Elaine Meinel Supkis
The news media hound dawgs are barking like crazy over the Bush speech to the more important branch of the US government, the Knesset in Israel. In this speech, Bush insinuated that anyone who talks to 'enemies' is a traitor. As per usual, the media and a host of other people have been unable to put this latest nasty speech into historical context. So it is time to talk about the most famous case of a President accusing people of treason for speaking to 'enemies' and then trotting off to make kissy-kissy with both the dictators of China and the dictators of Russia: Richard M. Nixon.
From the opera, 'Nixon In China', one of the greatest American operas ever written.
Obama says Bush falsely accuses him of appeasement
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama accused President Bush on Thursday of launching a "false political attack" with a comment about appeasing terrorists and radicals.The Illinois senator interpreted the remark as a slam against him but the White House denied that Bush's words were in any way directed at Obama, who has said as president he would be willing to personally meet with Iran's leaders and those of other regimes the United States has deemed rogue.
In a speech to Israel's Knesset, Bush said: "Some seem to believe that we should negotiate with the terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along.
"We have heard this foolish delusion before. As Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American senator declared: 'Lord, if I could only have talked to Hitler, all this might have been avoided.' We have an obligation to call this what it is — the false comfort of appeasement, which has been repeatedly discredited by history."
Ask any Republican 20 years ago, what was Nixon's greatest deed and they would nearly all uniformly say, 'Nixon went to China.' Of course, if anyone except for this war criminal went to China, they would have been denounced by the GOP as being 'traitors'. But when Nixon suddenly flew to China with virtually no warning [outside of the CIA and people connected with the CIA] it was declared to be a great victory for the US. It also took absolutely all the propaganda-soaked American public by surprise.
I have a long, long history with the Chinese and with Mao. My family's involvement in Chinese affairs go back to WWII. Once, in San Francisco, to prove my phone was bugged, I called a political radical and said, 'Guess what? Mao has decided to fund my work! He gave me $600 today!'
Back in 1969, $600 was a lot of money. Heh. The next day, the San Francisco Chronicle had a headline, 'Mao Gives Student $600 To Spread Communist Propaganda.' I triumphantly showed everyone the story. As per usual, the story didn't mention my name. A chronic problem when I have to prove something. But it was inspired by my silly phone joke. Anyway, back then, anyone talking to the Chinese was considered to be a traitor! The infantile idea that the US couldn't talk to 'enemies' was, as today, universal.
Anyone who dared to talk to the Chinese was harassed and harried. The Chinese did have people in the US, by the way. One day, a Chinese diplomat gave me a Little Red Book. I said, 'Mao is a god!' and a bolt of lightning blasted nearby. The Chinese diplomat grimaced and cringed. Heh. Well, Madame Mao was the true ruler of the Chinese Olympus. When Kissinger went to China, he glad handed and hobnobbed with these vicious commies. While at the same time, he and Nixon were denouncing us as being vicious commies at home. The shock of the Nixon visit was carefully orchestrated away by an adoring media touting this bizarre total change of US diplomacy as a great victory for America.
In July 1971, U.S. President Nixon's National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger had secretly visited Beijing during a trip to Pakistan, and laid the groundwork for Nixon's visit to China. Almost as soon as the American president arrived in the Chinese capital he was summoned for a meeting with Chairman Mao who, unknown to the Americans, had almost died nine days earlier but was at that point feeling strong enough to meet Nixon. Secretary of State William P. Rogers was excluded from this meeting and the only other American present was National Security Council staffer (and later U.S. Ambassador to China) Winston Lord. To avoid embarrassing Rogers, Lord was cropped out of all the official photographs of the meeting.Nixon held many meetings with Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai during the trip, which included visits to the Great Wall, Hangzhou and Shanghai. At the conclusion of his trip, the United States and the PRC Governments issued the Shanghai Communiqué, a statement of their foreign policy views and a document that was to prove to remain the basis of Sino-American bilateral relations for many years. In the communiqué, both nations pledged to work toward the full normalization of diplomatic relations. The U.S. acknowledged the notion that all Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Strait maintain that there is only one China and that Taiwan is part of China. Nixon and the U.S. government reaffirmed their interests in a peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question agreed by the Chinese themselves. The statement enabled the U.S. and PRC to temporarily set aside the "crucial question obstructing the normalization of relations"[2] concerning the political status of Taiwan and to open trade and other contacts. However, the United States continued to maintain official relations with the government of the Republic of China in Taiwan until 1979 when the U.S. broke off relations with the Republic of China and established full diplomatic relations with the P.R.C.
