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If we assume humans originated in Africa, and just spread out from there, some apparently obvious, but interesting results follow. Mostly, moving out of Africa meant moving north. We could leave the gorillas and chimpanzees behind, because we had fire! (Very bad for fur!) We also left many insect disease vectors behind, as well. Humans migrated all the way from Africa to Argentina, leaving the diseases behind, until the easy ice passes melted.

Then, much, much later, came the ships from Europe and Scandinavia. Bearing many of the older European diseases, which the people in the Americas were no longer immune to. So many of them suddenly died. Most of the new diseases come from Africa. And Asia is becoming a major source of the newer cold-weather resistant viruses.

Basic biology. You have your protozoic one-celled animals, like malaria. There are plant-like single-celled yeasts, and multi-celled fungi, like ringworm. There are simple cells too small to do anything much beyond cause infection, like anthrax, although some fix nitrogen for the roots of legumes. And there are viruses, two kinds: DNA and RNA, which are just pure nucleic acid strands with protein 'jackets'. Smallpox (very scary) is a DNA virus. The AIDS virus is an RNA virus. DNA is stiff and straight, while RNA is exactly the same, except that it is limp and squiggly. There are also mitochondria, which are like little rings that turn sugar into 'pure' chemical energy (ATP). They are much like the green chloroplasts in plants, which have a very complex parabolic antenna shape, which focuses sunlight onto a magnesium atom in their middle. They resemble hemoglobin, which has iron instead of magnesium. I don't think these latter components utilize any nucleic acid action at all.

Disease loves to travel. Lao Tzu sad many thousands of years ago: Remain steadfast in your own village always, and do not seek new lands to conquer. Let your wagons travel only in old ruts! War is travel, and travel is disease. I keep telling people: fire is you friend. Burn the old hospitals to shed the new diseases. Toss the airliners into the sea, and stop all air travel and jet-setting around! People 'know' I'm nuts when I demand an end to aviation. Well, If any major pandemic occurs, the people who know the score also know they will have just three days to shut down all air travel!

Americans thought they had arrived in some great new promised land, so they abolished the sustaining sense of balance. They cannot accept that the fininitude has caught up with them now. Today is real, tomorrow and yesterday are just abstract concepts. Having a sense of values involves having emotional ties to the past and future. So now we have the very nice, smiling people, who expect that we will forget how they stabbed our backs yesterday, and to ignore that they lack any compunction about shooting us in the head tomorrow. That is the definition of collective psychopathy. It will kill us all if we keep pretending it isn't real.If we assume humans originated in Africa, and just spread out from there, some apparently obvious, but interesting results follow. Mostly, moving out of Africa meant moving north. We could leave the gorillas and chimpanzees behind, because we had fire! (Very bad for fur!) We also left many insect disease vectors behind, as well. Humans migrated all the way from Africa to Argentina, leaving the diseases behind, until the easy ice passes melted.

Then, much, much later, came the ships from Europe and Scandinavia. Bearing many of the older European diseases, which the people in the Americas were no longer immune to. So many of them suddenly died. Most of the new diseases come from Africa. And Asia is becoming a major source of the newer cold-weather resistant viruses.

Basic biology. You have your protozoic one-celled animals, like malaria. There are plant-like single-celled yeasts, and multi-celled fungi, like ringworm. There are simple cells too small to do anything much beyond cause infection, like anthrax, although some fix nitrogen for the roots of legumes. And there are viruses, two kinds: DNA and RNA, which are just pure nucleic acid strands with protein 'jackets'. Smallpox (very scary) is a DNA virus. The AIDS virus is an RNA virus. DNA is stiff and straight, while RNA is exactly the same, except that it is limp and squiggly. There are also mitochondria, which are like little rings that turn sugar into 'pure' chemical energy (ATP). They are much like the green chloroplasts in plants, which have a very complex parabolic antenna shape, which focuses sunlight onto a magnesium atom in their middle. They resemble hemoglobin, which has iron instead of magnesium. I don't think these latter components utilize any nucleic acid action at all.

