Elaine Meinel Supkis
Oil shoots up right after Obama declares fealty first and foremost to Israel's Jews. Thanks, buddy. Now we have all wars, all the time running for President, Israel today announced they will definitely attack Iran! This is a very dangerous situation. Even if there is no attack, this talk has slammed into the US underbelly like a Nazi torpedo slamming into a Lend Lease ship. I wonder if Americans will ever put 2X2 together to see how wars=high oil prices. Even if the media which is extremely Zionist, refuses to mention this dire duality. But no one can escape the reality of wars=high oil prices! Unless you are walking all the time and don't use any oil or gas to heat or cool your house via electricity or fossil fuel systems. Time to buy solar energy panels!
Stocks, Dollar Fall, Bonds Rise as U.S. Jobless Rate, Oil Surge
The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell the most in 15 months, the dollar slid to a one-week low and Treasuries rallied after unemployment and fuel prices surged, heightening speculation the U.S. faces a protracted recession.U.S. equities declined, led by a 395-point drop in the Dow, as crude jumped more than $10 a barrel. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index decreased 3.1, the steepest sell-off in three months, and Europe's Dow Jones Stoxx 600 slid 2 percent to the lowest since April 15.
The dollar lost 0.9 percent against a basket of six currencies including the euro, against which it weakened 1.1 percent to $1.5775, as investors pared bets the U.S. Federal Reserve will raise interest rates this year. Yields on 10-year U.S. Treasury securities and European government bonds declined as the price of fixed-rate investments climbed.
Well! After being warned to not drive up commodity prices, the politicians then rush over to AIPAC to join in a Seig Heilathon yell fest demanding WWIII. People sensibly hoard oil, food, gold and build up cave hiding holes whenever the political classes openly talk about starting major wars. Especially when talking about bombing the world's #2 oil reserves!
Iran is not Iraq. Iran is a democracy. Perhaps more so than the US. Here, we see in polls that only 9% of Americans support war with Iran! Yet all our politicians rush off to AIPAC to promise war with Iran! So, are we a democracy or are we in a vast conspiracy to deny us even the slightest say in our own national affairs?Both the ethnic cleansing Übermenschen Jews in Israel and the 'We are #1' American fanatics claim to be democracies even as both deny their own citizens or captive populations even the slightest say in how affairs are arranged. The dire poll clearly showing American citizens...INCLUDING MANY JEWS IN AMERICA...want the US to negotiate with Iran, not attack Iran....AIPAC and our 'leaders' talk only about crushing Iran, not negotiating at all.
Obama knows that he has zero chance of entering the White House if he doesn't obey the owners of the US media who are nearly all Zionists or if not, then Jewish Americans who dare not say a peep about Zionist right wing fascists controlling our entire foreign policies. But the average American, already reeling from the amazing war tax on energy, if it climbs another 50% this summer so gasoline is going for over $6 a gallon---even if the Jewish owners of most of our media remain silent about this as they jerk Obama around on a short leash, certainly Bob Barr, the Libertarian candidate, will be very loud about all this.
All my life, since I was Mrs. Levy, I begged the Jewish community here in America to not support this toxic form of Zionism. Silencing talk about cause and effect will only cause people, once even trusting people who believe in the media, if they figure out they are being misled and lied to by the media in order to allow Israel to attack our oil suppliers, the obvious connection between our last three huge oil spikes/economic collapses were ALL caused by various wars. Some of which were Muslim sect versus Muslim sect like the Iran/Iraq war, for example. Let's go back in time to last year where Obama tried to sweet talk with AIPAC and convince him he would negotiate in such a way, Israel's interests would be considered be mere American interest:
Obama's speech to AIPAC in 2007: In AIPAC speech, Obama repeats support for Israel, peace talks
In what may have been a veiled reference to reports of American opposition to Israeli negotations with Syria, Obama said: "We should never seek to dictate what is best for the Israelis and their security interests. No Israeli prime minister should ever feel dragged to or blocked from the negotiating table by the United States."The Illinois senator also called for continued American military assistance to Israel. "We must preserve our total commitment to our unique defense relationship with Israel by fully funding military assistance and continuing work on the Arrow and related missile defense programs," he said.
Obama added that he was concerned about the Palestinian unity government accord.
Turning to Iran, the presidential hopeful called for direct engagement with the Islamic republic over its nuclear program.
"We need the United States to lead tough-minded diplomacy," he said. "This includes direct engagement with Iran similar to the meetings we conducted with the Soviets at the height of the Cold War."
"Tough-minded diplomacy would include real leverage through stronger sanctions," Obama continued. "It would mean more determined U.S diplomacy at the United Nations. It would mean a cooperative strategy with Gulf States who supply Iran with much of the energy resources it needs. It would mean full implementation of U.S. sanctions laws."
