Elaine Meinel Supkis
Free trade and defending our currency are at odds with each other. The monetarist terrorists who run the Fed as well as the State Department have fooled Americans into believing degrading the currency will fix the woes caused by free trade! As foreigners like Murdoch, take over our media, we see more and more rank propaganda written by traitors trying to fool us into slitting our own throats.
Australian toll road giant Macquarie agreed Wednesday to purchase forty local newspapers, primarily in Texas and Oklahoma, for $80 million. Macquarie Bank is Australia's largest capital raising firm and has invested billions in purchasing roads in the US, Canada and UK. Most recently the company joined with Cintra Concesiones of Spain in a controversial 75-year lease of the 157-mile Indiana Toll Road.Sal Costello, the leading opponent of toll road projects as head of the Texas Toll Party, says the move is directly related to a 4000-mile toll road project known as the Trans-Texas Corridor. It will cost between $145 and $183 billion to construct the road, expected to be up to 1200 feet wide, requiring the acquisition of 9000 square miles of land in the areas through which it will pass.
Isn't this astonishing? Basically, this super-highway will slice the entire USA in two. It is not connecting our ports to each other but rather, is cutting OFF our ports from the Heart Land. This super-highway's drivers will be foreigners working for much less pay. The ports served by this super-highway will be run by foreign powers whose aim is to destroy the last remnants of our native industries. The great port cities on the West Coast will see a decline in jobs and power as business connected with import/export collapses as everyone is forced to use the super-cheap labor at the Mexican port.
The USA uses every dirty trick in the book to control Mexico's politics. This, coupled with the need to use illegal Mexican labor to reduce wages and job opportunities for Americans, is leading to a multi-nation explosion as workers on both sides of the border fight for pennies.
The purchase of these local papers in Texas can only be stopped by Americans boycotting not only these papers but any business advertising in them. This most emphatically includes Fox TV which is owned by the foreign agent, Murdoch. He got his dual citizenship just to silence critics like myself but his cynical form of fake patriotism while digging our graves pisses me off.
He pulls every string the government has attached to minds in the process of teaching children in school. He can fake patriotism to an astonishing degree while actually doing everything in his vast power to undermine real patriotism: under his influence, our ability to protect America has collapsed.
Like the aliens buying all those Texan and Midwestern papers, he couldn't do this if the rich money men running slush funds, banks and consortiums didn't assist. They love this. The free flow of money and power with no controls by native governments is what the New World Order is all about.
Bush was pressed into service only because this was falling apart with American workers increasingly uneasy about the near total destruction of our industrial base. Using Fox TV run nearly entirely by aliens (most of the top staff are foreigners), the ruling elites pressed forwards with their scheme and the Bushes had to expose their Skulduggery to the public eye. They had to in order to lock in place this new system.
Just as southern states that heavily voted for Bush (and many of whom still support him) also gave huge tax breaks to foreign companies to open automobile assembly lines that could undersell American cars, so all these characters cheerfully betray our nation. Namely, they are excited about bidding under the costs of American unions, they bring in foreigners who then run our government and all our media and then we wonder why we are going bankrupt, defending Australia, England or Japan, just for example.
Gunmen shot dead a local leader of Mexico's largest leftist party in the southern state of Oaxaca where at least nine people were killed in political violence last year, police said today.Democratic Revolution Party official Fructuoso Pedro Garcia was shot with nine bullets in the main square of Santo Domingo Morelos, a seaside town about 150 miles south of Oaxaca's colonial state capital, said state police commander Alberto Guzman.
The killing occurred last Wednesday, three days after Garcia announced he would run for mayor of Santo Domingo Morelos.
The money men in America are conspiring with rich guys in Mexico and China as well as Japan to destroy our own laboring classes as well as putting the Mexicans in chains for they are to not get much benefit from all this. The plan is to exploit them and kill them. Anyone on the left will be brutally murdered. Blood is all over this super-highway plan. Americans who dare to resist will be killed just as brutally as Mexicans.
Texans just love to imagine they are all-American and hardy he-men who fight bravely and yadda, yadda. In actuality, thanks to their training, like seals, they bark and balance the ball on their noses for a dead fish. Instead of being the bulwark of patriotism, they assist traitors into powerful positions where they turn around and destroy America! This is why the Bushes relocated to Texas. They found their victims, people primed for abuse.