Disease loves to travel. Lao Tzu sad many thousands of years ago: Remain steadfast in your own village always, and do not seek new lands to conquer. Let your wagons travel only in old ruts! War is travel, and travel is disease. I keep telling people: fire is you friend. Burn the old hospitals to shed the new diseases. Toss the airliners into the sea, and stop all air travel and jet-setting around! People 'know' I'm nuts when I demand an end to aviation. Well, If any major pandemic occurs, the people who know the score also know they will have just three days to shut down all air travel!

Americans thought they had arrived in some great new promised land, so they abolished the sustaining sense of balance. They cannot accept that the fininitude has caught up with them now. Today is real, tomorrow and yesterday are just abstract concepts. Having a sense of values involves having emotional ties to the past and future. So now we have the very nice, smiling people, who expect that we will forget how they stabbed our backs yesterday, and to ignore that they lack any compunction about shooting us in the head tomorrow. That is the definition of collective psychopathy. It will kill us all if we keep pretending it isn't real.If we assume humans originated in Africa, and just spread out from there, some apparently obvious, but interesting results follow. Mostly, moving out of Africa meant moving north. We could leave the gorillas and chimpanzees behind, because we had fire! (Very bad for fur!) We also left many insect disease vectors behind, as well. Humans migrated all the way from Africa to Argentina, leaving the diseases behind, until the easy ice passes melted.

Then, much, much later, came the ships from Europe and Scandinavia. Bearing many of the older European diseases, which the people in the Americas were no longer immune to. So many of them suddenly died. Most of the new diseases come from Africa. And Asia is becoming a major source of the newer cold-weather resistant viruses.

Basic biology. You have your protozoic one-celled animals, like malaria. There are plant-like single-celled yeasts, and multi-celled fungi, like ringworm. There are simple cells too small to do anything much beyond cause infection, like anthrax, although some fix nitrogen for the roots of legumes. And there are viruses, two kinds: DNA and RNA, which are just pure nucleic acid strands with protein 'jackets'. Smallpox (very scary) is a DNA virus. The AIDS virus is an RNA virus. DNA is stiff and straight, while RNA is exactly the same, except that it is limp and squiggly. There are also mitochondria, which are like little rings that turn sugar into 'pure' chemical energy (ATP). They are much like the green chloroplasts in plants, which have a very complex parabolic antenna shape, which focuses sunlight onto a magnesium atom in their middle. They resemble hemoglobin, which has iron instead of magnesium. I don't think these latter components utilize any nucleic acid action at all.

Disease loves to travel. Lao Tzu sad many thousands of years ago: Remain steadfast in your own village always, and do not seek new lands to conquer. Let your wagons travel only in old ruts! War is travel, and travel is disease. I keep telling people: fire is you friend. Burn the old hospitals to shed the new diseases. Toss the airliners into the sea, and stop all air travel and jet-setting around! People 'know' I'm nuts when I demand an end to aviation. Well, If any major pandemic occurs, the people who know the score also know they will have just three days to shut down all air travel!

Americans thought they had arrived in some great new promised land, so they abolished the sustaining sense of balance. They cannot accept that the fininitude has caught up with them now. Today is real, tomorrow and yesterday are just abstract concepts. Having a sense of values involves having emotional ties to the past and future. So now we have the very nice, smiling people, who expect that we will forget how they stabbed our backs yesterday, and that we will ignore that they lack any emotional compunction about shooting us in the head tomorrow. But at this moment they are really nice, smiling people, really, for this particular moment. That is the definition of collective psychopathy. It will kill us all if we keep It will kill us all if we keep pretending their sweetness is durable.


Jesus God - body lice. That's why I love reading this thing, Elaine - I have no idea what you're going to write about next.

"Um---earth to Dr. Reed: men, just for example, will have sex with a hole in a tree."

I disagree. That sounds like it might cause chafing and abrasions.

"The Declaration of Arbroath of 1320, following the War of Independence against England, tells how the Scots arrived in Scotland after they had "dwelt for a long course of time in Spain among the most savage tribes"."