Obama blamed what he called the Administration's failed strategy in Iraq for strengthening the Iranian position, placing "Israel and other nations friendly to the United States in greater peril."
Both Hillary and McCain were not so mamby pamby as to suggest any negotiations at all, just threats of annihilation. So Obama struggled hard to gain an advantage against Hillary. Even after she suggested that 'hard working white voters' could not vote for him and the media did not shame her from the race when it became racist, she could then talk about the possibility of assassination hitting Obama as well as openly lie about vote counting, her promises, and nearly anything she wished. If Obama struck back the media howled at him for attacking that fine white woman, Miz Hillary.
Despite all this, he barely won. I will note that he lost most of the races after Hillary talked about obliterating Iran. Suddenly, he was the bad guy and she was the innocent Southern Belle. When he did finally win, many top Democrats still refused to endorse him until he crawled to AIPAC and begged them for support. 'Sing, Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran,' they ordered. He hopped up and down and pumped his arms and waved his Kali Skull Necklace. Hillary then said she would support him. 'You are now one of us: a bloody war criminal,' she crowed. Bush wiped his forehead. 'Now I can sleep in peace and not worry about being arrested,' he gloated.
Obama's AIPAC speech shocks Arabs
Palestinian and Arab hopes were dashed by a speech that U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama gave to a pro-Israeli lobby, in which he promised his full support to Israel and went further by adopting Israeli policy that sees Jerusalem as the "undivided capital" of the Jewish state.
After having discreetly vouched for Obama since the party race to the White House began last year, his speech – just hours after he won his party's backing on Wednesday – has prompted second thoughts about what changes the African-American could bring to Washington's Middle East foreign policy.
Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said his group, "does not differentiate between the two presidential candidates, Obama and McCain, because their policies regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict are the same and are hostile to us…. Obama's comments have confirmed there will be no change in the U.S. administration's policy."Arab commentators also blasted what they called Obama's "appeasement" speech, saying while the Jewish votes and the pro-Israeli lobby's strength were important in U.S. elections, his remarks on the Middle East conflict were not very different from U.S. President George W. Bush's policies, and risks harming U.S. relations with dozens of Muslim countries.
"This cheap way of throwing himself at the feet of this lobby harms American interests … and encourages violence and terrorism by giving justification to extremist groups, such as al-Qaida," said Al-Quds al-Arabi's editorial Thursday, which added that foreign policy was for the first time an important element in U.S. elections.
"Obama is gambling with his image and the widespread hopes that many had placed on him to change the face of America, its relations with the world, and getting out of its economic crises stemming from its failed and immoral wars in Iraq and Afghanistan," the pan-Arab independent Palestinian-owned daily wrote.
Also this week the Democrats, hyped to the hilt by their love fest with the Real Rulers in Jerusalem, all began to demand more boycotts, more restrictions and more crushing isolation for Iran. This means no one should buy their OIL. And on top of this, right after Bush went on a weasel crawl to the Saudi Royals for oil, the AIPAC creatures in Congress voted nearly unanimously to cut weapons sales to Saudi Arabia. Who will now go to China and Russia for these things. Five days ago, the King of SA offered to boost oil pumping by 300,000 barrels. Guess what?
He ain't gonna do it. Nor should he. If we insist on slapping him in the face every time he tries to help us out of our own foolish pits, he will eventually start dumping dirt on top of us instead. We think today's oil hike was big?
HAR. Wait until he turns the taps off even more firmly. $200 a barrel oil is not in the far future.
Israel to attack Iran unless enrichment stops-minister
An Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear sites looks "unavoidable" given the apparent failure of sanctions to deny Tehran technology with bomb-making potential, one of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's deputies said on Friday."If Iran continues with its programme for developing nuclear weapons, we will attack it. The sanctions are ineffective," Transport Minister Shaul Mofaz told the mass-circulation Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper."Attacking Iran, in order to stop its nuclear plans, will be unavoidable," said the former army chief who has also been defence minister.
It was the most explicit threat yet against Iran from a member of Olmert's government, which, like the Bush administration, has preferred to hint at force as a last resort should U.N. Security Council sanctions be deemed a dead end.
And here it is today! Israel is definitely going to attack Iran. The negotiations over the secret treaty with the puppet government of Bagdad is probably all about getting some method for allowing Israeli jets to fly over Iraq to attack Iran. The US will definitely escort the Israelis or turn off the radars when Israel begins to fly. The problem here is, what if the Chinese, smoldering in fury over the Tibet coup attempt, might let Iran know what THEIR own satellites pick up. Then there is Russia: we parked missiles in Poland facing the Kremlin. Russia warned us to not do this. Russia has excellent satellites as well as a gigantic nuclear arsenal. Hell, so does China.
