Elaine Meinel Supkis
It is pretty much official: Europe has unilaterally decided to basically declare economic warfare with their chief energy supplier, Russia. The unelected British Prime Minister admitted the Georgian attacks were so Europe could circumvent Russia with the new oil pipeline that would go to Turkey. Meanwhile, Europe continues to refuse Turkey entry in the European Union. Pure ethnic issues at work here. Nothing was learned from the harsh lessons of WWII. So, we get to hear Putin discuss history and world power politics. He is a most amazing man. Has double the brain power of our crazed emperors.
Russia will not hold us to ransom - Brown
Gordon Brown warns today that the West will not be held to ransom by Russia, threatening a 'root and branch' review of relations with the Kremlin and urgently moving to stop Britain's reliance on Russian oil and gas.His defiant words in an article in today's Observer, following a 'frank' conversation with the Russian president yesterday, will heighten tensions ahead of tomorrow's meeting of European heads of state called to discuss the crisis in Georgia. The Prime Minister's intervention reflects fears that the territorial conflict over South Ossetia risks spilling into an energy war, with Russia using its vast supplies of oil and gas - on which many European countries depend - to blackmail the West into submission.
'No nation can be allowed to exert an energy stranglehold over Europe,' says Brown. He promises urgent action to prevent Britain 'sleepwalking into an energy dependence on less stable or reliable partners', including seeking out alternative suppliers of gas and oil, as well as pushing ahead with plans for new nuclear plants and alternative fuels.
HAHAHA. The toothless old imperialist lion bellows and roars. But it can't even get to its feet. Lying on the ground, it growls and groans at the Russian bear. The bear can barely suppress its own mirth. Right on the heels of the North Sea energy systems collapsing rapidly, NOW England is going elsewhere for fuel?
Iraq! That's the ticket. Except bankrupt England can't outbid the wealthy Chinese communists. They are buying up the systems in Iraq. Iraq was forced to sell some of its oil reserves to American, European and British invader's oil consortiums. All of which are far, far, FAR worse than Russia. These pirates will strip England, Europe and America of every pfenning of wealth and unlike Russia, not give it to the People of a sovereign nation. These international energy consortiums have tremendous power in the West. Note how McCain chose as a running mate a woman in their pay!
The US is ruled ruthlessly by a pair of oil buddies from Texas and Wyoming. Bush and Cheney have grossly enriched themselves and their friends and colleagues in the oil industries. Fabulous wealth has poured into the coffers of these killers. The audacious move to take over OPEC via military force nearly succeeded. Once the oil consortiums took over Iraq and then Iran, the weight of power over OPEC would have fallen into the greedy hands of these international pirates. Who work in consortium with international banking families who are very eager to control the flow of wealth going to Muslims.
They are on a classic 'Horns of Dilemma'. They dearly want to get filthy rich milking the population of the earth who depend on energy systems for survival. They want very high oil prices so they can get rich. But they don't want Muslims or Russians to benefit from all this. They don't want too high prices, either, or the people of the planet might wise up and kill them. Palaces will be stormed by enraged masses just like in 1917 and onwards! And the fear is, these masses now know where the money is flowing and who to attack.
This is why ethnic cleansing is the preferred European imperial weapon. Throughout history, the rulers of Europe allowed this in order to distract the mobs from THEM. Britain, for example, wants Russia to be passive while England encourages, funds and assists ethnic cleansing in Georgia. Then uses Russia's response to this provocation to declare economic war on Russia. The plan is to still get the high energy profits for the major corporations that pay Brown and Blair to fight for them, not England. England gets exactly NO benefits from all this.
The price of energy is climbing. Normally, this means the buyers of energy try hard to please the sellers so the price goes down. Declaring war on the sellers works ONLY if the seller has been totally disarmed by the corrupt United Nations. But Russia not only sits on the Security Council, Russia is allied with another great power on this council: CHINA. And China is a customer for oil just like England. Only China is being NICE to Russia....and Venezuela....and Saudi Arabia....and Iran....and all of OPEC. China has been reaping the harvest of this diplomatic and social niceness.
