Elaine Meinel Supkis
The mouthpiece of the New World Order, the New York Times, funnels the fuming of the ruling elite who threaten the French for daring to defy them. They tell us they can buy off whoever is elected in ANY country and ram down the throats of recalitrant public, the "free trade" flat earth iron rules.
Published: April 11, 2006
Nearly two years ago, the chief executive of one of the largest international companies based in France described what he viewed as the best chance for needed economic reform that would open up European economies by making it much easier to hire and fire workers.so that each government would expect to be replaced at the next election by a government that would then offend voters by adopting more such legislation, and in turn be replaced.
See? They will talk about "democracy" but what they really mean is to give us all fake choices and then we vote then they buy the politicians from us and then our "elected" leaders betray us to the ruling elite and pass laws the rulers want and then we "elect" new leaders demanding they undo the laws and they, too end up either bought by the rulers, chased out of office by really meaningless scandals a la Clinton or.....killed outright.
Tony Blair is going to work for Carlyle, for example, after infuriating his own base. He sold out the British workers who are unable to fight back because it is LABOUR that is shafting them! They made a deal with the devil for power, tired of being kept out of office via propaganda campaigns designed to demonize any labour leader who might do things for working people. We saw this yesterday, the ruling elite has to first demonize Lou Dobbs prior to firing him, for example, because he is talking what they consider "insurrection talk."
This "replace each government in turn" counterrevolutionary strategy really works! This is why they feel no shame in openly discussing it. Note that the New York Times thinks this is a good idea! Unpopular governments working for the ruling elite's New World Order will be protected by the media and any opposition will be mocked and abused or simply ignored and in turn, when the policies become so very unpopular that the President of the United States has less than 30% support, they remove him to a think tank for dummies and onto the board of directors of Halliburton and begin to bribe the replacement chosen by popular referendum.
Again, if the popular new leader rejects the bribes, suddenly he will find himself being called names and every time he sneezes, the media giants will attack him, every word he utters will be examined by an army of hostile Heathers and remember Al Gore? Chased out of office, real victories denied, hate oozing from every pore of the New World Order toadies as they poison our airwaves and print, screaming vindictive hatred. And if that person still persists?
Unseeming accidents can happen. Failing that, outright murder such as Martin Luther King suddenly discovered when he got into union organizing and talking about worker's rights rather than Civil Rights.
The best chance for that (ramming bad laws down people's throats), he said privately, was in Germany. He saw France as far less likely to have it work, in part because even the supposedly conservative parties were becoming more and more opposed to change.
Note the language here: "SUPPOSEDLY conservative parties". Conservative means "opposed to change"! Note how the NWO defines conservative as "radical revolutionaries bent on violently changing society"! This is what the neo cons working for the NWO are doing. Former Troskyites and various Zionists as well as old fashioned Queens like Elizabeth, they dream of imperial/kingly rule, this is what the Skull and Bones are all about, what the various secret societies dream of, this is the Rule of the Sun King, their form of Glory and Seig Heilligen Macht.
In these countries, a class accustomed to security — those with traditional jobs ending in generous retirement plans — opposes any effort to change the system. Economists may warn that the very system is one reason that unemployment, particularly youth unemployment, has soared, and that pressures of globalization mean that Europe must eventually change to prevent its growth from faltering even further. But many voters seem to prefer delaying that as long as possible.
Do American workers want security? We have been lied to and told, security stinks. Instead, we should have a Darwinian system whereby the strong thrive and the weak drown in New Orleans where they are still finding the pathetic bones of the dead whose pleas for help were ignored by the NWO's puppets who laughed and sang and ate birthday cakes.
This sneering disregard for simple stabilty, predictability and a comfortable life instead of being worked to death permeates much of America's media. Instead of living a pleasant life with good times, some leisure time, easy retirement, we are being whipped into working to death in order to accumulate things. We must consume and be consumed. I recently went into a huge house with only two people living in it and you could barely walk through the house, it was stuffed to the gills with stuff. It was creepily claustophobic and the owner said, "I need a bigger house." It isn't one person, many people I visit say this these days. It is part of the American accumlation of things rather than living a free life where one can relax and enjoy a glass of wine sitting at a cafe, watching the street life pass by!
