here or elsewhere, we at least learn how many others died and that it was wrong to kill innocent people while targeting some general or politician.

When we kill enemy leaders, it does not matter how many others die. In fact, it is so irrelevant that we do not even ask if anyone else was injured. This is the mark of evil, and it is branded on our foreheads as well as theirs.

There is no cause to celebrate evil.


Elaine, you wrote:

"The fact that the US is refusing to accept sovereign borders means that the 9/11 attackers were doing exactly what the US is doing. Like the US, they flew in illegally and assassinated people using airplanes. We use drones. What would happen if China and Russia began sending drones flying all over America, assassinating us? Of course, that would start WWIII. This is why it behooves the US to not do this to Pakistan which is increasingly a nuclear power."

"Eventually, a ruler will arise in Pakistan who will be irritable about all this and do something drastic. The US has to stop. Just stop it. If we are mad about 'terrorists', going crazy and acting like assassins won't fix the problem. It expands the problem!"

Your last sentence says it all. Don't you see, that was what 9-11 was all about! We have to keep expanding the 'War on Terror' is a 'false flag' operation from the 'get go'. Justification to bring about the dreaded WWIII...and your worst nightmare...The [false]Apocalypse. End result: More money and power for those that have too much of each already....and a much lower world population!

[one hour later]
In the last post where I said 'War on Terror', I should have added; "just like the 'War on Drugs'. It is a false flag operation that diminishes our rights, lines the pockets of TPTB, corrupts foreign leaders and our legal system with rewards for kleptomania, gives justification of an expanded judicial/prison/police/military system and actually expands the distribution of the drugs because of the extreme profits which can be made on the 'retail' level. Neutralizes millions of young men and women in the prime of their youth. The parallels are strikingly similar if one cares to examine the MO.

I posted this last night but it did not show up. I hope you are not editing readers posts Elaine.


DeVaul: "I read about the car bomb assassination of the presumed terrorist. What stunned me was the glee in the voice of the writer and the fact that no mention was made of how many others were killed or injured by our assassination of this person in Syria. ... There is no cause to celebrate evil."

The Mughniyeh slaying seems to have been a damn professional operation: the only person killed was... Mughniyeh. Right under the noses of his security team. (Not even the Arab press is reporting otherwise.)

I doubt it was "our" op - apparently the Syrians have some suspects, reportedly Palestinian suspects. (Isn't THAT interesting?)

We're not celebrating "evil" here; we're actually celebrating its passing. He was a bit more than an "assumed" terrorist.

(Of course, the accepted postmodern position is that what you see as "evil" is an entirely personal position, and that calling something "evil" is pretty much the same as saying you don't like it.)


Speaking of shooting things with missiles... the Navy killed that defunct satellite. from today's NYT:

"Completing a mission in which an interceptor designed for missile defense was used for the first time to attack a satellite, the Lake Erie, an Aegis-class cruiser, fired a single missile just before 10:30 p.m. Eastern time, and the missile hit the satellite as it traveled at more than 17,000 miles per hour, the Pentagon said in its official announcement.

'A network of land-, air-, sea- and spaced-based sensors confirms that the U.S. military intercepted a nonfunctioning National Reconnaissance Office satellite which was in its final orbits before entering the Earth’s atmosphere,' the statement said."

THAT's some damn fine shooting!

(Perhaps Elaine will have some notes on this later on...)

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