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« US Cannot Understand Debt=Loss Of Imperial Power | Main | Bush Imitates Caligula While Press Laughs »


mad mike

there is no limit to human greed and folly.(tm)
sorry to have to write that but it is true, you know.
and i know of history myself.
i read during WW2 the nazi elites built themselves fortified villas in the bavarian alps. they had tunnels and concrete barriers.
in fact,so much concrete was diverted, millions of metric tons, in fact, the allies sed if that concrete was used on the front
it would have hindered allied advanced and dragged the war on indefinately.
misallocated resources from human geed and folly did in the nazis.
so we spend one trillion dollars on the war in iraq. i question. how can the usa spend one trillion dollars and not have achieved victory? because most of the money isnt going to the war effort. that is to say the u.s. gov-ment doesnt support the troops.
just yesterday i read how some national guard troops arent getting fed!
the trillion dollars are going into the pockets of the big boyz. of course they want a hundred year war. because that means more money for them. if entire regions are laid waste and untold numbers die, who cares?
the big boyz are saying how the gov-ment caint afford social security. because they want that money.
but ask your self. how can a nation afford one trillion dollars of a losing war?
the big boyz are doing the exact same thing the nazi elites did. feather their own beds at the expense and the very survival of the nation. uhmerikans are up against it.
we are all dead now. we just dont know it yet.
expect food riots. expect race riots. expect gasoline shortages. expect national rolling blackouts. expect the suspension of presidential elections. expect to take it up the whazoo!
there is no limit to human greed and folly.(tm)
blogging about it makes me feel like i am doing something.

Elaine Meinel Supkis

ALL empires do this when they rot. Instead of supporting the imperium, the top people loot it ruthlessly. And then they evade taxes and force the peasants to carry the entire load.


"Honey.... the government says we gotta stay inside a few days until ______ (you fill in the blank for 1001 SNAFU-thefts-power grabs-whatnots)is over.... what's on HBO these next few days, baby?!?!?!"
Sorry.... I don't see a masses wakeup call from the power elites carefully constructed matrix... in time. The shelves of the candystore got looted while a HBO special was on last night.


Elaine: another great piece. Do I get your meaning regarding the "attempted assassination"to be this: it was a "shot across the bow" by US backed "terrorists" towards him? The fact that he was in an armored vehicle meant that he "knew" there was to be a "shot across the bow". I'm a bit confused here. Please set me straight. Thanks

Elaine Meinel Supkis

All our puppets have to drive around in armored vehicles protected by Blackwater, etc. We run our imperial outposts in the most obvious and brutal way. And this always fails in the end. Ask the Brits.


Got it. Thanks.


Elaine, where is the battle in the Teutoburg Forest for the U.S.?

Will we lose one of our legions in the ME?

Who is our Publius Quinctilius Varus?

Elaine Meinel Supkis

Well, Bush is Commodus, the Emperor who threw in the towel. The loss of a legion has been surpassed by a small barbarian band attacking and destroying a good part of the heart of the empire.

Afghanistan is like our Teutoburg forest but Iran is PERSIA. And that is where the real nasty defeats happened after 200 AD. The Persians even captured a Roman Emperor.

Jim Smith


I am very curious to know if you read the entire Clive Maund article as suggested by several readers and if so, you digested it. I don't want to offend, but considering the enormous scope of your interests it would be surprising if you did not at times merely skim readings. Maybe not. But in my ignorance, I found Maund's construction quite compelling and fits too well to disregard. I've thought all along that the elite MUST have an over-arching strategy to retrieve their compromised position, which you continually expose so well. Please review that article and tell us (if that is the case) why it isn't plausible and can't happen. I'd love for you to properly deflate this scenario because it rings all too true to me and I dare say, many others. Can we really count on China/Russia/India etc to react effectively? They all have severe problems of their own. Hoping to hear further from you on this.


I wrote to Mr. Clive about his article (US prepares for Global Hegemony) and here is a copy of my email:

Mr. Clive,

I read your article and you made some interesting points but your conclusions are completely offcourse.

Stock Market to new highs: Maybe but the market is completely rigged and after 1 trillion dollar intervention by the FED the DOW still is struggling to overcome a 10% decline. It is ALL show and smoke and mirror until AFTER the election, not because the equity market is strong. Hundred of retails are closing stores, records debts, record rising cost, record home foreclusres, rising credit card bankruptcies and car loans is NOT a testament of a strong economy. The Illusion must be kept until after the elections;otherwise a rapidly crumbling economy BEFORE the elections will gardner a massive electroate shift to Ron Paul.