AMONG the most savage tribes?? Who are they trying to kid? The Scots WERE the most savage tribes!

"Toss the airliners into the sea, and stop all air travel and jet-setting around! People 'know' I'm nuts when I demand an end to aviation."

Humans have never been a stay-in-one-place sort of animal - so I doubt we'll accede to your demand. You may want to join forces with George Monbiot: he doesn't like aviation either, but for different reasons.


Jesus God - body lice. That's why I love reading this thing, Elaine - I have no idea what you're going to write about next.

"Um---earth to Dr. Reed: men, just for example, will have sex with a hole in a tree."

I disagree. That sounds like it might cause chafing and abrasions.

"The Declaration of Arbroath of 1320, following the War of Independence against England, tells how the Scots arrived in Scotland after they had "dwelt for a long course of time in Spain among the most savage tribes"."

AMONG the most savage tribes?? Who are they trying to kid? The Scots WERE the most savage tribes!

"Toss the airliners into the sea, and stop all air travel and jet-setting around! People 'know' I'm nuts when I demand an end to aviation."

Humans have never been a stay-in-one-place sort of animal - so I doubt we'll accede to your demand. You may want to join forces with George Monbiot: he doesn't like aviation either, but for different reasons.


Whoops - sorry! That shouldn't have gotten up there twice.

Elaine Meinel Supkis

Tis OK. Repetition doth teach even the fool his letters.

Heh. Some guys like rough sex, Smith. Don't probe why. Arf.

As for this new piece of information: I am very amused by it all. And the battles between the Brits: you should read the comments at the article's site! Wow.

As I keep saying, nobody hates anyone more than within families.

Elaine Meinel Supkis

Also, Smith, have you ever lived with a Spanish flamenco dancer? Hahaha. Savage indeed. Fun, too. In obvious ways. I suppose after getting their feet smashed over and over again by ladies wearing dagger-heeled shoes, the Scots wanted nothing more than to flee back home to their sheep.

As I keep saying, we have sex with anyone and especially at home with the home flocks.

Big Al

The Scots came from Ireland about 4AD, the language is the same, they even stick Mac, or Mc in the front of their surname. The migration from Spain was much earlier.

Elaine Meinel Supkis

Everyone put a Mac in the name. Native or recent invader. And of course, there were them thar WOMEN: sex was had by all and sundry so the genes got passed along, everyone's genes, all mixed up.


It's real nice that we have a bunch here that can discuss sex without having to undergo pre-teen reversion. My plan was to just trot nonchalantly around that quivering bush. But fuck it. Just for the record, I had a brief relationship with a lady who went on to rob a convenience store with a shotgun. So I am not pure and all, like you folks would like to think.

Elaine Meinel Supkis

You don't want to pry into my sex past.

Or maybe you do! Heh. Hippie dippy times were fun while they lasted.


It doesn't bother me at all when these little snotty-nosed twenty-somethings realize that I come from a time before people were domesticated. I tell them about watching the guy at the corner get his throat cut as I go by on the bus in NYC. And the shootouts at my old commune. (They always think everything was peaceful and all.) How the ice cracked thunderously beneath my feet in the middle of the mile-wide lake. A majority of the kids I grew up with managed to die before they were thirty. After that, they seemed to know how to hang on to the strap. I am still hippy and dippy. The world, however, has been overrun with smart talking grazing animals. I mean, they have websites where people are actually worried about trolls. Give me a frickin break!


"And the shootouts at my old commune."

Arguing about how the choicest chicks never wanted to make it with the scuzzy guys, no doubt.

Or whose turn it was to shovel out the outhouse...


Actually, we had a corporation with lawyers and accountants and all. I was even its president. The gun guys had just returned from Vietnam, and were a tad violent. Most of the shooting was done by people who were not really awake. We even had special forces types to deal with that. But it was a tricky deal all the way around.

Elaine Meinel Supkis

Ah, and you guys loved Shakespeare which is why you tried to kill all the lawyers, eh?

One commune I was in had all guys except for myself and then I moved into an all-women's commune. Both were interesting.


