June 11, 2008
Elaine Meinel Supkis
The war mongering rag, the New York Times, continues merrily its wonderful tradition of criticizing every other country for being not nearly as nasty and repressive as the US itself. Today, they host war monger Madeline Albright. She is horrified that innocent civilians are dying from natural disasters and wars! After that, the NYT tackles China for trying to warn visitors to not demonstrate, etc during the Olypmics. As if the US allows these things! Even by the citizens themselves! And on cue, Israel does more horrible things to the Palestinians and the NYT and Albright refuse to talk about it. America, hypocrisy is thy name!
The End of Intervention
The first and most obvious reality is the survival of totalitarian government in an age of global communications and democratic progress. Myanmar’s military junta employs the same set of tools used by the likes of Stalin to crush dissent and monitor the lives of citizens. The needs of the victims of Cyclone Nargis mean nothing to a regime focused solely on preserving its own authority.Second is the unwillingness of Myanmar’s neighbors to use their collective leverage on behalf of change. A decade ago, when Myanmar was allowed to join the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, I was assured by leaders in the region that they would push the junta to open its economy and move in the direction of democracy. With a few honorable exceptions, this hasn’t happened.
A third reality is that the concept of national sovereignty as an inviolable and overriding principle of global law is once again gaining ground. Many diplomats and foreign policy experts had hoped that the fall of the Berlin Wall would lead to the creation of an integrated world system free from spheres of influence, in which the wounds created by colonial and cold war empires would heal.
Vicious war criminals get full blown red carpet treatment from the NYT if they are Jewish criminals. This dispensation is so painfully obvious, ignoring it takes every inch of chutzpah in a carpet of hypocritical lies. If the NYT were to put up a banner saying, 'All the news that fits Jewish desires' then they would at least be honest. But they are more right wing than Jewish-owned media in Israel itself. Haaretz, for example, is a very good newspaper compared to the Washington Post or the New York Times. There is far more honesty and an attempt to hold up a mirror to the Jews in Israel than we get in the US. I read it a lot and admire Haaretz for their attempts at really looking at reality.
Albright is a vicious war monger. She isn't just cruel about adult choices, she is cruel to children. Like any racist Nazi, she feels that Muslim children are subhuman. If they starve, so what? They starve because she wants to save them! And if the children of Palestine are starving, so what? All they must do as ask mommy and daddy to move away from Palestine and become international refugees! Below is an ad for 'Stateless Jews' from the Jerusalem Post:
I have been attacked for writing the word 'Jews'. This is generally verboten by an army of Jewish activists who attack anyone and everyone who dares to talk about their crimes. In this case, it is crystal clear that Jews firmly believe that NO ONE should be stateless! And worse, they have used political power to twist arms in many countries to allow them to not only have dual citizenship but to be able to vote in both Israel and in the countries they live in as full citizens! On top of this, they have concocted a police state that has sucked into its maw a huge number of Palestinians who were made 'stateless' by Jewish invaders. After 40 years of Jewish rule, the Christian and Muslim citizens of Palestine are in very dire condition. Gaza has been turned into a full scale reproduction of the Warsaw Ghetto. Note here that this hideous screed by Albright which attacks other nations for not taking better care of their citizens, doesn't mention Gaza!
This takes us back to Albright's cruel, Nazi-like comments about Iraqi children starving to death:
This is a war against the children of Iraq on two fronts: bombing, which in the last year cost the British taxpayer £60 million. And the most ruthless embargo in modern history. According to Unicef, the United Nations Children's Fund, the death rate of children under five is more than 4,000 a month - that is 4,000 more than would have died before sanctions. That is half a million children dead in eight years. If this statistic is difficult to grasp, consider, on the day you read this, up to 200 Iraqi children may die needlessly. "Even if not all the suffering in Iraq can be imputed to external factors," says Unicef, "the Iraqi people would not be undergoing such deprivation in the absence of the prolonged measures imposed by the Security Council and the effects of war."Through the glass doors of the Unicef offices in Baghdad, you can read the following mission statement: "Above all, survival, hope, development, respect, dignity, equality and justice for women and children." A black sense of irony will be useful if you are a young Iraqi. As it is, the children hawking in the street outside, with their pencil limbs and eyes too big for their long thin faces, cannot read English, and perhaps cannot read at all.