The leaders of the major oil pumping nations are HAPPY when Hu and Wen fly into their lands to make more deals. The Chinese come armed with contracts to sign and offers of all sorts of assistance. They made a historic conquest last year when they got a firm alliance going with Russia. From that moment onwards, the chances of Europe and America, huge energy consumers, of trapping and then hammering Russia vanished.
The gambit of using ethnic cleansing to seize a historic hunk of the Russian Empire will now fail. Utterly. China isn't endorsing the IDEA of ethnic fissures but they are definitely on Russia's side in re-absorbing Georgia. Georgia is like Tibet in this regard. Commentators in the West totally misunderstand the innermost thinking in the minds of the Chinese. They are building the New World Order. And this means clipping US and EU wings. And they want to set up the concept of a working empire which is at odds with the US and EU pretenses of NOT building empires while building empires. This faux democracy front is so fake, we are rapidly losing all concept of democracy in the West at this point as both Europe and the US turn rapidly into Stalinist police states.
The Prime Minister argues for more funding to build a pipeline from the Caspian Sea carrying gas through Turkey to the West, avoiding the traditional route through Russia and its satellites. Analysts had speculated that the Nabucco pipeline project would be jeopardised by the invasion of Georgia.
Music historians have long perpetuated a powerful myth about the famous Va, pensiero chorus sung in the third act by the Hebrew slaves. Scholars have long believed the audience, responding with nationalistic fervor to the slaves' powerful hymn of longing for their homeland, demanded an encore of the piece. As encores were expressly forbidden by the government at the time, such a gesture would have been extremely significant. However, recent scholarship puts this and the corresponding myth of Va, pensiero as the national anthem of the Risorgimento, to rest. Although the audience did indeed demand an encore, it was not for "Va, pensiero" but rather for the hymn "Immenso Jehova," sung by the Hebrew slaves to thank God for saving his people. In light of these new revelations, Verdi's position as the musical figurehead of the Risorgimento has been correspondingly downplayed. Today, Va, pensiero is regularly given an encore when performed; interestingly, it is the only encore Metropolitan Opera conductor James Levine has ever allowed
Naming a pipeline set up to feed Israel and Europe energy from deep inside of what was once the Russian Empire 'Nabucco' is...GOOD GODS! TALK ABOUT INSANE! This has all the indicators of the Apocalypse! This opera is all about how Jewish slaves overthrew the Persian empire. In Jewish history, all sorts of tiny disorders have been elevated into major victories of the Jews who are always slaves when they migrate into someone's country! When they left Egypt, they actually ROBBED their neighbors first and then fled into the Sinai. Where they then killed each other and then regrouped do they could assault Palestine.
The very name is a provocation. The fact that this is possibly going to trigger a massive global war between Europe and the US and Russia and China is even more reason to oppose this pipeline under present conditions. The irresponsibly hot talk from the West is so like Hitler, it isn't funny anymore. I am horrified.
Bush quietly seeks to make war powers permanent, by declaring indefinite state of war
As the nation focuses on Sen. John McCain's choice of running mate, President Bush has quietly moved to expand the reach of presidential power by ensuring that America remains in a state of permanent war.Buried in a recent proposal by the Administration is a sentence that has received scant attention -- and was buried itself in the very newspaper that exposed it Saturday. It is an affirmation that the United States remains at war with al Qaeda, the Taliban and "associated organizations."
Part of a proposal for Guantanamo Bay legal detainees, the provision before Congress seeks to “acknowledge again and explicitly that this nation remains engaged in an armed conflict with Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and associated organizations, who have already proclaimed themselves at war with us and who are dedicated to the slaughter of Americans.”
