Las Vegas GOP Convention collapses
April 29, 2008
Elaine Meinel Supkis
Despite a near-total media black out, Ron Paul is still running for President and his very active followers are kicking ass. The McCain run to be top Emperor depends on the GOP leadership suppressing young, active voters who are now rapidly filling with rage against the political machine. This is NOT how one builds a future power base! Then there is Obama: I said a month ago, ever since he sponsored the bill to go after offshore pirate coves used by most of our political class to avoid taxes, the media would hammer him to death. And so they are, of course. That, and the fact that Zionists fear him means he will be harassed and harried until he dies or disappears. They won't let him anywhere near the White House, neither the money people or the war mongers.
Chaos over Paul cuts short gathering
After a super-majority of Ron Paul supporters captured control of the Republican state convention Saturday, state party officials abruptly canceled the event without electing delegates to the national convention.Early in the day, state delegates supporting Paul's continued pursuit of the Republican nomination voted through a rules change that forced the state party to abandon its preset ballot of potential national convention delegates and open up the race to the rest of the state delegates.
The vote followed a rousing speech by Paul of Texas, who said his presidential campaign will continue as long as he has support.
But as the convention continued into the evening, chairman Bob Beers said the party's contract for the hall at the Peppermill Resort Casino had expired and the event would be rescheduled.
"Due to a rules change that left us on an overtime basis, we will recess the convention until a date that we are going to announce next week," Beers told a shocked crowd, which stood silent for a few seconds before erupting in boos.
Seriously, after posting the story about how the Texas GOP slammed the doors in the faces of the Ron Paul people, now this? Incredible. The GOP has relied upon conning the religious fanatics and the people scared that their sons might kiss their neighbor's sons, they got this long, free ride whereby they could happily loot this nation, destroy our industrial base and sell us to foreign powers while shoving us very deeply into debt and handing over all our security to dual citizens pledged to protect Israel first. Well, this is crashing, big time. The religious fanatics who fear sex are learning that they are cattle being led to the slaughter house. The he-man truckers who thought they would have paradise are discovering that the GOP is paring their INCOMES.
The people who are racist get to see Condi Rice walk all over them and they have to bow and scrape before her. So many happy dreams of white privilege and Christian domination up in flames! Instead, the religious supporters of the GOP and the Jim Crow fanatics have all been shoved to the back of the old bus and illegal aliens moved to the front along with foreigners seeking to take over our industrial base, etc. Obama correctly understands, these folk are bitter! Very bitter! Their dreams of making 15 year olds bear babies against their will if raped have faded. No 'anti-abortion' amendments. No Supreme Court rulings rolling back the civil rights of women. Instead, the GOP in Texas has a bunch of Mormons arrested for making teenagers pregnant. True, they weren't locked in a cellar like that poor girl in Austria, for 28 years. But they are only one step above that.
The madness that is gripping our nation this silly season is striking: all our candidates EXCEPT FOR THE INVISIBLE RON PAUL are pro-war. All want to kill Iranians for no good reason. Iran, on the other hand, is busy forging many deals this month. Today, Iran is inking a big, fat deal with India and this means the stupid US/UK/EU blockage of Iran has collapsed and China will rush in to join the pro-Iran parade or India will win this geo-political game. Note that India has nukes. And the US didn't bomb, bomb, bomb India.
I went to You Tube for videos of the fiasco in Las Vegas. It is amusing to watch these. Ron Paul blew John McCain out of the water just as assuredly as the Vietnamese shot down his jet when he was bombing them.
I have no sympathy for McCain's war record. This is because McGovern ran for President and he was a war hero and flew bombing raids in WWII and the media made him out to be a coward just because he knew war was hell and was bankrupting America. I worked hard to see him win and watched in fury as the media attacked him nonstop while making that lunatic, Nixon, who fought WWII with a pen far behind the lines, as some sort of brave warrior who feared no commies. So we lost the war in Vietnam, Nixon ran off to China of all places and KISSED Mao! Just like, after Saudis attacked us on 9/11, Bush ran off and kissed the corrupt, fat king of Saudi Arabia. Treason=great war leaders, I suppose.
Both Nixon and Bush have bankrupted America. Thanks to their fruitless warmongering. And here we are: the choice is McCain, a huge warmongering nut, Hillary who talks blithely about nuking 30 million civilians in Iran and Obama, a man who is too 'cool' and thus, no war monger who will rush to kill, kill, kill and kill some more in the name of disarmament, democracy and looting expeditions. Then there is Ron Paul:
Ron Paul won't support any war mongers!
Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul has not received much attention from the media since Senator John McCain became the presumptive nominee.However, Paul is far from giving up on his campaign. He recently received 16% of the vote in the Pennsylvania GOP primary, and his followers brought a Nevada state convention to a standstill over the weekend.
Paul appeared on CNN’s American Morning on Monday to talk about the campaign and his new book, “The Revolution: A Manifesto.” He also suggested he “probably” won’t be campaigning for John McCain.
“We need to change,” Paul told CNN’s John Roberts. “The big question is, which way are we going? … There’s not much difference between the three [candidates].”
“Do you have any interest in campaigning for John McCain?” Roberts asked
“Probably not,” replied Paul. “Not unless he changes his tune — like bring the troops home.”
Hooray. I do pray that Ron keeps in the race and keeps bringing up this obvious fact! Congress is about to vote ANOTHER $100+billion that we do NOT have so we can bring more Americans home in body bags or bring troops home to commit suicide or live in filthy barracks filled with sewage as we saw on CNN the other day when an enraged father filmed the filthy conditions he son returned about insane. Those barracks and hospitals should be gold-plated for what we spend! But they are not. They are SLUMS. And returning soldiers discover their education benefits are not beneficial, the government is CHEATING THEM. Nickle and dollaring them to death.
Instead of the wonderful GI Bill education, they are given LOANS at high interest rates. So today, these soldiers demonstrated in DC. Not that the media cared. The media is all hog wild over preachers. Attacking Obama seems to be the only activity they are interested in right now. The main and biggest war mongers, McCain and Clinton, both want to give us cheap gas by eliminating the feeble, small taxes on gas. Obama says this won't fix anything and will simply put either the government even deeper in the red and more at the mercy of China and the oil pumping nations that buy our debts and it will also destroy our highways which are funded with these taxes! But irrational violence and stupid economics is the main frame of the two top candidates for Caligula's Nero [When Caligula was assassinated, Nero inherited the throne of Rome].
Here is Ron's speaking schedule for the next month:
Apr 29
Ron Paul interview on "Night Talk" with Mike Schneider
"Night Talk" on Bloomberg TV10:00 PM ET
May 02
1. Ron Paul Freedom Rally at UNC-Chapel Hill
UNC-Chapel Hill's Carroll Hall3:30 - 5:00 PM ET
2. Ron Paul Freedom Rally at Duke
Duke's Reynolds Theater (in the Bryan Student Center)6:30 - 8:00 PM ET
May 16
Ron Paul Freedom Rally in Bowling Green
Bowling Green High School Basketball Arena, 1801 Rockingham Lane, Bowling Green, KY 421042:00 PM CT
Jun 20
Speech at Montana State Convention
Hilton Garden Inn, Missoula, Montana
7:00 PM MT
He still has over $4 million and is going to spend it making speeches and raising a ruckus. Maybe, just maybe, the media might notice him. HAHAHA. Not. He is in the Cone of Silence. But we can watch him online. And trust me, his calls to stop the Federal Reserve and the wars are things the media does not want us to talk about or listen to. Not at all.
Here is a pro-McCain blog launched by an operative:
Ron Paul got approximately 8% of the vote nationwide. He did better in the caucuses because his supporters were organized. His delegate count varies between 14 and 17 depending on where you look. Here’s one place: CNN Election Results. Based on this underwhelming performance Ron Paul supporters have concocted a plan to take over the Republican Convention and make Ron Paul the nominee. This is the Ron Paul version of Democracy: Ignore 92% of the voters. Here is the Ron Paul Disruption Plan. And here’s what they did in the Nevada Republican Convention.It’s obvious that the Ron Paul organization is a top-down well-organized machine. In the caucuses the Ron Paul supporters were told to stand up and say, “He touched my heart,” and so they all did. The ground troops do what they are told. They report back to the mothership as instructed. They are disciplined in ways no other campaign is. Online they have been very successful, managing to stuff every poll on the Internet. Looking at only Internet results you would be convinced Ron Paul was already elected.
This guy runs a host of pro-McCain/Zionist blogs and pretends they are an upwelling from many different states but all of them are by himself. Frankly, I detect little online support for McCain. He limps along, visibly falling apart. I think the operatives in the media are getting worried. So they are all piling onto the Clinton band wagon. She is now a total Zionist, her hubby is totally corrupt and owned by and controlled by tax cheating pirates and has decided to become one of them. Hillary is pro-free trade and thus, a traitor. So the foreign owners of our media are pleased with that! And she will start WWIII for Israel. A big plus with these same media owners.
