Elaine Meinel Supkis
As always, the New York Times supports 'free trade' no matter how destructive it is. The owners of the NYT are Jewish. This fact is important to remember when reading the paper. They are very pro-Zionist expansionism. The recent flap over the US using taxpayer dollars to buy inflight refueling jets is a tip of the iceberg here. The US taxpayers are paying for the entire Japan/EU/UK/Israel defenses. We patrol the world's oceans so they can all run their ships everywhere and run up huge trade surpluses with the US. And many Americans are working day and night to enable this. We are going bankrupt, protecting our trade rivals. This is pure insanity. And has to stop.
WARNING: Due to the heavy influence of Jewish ownership of the media, we now have readers muffled in this blanket prohibition to say 'Jewish owners' of anything at all. Especially, the media. The Jewish owned media will happily say 'Christian owned...' or 'Muslim owned' but it is strictly forbidden to say, 'Jewish owned.' I lose Jewish readers who are shocked when I break this iron rule. I was Mrs. Levy in NYC for 20 years. I know the community very well from deep inside. I do this to drag things out into the open to save the Jewish community from its own follies concerning the concept of Israeli colonialization of Palestine.
The Air Force’s selection of a European supplier over Boeing for its next generation of tanker aircraft has sparked a frenzy of predictable bipartisan complaints: How could the military outsource these patriotic jobs?
Lawmakers from Washington State, where Boeing is a big employer, denounced the decision as a “blow to the American aerospace industry, American workers and America’s men and women in uniform.” Representative John Murtha, the chairman of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, warned that Congress could cut all funding for the multibillion-dollar contract if the Air Force didn’t satisfactorily justify its choice.Fulminating politicians, unsurprisingly, have avoided explaining the consequences of their arguments: that they would rather have the Air Force buy a more expensive plane, and one that it says doesn’t meet its needs nearly as well, if it were made by an American company.
So, we improve our industrial base by outsourcing it, offshoring it and letting other rivals force down wages, etc. Prices continue to drop as the world spirals down into a depression and the US is overspending on its military and look at the results! The US spends more than the entire world put together on our own military. But we are NOT spending this at home anymore! Not only are we spending US tax dollars to run and keep bases all the nations on earth except for China and Russia, we are now buying our military equipment and arms from the nations we are protecting at our own expense.
80% of US manufacturing today is connected to the military. The rest has been outsourced to death. Our trade deficit is running at over $700 billion a year. A terrible hazard for any nation on earth is to be running giant trade deficits. Ergo: anything that makes this worse is an attack on our sovereignty and our security! So when the Pentagon ships another $36 billion overseas, this is nearly 5% of our entire trade deficit! A huge hunk! HOW DARE THEY DO THIS?
Here is my commentary at the New York Times:
March 7th, 2008 7:52 amVirtually the ONLY industry we have left is the military/industrial complex. Almost all the rest has been outsourced and offshored. Now we have our military stuff going offshore more and more.
If we spend $34 billion buying European equipment to 'defend the world' while NO ONE in Europe is paying for OUR protection of THEM, we have made the lopsided trade mess ten times worse. This is taxpayer dollars flowing offshore to pay for things we use to protect Europe. In the recent battle between Japan and the US over who pays what for our very expensive protection of oil and trade that Japan conducts with the world, they wanted us to pay for as much as possible. Their share was to be in the form of more loans to our government!
This is how everyone is reaming us out. Our very expensive navy patrols the Seven Seas so all our competitors can move their ships around at our expense. Our native shipping industry has nearly totally collapsed. All the goods from Asia, every last stick, comes here on Asian ships. Every piece of work from Europe comes on European ships.
Free trade has been a total disaster for the US. Eventually we will go bankrupt. Europe should tax themselves and pay for these tankers themselves. Then we will protect them. Simple, eh? And I am very much a 'protectionist'. American can't protect itself at all at this point as we can obviously see. Our national guard is overseas along with most of our military forces.
— Elaine Meinel Supkis, Berlin, N.Y.
The US spends a fortune protecting our trade rivals. No nation should ever fall into this trap we are in. It leads strictly to bankruptcy. Our industries and workers must pay very high taxes in order to fund this security operation. No one in Europe or Asia pays taxes here to do this. If they own businesses here, they pay taxes but they are reaming us out at home because we are stuck with all the bills. They get TAX BREAKS to build factories here while we are not invited into say, Japan. How many factories did we build in Japan lately? Ever?