Do click on this You Tube video of Nixon's 'New World Order' speech he gave to Mao and Madame Mao. He openly talks about how this new order would be due to the cooperation of the Chinese communists and the Wall Street capitalists. While at this historic visit to China to discuss how the top three nuclear powers could rule the planet, Nixon gave a very interesting speech, right in front of the very approving Chinese rulers:
Right after this visit, my parents were sent to China and I was given permission to start messing around with the Chinese communists. Heh. Well....someone else got very involved, too: GHW Bush. Not only was he in charge of all diplomacy while in China from 1974-1975, he then went on to run the CIA after all the CIA dirt came out after the fall of Nixon! Bush's time in China coincides with the struggle for power between the despotic and deranged Madame Mao leading the infamous 'Gang of Four' and Zhou EnLai. Some day, after my parents are gone, I will be free to tell various Madame Mao stories from back then. She certainly was a gorgon figure. Her looks would turn everyone to stone.
Interesting, isn't it, how the Bushes can hang out with Madame Mao and you can bet, he saw a LOT of her, she was not shy about this at all, trust me on this. Not shy. Anyway, a Bush person can hang out with some of the bloodiest, nastiest people on earth and this is OK. But if anyone seeks to negotiate with anyone who the Bushes want to control, this is treason. This wretched double standard has been standard fare for the US public for much of my own life. It is the fall-back position of the GOP leadership. Only they can negotiate with 'enemies'! And they are quite damn friendly about it, too!
While Americans were dying in Vietnam, the GOP President was toasting Madame Mao and the future GOP war leader was kissing her feet under the table. The poor US soldiers were told, they were fighting communism and they should hate Americans who talked about Karl Marx even as the GOP leadership was playing footsie with the despotic rulers of China and even going to Russia??? It is certainly OK if you are a Republican. Treason if you are a Democrat.
Indeed, during the Nixon in China years, the US propaganda machine was roaring in our ears that WWII aviation hero, McGovern, was a traitor who would...get this...TALK TO CHINA AND RUSSIA. Then, when Nixon talked to these bad guys, suddenly, this was a daring move to end the War in Vietnam. And we would have 'Peace with Honor'. Of course, it was a full scale retreat which ended famously with that helicopter airlift from the US embassy in what is now called, amusingly, 'Ho Chi Minh City'.
After this defeat, it was all blamed on us 'hippies' and not on the harpies who brought us this disasterous war.
New Documentary Reveals Secret U.S., Chinese Diplomacy Behind Nixon's Trip
Washington D.C., Tuesday, December 21, 2004 - The first TV documentary based on the fully declassified record of President Nixon's historic trip to China in 1972 premieres tonight on the Discovery Times Channel at 10 p.m. EST. Titled "History Declassified: Nixon in China," the show combines previously secret U.S. documents gathered by the National Security Archive with newly available evidence from Chinese files to reveal details of the dramatic diplomacy that remained hidden for 30 years.Shown on television for the first time are the secret initiatives on the Chinese side that began as early as 1969, when a group of four marshals recommended that Chairman Mao "play the American card" against the Soviet threat and even undertake high-level talks with the U.S.
