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Art and I drove around much of the day, and I cannot remember being this uncomfortable in years. I refuse to turn the A/C on because I have gone through 3/4 of a tank of gas since Friday, and it's up over $3.00 at the cheap places - but I try to go to CITGO whenever possible. Great breeze - but at least 95 degrees air temp - heat index, well over 100, I'm sure.

Parking lots - ugh!! Brutal.

Elaine Meinel Supkis

Yes, they are very hot.

I was shopping for a mother of the bride dress at JC Penny today. They had virtually NO airconditioning. Trying on dresses that were sticking to my carcass was annoying as heck. Shudder.

Got a nice dress. But they cut back on the cooling to save money. A bad sign of what is to come.

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