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Les Rogers

Nice post, I grew up in AK till about the age of 27, I still hear of
places in AK that that I've never heard of, including one or two in
this post. Also I never saw a live wolf (ah, scratch outside of captivity?) Only saw dall sheep as dots. Did get chased by a mother
moose though. Anyway, my mom was a travel agent, and we knew some
other old time familes up there, any my parents did get us around to
see some of the sites, and dad has good cameras, i've lost all the film
though. Cool stuff. Did see some sights, dead wolves in a neighbors
garage we're cool, big. Made our 80lb shepard look small. I guess I
only lived outside of town from 1969-1980 and that about 5 miles oustide
of Fairbanks. Nice memories. Where's all the night shots? eheh

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