The arrests of many Gallaudet students ended with the Administration finally backing down. Hooray for the brave students! The striking teachers in Mexico are now being broken by Fox and his right wing, unelected replacement. More people killed there. I will note the media makes it sound like the teachers were violent, not the murderous undercover cops and Federal soldiers.
Congratulations for not backing down despite police oppression!
Published: October 30, 2006WASHINGTON, Oct. 29 — Surrendering to months of widening and unrelenting protests by students, faculty, alumni and advocates, the board of trustees of Gallaudet University, the nation’s premier university for the deaf, abandoned its choice of the institution’s next president.
In an announcement Sunday night that followed an all-day emergency meeting of the trustees, convened at a hotel in Virginia far from Gallaudet’s Northeast Washington campus, the board announced “with much regret and pain” that it would terminate the contract of Jane K. Fernandes, the former provost trustees named in May to succeed the outgoing president of 18 years, I. King Jordan. The board said it was acting “in the best interests of the university.”
The whole point of these demonstrations is all about the future of deaf students: will they be able to fill reasonable positions in society and within their own organizations? An education that leads nowhere is useless. The students need to aspire to something and the very minimum would be to lead their own in institutions set up for themselves!
No deaf person runs any university. So locking them out of the last place that might hire them is cruel and downright hostile. I hope this opens more doors to the deaf community.
By MARK STEVENSON, Associated Press Writer 45 minutes ago
OAXACA, Mexico - Federal forces stormed Oaxaca and pushed protesters and striking teachers out of the city center they had occupied for five months, leaving the colonial city resembling a battleground, with riot police and burned vehicles lining the streets.At least one demonstrator was killed in clashes Sunday as federal police backed by armored vehicles and water cannons tore down barricades on their way into the city. Protesters said late Sunday that a second had been died. Authorities did not confirm that.
There was still uncertainly over whether 1.3 million schoolchildren would return to classes Monday. Teachers had agreed to end a strike that closed schools across the southern Oaxaca state, but it was unclear if the police presence would undermine that deal.
Um, the police presence does undermine the 'deal' which was obviously a 'double deal' meaning there was no sincerity within the negotiators representing the State. As per usual in countries dominated by American power, the peasants, the middle class, the workers all get hammered by the rulers who use naked power, murder, assassinations, suppression of the news, no habeas corpus, a draconian Supreme Court interested in making el Presidente stronger and of course fake elections wherein the votes are not counted...WHOA. Wait. Um, let me just say, the horrors in El Norte are simply replicated abroad?
Since we lost our Constitution and the Mexican people were never allowed to have a working Constitution, it is no wonder both are following the same banana republican path. And of course, to keep this state going, there is lots of blood shed.
MEXICO CITY, Oct. 27 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations would hold a serious debate on the planned U.S. border wall with Mexico, Thierry Lemaresquier, a top UN official in Mexico, said on Friday.The United States plans to build a 1,126-km border wall to close off large parts of its 3,000-km border with Mexico.
Speaking at the sidelines of a meeting at the Ibero-Americana University in Mexico City, Lemaresquier said "The United Nations must hold a deep and serious debate on migration... which has become a major factor in international relations in the last 30 years, particularly in countries like Mexico," Lemaresquier said.
The disorders south of our borders are here, too. And as the Mexican people and American people merge on many levels, unfortunately for both, the level being chosen for us by our rulers is 'peasants who kiss our feet.'
October 28, 2006
WYOMING, Mich. --A school safety drill that included police officers in riot gear with weapons has caused concern among some parents who say it was too realistic and frightened some students.Police in the western Michigan community of Wyoming entered two classrooms at Lee Middle and High School on Thursday and announced there was a threat to the school, The Grand Rapids Press reported.
Students, who were unaware police were conducting a drill, were taken from the classroom into the halls, patted down by officers and asked what they had in their pockets, the newspaper said.
"Some of these kids were so scared, they just about wet their pants," said Marge Bradshaw, a parent with four children in Godfrey-Lee Schools. "I think it's pure wrong that the students and parents were not informed of this."
Officers wore protective gear, including vests and helmets, and carried rifles that were unloaded and marked with colored tape to indicate they were not live weapons, the newspaper said.
This is how one trains children to accept police state authority. This is all very new, you know. During the Civil Rights struggle in the South, when students rioted to prevent integration, the police were normal police...oops, except for Civil Rights organizers. Then they pulled on the 'evil cops' disguises and attacked the Civil Rights people with dogs and clubs.
But now, thanks to the TACTICAL Squads, we have heavily armed/heavily armored men wearing helmets that were the inspiration for Darth Vader in the first Star Wars movies, running around America in increasing numbers. To stop us during the Vietnam war, they developed these murderous monsters in order to stomp on us at Berkeley. Thank you, Ronnie Nazi Reagan!
Anyway, you can't see their faces nor can one fight them, they are there to stop us or else kill us. And now little communities out in the middle of Bush 'red' states have idle troops of these neo-nazis who want to be 'trained' and so they go about, scaring children and in general, treating the population as if we are in Mexico!
Good grief. I hope the parents sue. I hope the students show the courage of the deaf students who stood up to these stupid Tactical units in DC, the heart of the empire.
I am surprised they finally won. I was afraid that the support of I. King Jordan would embolden the Federal Government to force an unpopular president on the students. Now, he has lost face within the Deaf community and no one will ever look at him in the same way again. We see now how our own leaders can become corrupted and demand that we submit or be arrested. It is shocking and sad, but at least the Deaf will not go quietly into oblivion.
Posted by: DeVaul | October 30, 2006 at 12:56 PM
King said he HEARD them but wouldn't LISTEN.
Well, the whole effing world just HEARD them loud and clear! I am really happy for them. They have set all of us a good example!
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | October 30, 2006 at 02:29 PM