Let's all thank AIPAC for this piece of garbage. Mission accomplished. If the US thinks it can become eternally rich with eternal war with all the Persian Empires out there, this is pure madness. The Jewish financiers funding AIPAC are very powerful and note how they slip into law all sorts of mischief they hope the war-weary US will ignore. This legislation was not trumpeted by our putative representatives in Congress. Bush will sign it silently. The fact is, the media which is mostly owned by outright Zionists, won't make an issue about this matter.
This is why Obama has gained some ground in his attempt at the Presidency. He bowed to AIPAC and the media relented on him. Right now, antiwar demonstrators in Minnesota are being arrested and harassed by the paramilitary skinhead troopers who are treating us like Iraqis. The ruling elites are warmongers. They deluge the US public with bloodthirsty rhetoric while at the same time, protecting the emperor as he denies Americans essential services.
The Katrina Redux is to be proof that the media and our real rulers actually love us. They actually said, they will protect us...THIS TIME AROUND. Only Gustav is messing with their plans of destroying Russian power. If our oil rigs are destroyed, the bluster aimed at Iran and Russia is destroyed. So our rulers are chewing their claws to a nub with worry.
The Conflict We Chose
By Mark Weisbrot
The United States has relatively very little in the way of commercial relations with Russia, and therefore there are not powerful business interests here to counteract those whose primary goal is the projection of imperial power, or making money from arms sales. The Republican presidential candidate, Senator John McCain, has been consistently bellicose towards Russia and had previously - long before the current military conflict -- called for expelling Russia from the G-8.Eventually, our foreign policy establishment will have to adjust to the realities of the 21st century, in which Washington cannot simply tell the rest of the world what to do. They will learn to accept a multi-polar world where diplomacy, international law, and negotiations play a much larger role and military force and threats are much less significant. The question, as always, is how much Americans and the world will lose in blood and treasure before that happens.
In the meantime, the media coverage of this latest conflict shows how far we have to go before common sense can prevail. Appearing on Meet the Press on the Sunday following the eruption of armed conflict, David Broder, a Washington Post columnist who is the embodiment of inside-the-beltway conventional wisdom, said that this was "particularly a moment where John McCain can claim to have been prescient, because . . . he draws a very sharp line when it comes to Russia. ."
It won't be a 'multipolar world' in ten years. It will be unipolar. Europe can't exist as a confounded confederation of ethnic and religious groups that hate each other so much, the Walloons and the Belgians can't even agree on a government in a country not even the size of New Jersey? No 'nation' in the European confederation is even remotely as large as either Alaska or Texas. The only reason the European confederation can exist is because it, like Japan and England, is piggy-back riding the US military. If the US goes bankrupt or descends into open civil war, this vanishes. All empires, when they fail economically, fail politically.
What is at stake here is exactly how much 'blood and treasure' we might lose. If we start WWIII, we lose everything, totally. This totality is to be greatly feared. I knew the minute Reagan embraced the Star Wars concept, we would toy with the notion of holding the entire planet hostage to our new Pax Romana. We would then use this as a tool to rob people of their resources. And to defy the planet when we screw up.
The days of doing this with impunity ended with our unsuccessful invasion of Iraq. It is not far in the future when the US ends its 100 year war with Iraq and is booted out just like the Brits before us. The new Iraq/Iran confederation will be stronger than the European confederation. For the Iraqi majority population will be in total linguistic and religious harmony with the majority of Iranians!
CNN interview with Vladimir Putin
Matthew Chance: Many people around the world, even though you're not the president of Russia anymore, see you as the main decision maker in this country. Wasn't you that ordered Russian forces into Georgia and you who should take responsibility for the consequences?Vladimir Putin: Of course, that's not the case. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the issues of foreign policy and defense are fully in the hands of the president. The president of the Russian Federation was acting within his powers.
As is known, yours truly was at that time at the opening of the Olympic Games in Beijing. This alone made it impossible for me to take part in preparing that decision, although of course, President Medvedev was aware of my opinion on that issue. I'll be frank with you, and actually there is no secret about it, we had of course considered all the possible scenarios of events, including direct aggression by the Georgian leadership.