The debt burden of our military activities is like a lead weight on all American tax payers. It is much worse, actually. Our native companies are now offshoring like mad and tax cheating like crazy because they don't want to support the US government, either! Indeed, the biggest supporters of our national debts are Japan and China. Both, dire trade rivals who are taking us down both domestically and internationally.
Top Iraq contractor skirts US taxes offshore
Kellogg Brown & Root, the nation's top Iraq war contractor and until last year a subsidiary of Halliburton Corp., has avoided paying hundreds of millions of dollars in federal Medicare and Social Security taxes by hiring workers through shell companies based in this tropical tax haven.
More than 21,000 people working for KBR in Iraq - including about 10,500 Americans - are listed as employees of two companies that exist in a computer file on the fourth floor of a building on a palm-studded boulevard here in the Caribbean. Neither company has an office or phone number in the Cayman Islands.The Defense Department has known since at least 2004 that KBR was avoiding taxes by declaring its American workers as employees of Cayman Islands shell companies, and officials said the move allowed KBR to perform the work more cheaply, saving Defense dollars.
These criminals are directly hooked into the power structure via the Vice President---VICE being the operative word here in the sense of criminal activity. They got a $16 billion, no bid contract for our illegal occupation of Iraq. They then turn around and commit treason by refusing to pay the taxes due to our own government. Just as Halliburton decided to relocate to an Arab offshore pirate cove in Dubai. This war is the most expensive war per soldier posted in the war zone than any war in our history. This is a gold-plated war that is bankrupting America. The collapse of our government due to an army of tax cheating, over-billing, offshoring, off-the-bookkeeping gangs is treason. Treason! They should all be instantly arrested and hung like Saddam. Saddam didn't betray Iraq, he misled Iraq. These guys are pure traitors.
And the deal for the US to pay 100% for the jets made overseas in order to be able to fuel our military jets as they patrol Asia and Europe, not America, is insanity. The US was attacked on 9/11 and we didn't have hardly any air force here to protect us. Since then, it is much worse. We lost all our civil liberties but did NOT get back either our army, navy or air force! More and more are overseas working for others. Indeed, even our poor National Guard is no longer here, either! They are now posted overseas. We spend more than the entire world put together and we are the LAST beneficiaries of this largess.
If we taxed our allies, I wouldn't mind so much. But we don't and can't. Recently, the negotiations with Japan got very, very nasty as the Japanese refused to pay our bills in Asia. Forget South Korea or Taiwan. Both have huge trade surpluses with the US and have no intention of paying for our protection of their ships and homes. Waiting until we go bankrupt to solve this problem is pure insanity. It is treason. The fact that the last 3 candidates for President all talk as if we can afford to patrol the planet and pay for it, all three are pro-free trade to boot. All three imagine the status quo can be kept.
It cannot. We are facing bankruptcy. Our banking system is collapsing. Our debts are overwhelming. Our trade deficit is unimaginably high. Our industrial base is collapsing. Tax cheating is rampant to the point that several major tax cheaters could afford to run for President and others are funding the last three candidates. Treason is rampant and we will pay dearly for this. And our media supports this because of Israel. Israel is eating into our military/industrial complex rapidly like a rat eating through cheese. And the desire to make Israel stronger no matter what drives our media into supporting treasonous destruction of our own security.
Aside from the issue of how Israel warps our international diplomacy, we have this serious erosion of our finances even as Israel eats our finances via 'foreign aid' and sweetheart military deals. Tens of billions of dollars a year are eaten this way with no public debate. All the candidates for President who even slightly questioned this were ruthlessly taken down by the media via attack stories or simply ignoring them totally. So the three last candidates support Zionism totally and will continue to destroy our finances and our military procurement just to keep the action going there.
May 19, 2005The complete details of the US aid package to Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority show that Congress is giving only $139.5 million to the Palestinian Authority and not the full $200 million requested by President Bush. And it’s not really going to the Palestinian Authority itself, but rather to USAID approved non-governmental organizations, since Congress is loath to deal with the Palestinian Authority. Clearly, AIPAC’s and Tom Delay’s hysteria about a Palestinian state has resulted in this rebuke to a people that, only three months earlier, Congress had congratulated for carrying out a successful democratic election.