One of the four marshals then sat across from national security advisor Henry Kissinger during the most secret single meeting of the 1972 Nixon trip, when Kissinger briefed the Chinese in detail on Soviet troop movements - details so sensitive even the U.S. intelligence community was kept out of the loop. The transcript only emerged in 2003 after appeals by the National Security Archive. "My jaw dropped when I saw what these discussions had covered," says Tom Jarriel, who reported on Nixon's trip for ABC News, in the documentary.
And note how Nixon and Kissinger, at the very height of the Vietnam War, were conspiring to make friends with Mao. This, during the years the government was literally shooting US students demonstrating against the War in Vietnam. Shooting us dead. All forms of violent intimidation was pulled on us students back then. Most of us on the left couldn't call the cops because we would end up being arrested even if we were victims of crimes! And all that while, while blasts of propaganda about how evil we students were when we talked to the Chinese communists...Nixon and Kissinger were secretly talking and conspiring with Mao!
Were they accused of treason?
Of course not! They were celebrated as smart heroes! Not me, not anyone on the left, no...these right wing bastards got showered with glory. If Obama suggests talking to Hamas about peace, he is turned into a monster. But if McCain were to do this...oops. The grip the Zionists have on the media is very, very severe. Unlike the Chinese nationalists who hated Mao and the commies, they didn't own most of our media. But then, Kissinger is Jewish and he didn't mind running off to China to cook deals. But no one will dare step forwards to fix the Middle East mess. Not without first getting permission from the Sphinxes who own our propaganda machines.
More Nixon in China operatic singing:
Here is a timeline from back then:
January: Cease-fire begins.
March: Lieutenant William Calley is convicted of murder for the My Lai Massacre.
May: Protests at Jackson State College results in the death of two.
June: Pentagon Papers, submitted by Daniel Ellsberg, was first published on the New York Times
October: Nguyen Van Thieu is reelected to presidency in South Vietnam.1971 US MILITARY FORCES IN VIETNAM- 140000
February: Nixon visits China.
March: North Vietnam launches the Easter Offensive.
April: Nixon orders bombing around Hanoi and Haiphong.
May: North Vietnam captures Quang Tri City.
June-Sept: South Vietnam, backed with the US air force, recaptures Quang Tri City.
October: US and North Vietnam reaches a basis for the settlements but Nguyen Van Thieu disagrees with it.
November: Nixon is reelected.
Nixon orders bombing in Hanoi-Haiphong area.1972 US MILITARY FORCES IN VIETNAM- 24000
January: Paris Peace Accords, negotiated by Le Duc Tho and Henry Kissinger, are signed.
March: Last US troop leaves Vietnam. US prisoners of war are released.
August: US ends bombing in Cambodia.1973 END OF VIETNAM WAR
The broohaha over the Obama desire to do some sane dipomacy is right at the heart of the whole business about making the US uneasy about him. Namely, unlike 'Obliterate Iran' Hillary and 'Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran' McCain, Obama doesn't have the proper level of insane bloodlust for defending Israel no matter what. I will note here that one day before the secret Nixon-Kissinger surrender to Mao, the US was very loud about how we would fight WWIII on behalf of Taiwan no matter what!
Then, the Fat Lady began to sing in the Forbidden Palace and Taiwan was tossed under the bus rather unceremoniously. The Zionists should keep this in mind, of course. On the other hand, once Nixon heralded the New World Order while toasting to the murderous Mao and his demented Frau, the media went on the attack and drove Nixon out of office pretty damn quick, didn't they?
And Nixon's envoy to China, the True Manchurian Candidate's star began to rise and rise. And to this day, the Bushes do a lot of business with the Chinese. The entire clan parks their bags in Beijing and collect a lot of loot there. Which takes us to the topic of the true nature of the New World Order: the guys who are the real traitors are obvious. As they move up the political ladder, their bank accounts grow accordingly. From one million bucks to over hundreds of millions of bucks. Every penny of which is rank bribery, open corruption or doing favors for the Keating Five. Heh.
And now for a very famous speech, one that pretty much explains why we are going bankrupt today while traitors line their own pockets---Eisenhower's last big public speech, where he finally tells the truth before he was shuffled aside for good:
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