In Washington, I interviewed James Rubin, an under secretary of state who speaks for Madeleine Albright. When asked on US television if she thought that the death of half a million Iraqi children was a price worth paying, Albright replied: "This is a very hard choice, but we think the price is worth it." When I questioned Rubin about this, he claimed Albright's words were taken out of context. He then questioned the "methodology" of a report by the UN's World Health Organisation, which had estimated half a million deaths. Advising me against being "too idealistic", he said: "In making policy, one has to choose between two bad choices . . . and unfortunately the effect of sanctions has been more than we would have hoped." He referred me to the "real world" where "real choices have to be made". In mitigation, he said, "Our sense is that prior to sanctions, there was serious poverty and health problems in Iraq." The opposite was true, as Unicef's data on Iraq before 1990, makes clear.
Both Rubin and Albright are Jewish. The hypocritical face of US diplomacy is due to the obvious double standard many Jews in the State Department have concerning anyone in the way of Jewish domination of the Holy Land. This single-minded push for Lebensraum and ethnic cleansing has slowly infected our entire foreign policy machinery. We just saw this week with AIPAC's torchlight rally in DC attended by over 400 US elected officials and all Presidential candidates. All sang, 'Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran!' All were in total lockstep with the Jewish agenda to cleanse the Holy Land of non-Jews. In public, these same toadies lie to the American people and try to pretend they are a tad more even handed. But they are liars just like Albright is a hypocritical criminal. This giant blind spot in our media coverage as well as our affairs is deliberate.
As we slide into WWIII thanks to all this, it is a marvel to see the inability of most commentators at liberal web sites, to examine this coldly and harshly and talk openly about what is going on. For example, one commentator wondered why Obama has to crawl on his belly for AIPAC. 'He doesn't need their money,' said this poor fellow. Of course! AIPAC doesn't need to bribe Congress or Presidents! They have this lovely club to whack anyone defying the Jewish dreams of ethnic cleansing! The news media is mostly run by Jewish partisans. This is why we have a huge hole in the news coverage. The AIPAC meetings are now nearly as invisible to the public as the Bilderberg meetings and for the same reasons! One would imagine the media would be crawling all over both meetings which were DELIBERATELY coordinated to happen at the same time so the participants in both could simply 'cross the street' to do business!
Wall-to-wall coverage of these events is called for. The discussions there are all about our survival as humans. They are talking about WAR! War that WE must wage for Jewish initiatives. Now, there lurks in the dark, the Hitlerian form of Naziism. This is being heavily suppressed by all the countries supporting Jewish Naziism. The potential population base for Hitlerian Naziism is huge. Much, much bigger than the Jewish support base. The Jewish base depends heavily on controlling public opinion so that passive populations allow their diplomatic and military machinery to be hijacked quietly. Even as Europe and America writhe under the lash of soaring oil prices caused by the increasing boycott/war threatening Iran. This has jacked up oil futures in anticipation of a full collapse in oil trade if a war does break out. Instead of debating the utility or rather futility of doing all this, the media NEVER mentions the connection between the Iran boycott and oil prices.
This is a serious deterioration in US ability to think about things! For when the US and Israel became determined to destroy Iraq because Saddam was funding the PLO, they had to still let Saddam SELL HIS OIL! They knew that if they stopped the oil, the US public would get very annoyed at very high oil prices. This time around, the arrogance is so great, the consolidation of the media so complete, they now are openly strangling global oil supplies while pretending to wring their hands in despair.
By Franklin Foer
The Washington Post reported Feb. 4 that Secretary of State Madeleine Albright's parents were Jewish converts to Catholicism and that her grandparents died in the Holocaust. Albright declared, "This was obviously a major surprise to me. I have never been told this." Many people find that hard to believe. No one criticizes Albright and her parents, refugees twice-over (first from Nazism, then from Communism), for how they chose to put their lives back together. But there is lively debate over Albright's insistence that her Jewish roots are "a major surprise."