We had to think beforehand about how to provide for the security of our peace-keepers and of the citizens of the Russian Federation who are residents of South Ossetia. But, I repeat, such a decision could only be taken by the president of the Russian Federation, the commander in chief of the armed forces, Mr. Medvedev. It's his decision.
Comparing Putin's frank and honest talk with the lies our own politicians tell: sigh. Our politicians have this huge hole in the conversation they dare not enter: Jewish domination of all levels of US foreign policy. Recently, a very kind reader of Culture of Life News sent me an interesting book, 'The Limits of Power' by Andrew J. Bacevich. This book sounds totally reasonable, totally smart until someone like me reads it.
It should be renamed, 'The UNLIMITED Power'. For during and entire book talking endlessly about every nation on earth and its relations to the US and history, only ONE nation is NEVER mentioned except very obliquely just one time only: Israel! Mr. Bacevich is a member of the New World Order organization, the Council of Foreign Relations. This is the stew pot for all the stupid people who have worked tirelessly to destroy the US as an economic and political power. Mr. Bachevich is upset that his 28 year old son was blown up while he was trying to suppress the Iraqi freedom fighters.
This tool of the Real Rulers did a fabulous job of NOT telling the truth about ANYTHING while sounding totally sane and utterly honest. This level of dishonesty is typical of all the guys paid by the rulers to deflect or destroy our ability to see the truth. The truth is connected to the Apocalypse and is attached to the very same spot where King David, according to Jewish legends, stopped the Angel of Death on the threshing floor of a non-Jewish man who happened to live where Jerusalem was built. This threshing floor actually was the habitation of the Goddess of the Moon.
The occult nature of 'magic' comes from the ability to be totally visible while being invisible. The Ring of Power of Tolkien captured this concept nearly perfectly. To be able to rule but not be seen is the height of power. Note the invisible gods excel in this dark art. The nature of what assails us and what is driving us relentlessly into the Apocalypse is the gravest danger facing all humanity. In the mainstream, we hear about 'born again' Christians and McCain chose an oil-soaked believer in the Apocalypse as a running mate: she is a perfect Whore of Babylon on absolutely every level.
Back to Putin: he discusses the complex history of the southern borders of the Russian Empire with great clarity. Earlier, in Europe, he reminded everyone about Catherine the Great, the Prussian Princess. He has been patiently explaining history to everyone who listens. In the West, this is virtually no one. In China, the leadership gave him a very careful hearing and are now acting on this information. The agreement between both empires is an understanding of history, necessity and power. The Chinese are very attuned to power flows and the concept of invisible power while wielding god-like powers was embodied in Mao so they are very aware of this force.
But I would like to recall that all these state entities, each in its own time, voluntarily integrated into the Russian Empire. Back in the mid-18th century, in 1745-1747, Ossetia was the first to become part of the Russian Empire. At that time, it was a united entity; North and South Ossetia were one state.In 1801, if my memory serves me, Georgia itself, which was under some pressure from the Ottoman Empire, voluntarily became part of the Russian Empire.
It was only 12 years later, in 1812, that Abkhazia became part of the Russian Empire. Until that time, it had remained an independent state, an independent principality.
It was only in the mid-19th century that the decision was taken to incorporate South Ossetia into the Tiflis province. Within a common state, the matter was regarded as not very important. But I can assure you that subsequent years showed that the Ossetians did not much like it. However, de facto they were put by the tsar's central government under the jurisdiction of what is now Georgia.
When, after World War I, the Russian Empire broke up, Georgia declared its own state while Ossetia opted for staying within Russia; this happened right after the events of 1917.
In 1918, as a result of this, Georgia conducted a rather brutal punitive operation there, and in 1921, it repeated it.
When the Soviet Union was formed, these territories, by Stalin's decision, were definitively given to Georgia. As you know, Stalin was ethnically Georgian.
Therefore, those who insist that those territories must continue to belong to Georgia are Stalinists: They defend the decision of Josef Vissarionovich Stalin.
