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« Life After People and How the Earth Was Made | Main | Geologists Warn San Andreas 99% Chance Big Quake Next 35 Years »


Jim Smith


Very interesting! But if a significant amount of housing should be rendered unusable in California, wouldn't that tend to mitigate the onrushing drop in prices there?

Ken O

that involves the insurance companies more.

if there is less housing stock total, then remaining stock should keep its value.

however, the housing stock which is on sale but not being bought now isn't being bought because no one can afford it or get a loan--not because people don't need homes.

i don't think it will have much of a net effect on home values, other than raising equake premiums further.


Ken O

it would also provide makework construction jobs for about less than a year.


How funny that when there are earthquakes in Russia, the DOD claims that it is a Russian conspiracy to do underground nuclear testing.


"This is the 4th of 5 small earthquakes near Novaya Zemlya since 1986 that has been cited by the U.S. Defense Department (DoD) as being of either suspicious or problematic origin in terms of nuclear verification. In each of those cases, intense special studies revealed that each was a small earthquake. Those conclusions, not being as sensational as the accusations, were neither carried by the press nor in the press reports on the 1997 event."

But enough of that; I think Arnold would be a good ruler of the 10th largest economy in the world (California) after the big shake.



"the North American continent lurches over the plate being squeezed ruthlessly by the Pacific plate which is being shove northwards by an out of control Australian/Indian plate."

You're anthropomorphizing, Elaine. Plates aren't "ruthless" or "out of control" - they just are.

Novy Zemlaya is an interesting place, nuke-wise. You could look it up...


This out of Barbara Boxer's office yesterday:
The full report has some nice probability maps


Looks like Novaya Zemlya is a small island with a sensitive military base and nuclear testing facilities.

Now only if Nevada was known for nuclear testing, we might have something. ;-)


Looks like Novaya Zemlya is a small island with a sensitive military base and nuclear testing facilities.

Now only if Nevada was known for nuclear testing, we might have something. ;-)


I got the same note from Barbara. What an amazing coincidence that Elaine and Barbara figured out the earthquakes at the same time.

Elaine Meinel Supkis

Two pretty big shakes at the bottom of the San Andreas in California in the last few hours. The middle is still totally still, a very bad thing.



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