Albright concealed her Jewish connections while servicing Israel. This was a classic 'cloaking device'. Pretending to be even-handed while secretly working on behalf of another country is ancient and considered a form of treason. Note above all, the presumptions of Albright and her ilk: they hate sovereignty. EXCEPT FOR ISRAEL. Then, sovereignty is absolute. Israel claims they let in all Jews only they deported Finkelstein when he tried to come 'home' and talk to the subhumans there, the Palestinians.
During the 1990s, certain precedents were created. The administration of George H. W. Bush intervened to prevent famine in Somalia and to aid Kurds in northern Iraq; the Clinton administration returned an elected leader to power in Haiti; NATO ended the war in Bosnia and stopped Slobodan Milosevic’s campaign of terror in Kosovo; the British halted a civil war in Sierra Leone; and the United Nations authorized life-saving missions in East Timor and elsewhere.These actions were not steps toward a world government. They did reflect the view that the international system exists to advance certain core values, including development, justice and respect for human rights. In this view, sovereignty is still a central consideration, but cases may arise in which there is a responsibility to intervene — through sanctions or, in extreme cases, by force — to save lives.
I love these examples! Bush intervened to help the Kurds...REVOLT! Somalia was all about a REVOLT! We took sides! When Rwanda had its massacre, did we do a thing? No? HAHAHA. This is because Israel had no sticks in that fire! How many people even remember that event today? It is rarely mentioned. But Darfur: oh, we are to intervene THERE! Even though Darfur rebels traveled north to attack Sudan's capital. That is dumped into the non-news darkness, too. Kosovo was a revolt, too. It was all about ethnic cleansing. The US state department decided this would be a two-fer: by attacking the Serbs, this would annoy Russia and restart the Cold War now that Yeltsin was gone and the Western looters chased out by Putin. Also, this could give the dictators ruling Muslims a straw to clutch: the US was helping Muslims revolt! Chasing out the hated Christians who dominated the Muslims after 1800 and the collapse of the Ottoman Empire as the Austro-Hungarian empire grew. Besides, the Christians in this case were Orthodox, not Catholic or Protestant. So European governments didn't worry about local unrest over this use of force.
Albright didn't give a hoot about starving children. She even said they were worth killing if it meant US foreign policy moves in the right direction. Which is over anyone in the path of Jewish domination of the Middle East. Her utter silence about Palestine is another example, of course. This cruelty is on full display to the world as the entire US foreign policy runs over endless bloody bodies of endless children, blissfully unaware of all the red fluids pouring across the planet!
The US and Britain as the global empire always intervenes in civil wars if this rips apart countries both wish to dominate. The most audacious attempt at ripping apart a nation was the recent support of vicious ethnic/religious riots in Tibet. The lies, misreporting and outright hostility shown toward China as they tried to stop this bloody mess was very telling. The US fought an extremely bloody, long outright war to enforce unity upon the Southern States! The US will crush totally anyone who dares to live 'outside the law' or who tries to secede from our lovely 'union'. If anyone arms themselves like at Waco and refuse to allow in the law, they are crushed and killed. Totally. If they hide on a Texas ranch and try to live alternative lives, they are raided like we saw last month. Imagine if the Chinese were to bomb us day and night in support of returning sovereignty to Indian reservations! Speaking of which, these were criminally run by the US government! Even today, they suffer like third world countries! In my childhood, the Indian children were left to starve! I remember this because I lived on the Indian reservation in Tucson! People like my mom and dad would bring in food for the hungry children. Who were dressed in rags. Across the border in Mexico, I witnessed outright full starvation! It horrified me. The US government did NOTHING. The thing the US government did do was support the ruling elites of Mexico who were quite content to let pesky peasants in Sonora starve to death.
The global conscience is not asleep, but after the turbulence of recent years, it is profoundly confused. Some governments will oppose any exceptions to the principle of sovereignty because they fear criticism of their own policies. Others will defend the sanctity of sovereignty unless and until they again have confidence in the judgment of those proposing exceptions.At the heart of the debate is the question of what the international system is. Is it just a collection of legal nuts and bolts cobbled together by governments to protect governments? Or is it a living framework of rules intended to make the world a more humane place?
