Elaine Meinel Supkis
Time to check out the economic miracle (sic) of Japan and to see how China's ascent is now eclipsing America as we pass in the opposite direction. To make wealth for the rich, America continues to divest itself of all industry while China builds. Japan is on a suicide march.
No longer do the industrialists there act paternalistic.
Asahi Shimum: In 2005, more than 180,000 people filed for personal bankruptcy in Japan.While it marked the second year of decline, the figure still means that roughly one in 700 Japanese consumers becomes insolvent each year.
Previously, the most common cause for heavy indebtedness leading to personal bankruptcy was extravagant spending on luxury goods and entertainment. In recent years, however, pays cuts, job losses and corporate bankruptcy have ranked high on the list of contributing factors.
The picture does not sit well with a country whose economy is poised to set a postwar record of uninterrupted expansion.
Ah, the 'expansion' is mirrored by the USA! Humans, in competition with other nation's peoples compete for jobs and if there is no competition, then robots fill the bill. The point is to eliminate as much as possible, any share of the wealth that can't be funneled into the maw of the ruling elites.
Over time, various groups have been able to snatch a part of this flow of gold for themselves but always, the trend is to deny them access to it and to keep it, as much as possible, flowing in only one direction.
The cure for this imbalance is very violent: revolution, war, economic collapses.
Japan's success at keeping workers alive has backfired for they retire and this costs money and this interrupts the stream of gold flowing into the deep caves of the very rich Fafnirian dragons who become very irritated if they can't have all the wealth.
There is no limit to individual greed. Indeed, the more it is fed, the hungrier it becomes and it is a perfect Oroboros worm,, eating itself. This is why all democracies tried to curtail total greed by making it dishonorable, dirty, Scroogian, in total, asocial and psychotic. But all empires end up celebrating greed! They deem it a good thing to loot, to cheat, to enslave.
Yes, slaves! Slaves are totally locked out of the money stream. They make money, not take money! So all the states appended to the American empire must enslave their populace. This is why Japan's people live such restricted lives. No McMansions in Edenistic nature! No SUVs, none of the great spaces and easy lifestyle Americans still have.
Of course, they are falling into debt, just like the Americans who are also being rapidly cut off from the stream of money and rapidly enslaved.
Where do the effects of thinning paychecks appear most prominently in family budgets?
Average household income in 2005 was down 12.2 percent from the all-time high registered in 1997, according to a family income and expenditure survey by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. In particular, expenditures on such items as food, clothing and allowances declined sharply./blockquote>
For eight years, the average salaryman has fallen behind. In the middle class of America, it is around four years but the lower working class has been losing out for fourteen years. Japan has a huge trade surplus with America which is funded by the Japanese workers who have been in a state of depression for a decade now. To keep the national balance of trade positive, the Japanese salaryman now has to do without simple things like elevators, heat in winter and airconditioning in summer, for example.
Worse, they are being set up to do without retirement. Working people to death is the usual solution to idle hands dipping into the gold river and extracting some of the wealth the rich need in order to own humanity! So it must be prevented.
Death! A great tool to eliminate the elderly. Here, in America, there is constant discussion about eliminating retirement. The idea that workers get to have a pension sickens the rich so much, it destroys any pleasure they get in their vast palaces. Walking on mable floors, attended by servants, they glare at their great Masters artworks haning there and wonder why they can't starve all those useless grannies to death. Life will be good!
Ruthlessly, relentlessly, the rich close all options to the working elites in America too.By JOE MILICIA, Associated Press Writer 1 minute agoAKRON, Ohio - Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. said on Monday that it plans to close a plant in Tyler, Texas, three weeks after workers at the plant and 15 others went on strike in part because of the tire maker's plan to shut down the factory.
The move will eliminate about 1,100 jobs and is part of Goodyear's strategy to end some of its private label tire business.
The fools in Texas thought they were so darn clever when they underbid the unions in the North. Many white males moved to Texas and the other southern states and voted for right wing Republicans and cheered them on because these politicians promised to undo civil rights and to make privilages for the white male workers so they would live in heaven instead of sharing the wealth from the gold river with those SLAVES.
Now, they are rapidly being enslaved themselves and the ruling elites, the rich Bushes and Cheneys, are telling them gay men getting married will enslave them and they must support the ruling elites who don't need marriages anyway (they use lawyers and contracts!) to spook trusting white male workers into voting for their own enslavement. Will they wake up to their own peril? I wonder sometimes. History shows clearly that many humans have voluntarily put themselves into slavery via going into debt or losing wars or simple stupidity.THE ASAHI SHIMBUNThe government has asked China to submit certificates of origin for its farm and marine product exports to Japan to bolster economic sanctions against North Korea.
Sources said over the weekend the move is aimed at ensuring 16 items previously imported from the North, including matsutake mushrooms and clams, do not reach the Japanese market via China.
Officials apparently fear Pyongyang may try to get around the sanctions by re-labeling North Korean products as Chinese.
In addition, said the sources, Tokyo has requested that vessels submit reports on their movements so that authorities here can guard against any possible illegal imports from the North.
Generally, traders operating between Japan and China are not required to provide certificates of origin for Chinese products. The policy is designed to streamline customs procedures.
While Beijing's response is yet unclear, the sources said Chinese officials have so far not refused to cooperate.
Also included on the list of 16 prohibited North Korean items are sea urchins and crabs.
If the Chinese cooperate, it will only be a tit for tat deal: they get Taiwan and Japan can poke at North Korea. If Japan gets vaporized, China will send condolences. So off the Japanese rulers go! They want to be like the Israeli Jews and starve another country, one they oppressed in the recent past, to death. Then they will be super-rich and super-powerful!
Fafnir, the giant who became a dragon in Norse mythology, thought he could control all the world's gold and the Magic Ring, too, if he killed or enslaved everyone who tried to touch his gold. He was killed by Seigfried (who came to a bad end, himself).BEIJING, Oct. 30 -- One of the architects of China's World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement in 2001 said she believes the country must play a bigger role in international trade body."I'm very happy and impressed with the progress China has made in the past five years. I think China has pursued implementation (of its WTO commitment) reasonably well," former US Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky told China Daily.
"Now, China should be a manager of the WTO instead of merely a part of it," she said.
In 1999, when the US-China WTO agreements were concluded, China's foreign trade volume stood at 360 billion U.S. dollars, a figure that will approach 1.7 trillion dollars this year. In 1999 China accounted for about 4 per cent of world trade, but today that share is about 10 per cent.
Barshefsky also called for a stronger role for China to help bring an end to the Doha round of talks, which have stalled for five years.
In other words, the Chinese dragon is very good at accumulating gold. All the rich drool with desire. They hope this dragon, a communist creature, will hold the world's wealth for them alone and not let any workers touch it! In this example, the Doha Accords should be pushed by the dragon down the throats of billions of peasants and workers.
The Korean farmers and workers have rioted with great intensity and verve every time the ruling elites try to eliminate their freedoms and privilages. Heck, all over Europe, there are riots. South America, too. Even in the USA although our paramilitary dictatorship deals most harshly with anyone protesting the rich monopolizing the gold river's wealth.
The USA's populace has been tricked into believing they will have a semblance of wealth by dipping into a river of IOUs. This stream isn't gold but blood. This is why it is called 'red ink' but is really blood. To discharge this 'mortgage' which is translation for 'death payments' means dying or working to death.
Indeed. This is the plan: to feed everyone to the Dragon, Fafnir. The Communist Dragon.