One reason for the reluctance of the French and the Italians to stick by what the politicians see as needed changes is the longtime insecurity of governments, in contrast to relatively stable political situations in countries like the United States and Britain.
Translation: America and England, being the same imperial entity, have made it totally impossible for any opposition to exist. The stability here is one caused by all politicians becoming utterly corrupt and openly buying and selling themselves to the highest bidders even foreign entities like the Japanese or Dubai.
Our rulers fear no one because if someone gets too far ahead of the pack's pacs, this person is punished and nothing changes. With the Abramoff and DeLay affairs, normal governments have reforms so they don't look so obviously corrupt but here, nada. Not a peep from the press which openly lies about who is corrupt because they want voters to think everyone is corrupt and if someone isn't corrupt, they desperately try to corrupt them. McCain is completely corrupt and caught red handed so he was transformed into a "reformer" who isn't "corrupt" so he can pretend to be an alternative yet he toils endlessly for the ruling elite which is why he is enabling illegal immigration, for example. Despite the rising fury of his own voters in Arizona, he persists because he is filthy rich and if he isn't kicked upstairs into the White House, he has no worries, he is a billionaire, after all, like Kerry.
Three decades later, the adoption of the euro as the common currency of 12 European nations, including France and Italy, was forecast by some as making change inevitable,since it would remove currency devaluations as an economic tool in staying competitive. But that has not happened to the extent forecast, and some politicians, including two cabinet ministers in Italy, have blamed the euro for the current problems.
Aha! So, we are screaming ourselves hoarse at the Chinese because they are doing what everyone is supposed to do, manipulating the value of currency! Hahaha. I love this when the scribes for the rulers slip up and tell the truth. As Europeans wake up to their peril, namely, they are losing not only their collective political powers but losing their future, their lives, everything, they will do what they are doing: rise up in justified fury. We are losing not only our pensions but even Social Security. The "reforms" are all designed for one end: to eliminate not only it but us. Too many elderly=weakness and they want to rule the world and the USA is the hyper-military tool that will crush workers across the entire planet earth!
This is why the rulers are ruthlessly cutting all social services while doubling the money going into the military death machine, why they are cutting services for wounded soldiers while increasing the money for nuclear bomb shelters that will hold only them. Their plan is to retreat to these places and then nuke all of us into submission.
That is their Dr. Strangelove trump card they hold.
I, too, salute the French for rejecting efforts to impoverish their workers.
Americans have become sheep. We allow our corporations to hold us in thrall with the twin threats of outsourcing and off shoring jobs.
The right is gnashing their teeth in rage at the audacity of the French worker. Good.
Vive la France, baise Bush.
Posted by: Mike | April 11, 2006 at 02:30 PM
Baste after rolling him in bread crumbs. Cook at 375 for about 12 hours. Serves six fat cats.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | April 11, 2006 at 04:50 PM
What happened to the comment I posted on your previous French piece? It's not there any more.
Posted by: This Old Brit | April 12, 2006 at 05:26 PM
Yes, someone deleted you and I am angry about it, Richard.
Will see what I can do about it.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | April 12, 2006 at 07:25 PM
The problem the French and others will have is when the unemployed young - and there are many of them - become the unemployed middle-aged and expect the government to tax the employed mercilessly to pay benefits.
The French - and others - have a system they just won't be able to afford for too many more years - too few workers supporting (generously) too many unemployed who want jobs but can't get them because those economies are so stable (i.e., stagnant).
It'll be fun to watch from a safe distance though! Meanwhile, the best thing we can do for the French is not buy their stuff so they can keep it for their own poeple.
Posted by: JSmith | April 13, 2006 at 05:46 PM
How's your Mandarin lessons coming along?
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | April 15, 2006 at 10:17 AM