This woman/criminal needs a mirror. The 'some government' in question is the US itself. And her crimes! Where are the 'rules' and 'framework', anyway? I would say, they are called 'The Nüremberg Trials' which set the precedent! And if so, why isn't this monster, this cruel woman on the dock, defending herself? And Bush? And the leaders in Israel? Eh? I want them ALL ARRESTED. Arrest Albright! The global conscious is NOT asleep, it is gagged! It has been shoved brutally aside by violent Americans, violent Jewish invaders of Palestine. It was NEVER allowed to really exist or ALL the empires of Europe and America would be UNDER ARREST! Instead, they celebrate the bloody history of global domination! The desire to use this military domination of the earth as proof of being superior to those brown/black skinned 'others' is tremendous.
This is why they are so troubled by Obama. Will he reach over their criminal conspiracy and join hands with the despised majority of humans on earth? Or will he serve them only? This is a key question that won't be answered until he actually gets into power and can act on his own to some degree. This I know: if he decides to be human towards the Palestinians or the Iranian people, he will be removed. Unlike Bush.
Kucinich has overridden the dictate of Pelosi and her fellow AIPAC associates and is reading articles of impeachment in the House. This, like ALL things concerning our many war crimes and the criminals at the top of the pyramid here, this is being ignored TOTALLY by the media. There is huge support for impeaching Bush and Cheney. But not in AIPAC who loves both. This is why there was absolutely no effort at all at impeaching either. Both men destroyed the Constitution and passed laws and regulations that made our imperial Presidency even more powerful. AIPAC hopes to use this power to rule the American people by force rather than via press propaganda. But if a NON-AIPAC person gets ahold of this power, it is the end for the dream of dominating the non-Jewish parts of the US public! So these people are very nervous about Obama. He is not 100% for them like say, Albright.
China’s List of Olympic Don’ts
Now that the shock of the earthquake (which they could not control) in Sichuan Province has dissipated somewhat, China’s leaders are focusing again on something that they think they can control: people. Sports fans attending the 2008 Olympics in Beijing will have a long list of rules to carry in their pockets along with their tickets.On its Web site last week, the Chinese Olympic organizing committee listed a set of restrictions for the 500,000 overseas visitors expected in August. Olympic spectators are being told not to bring in “anything detrimental” to China, including printed materials, photos, records or movies. Religious or political banners or slogans are banned. So are rallies, demonstrations and marches — unless approved by authorities in advance. It also says that visitors with mental illnesses and sexually transmitted diseases will be barred from the country.
We shudder at how those judgments — many of them highly subjective or intrusive — will be made.
Gads. The US does all the same things the Chinese are doing! The US even has border guards using google to see if anyone daring to cross into the US has written or said anything in public that is verboten. The list of 'verboten' is very long and totally political. As for demonstrators: we don't have much of that these days due to the tendency of the cops to be very, very violent if anyone disrupts things. We have these illegal and unconstitutional 'First Amendment Zones' that are fenced in zoos set far, far from the ruling elite's delicate noses. Try even holding a silent sign up that is 8"x11" in Congress! Or at any Presidential rally that doesn't support the contenders for rulership! You get ARRESTED. Or better: ask a question. As Kerry says, 'That is an interesting question,' you get tasered to death by sadistic cops!
Now, does the NYT editorial writer who happens to own the paper and is Jewish, does he think about all this? HAHAHA. Peaceful demonstrations in Israel are brutally suppressed. On top of this, anyone daring to come in, even if Jewish, to confront the racist regime there get DEPORTED! If a former US President attempts to come in, Jimmy Carter is abused! Barriers are thrown in his path! Extreme nastiness is poured upon his head! And NONE of this is mentioned in US media. I read about it in Haaretz. So we have not one but two cases of Jewish chutzpah on display of the NYT editorial page today!
There are so many examples of US suppression of free expression by visitors! Indeed, increasingly, intellectuals are treating the US as an incarnation of the Soviet Union. Hell, China is considered a safer destination for scholars at this point.
From 2007: Foreign scholars being denied entry into U.S.
This is the most recent case to come to light about problems academics and others with unusual talents or skills have getting into the U.S. if they have ethnic or national backgrounds considered menacing. In fact, there was a recent demonstration in Washington by legal immigrants against the difficulty of getting or keeping visas that allow them to work in this country. This matter hasn’t been getting much attention in the press. Why is that?