I have discovered that there are, roughly speaking, two kinds of communes. There are the egalitarian ones that attempt to suppress the follower-leader instinct. I like their spirit, but they have a hell of a time trying to pull it off. They even have an association of egalitarian communes!

Then there are the openly autocratic, or oligarchic communes. They have an virtually all-powerful leader or in-crowd, and everyone else just goes along. I used to have an intense dislike for the autocratic arrangements. But I view things from more subtle angles these days. These autocratic communes can have sinister, manipulative masters. But many of the have very benign and helpful rulers.

Now I understand. Some people can only prosper in egalitarian settings. The other people cannot really function at all with the guidance of some Big Kahuna.

One must figure out what type one is, and join an appropriate group. The egalitarians have been dead set against the autocrats forever, and vice versa. This should not be. these various groups must come to grips with the reality that different kinds of people have different needs. If one needs an autocratic ruler, it pays vastly to have the ability to choose a benevolent one.

As far as I know, the best quasi-egalitarian commune is at:

These people have a whole lot in common with Elaine, I think.

«GOVERNMENT Our system of government remains a primordially soupy, slippery slop of democracy and labor aristocracy. The majority has great moral authority but those who do more will have more authority--and more corporation shares--than those who get less done. We like free market competition between different methods and ideas: you stack the wood your way, we stack it our way, pretty soon we'll see which stack falls down. That is clearly better than consensus compromise, at least we'll have one good solid wood stack. In many situations, however, we can't take the chance to try different ways. We want you to back into the driveway when you come in, and drive forward when you leave the house. I know that most people drive in and back out of their driveway. Problem is that they can cause accidents, and would tick off the neighbors when they see some dumb jerk backing onto the roadway. We can't wait till the snow crushes the roof you are building, just to be able to say, "We told you so." The roof has to be done right the first time, and those who are here and who have the experience will have to make sure you do it right. The same holds true when we deal with issues of waste and of the environment. We can see the catastrophic results of doing it in the standard way: this time we have to do it the smart way, which has not been set in stone yet. For example, we have tried five different methods of heating our houses with recycled fuels . They all worked well but we keep looking for the cleanest and most efficient method.»

«We try to develop a less wasteful lifestyle. We have observed our Amish neighbors. They seem to have a very sensible approach to life, and we can learn a lot from them. For example, they use winter ice refrigeration, which means that their food stays cool during blackouts. Still, like everything else, also the old ways of doing things can be improved: instead of dragging muddy ice from the pond, we thought of making it on location, inside the walk-in cooler. That can be done by opening a door and blowing cold air in. By the way, we do not plan to stop using refrigerators and freezers, but we could use a winter ice cooler for our apple crop.

«Regards, Matt

«Adirondack Herbs Galway, NY 518-762-8082 518-835-6887 518- 883-3453»

Elaine Meinel Supkis

Um, I ended up running more than one thing. From communes to families: guess who had to organize the chores, fix things and make sure everything worked?

Ahaha! So I became the benevolent dictator who lost her temper if things weren't done more or less. (CLEAN YOUR ROOM NOW!). Heh.

Somehow, everyone survived. That was the whole point: survival. Now I have just husband and the animals. But even when living in a TENT, we had commune members living with us. I always wanted everyone to prosper. Never turned anyone out.


Being a woman was never enough for you, was it Elaine? You had to go out there and do all the stuff that males traditionally do. Then again, you are not at all a typical Americanized woman. I automatically think of you as European, and you remind me of some ladies who graciously showed me the sights around Geneva, Switzerland. They were so willing to show this bumbling American the wonders of the place.

I am like that a little bit. Always pushing myself into situations that made no sense in relation to the person people automatically assumed me to be. But I was always a bit out of place, everywhere. 'People can never quite bring themselves to believe that there is a blues present', somebody once said.

And I had to do the electrical wiring, do soldering on the copper plumbing, negotiate when people in the restaurant downstairs would roll on the floor screeching when someone let the tub overflow upstairs. ('I learned a lot about myself'. And I use British punctuation too!)

