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Scroll through this article by Grossman and try to guess how many times he's even spoken with a working class American.

D.F. Facti

Just yesterday talked w/ a contractor who uses Mexicans. Another firm - Mexicans. Fine with me, except they do work for less -used to take the $ back home in the winter. Now they stay here. To shop at WalMart - not at local businesses. They don't exist any longer.

Region I speak of is/was very recently the number one construction market in the entire country. A trailing indicator to be sure.

Sales of "used" houses are dead pretty much. Nothing is moving. They are selling off the lake front - once public beaches, now mini estates. No business base to pay taxes to support public works and services - must sell off the seed corn. Truly foolish - but what to do? Suspend the police force? Hand out shovels in the winter instead of plowing the roads? Tell everyone to boil their water because there are insufficient funds to operate water treatment plants?

Sylla and Charybdis

Elaine Meinel Supkis

Our housing boom was fueled by illegal aliens. Now they will be deported.


When you are the one in a million in China, there are 2000 others just as good.


Rising productivity and falling real wages are the same thing. Productivity is basically defined as how much a worker produces for a fixed amount of pay. So if productivity is increasing, workers are getting paid less for producing the same amount.

I recently saw an interesting--and disturbing--report on the news about how U.S. agriculture is now suffering as a result of the crackdown on illegal migrant farm workers. We don't even know enough to know when we're shooting ourselves in our own feet!

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