And finally, Bush is in Europe pulling strings on behalf of his Israeli masters. They have one goal only: to use up all our diplomatic capital in pursuit of war with Iran. The sole purpose of Bush is to push this forwards and he succeeded. The public in Europe is now openly rioting over high oil prices. So their rulers are....making it worse! Will the riots spread? Will these rulers fall? Will the police protect them or turn on them? All revolutions happen when the military and police either stand aside or openly shoot their leaders. And this will happen! It happened in the past! In France, Germany, Russia, across the planet, it happens a lot!
In Germany, Bush Protests Lose Appeal
The young anarchists, middle-aged peace activists and established left-wing politicians here have at least one thing in common: none bothered to keep a six-year tradition alive by organizing a protest against President Bush’s arrival here Tuesday.“Bush is not even popular in the role of the enemy anymore,” wrote Der Tagesspiegel newspaper.
As in many other parts of Europe, Mr. Bush was a popular villain here even before the Iraq invasion, in part because of his steadfast rejection of the Kyoto Protocol limits on greenhouse-gas emissions. His visits to Germany have reliably drawn thousands into the streets to denounce him and his policies, beginning with his first visit to Berlin in May 2002.
In February 2005, the police essentially shut down the city of Mainz for Mr. Bush’s visit, closing six highways and stopping river traffic on the Rhine, out of fear of enormous demonstrations. Two summers ago, Mr. Bush came for a barbecue with Chancellor Angela Merkel in her east German electoral district, Stralsund, and almost exactly a year ago he attended the Group of 8 summit meeting at the Baltic Sea resort of Heiligendamm. The protesters turned out in force both times.
The last few big anti-New World Order demonstrations were very brutally suppressed in Europe. Very brutally. A la Soviet-style suppression. So now the rulers are being left alone. Not because no one cares! No! It is because they are preparing for the REAL BIG ones: the oil riots! These are not aimed at Bush and his buddies in arms on behalf of Israel. These are aimed at taking over ports and cities! So the rulers can hide in their resorts and castles but not enter their own cities! Look at Bush. Can he enter Manhattan? HAHAHA. Not unless secretly or surrounded by goons!
Likud MK: Israel will no longer fund terror against its own citizens
The bill, initiated by Justice Minster Daniel Friedmann, attempts to circumvent a High Court of Justice ruling to the contrary. The High Court has already anulled the first "Intifada Law" which aimed to similarly exempt the state from responsibility.
The law, if approved in the second and third readings, would make it impossible for Palestinians living in what is termed enemy territory to sue the state for damages incurred during Israel Defense Forces operations.According to the bill, which was approved by a majority of 17 MKs versus eight, the state will not be compelled to compensate individuals who suffered damages during military operations aimed at preventing terror in enemy regions. The law would retroactively apply to damages beginning in September 2006, when the first Intifada law went into effect.
The law stipulates that in any lawsuit filed by a resident of an enemy territory, the first argument would be that of no state responsibility for damages. The law also states that if the court, in spite of the law, still orders the state to compensate the complainant, then the compensation will be calculated in accordance with the standard of living in the enemy territory in question.
Back to Israel: the cruel laws that ape the Nazi Gesetzung laws continue. It is all so sad. The one thing that can protect Jews is NOT a passport to Israel. It is LIBERALISM. Freedom and equality and separation of Church and State! It is called 'The Constitution of the US' and this precious document is being ripped to shreds. There is no Constitution in Israel and this is malicious and deliberate. They don't want one. They want to ape the Slave States of the Confederation. Not the liberal US as we had in 1964. With the passage of the Civil Rights Act.
Palestinians will sue Israel in U.S. if 'intifada law' repassed
Palestinian residents intend to sue the State of Israel for damages in U.S. courts and in other countries if the Knesset repasses a law barring suits in Israeli courts over damages incurred in non-warfare incidents.Palestinians with grounds for suits against the Israeli army over bodily harm and property damage sustained during the armed conflict since September 2000 have already contacted American law firms through Adalah-Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel. U.S. law permits suits against countries responsible for "humanitarian damages" in situations where the victims have no legal recourse in the offending country.