You might want to get to know the Adirondack Herbs people (above), since they seem to be doing a lot of innovative things. Innovation will become all the rage when the whatever hits the fan. I am not certain I will survive. At least I don't live in South Carolina, where they have millions of wacko thugs who would love to light a cross on my lawn for not joining up with the clan.

Something tells me maybe you should make time to visit THESE FOLKS:

But you would have to forgo your visits to the dark side for maybe six months to do that properly.


"Then there are the openly autocratic, or oligarchic communes. They have an virtually all-powerful leader or in-crowd, and everyone else just goes along. "

There's a word for outfits like that: Cult.


Well, I have been involved with autocratic communes, egalitarian ones (always an iffy label) and actual cults. These things are just different. I was involved with Lux Alba, which was really a very pleasant cult, where people were doing UFO vigils, constant channeling, and always consulting dictionaries for divination. They had fancy (for the time) computers, massive printers, and gave interesting lectures at places like IBM. (The top execs need to justify their multi-million-dollar salaries somehow.)

That sort of thing is much different than an authority-figure based intentional community, where the emphasis is usually on overt primitivism, farming, and maybe some kind of meditation.

The cult is more like an unorthodox religious retreat. The autocratic commune is basically a tribal situation. They are quite distinct.


Your basic human being is a tribal animal. Left to their own devices, ordinary humans will form tribes. Maybe half of these tribes will be relatively (if not 'formally') egalitarian. The other half will be autocratic (again, the formal structures are of little relevance). And they will constantly be at war with one another, and will eventually be colonized by an empire, unless they form a nation.

The modern state seeks to disrupt this tribal instinct, artificially inducing atomization, alienation, and helplessness. It breaks up tribes into 'families', that's why they demand 'family values'. All power then concentrates into the sweaty hands of the mega-government, and the preachers, lawyers, etc. The people become sheep-like, and plantationized, and exploited, and all of the people's industry gets sold overseas, and then they are all killed off.

So yeah, Shakespeare, whoever she, he, or they were, knew about the lawyers. They will gladly help you to sue your neighbor if you fall on their sidewalk.

Elaine Meinel Supkis

Tribes: belief systems plus genetics. They are very confining and harsh on the individual.

Most families fall apart rapidly. Most that I have known, the longer they are here, the more they fall apart. The only ones that don't are the very uppermost elites: the drones need the help of the ones with power to keep sucking down loot for themselves, the Bush clan being a typical example.

Note how each generation is more drunk and more stupid.


«Tribes: belief systems plus genetics. They are very confining and harsh on the individual.»

Not sure I should agree on this one. Belief systems are strange entities. Do note that I have pointed out the difference between cults and other intentional communities. I would guess that some of these arrangements could be harsh, and some not harsh. Some could be relatively egalitarian.

As far as the genetics, I have read much of a phenomenon of marriage tending to be external to one's 'tribe'.

The most powerful forces will ultimately be national education (which really is not a gross quantity, like cheddar cheese), and spiritual adaptation. There are certainly some examples I would not care to emulate. The Japanese example does not cheer me up at all, for example.

But maybe 'tribes' is not quite the right word. 'Close community' might be preferable. Physical proximity is an amazingly weak force. I have read time and again about people moving out of 'gated communities' because of social isolation. This phenomenon has been said to be the driving force for the creation of the new 'mega-churches'.

Personally, I get along best with certain kinds of artists. And maybe some open-minded physicists.

Elaine Meinel Supkis

Pegasus's church is a stable and lots of open fields surrounded by apple trees. Keeping my horse, Sparky, out of the apple orchard is a chore.


I lived on a family farm for awhile. The cows could never get enough corn! I mean not just the kernels, but the whole cobs. There was something satisfying and pleasant about watching them contentedly munching down the whole cobs. They had a lot of space in their barn, and a big field, in Stepney CT.

I learned how to ride a bicycle then. The bastards promised they would hold the back fender, but they reneged, and I flew down the hill into the brier patch. They laughed and laughed. But after that, I lost my fear of riding.

head lice shampoo

Other gorilla species may not have it so it has to be studied further.

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