Elaine Meinel Supkis
All my life, I knew that the Born Again Christians were really demons working for the Antichrist. They embody all the most hateful things I ever encountered. And now we see them waving American flags and begging their demonic devil of a leader, the Fake Jesus Who Loves Money And Power, to give them money and power! Wow. HAHAHA.More Photos & Videos From Yesterday’s Sacrilege Wall Street Bull Prayer
The company said it would be able to borrow up to $20.9 billion under the new program, raising its maximum available credit from the Fed to $144 billion under three different programs. The credit includes an earlier emergency loan of $85 billion from the Fed that carries a much higher interest rate.
A.I.G.’s big borrowings underscore the company’s bewilderingly rapid decline. When it suddenly faced a cash crisis in mid-September, the original estimate of the amount it needed was just $20 billion. A few days later, the Fed stepped forward with its $85 billion credit line. And now, the stunning size of that original bailout has grown by almost 70 percent.
The company’s financial products division did a lot of business in that type of derivative, called credit-default swaps.
A.I.G. had come under fire for accounting irregularities some years back and had brought in a former accounting expert from the Securities and Exchange Commission. He began to focus on the company’s accounting for its credit-default swaps and collided with Joseph Cassano, the head of the company’s financial products division, according to a letter read by Mr. Waxman at the recent Congressional hearing.
When the expert tried to revise A.I.G.’s method for measuring its swaps, he said that Mr. Cassano told him, “I have deliberately excluded you from the valuation because I was concerned that you would pollute the process.”
And what was this gentleman 'polluting'? Why, the money stream pouring out of the stump of the World Tree! He was polluting the flood of dollars pouring out of the Bank of Japan! He was polluting the flood of invisible money that was feeding the voracious appetite of the biggest monetary/financial entity ever created by gnomic minds: the Derivatives Beast!
Through spring and summer, the company said it was still gathering information about the swaps and tucked references of widening losses into the footnotes of its financial statements: $11.4 billion at the end of 2007, $20.6 billion at the end of March, $26 billion at the end of June. The company stressed that the losses were theoretical: no cash had actually gone out the door.
“If these aren’t cash losses, why are you having to put up collateral to the counterparties?” Mr. Vickrey asked in a recent interview. The fact that the insurer had to post collateral suggests that the counterparties thought A.I.G.’s swaps losses were greater than disclosed, he said. By midyear, the insurer had been forced to post collateral of $16.5 billion on the swaps.
Though the company has not disclosed how much collateral it has posted since then, its $447 billion portfolio of credit-default swaps could require far more if the economy continues to weaken. More federal assistance would then essentially flow through A.I.G. to counterparties.
The short sellers say they are scapegoats for the real villains in the meltdown. ``The shorts who warned about the real estate bubble have been proven right,'' Fleckenstein says. ``Now the government has changed the rules overnight. They're blaming the shorts and bailing out the ones who lost all the money and almost took the financial system down.''
Manuel Asensio, 53, president of New York-based Mill Rock LLC, says he and his brethren keep the stock market honest by going after companies with rotten accounting, dubious business plans and excessive debt. ``Short selling is an expression of doubt, not a criminal activity,'' Feiger says.
The management at Lehman, Bear Stearns and Merrill kept saying everything was fine. Then, every few weeks, they'd write off billions.''
Lehman, Bear Stearns and AIG all did the same thing: they stuck the peanut butter side of their lunches onto the reports and then handed the mess over to the SEC. Cox is a political appointee who paid no attention to this and when his staff complained, he told them to shut up. Now, he is in the news, pretending to care about the book reports from these gooey fingered gnomes. 'Bad, bad, naughty gnomes,' he cries.
According to Short Alert Research, a Charlotte, North Carolina-based firm that produces research for short sellers, from early July to late September short interest in 33 investment banks and brokers plunged by 33.3 percent. Yet, share prices still declined.
``It was the longs getting out,'' says Fleckenstein. ``Probably the insiders.''
``During the year prior to passage of the Securities Act and Banking Act in 1933, there was a massive bear raid on Wall Street,'' Geisst says. ``Some executives were shorting their own stock.''