The true religious horror here is WWIII: both McCain and Clinton have religious advisors who endorse and work for creating the Apocalypse. Both will answer the 3am phone call with, 'Yes! Let's drop nukes now!' And so both should be hospitalized in a mental ward. The world cannot have a very destabilized US run by a crazed war nut. But look! As the US public turns against the war and demands something be done about a collapsing economy, the ONLY candidates left standing intact are the worst possible ones! This isn't accidental.
The U.S. senator from Illinois and contender for the Democratic presidential nomination made his critical comments Tuesday in North Carolina, where he is campaigning ahead of a primary next week. Obama's remarks came a day after his former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., defiantly defended his controversial views that the United States commits terrorism, is still racist, and is in part to blame for the terrorist attacks it has suffered."His comments were not only divisive and destructive, but I believe that they end up giving comfort to those who prey on hate and I believe that they do not portray accurately the perspective of the black church," Obama said. "They certainly don't portray accurately my values and beliefs."
Obama also blasted Wright's paean to Louis Farrakhan, the anti-Semitic leader of the Nation of Islam. "When he suggests that Minister Farrakhan somehow represents one of the greatest voices of the 20th and 21st century; when he equates the United States' wartime efforts with terrorism, then there are no excuses," Obama said. "They offend me, they rightly offend all Americans, and they should be denounced. And that's what I’m doing very clearly a
nd unequivocally here today."
Here is a video of Obama playing basketball.
At least he is allowed to be semi-human here. The yapping dogs who snap and growl nonstop from fucked up Fox TV stations to the irritable people at the Daily Kos prison farm [they tattle on each other more than school children with a ruler-swinging teacher!] all are turning on poor Obama for this or that or another thing. Some of Ron Paul's supporters attacked him when he refused to fall into the '9/11 Truthers' fruitcake belief systems but he seems to have bounced back since then and roars onwards, voters still turning out for him. This shows great faith and reasonableness in the face of media hostility and open hatred.
The Obama supporters should look to them for a lesson in life: no one, not even and especially not even human gods are perfect. They all do stupid things, have problems and slip up. What fixes this are the followers not losing sight of the important things.
Much has been said about the role that racism may play in the outcome of the 2008 Presidential election.But what has been largely ignored is the way that media pundits, by virtue of the language they use, the questions they ask, and the way they frame issues, often reinforce racial division, and make it harder for us to examine race issues honestly.
So consider the way the media has been pushing the question, “Can Obama win working class voters?” Or, “Why is Obama having trouble connecting with working class voters?” Both questions ignore that Obama doesn’t have a working class problem—large percentages of the black folks who are turning out to support him at rates of 90% are indeed working class—but rather, a white working class problem.
By implicitly equating “working class” with white, the media reinforces the notion of “hard-working,” average (i.e. normal) folks as white. This then leaves blacks to be viewed either as the decidedly non-working and dreaded “underclass,” or the elitist types that Hillary Clinton wants people to envision when they think of Senator Obama. Either of these images can reinforce racism, either by stoking white fear of the former or resentment toward the latter.
If one is going to support any candidate, one has to do this whole heartedly. Instead, people are jerked around by the jerks in the media and left filled with doubts. We no longer have a lot of choices, thank you! We have exactly 4 choices: Ron Paul, McCain, Hillary Clinton and Obama. Take yer pick. And stick to it. Just remember: the media HIDES A LOT OF STUFF. ALL THE TIME. I have spent my long life uncovering stuff and then trying to get it on the air. And trust me, the media pulls rabbits out of their damn hats whenever the owners demand this and elephants in rooms are studiously ignored even if they stomp on the furniture and kill people. Terrible, important issues are ignored, crimes are covered up and whole mountains of dirt are swept under the rug while tiny flaws are examined under microscopes if the media owners want to shove us around.
And lord knows! They are the dictators of America along with the money guys who buy up all our politicians. And they HATE anyone who is 'free' like Ron Paul and even Obama, sort of, to a lesser degree! So if none of the war mongers are good, vote for Ron Paul! I hope he goes third party. Someone has to do this! Please!
Obama is just another anti-christ CFR puppet whom will listen to his masters orders to destroy humanity.
Posted by: Prisoner slave | May 03, 2008 at 11:31 AM
And he strikes fear in the hearts of people who control us! Why?
They don't entirely control him! Then there is Ron Paul: no control at all.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | May 03, 2008 at 01:21 PM