This is why the huge highway will sever Texas in two. They couldn't do this through Arizona thanks to Pima county which is where Tucson is, a liberal oasis in the Southwest, the citizens there and the Udall family, just for example, would raise a huge uproar. Just slicing our desert in two, the ecological nastiness this would cause, this alone would stop such a monster from even being proposed.
The free trade bandits chose Texas because the Texans can be manipulated. They have been praised for being recklessly stupid about their own environment. Oh, what good little boys and girls they were, polluting the planet! Wheee! Now they get to see thousands of square miles of their degraded state turned into a concrete and tar barrier with high fences. No more wild animals roaming home on the range!
This ecological disaster is worse than the already deadly highways that cut up wild life populations across America. None of these have huge walls and fences.
Instead of building a fence across our borders, we will build a huge fence right smack dab down the center of the USA.
Last week, the president tried to contain the crisis by allowing more corn imports from the United States and ordering an investigation into whether corn distributors were colluding to manipulate prices. But the public outcry continued, and the central bank warned that the rise in corn prices would push the price of other staples up and feed inflation.On Thursday morning, Mr. Calderón, a fierce advocate of free trade in last year’s campaign, let the hammer fall. He announced that he had reached an agreement with the major businesses involved in corn products to stabilize the price of tortillas at a maximum of about 35 cents a pound.
The ruling elites in both America and Mexico love to pretend this rise in corn prices is due to ethanol production. It is not.
It started right on the eve of the 'victory' of the fake President of Mexico. He and his rich buddies caused the price of corn to shoot up. Now he is backtracking like mad, pretending he wasn't complicit. The left knows this and are hammering him on this. But take heed, Americans!
This happened to us! Price of gasoline went down before the last election and then shot up when it was over, they do this all the time to us. They will do this with food or energy or whatever they can lay their fat little paws on. They seek, daily, some means of forcing people to pay high prices for necessities. They need cash cows and the mooing masses in Texas are prime beef steak for these predators.
By Joshua Partlow
Washington Post Foreign Service
Friday, January 26, 2007; Page A01BAGHDAD, Jan. 25 -- When Fadhil Abbas determined that his mother's astigmatism required surgery, they did not consider treatment in his home town of Najaf, in southern Iraq. Instead they joined a four-taxi convoy of ailing Iraqis headed to Iran.
Our medical system is a mess. Many people just want to get rich and Bush just proposed taxing workers who managed to get medical care. He wants all workers to have no medical care except the most basic. The plan is, and I am most emphatically NOT joking here, to kill off every possible worker before they manage to retire. This means the Social Security tax will go entirely to the rich who will use it to pay for the government which they refuse to fund via taxes on them!
This scheme is exported by our military who reduce subject populations to living in primitive conditions. As our soldiers get used to seeing people starve or bleed to death, they come home and work for the security services that do the same here.
&hearts And here is more news that should make every American quake with fear:
By John Fraher and Adrian CoxJan. 27 (Bloomberg) -- Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said his country has shifted some of its $82 billion of currency reserves away from the dollar and that potential foreign-exchange volatility may hurt exporters.
``We're concerned for the reason that the high percentage of our international trade is in U.S. dollars,'' said Abdullah today in an interview in Davos, Switzerland at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum. When asked whether Malaysia will cut its dollar holdings, he said: ``We have already done. We'll continue to watch the situation.''
The USA populace has been assured for the last 25 years, the monetarists are better than socialists or others because they merely manipulate the currency to fix all problems. So they merrily fixed us into the world's deepest debt pit in the history of humanity! They now have assured us (Smith, are you listening?) that the trick for fixing all this is to devalue our currency and make it weak and nearly useless.
Namely, we hand out dollars and then reduce them to pennies and then sneer at everyone! What a goof-ball idea. Charming! A nation of thieves will cheat the whole world!
Of course, this isn't working nor should it work. It is amoral, it is a crime. No one will be arrested. It is just our currency will collapse, our economy will die and we will be overrun by foreigners who will buy up all our facilities, factories and homes and throw us out the door and it will serve us right.
There is no tooth fairy, no free lunch, no Santa Claus. There is only harsh reality and I hope people wake up and take control of their own destinies. Our nation is in grave peril from within and without and it isn't from a bunch of guys living in caves, either.
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