(Bloomberg) -- The Depository Trust & Clearing Corp., which operates a central registry for the $55 trillion credit- default swap market, may agree to disclose more data to counter criticism the derivatives amplified the financial crisis. New York-based DTCC has discussed with banks, brokers and others that own the company ``whether or not there's any broader access to information we might provide,'' spokesman Stuart Goldstein said in an interview yesterday, declining to elaborate on what data may be published.
The DTCC earlier this month began releasing some information on trades in the registry to clear ``misconceptions'' about credit-default swaps following the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., among the market's largest dealers.
Officials from U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox to New York Insurance Superintendent Eric Dinallo have called for increased regulation of the swaps. Dinallo, in an interview that aired Oct. 26 on the CBS news show ``60 Minutes,'' called the market ``legalized gambling.''
A reader kindly sent me a new link, 'Deepcapture.com' which is a site run by a businessman who believes that the phantom financial world of naked short sellers in the hedge fund pirate/hell hound high seas has defrauded himself and other business people. To explore this story means plunging deep into the darker pools of finance, news reporting and downright demonic affairs with everyone pointing fingers at each other. There are no 'good' people in this story. But lots of lost souls and quite a few swindlers not to mention outright criminals, corrupt politicians and the many despicable follies and wild games of the people who are the bleeding heart at the center of our financial world. Like the DTCC, the organization originally set up to transfer ownership of stocks! All are now in this bizarre universe where there are many secret portals, secret chambers and invisible monsters that destroy or create wealth.
So, what is the DTCC? A crypt! A hiding place for invisible things! The place where ALL THE DERIVATIVE CONTRACTS ARE PROCESSED! HAHAHA.
What does the Cave of Wealth look like? We always have to answer this question when reading anything about the systems we depend on to create or regulate the flow of 'wealth'. Stocks and bonds are pieces of paper that are processed by humans and computers. Their relative level of wealth is very uncertain and shifts like the desert sands in the sighing night winds. The guardians of these various chambers in the Cave of Wealth call themselves 'wizards'. They know they are dealing with magical things and via joint efforts can assign values and purpose to all that they control. These wizards are supposed to be the gatekeepers who protect our joint wealth.
But they are sly and self-centered. They love to rig things and do riddles and such. They are also prone to playing games with gods and dragons. Always greedy and seeking some advantage over the masses of humans and giants working up above in the sunshine, these wizards hammer away in the darkness, seeking errors to exploit. They hope that gullible humans would say, 'Oh, you made a mistake,' or 'It takes you five days to process my check?' etc. I am old enough to remember the pre-DTCC days when stock certificates had to be moved from one broker to another. My previous husband had summer jobs working on Wall Street as a courier carrying these pieces of paper from broker to broker. He would go to the outer edges of the trading floor and wait to be called by a frantic trader and then would run off with a scrap of paper to some broker's office. A guy with the legendary green eyeshades would fetch the appropriate stocks from a big, fancy safe with lots of gold trim and pass it through a grill and he would have to sign off and put it in a pouch and physically carry it to the destination where the process was reversed. This took so much time, by the end of the day, there were stocks still not finished with this fetch and carry.
Eventually, during the run up to the big stock crash that ushered in the stagflation years where stocks were flatter than a pancake on a hot tin roof, every Wednesday the market had to close! Totally shut down so the young boys could run back and forth and finish moving stocks to their rightful owners who paid for them. Well, the Big Brains in charge of things said to the governing board, 'Let's build a house of bricks and the Big Bad Wednesday Wolf who shuts us down every week will huff and puff and we can still trade stocks!' So they built this big, brick and marble tower and locked the doors and not even young men wishing to get a start on Wall Street ever touched a piece of paper being traded again.