I wish Iraqis and Iranians could sue us. And everyone else who we bomb. We, not China, are bombing civilians across the planet. We illegally violate the sovereignty of Pakistan on a regular basis. We violate the sovereignty of Iran. We violate the sovereignty of China. Russia. We are the aggressors, the violent ones. If Burma's dictators starve millions to death, well, they are just aping the Israeli Jews! Either we get consistent about all this moral stuff or we should just yell, 'Sieg Heil, wir sind Nummer Eins!'
Iraqis Condemn American Demands
High-level negotiations over the future role of the U.S. military in Iraq have turned into an increasingly acrimonious public debate, with Iraqi politicians denouncing what they say are U.S. demands to maintain nearly 60 bases in their country indefinitely.Top Iraqi officials are calling for a radical reduction of the U.S. military's role here after the U.N. mandate authorizing its presence expires at the end of this year. Encouraged by recent Iraqi military successes, government officials have said that the United States should agree to confine American troops to military bases unless the Iraqis ask for their assistance, with some saying Iraq might be better off without them.
"The Americans are making demands that would lead to the colonization of Iraq," said Sami al-Askari, a senior Shiite politician on parliament's foreign relations committee who is close to Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. "If we can't reach a fair agreement, many people think we should say, 'Goodbye, U.S. troops. We don't need you here anymore.' "
Congress has grown increasingly restive over the negotiations, which would produce a status of forces agreement setting out the legal rights and responsibilities of U.S. troops in Iraq and a broader "security framework" defining the political and military relationship between the two countries. Senior lawmakers of both parties have demanded more information and questioned the Bush administration's insistence that no legislative approval is required.
In Iraq, the willingness to consider calling for the departure of American troops represents a major shift for members of the U.S.-backed government. Maliki this week visited Iran, where Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader, urged him to reject any long-term security arrangements with the United States.
We lost a trillion dollars, lost face and lost control of the planet, our dollar is dying, our economy is tanking. Time to pull out of this nightmare. This is far worse than Vietnam for that was bad enough with Nixon going off to Mao for help. No, this is far worse. Unlike Vietnam, we are not allowed to escape because the people who want to keep us trapped in Iraq are the ones who have taken over our entire government. Kucinich's impeachment push is being studiously ignored by most of the media right now.
Hoyer, a AIPAC buddy of the highest degree, snarls that Congress doesn't need to 'waste time' debating war crimes! Well, not only do I want Bush and Cheney impeached, I want the other war mongers put on trial. After all, the US government put the newspapers in Germany on trial for the Holocaust! We created conditions that killed many hundreds of thousands if not over a million Iraqis! Not to mention our funding and protecting rank ethnic cleansing in Palestine. These equal the war crimes of the Nazis. We can't have a double standard. This was even argued about during the Nüremberg Trials. And the founding of the UN. The Serbian President Milosovich was put on trial for ethnic cleansing not so long ago!
BREAKING NEWS II: Pakistan fury at deadly US strike
Pakistan's Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani has condemned an air strike by Afghanistan-based US forces that Islamabad says killed 11 of its troops.
The incident took place inside Pakistan, near the border with Afghanistan.
The US military confirmed it had used artillery and air strikes after coming under fire from "anti-Afghan" forces.
Gates just replaced the head of the Air Force. Because he wanted more robot killer drones. Well, now we are robotically killing allies. And the fury is rising. What are we winning here? Are we gaining allies or are we making things worse? We have no strategy nor tactical wisdom. Our tactics are destroying our strategy.
Well spoken and with obvious passion. Journalism CAN BE a dangerous profession. Apparently a major topic at a recent world powerbrokers meeting was Ron Pauls macroeconomic awakening of students via his campus speeches..... wise to not underestimate the gravity these same folks might put into your efforts as well. A web micro-niche (relatively speaking), for now, but these folks apparently don't take such grassroots illuminations of their darker recesses lightly. Here's to brave journalists about the globe who show little fear broadcasting what they perceive to be the "truth".