Palestinian agriculture and agribusiness production and marketing---$15M
Trade promotion and capacity building---$24M
Home construction financing---$1M
Job Creation, school and community center construction---$20M
Improved flow of people and goods into Israel---$50M
The $110 million to Abbas is in contrast to the $12 billion given to the Jews running Israel. It is much worse. $50 million of this money supposedly for the Arabs was actually for building the Berlin Wall of Palestine and the Warsaw Gaza Ghetto Walls. And increasing the number of checkpoints stopping Arabs from moving around. The recent shootings in retaliation for the shootings of children playing soccer in Gaza will increase this penning up of the untermenschen of Palestine. On top of this, US taxpayer dollars were voted for a neo-Nazi style dismemberment of Palestine. The Israeli Jews occupy this land, they don't own it. Yet.
The US has also misspent money in Europe. Europe is as economically strong as the US. Yet they all act as if this were the Cold War and they were ravaged by WWII. This is ridiculous. I would strongly suggest the US withdraw from NATO and force them to pay their own defenses. Especially since this means the return of our military that patrols Europe, not America.
U.S. lawmakers: Don't use Israeli bullets
Israeli-made bullets recently purchased by the U.S. Army should be used for training only, not to fight Muslim guerrillas in Iraq and Afghanistan, U.S. lawmakers told Army generals.Since the Army has other stockpiled ammunition, "by no means, under any circumstances should a round [from Israel] be utilized," said Rep. Neil Abercrombie of Hawaii, the top Democrat on the House of Representatives Armed Services subcommittee with jurisdiction over land forces.
The Army contracted Israel Military Industries Ltd. in December for $70 million in small caliber ammunition. The Israeli firm was one of only two worldwide that could meet U.S. technical specifications and delivery needs, said Brigadier Gen. Paul Izzo, the Army's program executive officer for ammunition. The other was East Alton, Illinois-based Winchester Ammunition, which also received a $70 million contract.
Our treasonous Congress critters have sneakily voted to have the US buy many important military ordnance from Israel in order to bring more money into the pockets of the rulers of Israel. The US media won't mention all this. Most of my information comes from online sources that publish this news. In the major media, it is all blacked out. The debate here was to cover up where ammo came from to fool Arabs. But they are not fooled. They have their own news sources. This increases the rage in the streets. The only reason they are using is is for the same reason Japan or Europe uses us: we are their military slaves. We do what they want, not what is good for us. But this is with full collusion of the media which is heavily owned by foreigners like Murdoch.
Most media LOSE MONEY. But Jewish owners keep buying up and using media because it MAKES THEM MONEY ELSEWHERE. They know that if they keep a death grip on the media, they will be able to keep in power people who put Israel before America. Note who are our last standing candidates! And note how they are carefully disassembling Obama. He is not 100% Zionist. They will dump him out pretty soon, probably next month. He is under great pressure to surrender to the AIPAC puppet, Hillary Clinton.
Then we get to choose which AIPAC candidate suits Israel best. Both candidates will make many secret promises to the people running the media. Trust me on this. There is a lot of collusion on the part of the media owners and whoever gets to pretend to be President so long as they keep up the treason that is destroying our nation. Of course, when we go bankrupt, all hell will break lose.
The defense spending discrepancy between the USA, Israel and Iran. What could be the reason?
To me this is a good indication of how militaristic the nation of Iran truly is. According to this article, Iran spends 110$ per person in Iran on defense. That amounts to (70 million X 110$) 7.7 billion dollars a year. The article also states that Israel spends 1,737$ per person in Israel. That amounts to (7.241 million X 1,737$) 12.6 billion dollars. Of course, they are both far behind the USA which spends 1796$ per USA person, amounting to (301 million X 1796$) 540 billion dollars.
The US and its freeloading allies get in hysterics over Iran or China or Russia spending money on their own defenses. This is done to egg US tax payers into spending even more money on our wretched system that is deep in debt. Note that no one in Europe is agitating to spend more European tax dollars on defense. Thus, they strong arm us into panic. Oh my, some American outraged by the wars we are engaged in, bombed a recruiting center in Times Square! We have to crush all opposition to our own military adventures. Like in Vietnam. After we lost that war, our trade allies helped us by reaming us out as the dollar died. Ever since the Vietnam war, we have run a trade deficit every year with Germany and Japan, just for example. Never has it been reversed no matter what happens to the dollar.
U.S. Aid to Israel Subsidizes a Potent Weapons Exporter
At an arms trade fair in Paris this week, Israel showed the world’s military shoppers fruits of its high-tech arms industry, including its Merkava tank, unmanned spy planes and the planet’s most sophisticated missile defense system.With its tourist industry all but shuttered by a 21-month Palestinian uprising and high-tech in a slump, the Jewish state depends deeply on the foreign currency earnings of its weapons industry, now the world’s 10th largest.