Bush to push for US Global Hegemony? What nonsense! This fool has done EVERYTHING in his power to destroy the US economy, the industrial base of the country and the backbone of America: The Middle Class. he has accelerated the outsourcing of mulitude of jobs outside this country. He has accelerated our debt levels to alarming degree, which, if not arrested soon (and will no tbe with the three dorks running for presidency) by 2015 the interest on the debt will be so great it will nearly take all tax revenue just to pay it. Country is broke.

To steal the oil for the benefit of the US economy? No, only for US corporate elites and the Rockefeller(standard Oil) and Rothchild (BP) alliance, not for the people at large. In fact, the Iraqi invasion has removed over 3 to 4 million barrels of oil a day from the market and this has significantly contribute to oil's current rise,along with all the sabber rattling over Iran. Guess what:less supply translates to higher oil prices. The WHOLE invasion is about CONTROL of the whole world (including USA). The army had over 5 years to secure a few oil refineries and export the oil to America IF they wanted to reduce the price of oil for the US Middle Class and help the economy. That is not what happened. Morever, As Lindsey Williams and many other commentatories have stated, we have tapped oil reserves in Gull Island Alaska and other places there that RIVAL Saudi Arabia! Why do they not release all this oil. Because it is about CONTROL, profit and the New World Order.If plenty of oil in Alaska, no need to invade the Middle East and oil prices would be MUCH lower! However, they are manipulating nations fight in the Mdidle East about a suppose PEAK oil nonsense will massive reserves buried in the US.

Russia and China are forming the biggest military allaince in HISTORY. China's miliatry budget is grossly under estimated and they are building long range bombers (to hit the US in the future), long range refueling planes, fighters, tanks, new mobile ICBMs, underground bunkers, anti satellite weapons and more. I have been to Russia 6 times and I am married to a local girl there. The Russians are rebuilding their military (thanks to the US oil whores who deliberated jacked the oil price and provided Russia with new found oil wealth).Russia has the most advanced ICBM (Topol) missile, ship to ship missile, is building new stealth fighters and bombers,etc,etc. In the near future, to your surprise, Russia, CHina, Iran, Korea, Mexico, Nicargua, Venezuela, and some Arab countries will gang up and invade the United States after a inital, surprise decapitated nuclear strikes. I think our foreign policy is pissing off the world and AFTER the economic collapse in America 2010-2015, and martial law is declared, US citizens will start another civil war after seeing their guns, freedoms and life destroyed by this corrupt government, During this time these nations will attack the US at its weakest moment when it has internal strife. Read the prophecies of Dimitri Dudumen

Clive, you fail to understand there are law of economics and America has reached its end. I wish you please study this response carefully and I would be grateful of your response.


I wrote to Mr. Clive about his article (US prepares for Global Hegemony) and here is a copy of my email:

Mr. Clive,

I read your article and you made some interesting points but your conclusions are completely offcourse.

Stock Market to new highs: Maybe but the market is completely rigged and after 1 trillion dollar intervention by the FED the DOW still is struggling to overcome a 10% decline. It is ALL show and smoke and mirror until AFTER the election, not because the equity market is strong. Hundred of retails are closing stores, records debts, record rising cost, record home foreclusres, rising credit card bankruptcies and car loans is NOT a testament of a strong economy. The Illusion must be kept until after the elections;otherwise a rapidly crumbling economy BEFORE the elections will gardner a massive electroate shift to Ron Paul.

Bush to push for US Global Hegemony? What nonsense! This fool has done EVERYTHING in his power to destroy the US economy, the industrial base of the country and the backbone of America: The Middle Class. he has accelerated the outsourcing of mulitude of jobs outside this country. He has accelerated our debt levels to alarming degree, which, if not arrested soon (and will no tbe with the three dorks running for presidency) by 2015 the interest on the debt will be so great it will nearly take all tax revenue just to pay it. Country is broke.

