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marty salo

While the whole of the volcano above the sea's surface getting blown off would be destructive, I doubt it will happen that way. Maybe the top third of the mountain may collapse, or something, but it's not clear what will happen. If a Toba type eruption were to happen, the world would be changed quickly.


But Toba is a caldera, similar in ways to Yellowstone. Merapi is a stratovolcano. If Merapi does explode, it will be bad for a while, but I doubt that all of it would explode as the drawing suggests.

marty salo

While the whole of the volcano above the sea's surface getting blown off would be destructive, I doubt it will happen that way. Maybe the top third of the mountain may collapse, or something, but it's not clear what will happen. If a Toba type eruption were to happen, the world would be changed quickly.


But Toba is a caldera, similar in ways to Yellowstone. Merapi is a stratovolcano. If Merapi does explode, it will be bad for a while, but I doubt that all of it would explode as the drawing suggests.

Elaine Meinel Supkis

Blowing off isn't the only thing, collapsing, most often one side collapsing, is more likely.

We still don't know why some volcanoes blow up totally. There is so much to learn about these matters which is why studying volcanoes is a very interesting and growing enterprise.

Not to mention one of the most dangerous. Very, very dangerous!

Hose Reel

I had been looking for details on the different styles of water and gardening hoses. This posting came up in the results pages. Even though while not exactly precisely what I was searching for, it was well worth the read.

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