Deftly marketed missiles, radar and other products from Israeli companies now compete with those of top-tier arms producers including the United States, reaping about $2 billion of a $27 billion yearly worldwide market, said Kuti Mor, deputy director general of Israel’s Ministry of Defense.
France competes with us, too. So does England and Germany! And they go selling arms around the world and then ask us to protect them and buy their arms! This madness can't last much longer. These same nations gave us loans and more loans as we spend our way to hell. But this is breaking down quite spectacularly. They are willing to lend to us more ONLY if we keep on buying their stuff and keep up the trade imbalance in their favor. The minute this ends, they will kill all loans. And trust me when I say, no alliance is forever. Ask the Russians or Chinese. They have long memories about this sort of thing.
I think this alliance between the US and it's trading "partners" will end up being destructive on all sides. In the short term (the next decade or so) the destruction will be most severe on the US side. But in the long run, it is going to be Europe, Japan, and Israel who pay the biggest cost for their usury. I do not oppose trade relationships at all. But when a relationship becomes toxic, like one between an alcoholic and a codependent... then it's time to call an end to the relationship, get some therapy, and straighten out your life before you can consider dating again.
Posted by: MCC | March 07, 2008 at 01:57 PM
Hi all,
I've been tied up with too much stuff to do to post much lately. Getting out of NATO, the Japanese protection business, and the Israeli support business, etc., is absolutely crucial for us.
Everything has changed completely since the old days when we were protesting the Vietnam Fiasco. We are much, much poorer now. Some of us have fancier cars, computers, and gadgets, but few have real free time. I think that the average "middle" class person simply must juggle more than ten times as many hassles, worry far more about pointless details, etc., than even the poorest black people of the '70s. So there is no time to participate. The REAL standard of living today is 10% of what it was 30 years ago. Many, many of our idealistic illusions have been brutally stripped away. So we don't even know where to begin to protest now.
And the "sub-prime" part of the mortgage crisis is just the tip of the iceberg. Many, many folks who have what in former times would be very good mortgage deals must now struggle to afford food, gasoline, heating, cooling, and especially medicine. Americans are getting much, much poorer. And the real reason for that goes back to my "primitive economics" concept, which says that a "service economy" merely produces pointless complexities in the lives of all of us. With no productive system, you need armies of professional life-complicators to support the vast illusion of continued prosperity.
This figure I keep hearing is terrifying: "80% of our productive system is devoted to armament manufacture." But I keep repeating that any productive system must be far more than a set of industries. You need the whole system. In the end, you simply cannot manufacture missiles, helicopters, etc., but lack the ability to manufacture drill presses, copper wire, etc. There can be exceptions for a few items, but in the end, you must possess most of the components of a complete productive system or you will end up with no ability to produce. For example, I read recently that Donald Rumsfeld wanted a "cheap military," with the result that many US electronic weapon systems are now riddled with cheap Chinese manufactured integrated circuits that are not hardened at all against an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack. Meanwhile, the EMP generators are getting more and more sophisticated. It has been said that it might be possible for a modern, small, inexpensive EMP generator to render an entire US naval battle group completely helpless.
Meanwhile, however, the indispensable OIL will be essentially used up in around 2020. During the Acknowledged Cold War, Many people really hoped that a space alien attack would unite the people of earth, thus ending the hostilities. Well we are now facing something just about as bad as hostile space aliens right now. But the incompetent corporate masters who control our media mindspin machine don't like the idea of cooperation at all. So here's the deal: If we get Hillary or McCain, we will probably continue attempting to steal Iraq's OIL. If we get Obama, he and Brzezinski will probably try to abandon the Iraq Fiasco, and bully the Eastern Powers into letting us steal the Caspian Sea OIL. None of these people are going to err on the side of caution!
About the (so-called) podcasts. I have Win 98 (it's fine, and viruses seem to shun it). So I cannot get the new Quicktime player. (My old '98 version cuts out at the moment the Quicktime file stops loading -- kinda weird!) Windows users hate Quicktime anyway, and they don't see how Apple expects the to go for Macs when they develop lousy programs for Windows users. It is generally acknowledged that ALL "media players" come with deeply embedded, massively intrusive spyware. With one exception, which is the open source (good folks) VideoLan player. It's available for Windows and Mac. Find it at:
Anything that comes out of you speakers can be recorded in "stereo mode," and edited with a mouse with the Audacity professional open source sound system from SourceForge, and from the "File" tab, you can export the "entire project" to mp3 or ogg vorbis (either can be played by VideoLan). Find it at:
The mp3 format is an ancient one that's owned by some German company. The new ogg Vorbis format sounds much better, takes up much less bandwidth, and is non-proprietary.