And when this new system happened, did the time lag between buying a stock and ACTUALLY GETTING IT vanish? HAHAHA. Being greedy, vicious monsters seeking eternal wealth with no labor or even ownership, the guys who set up this system said to each other, 'Those foolish humans and working giants are stupid. We will tell them that even though ALL the stocks are held now in our new brick and marble tower that looks like the Cave of Death, we will pretend that it STILL takes DAYS AND DAYS to process the paperwork and settle affairs! HAHAHA.' So they continued to pretend that it took at least 3 or more days to move the actual stocks into the hands of the actual buyers. Just like bankers, when computers removed all need to process mere 'money', pretend to this very day, it takes them several days to communicate with other computers that have electronic 01010s. Why, they have to use boys like 100 years ago to carry the bags to the front door and the the Brinks guards have to carry it to the other banks, etc! HAHAHA. Of course not. But it is a great fiction that allows banks to use our money for a few days on the overnight LIBOR markets which is yet another ancient thing that used to take time and now takes only a micro second to operate.
We see a pattern here: upgrade and modernize, speed things up to light speed or faster while at the same time, tell all the people being ripped off that the system is very slow and ancient and has many barriers to speed. Then, exploit this time frame ruthlessly to enrich the people who are 'in the know.' How simple is this? And it is also fraud, a swindle and totally evil. Thus, the childish glee this gives the wizards pulling off these tricks.
Traders in Tokyo have given warning that about $90 billion (£55billion) of complex foreign exchange products, sold mainly to Japanese households and institutions, are on the brink of falling “like a house of cards”.
A rescue effort by the product issuers - large Japanese, European and American investment banks - is expected to involve extensive hedging measures that will throw global currency markets into even deeper turmoil.
The products, which are known as power reverse dual currency notes (PRDC), were sold to Japanese households as simple products offering higher yields than regular savings but the bonds were in reality hugely complex structures “with 15 moving parts and multiple points of pain”, derivatives experts at RBS in Tokyo said.
The products combine exposure to foreign exchange, interest rate differentials and domestic inflation and have formed a small but potent part of the so-called yen carry trade - the borrowing of yen to invest in currencies offering higher interest rates - a gambit thought to have financed huge amounts of global risk-taking in recent years.
Gads! I read a lot of news and I missed this 'PRDC' product! The name absolutely REEKS of the Outer Darkness! Power...that is the Ring of Power, the Rhinegold, the Ring of Doom, Draco, it is dangerous to wield. Reverse: in the Outer Darkness, up is down and in is out. Magic is all about reversals! Lightning is reversals! Yin and yang is magical. Dual: duality is the Twins. This is the force of duplication and duplicity. It is also yin and yang. Then there Currency: this comes from the word to flow! It is red ink. It is NOW at the same time. It flows yet it is the point of time when reality is actually happening, it is the connection between the Dire Twins, Future and Past, it is the connection between the goddess of Inflation and the goddess of Deflation. Life and Death.
(Bloomberg) -- The U.S. Treasury and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. are considering a program that may offer about $500 billion in guarantees for troubled mortgages to stem record foreclosures, people familiar with the matter said. The plan, which might put as many as 3 million homeowners into affordable loans, would require lenders to restructure mortgages based on a borrower's ability to repay. Under one option, the industry would keep lower monthly payments for five years before raising interest rates, the people said.
(Bloomberg) -- Crude oil, copper, wheat and sugar led the biggest commodity surge in at least five decades on expectations that lower borrowing costs will aid a rebound in demand for raw materials.
The Reuters/Jefferies CRB Index of 19 raw materials rose as much as 6.4 percent, the most since at least 1956, when the data begin. China, the world's largest consumer of industrial metals, cut interest rates for a third time in two months. The U.S., the biggest oil user, may lower its benchmark rate to 1 percent today, according to the median forecast of economists surveyed by Bloomberg.
Culture of Life News, October 31, 2007: More news about and from the Federal Reserve. Stocks are up today based on this 3.9 growth rate of our GDP. Like all the lies surrounding our finances, using the GDP rather than the GNP is typical. It counts the spending on inflation-ravaged items to be 'commerce'. Inflation, not our economy, is growing, of course. So time to talk about all this and what it means as the world slides into an obvious recession caused by high inflation of raw materials and energy.
And here is another video of the rear end of the Wall Street Bull at the top of the story. It is mildly dirty so click on it only if you like to have a ball. Culture of Life News Main Page