To steal the oil for the benefit of the US economy? No, only for US corporate elites and the Rockefeller(standard Oil) and Rothchild (BP) alliance, not for the people at large. In fact, the Iraqi invasion has removed over 3 to 4 million barrels of oil a day from the market and this has significantly contribute to oil's current rise,along with all the sabber rattling over Iran. Guess what:less supply translates to higher oil prices. The WHOLE invasion is about CONTROL of the whole world (including USA). The army had over 5 years to secure a few oil refineries and export the oil to America IF they wanted to reduce the price of oil for the US Middle Class and help the economy. That is not what happened. Morever, As Lindsey Williams and many other commentatories have stated, we have tapped oil reserves in Gull Island Alaska and other places there that RIVAL Saudi Arabia! Why do they not release all this oil. Because it is about CONTROL, profit and the New World Order.If plenty of oil in Alaska, no need to invade the Middle East and oil prices would be MUCH lower! However, they are manipulating nations fight in the Mdidle East about a suppose PEAK oil nonsense will massive reserves buried in the US.

Russia and China are forming the biggest military allaince in HISTORY. China's miliatry budget is grossly under estimated and they are building long range bombers (to hit the US in the future), long range refueling planes, fighters, tanks, new mobile ICBMs, underground bunkers, anti satellite weapons and more. I have been to Russia 6 times and I am married to a local girl there. The Russians are rebuilding their military (thanks to the US oil whores who deliberated jacked the oil price and provided Russia with new found oil wealth).Russia has the most advanced ICBM (Topol) missile, ship to ship missile, is building new stealth fighters and bombers,etc,etc. In the near future, to your surprise, Russia, CHina, Iran, Korea, Mexico, Nicargua, Venezuela, and some Arab countries will gang up and invade the United States after a inital, surprise decapitated nuclear strikes. I think our foreign policy is pissing off the world and AFTER the economic collapse in America 2010-2015, and martial law is declared, US citizens will start another civil war after seeing their guns, freedoms and life destroyed by this corrupt government, During this time these nations will attack the US at its weakest moment when it has internal strife. Read the prophecies of Dimitri Dudumen

Clive, you fail to understand there are law of economics and America has reached its end. I wish you please study this response carefully and I would be grateful of your response.

Jim Smith


Your attack on Clive Maund seems to me to be counter-productive. You raise some interesting points, but how do they rebut the broad strategic pattern that Mr Maund is trying to set forth? Doubtless, he would not claim to forsee the future in every detail and there are infinitely many paths that may be taken. Geo. Bush may not be a genius, but he can command all the intellectual resources he needs to serve the ends of the, shall we call them, the "elite"? Let's not squabble amongst ourselves, but have an eye for the biggest picture. See also "The Clock is Ticking for an Attack on Iran" by David Lindorff.

Elaine Meinel Supkis

I'm sorry, Jim, but Peter is right. We are NOT attacking Clive but pointing out the obvious. In my case, I am totally disgusted with people who are writers who can't seem to grasp the simplest fundamentals of imperialism. When ANYONE launches a story claiming that the US is NOW finally becoming an imperial power, I blow up.

Talk about dumb. We are the result of European imperialism and we have been imperialists from day one. If Clive had the wit to start off with, 'Imperial England, imperial Europe, imperial Japan [gads! They and the Brits still have EMPERORS!!!] have succeeded in reimposing their hegemony of the rest of the world once again...' I would have found no faults.

But he couldn't and didn't! He thinks this latest eruption in enslavement of brown people is a new thing. So how could he possibly arrive at other important conclusions? OF COURSE, the G7 conspirators have managed, with tremendous efforts and hideous cost, reassert their imperial rule of the earth. But it is all futile.

Even if the stock market goes up, inflation will rage! Unlike the last two times when we had bubbles during the cheap oil/cheap Chinese labor era, this time around, there is no more cheap labor/cheap credit/cheap oil. They are artificially making credit much cheaper than inflation and this will cause hyperinflation. End of story. And incidentally, end of the G7 rule of the planet.

Jim Smith


I do defer to your vastly superior knowledge and experience in this field. But I am terribly alarmed that the U.S.A. has the arms (nuclear and non) and the motivation to upset the whole applecart. To me, in my naivete, anyone with the wit to grasp this possibly imminent catastrophe deserves a hearing. At the end, if it comes, their will be no right or wrong or even fleeting thought as to how we got there. Oh well, maybe a good small tent will help us more than a wishy washy large tent! Please keep up the great work!

Jim Smith

PS: Do we have enough time to get everyone sorted out?

Elaine Meinel Supkis

I hope we have more time.

And yes, we have to stop WWIII before it really gets out of hand.

cancel the apocalypse

just reporting a broken link...

"Click here for the truth, courtesy of the BBC:"
linking to

seems to have disappeared...

and a belated thankyou to Elaine for all your analysis over the months i've been reading this blog. who else gives so much context to current events without boring everyone silly?

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