"MomUpload gives you a free unlimited* secure place to upload and share your documents, music, videos, pictures and personal files." I don't know MomUpload does this, but maybe even I can have (so-called) podcasts! Here they are:
Posted by: blues | March 07, 2008 at 03:37 PM
The US is the sole hyper power in the world. No other nation is even close to the importance of the US in economic and military terms. This situation has been developing since the end of WW II.
The US is the economic sun in the world's economic system and all other economies are planets circling this sun.
Now there is Global Economic Warming as the US Economic Sun threatens to go Super Nova (or implode first).
The Dollar Economy was imposed by the US at Bretton Woods as the rest of the world was 'cratered' by the war and needed to get back on the feet again. The US has undoubtedly enjoyed enormous economic benefits from the dollar's status as world reserve currency.
Even today other nations need to hold enormous amounts of dollars they cannot invest in their own economies, but need to protect their currencies against currency speculators.
The US does not have that disadvantage. Instead other disadvantages for the US have popped up, but many of those have to do with the US' decision to let the military/industrial complex run the show. Generals and Admirals always want more of everything, and industrialists always want more profits. Both hate competition. And that equals an enormously bloated military costing an arm and a leg (and a head).
Just like Japan is basically a one trick Export Pony now, the US has decided to focus on becoming the worlds Unipolar power militarily, strategically, economically, well in all fields that matter really.
Since no nation can avoid the strength of the US (only Russia really with its own vast natural resources have tried to stand up to it) other nations have developed ways to cope indirectly. China decided to hitch it's economic wagon to the US like Japan and Europe and Israel have done. But this hitching comes with disadvantages too. In the past Japan and Europe have had to deal with depressions as a result of US disasters (like Vietnam) or foot the bills for the Iraq war.
I don't think you can blame one part for the current mess. The US has held the conductor's baton for a long time, and other nations try to play the tune to the best of their abilities.
But there is no question we need a new tune. The old tune is cacophonic and unpleasant at this late point.
Posted by: Chris | March 07, 2008 at 03:43 PM
Momupload has a limit to individual file size and a time limit. no downloads for 30 days and the file is wiped, 500MB max file size for any single file. Absolutely all for free is their advert, someone is paying for the servers and the bandwidth. I didn't see any 3rd party advertizing on the pages, don't see exactly how they intend to make an income to pay for the service.
Brezenski has always wanted to play the "great game" in central asia. Wanted it back in the Carter era; age has not made him wiser.
Posted by: CK | March 08, 2008 at 05:33 AM
Bill Gross, manager of the world's largest bond mutual fund, sums it up like this: it is 'Frankensteinian' levered body of shadow banks promoting a chain letter, pyramid scheme of leverage' in his January newsletter.... we live in a bottomless-deception pit - cheers
Posted by: sbkayser | March 08, 2008 at 07:09 AM
Brzezinski is the "senior foreign policy adviosor" to Obama. The Taliban rose out of the ashes of Afghanistan after the war with Soviet Brezezinski helped launch. To be specific many came out of the refugee camps in Pakistan. Now Brezezinski/Obama wants to put the Taliban genie back into the bottle by bombing Afghanistan/Pakistan some more...
Hillary has "500,000 Iraqi dead children worth it - Madeleine Albright".
McCain has uber Neocons ex-CIA Woolsey and William Kristol among others.
Insanity on all fronts...
Posted by: Chris | March 08, 2008 at 07:19 AM
"Lawmakers from Washington State, where Boeing is a big employer, denounced the decision..."
I suspect Boeing's being punished for their last round of bad procurement behavior.
"Some of us have fancier cars, computers, and gadgets, but few have real free time."
People would have plenty of free time if they'd get off the damn 'Net!
"I have Win 98 (it's fine, and viruses seem to shun it)."
I had terrible experiences with 98 - it often hung for no apparent reason and seemed to be even less atable than Win3.1. XP, on the other hand, works fine. I have Vista on another PC; I don't like it as well as XP but it's still better than 98.
Posted by: JSmith | March 10, 2008 at 09:40 AM
Blogs are so interactive where we get lots of informative on any topics nice job keep it up !!
Posted by: term papers | June 26, 2009 at 08:51 AM
Posted by: It's Gonna Hurt | January 27, 2010 at 02:44 AM