Putin wants to educate us. We want to be stupid. Stupid Presidential candidates always fare better than smart ones. We want to be led by the Common Man even if it is a series of very spoiled brats of one particular political clan, for example. All the political clans run on and on like the Rockerfellers, the Kennedys, the Bushes or the Clintons, just for a very few examples. There are many such. Udalls, Reagans, Cuomos, etc, etc just off the top of my head. They all talk 'stoopid.' They dare not talk like elites. This is why the total outsider, Obama, was accused by the media talking head liars, as an 'elitist'.
Obama is a tool of the elites. But he is a total outsider and he troubles them. What if he goes against their orders? This means a very messy assassination or impeachment over some trivial matter. Bush can get away with repeated gross negligence, outright criminal conspiracy and many Constitutional offenses big and small and 'impeachment is off the table'. But then, the ruling elites used the anthrax assassin as well as enabling the 9/11 assassins so letting the dark, invisible Ring of Power to deal with difficulties is pretty obvious. Obama signed his death warrant by choosing Biden who is 100% ruling elite as a running mate.
Of course, McCain and his Apocalyptic witch are in harmony: both want to have a Final Confrontation and Conflagration. I guess McCain thinks, he has a choice of which house to hide in when the bombs destroy the rest of this nation.
Matthew Chance: The raw as you've mentioned areas of cooperation still between the United States and Russia, particularly for instance over the issue of Iran's very controversial nuclear program.Are you suggesting that you may withdraw your cooperation with the United Nations in tackling that problem from the United States if the diplomatic pressure were to be ruptured up between Russian and the West?
Vladimir Putin: Russia has been working very consistently and in good faith with its partners on all problems, those that I've mentioned and those that you added. We do so not because someone asks us and we want to look good to them. We are doing it because this is consistent with our national interests, because in these areas, our national interests coincide with those of many European countries and of the United States. If no one wants to talk to us about these problems and cooperation with Russia becomes unnecessary, God bless, do this work yourself.
Matthew Chance: And what about the issue of energy supply, because obviously European countries in particular are increasingly dependent on Russian gas and on Russian oil. Would Russia ever use the supply of energy to western Europe as a leaver to apply pressure should the diplomatic tensions be ratcheted up?
Vladimir Putin: We have never done it. Construction of the first gas pipeline system was started during the 1960s, at the height of the Cold War, and for all those years, from the 1960s until this day, Russia has been fulfilling its contract obligations in a very consistent and reliable way, regardless of the political situation.
We never politicize economic relations, and we are quite astonished at the position of some U.S. administration officials who travel to European capitals trying to persuade the Europeans not to buy our products, natural gas for example, in a truly amazing effort to politicize the economic sphere. In fact, it's quite pernicious.
It's true that the Europeans depend on our supplies but we too depend on whoever buys our gas. That's interdependence; that's precisely the guarantee of stability.
The US still wants Russia to do our bidding. And Putin is basically and diplomatically tellling us to jump in a lake or go to hell or both. The US and Europe, while preparing for a confrontation over Iran, are trying desperately to find some solution to their energy problems. They know the Middle East will be in flames. The hope is, the US will assist Israel in destroying all military power in Iran. The attempt to disarm Iran has floundered in the UN and is, as of today, totally dead. Neither Russia nor China are even slightly interested in this process anymore.
The US whining about the Olympics has united the Chinese against the West. Patriotism is flowering there due to Western attempts at destroying China, upending their government and driving wedges between ethnic and religious groups in China. This failure has epic repercussions! The US thinks this is a game. For the Chinese, it is survival. Since they are serious and we are addle-brained, they will resolutely follow their own chosen path which is all about clipping our economic wings so we can't wage endless wars. Pax China will rise like a Phoenix in Asia. This is History. We can't stop the Wheel of History anymore than we can persuade the Furies to ignore hubris or the Norns, fate.