Posted by: Roberto | June 11, 2008 at 01:50 PM
Ah, the wolverines in charge of the chicken coop; aka genocide prevention task force. the criminals mask their thirst and desire to destroy by creating facade committees & task forces in 'overseeing' and 'prevention' of such crimes. Video of Albright discussing her "dedication" and how 'our' governments can respond.....
November 13, 2007
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and former Secretary of Defense William Cohen today announced that they will co-chair a Genocide Prevention Task Force jointly convened by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the American Academy of Diplomacy, and the United States Institute of Peace.
Posted by: rockpaperscizzors | June 11, 2008 at 05:16 PM
In 1812, Jefferson condemned both the French and British governments for trying to “draw to themselves the power, the wealth and the resources of other nations.” Three years later, he called Napoleon “the wretch…who has been the author of more misery and suffering to the world, than any being who ever lived before him. After destroying the liberties of his country, he has exhausted all its resources, physical and moral, to indulge his own maniac ambition, his own tyrannical and overbearing spirit.” He did not, however, have a favorable view of the British government and other opponents of Napoleon. Jefferson condemned the imperialism of all the leading countries of Europe: “The will of the allies? There is no more moderation, forbearance, or even honesty in theirs, than in that of Bonaparte. They have proved that their object, like his, is plunder.”
Nearly 200 years later and the status quo is unchanged.
Posted by: rockpaperscizzors | June 11, 2008 at 05:18 PM
Hi Elaine,
Do you have any opinion on the 5 Israelis that were captured by the NJ police (detained for several weeks before being deported to Israel) filming the twin towers collapsing and then later saying on Israeli TV that they were there to 'Document the Event'?
Posted by: GK | June 11, 2008 at 08:22 PM
Mossad knew Atta and was so close to him on the jet, he killed this Mossad agent first. Who was sitting right next to him.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | June 11, 2008 at 10:50 PM
Has there been a change to your historical interpretation Elaine, that the violent and tragic nature of Jewish/European interactions (wars) of eras past were not always created and propeled by the aristocratic ruling elites of the west with the patent intent to steal the Jewish wealth? and that, all western history was essentially an endless yin and yang of greed for power and wealth with the pitiful Jews being used, abused, and sacrificed with the ultimate goal of stealing their gold?, and that today's conflict, our conflict, is being directed like a Hollywood drama by non-Jews and not the sons of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?
That the Jews and their casts of thousands are cleverly concealing themselves as the real perpetrators of many of histories conflicts is the real irony for many who are beginning to interpret history as you and I do.
I, as you and many others are, we are soooo tired of these tragic historical cycles that keep grinding up the carne of humanity by repeating themselves on our world stage.
This eternal grab for power was supposed to be prevented by the creation of our democracy but it too can end violently and swiftly when there is a strategic infiltration of traitors whose machinations combine the corruptive power of religion, finance and foreign policy to enslave the world which will end in war unless your/our vision to prevent it is sucessful. You, we are not powerless.
Blog on my dear! We are with you!
Posted by: El Johnny | June 11, 2008 at 11:35 PM
Being a very small minority, whenever really big looting expeditions are launched, they always attack the Jews first. Always! Then the looters may move onto others.
Such as the crusades: most of the 'armies' marching on to Jerusalem didn't make it much past the nearest Jewish ghettos.
The money the Spanish crown got by looting the Morisco Jews was used to sail to the New World where great masses of stone-age natives were murdered, died of disease or enslaved for their gold and silver....
On and on it goes. This is why we have to have morals that includes total prohibitions on looting ethnic or religious groups.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | June 11, 2008 at 11:46 PM
This Atta guy sounds like one real wicked mean badass mofo. Slashing a mossad agent's throat, flying a jet airliner having had barely enough training to fly a Piper Cub, resisting g-forces for a one shot pinpoint strike. His passport was apparently even tougher than he was! Google Atta's passport for a snicker. Or just say baaaaa baaaaa baaaaa.
Posted by: chris q. | June 12, 2008 at 12:46 AM
I was very relieved to here you FINALLY mention Lyndon LaRouche recently.
Now my next question is whether you will mention the name Eustace Mullins or block him out like you have been blocked out of the MSM?
Here is the first 1 or 11 sections of an amazing video.
Posted by: GK | June 12, 2008 at 05:10 AM