WWIII can happen in a flash. This is why the US should avoid setting up things that will cause this. This means kicking AIPAC out of DC.
Below are a bunch of charts showing that up until the war talk against Iran, there were NO OIL SHORTAGES.
Mexico Crude Oil Production by Year
Iran, Islamic Republic Of Crude Oil Production by Year
Saudi Arabia Crude Oil Production by Year
Iran oil production chart from Mises Institute:
The United States in 2002 was responsible for 2% of world crude oil reserves, 9% of petroleum production, and 25% of petroleum consumption. The Organization for Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) nations have 80% of the world crude oil reserves and 41% of world petroleum production.
Household net worth drops by $1.7 trillion
Americans saw their net worth decline by $1.7 trillion in the first quarter, as declines in home values and the stock market ravaged their holdings.
The net worth of U.S. households fell 3% to $56 trillion at the end of March, according to the Federal Reserve's flow of funds report, which was released Thursday.The drop marks the second straight decline in net worth, which fell by more than $500 billion in the fourth quarter of 2007. Until then, net worth had risen steadily since 2003, climbing nearly 31% over those five years. During the bear market of 2000 through 2002, household's net worth dropped 6.2%
During the last 50 years, economists have strained an entire swamp's gnat population through their teeth trying to convince each other and us that oil wars have nothing to do with our several banking collapses/loss of wealth/gross inflation cycles. This was pure hogwash. This round shows clearly how oil prices and wars both precede the raging inflation and the collapse of equity values! The coming price hikes associated with the talk about war with Iran should wipe out all doubt, the connection between war talk and oil prices is absolute and terrifyingly swift.
I absolutely agree. David Ricardo had this theory that the price of minerals, oil included, was set by the mines or oil regions where the oil was hardest to extract. Could it be that extracting oil from Iraq – some annalists say that the costs of the war is part of the price of extracting oil from Iraq- is around $400 or maybe $1000 dollars a barrel? Could it be that this outrageous price of extracting – stealing?- oil from Iraq is having an effect on the price of the international price of the barrel of oil. I’m just speculating. Got to read David Ricardo again.
Posted by: homero guajardo @ yahoo.com | June 07, 2008 at 12:56 AM
You might be interested on the "Sins of the fathers" in the Bush family. Prescott Bush and his father-in-law George Herbert Walker were running the slave coal mines that needed Jewish and other camp laborers in Poland. Bush continued his business transactions with Fritz "I Paid Hitler -author" Thyssen even after US had been in war with the Nazi Germany already for a year.
I think GW Bush was repenting over the sins of his fathers during his era. But "Thou Shall Not Take the Name of the Lord in Vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless whosoever uses His name in vain", said the decalog, Ten Commandments to the hypocrite fake believers. Not to your own ends. I pray for the Republican quasi-royal families, I wish them all good. An analogous process of blood money laundring was going on in the richest family of the "impartial" Sweden, the Wallenberg's. They invested in the Nazi's during the hyperinflation at the 1920's, when money from abroad determined who's gonna get the power. SA was a private and PAID army with its 350,000 x2 arms. They were no boy scouts but demanded money. Four times larger private army than the Wehrmacht field army of Germany!
A longer version in English with Scientific backround of Western race hygiene in general (first a scanned text from a classic volume of professor Daniel Gasman, then my own 50 page research with 100 references):
Currently, "A new wave of ethnic cleansing is going on in Iraq," Iraqi Christian representative Behiye Hadodo told the gathering. "If these atrocities continue, the Chaldean, Syriac and Assyrian communities there will be wiped out altogether, creating a new catastrophe for humanity." Yet nobody seems to care. Boycotts, divestment and other initiatives are directed only at Israel. Iraq's Assyrians are a non-Arab ethnic minority located mainly in northeastern Iraq, and adherents of Christian denominations including the Chaldean Catholic and Syriac Orthodox churches. A 1987 census recorded 1.4 million Christians in Iraq, but the numbers began to drop after the 1990 Gulf War, reaching around 800,000 before the U.S. invaded in March 2003. Persecution at the hands of Islamic radicals -- killings, church bombings, kidnappings, forced conversions and harassment -- has prompted hundreds of thousands of Christians to flee the country since 2003. Although accurate statistics are unavailable, researchers believe the community may have been halved in the past five years. Within one or two generations, he said, Christians in the Middle East - the birthplace of Christianity - may be reduced to a negligible number, having been forced to flee radical Islam.
Recovering from hemorrhage in the left hemisphere of the brain,
[email protected], evolutionary critic
Helsinki, Finland
Biochemist, drop-out (MSci-Master of Sciing)
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Posted by: Best Government Related Sites Websites Guide | June 19, 2008 at 02:31 AM
He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our backs.
Posted by: Mulberry Alexa | November 16, 2011 at 07:59 AM