Europe doesn't want to buy things from Russia. They want to LOOT Russia. Europe and American don't want to buy things from China. They want to ENSLAVE the hardy Chinese workers. Far from being all about peace and freedom, the real goals of the West as is the secret desires of the rulers is to ENSLAVE AND LOOT. Europe did this with total impunity from 1600 to 2000 AD. The idea that this is over and done with and now in reverse is hard to accept. Europe and the US want desperately to believe that the magic Ring of Power which is nuclear bombs will allow the loot and enslave business to continue....this is pure Nabucco madness.
Russia: Iran N-plant operational in '08
Iran's first Russian-built nuclear power plant in the southern city of Bushehr will become operational by the end of 2008, Moscow says."Russia is seriously committed to completing and running Bushehr power plant in the shortest possible time," Russia's ambassador to Tehran, Alexander Sadovnikov, said Saturday.
Russia began the delivery of 82 tons of nuclear fuel to Bushehr in late 2007, giving rise to speculation that the Iranian power plant would become operational earlier in 2008.
According to the Russian envoy, the delays have been caused by 'sanctions imposed by Western powers'.
Russia is moving very fast now that the game has moved from diplomacy to open warfare. The Russians hoped the latest US elections would be all about peace, not more wars. But I noted long ago, the media owners want war and they use their own Ring of Power that keeps them cloaked in invisibility so they can manipulate the masses into wanting only pro-war candidates. So we have both vying for the crown of Evil Warlord rather than Sane Diplomat. And if Obama does play Sane Diplomat, he will be eliminated totally and with harsh prejudice. The Praetorian Guard will either let down their guard or he will be invited to go to Texas to give a speech for 'unity'. Even if he avoids open cars and crowds, it is laughably easy to eliminate him. And I would suggest, he is smart enough to know this.
China Dumps US Dollar Denominated Debt: Bank of China flees Fannie-Freddie
Bank of China has cut its portfolio of securities issued or guaranteed by troubled US mortgage financiers Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac by a quarter since the end of June.The sale by China’s fourth largest commercial bank, which reduced its holdings of so-called agency debt by $4.6bn, is a sign of nervousness among foreign buyers of Fannie and Freddie’s bonds and guaranteed securities.over the mortgage financiers’ capital positions and the timing and structure of a potential government rescue has made some investors reassess their exposures. Asian investors in particular have become net sellers of agency debt, said analysts.
Federal Reserve custody data shows that for the year to July, foreign official and private investors bought an average of $20bn of agency debt a month, including debt issued by other government agencies such as Ginnie Mae and the Federal Home Loan Banks. Purchases of US Treasuries averaged $9.25bn.
From July 16 to August 20, foreign investors sold $14.7bn of agency debt, trimming their overall holdings to $972bn. They purchased $71.1bn of Treasuries in the same period.
Our days of whine and bozos is ending. The Chinese 'be bank' and is pulling our credit line. Right in time for hurricanes to hammer us again. We can't beg them for more money. The very inflationary stimulus package dampened American fears of finances but fueled inflation. The temporary drop in oil prices has fooled everyone into thinking this would lead back to the wonderland of $10 a barrel oil of the Clinton years.
This is not going to happen. Russia was weak back then and being looted by Europe. Today, it is one of the greatest powers on earth with the new alliance with China which was weak back in 1992. Today, it is a giant that straddles all of Asia and is now flexing its muscles. China doesn't need us anymore. They can rule the world without us. And luckily, they know about the Apocalypse because some of them lived with me. They know that this worries me more than anything. They want PEACE, not TOTAL WAR. And if we are fortunate, they will dictate peace terms to us before we blow up the entire planet.
To avoid all this, all we have to do is disarm. Like we want the Iranians to do. We can also beg Russia and China to disarm. This would be Heaven, not Hell. Which takes me back to the innermost reality of the Outer Darkness: when lightning strikes, the positive and negative polarity is united. Up is down and in is out and everything is nothing and one either dies or is reborn! We are nearing such a state.
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