The war news has dominated this blog, unfortunately. Good news! There may be a cure for Alzheimer's disease! I truly hope this is possible, obviously, as I age, I become much more concerned about this terrible wasting disease. Also, farmers are making fake golden eggs using the same dyes. This is a swindle, tricking customers into thinking bad eggs are good eggs.
By LAURAN NEERGAARD, AP Medical Writer 41 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - Scientists have discovered molecular janitors that clear away a sticky gunk blamed for Alzheimer's disease — until they get old and quit sweeping up.*snip*
Thursday's study reveals one way that cells fend off amyloid buildup, and that natural aging gradually erodes that detoxification process.
"Every pathway we can discover that modifies amyloid provides us with new drug targets," said Dr. Sam Gandy, a neuroscientist at Philadelphia's Thomas Jefferson University and an Alzheimer's Association spokesman. "This now opens up a new pathway" for developing anti-Alzheimer's drugs.
Worms can't get Alzheimer's. So Dillin's team used roundworms that produce human beta-amyloid in the muscles of the body wall. As the worms age, amyloid builds up until it eventually paralyzes them; they can wiggle only their heads.
As the babyboomers age, we better be really concerned about this particular disease. Bush is already well along the path of mental destruction, his inappropriate gestures and behaviors, his increasingly clueless looking face that goes all flaccid much of the time, the glazed-eyed stares, his frequent 'falls' and 'stumbles' as he has increasing trouble moving about. And the noticable deterioration of his speech, his inability to focus on new information, his sparse language getting increasingly childish as he goes along. Speaking in three word bursts as his brain frantically tries to fire off those electrical impulses. I do wish we could demand he be brain scanned so we can see if there is anything in there except for a dazed squirrel.
Indeed, I would suggest we have mandatory brain scans for all officials and elected people. My state of Arizona was 'represented' by Karl Hayden who was in his nineties when he finally died. He was a mental midget when this finally happened. Nearly braindead. Ditto Thurmond. Having senile, brainless people in positions of power is very dangerous. Few of them leave their positions of power and this includes the Supreme Court. We cannot allow senility be the common condition of our leadership.
Castro is going senile, too. It shows in his glazed eyes. Many a country has gone down the tubes when their rulers grew senile. In China, when Mao went senile, he launched the disasterous 'Cultural Revolution.' I know from watching close up, senility doesn't stop anyone from doing foolish things, quite the contrary. Rumsfeld is probably suffering from Alzheimer's, too. His increasingly bizarre talk is laced with odd mannerisms that make no sense when one writes it all down.
And here is a little warning about food coloring which will make millions throw up!
When you dig into a strawberry Yoplait yogurt, take a moment to contemplate where the beautiful pink color comes from. Strawberries? Think again. It comes from crushed bugs. Specifically, from the female cochineal beetles and their eggs. And it's not just yogurt. The bugs are also used to give red coloring to Hershey Good & Plenty candies, Tropicana grapefruit juice, and other common foods.
Indeed, who would think that chicken, eggs, and salmon are often artificially enhanced to look more appetizing to consumers? The plump, juicy chicken sitting on the supermarket shelf is likely to have been fed canthaxanthin, a pigment added to chicken feed to enhance poultry's yellow color and make it look palatable. And egg-laying hens are also given a dye along with their feed, making egg yolks vary in color from light yellow all the way to bright orange.
Hehehe. Have some fun and tell someone they are eating bug juice! I used to love doing this as a smart aleck kid. Personally, I don't mind eating bugs. Never did mind it. Maybe this came from an older brother daring me to eat pill bugs. As I love to point out, we all descended from bug eaters. Even the higher apes love to eat bugs. Eating bugs is like candy to them. My chickens agree. We let them out every day to forage for bugs and weeds. They eat small mice and worms and even snakes, too. Turkeys love frogs, for example. There aren't too many evolutionary steps between them and Tyrannosaurus Rex.
As for coloring eggs: there should be laws outlawing this. I go to great lengths to keep my chickens organic and healthy! This is why my eggs sell for more than the cheap, pale yoked ones in the stores! Some farmers are trying to cheat, to SCAM people into thinking their eggs are healthy by artificially coloring the food the chickens eat! This means the eggs are even less 'organic' than the factory eggs that are very pale! My chickens are happy and have happy, golden eggs. They are superior when it comes to the whites, too, note how the whites in the above photo aren't all over the pan! They aren't watery!
A healthy chicken also lays smooth eggs. Go feel the eggs in the stores! Rough surfaces. Not a smooth, glowing sheen. Gah. Even thinking about touching them, much less, eating them, is making me ill.
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"I would suggest we have mandatory brain scans for all officials and elected people."
How about suggesting we have mandatory brain scans for all people? We could be more selective about who we allow to run around unsupervised.
Posted by: JSmith | August 15, 2006 at 02:04 PM
Compare the shell thickness of a factory egg vs. a farm, free range egg. The shells of the farm egg are thicker - no chemicals, or, at least, not as many.
Posted by: D.F. Facti | August 15, 2006 at 04:10 PM
I have had several MRI's and brain scans. All show nothing, but I must be "supervised" by another adult whenever I have both of my sons together with me. In the past, I sometimes had to choose one over the other.
My ex-wife could not pass a single pyschological test, her mother spent time in a mental ward, her father is clinnically depressed and on drugs, and my own mother is a lunatic, but I am the one who must be supervised.
Under your system, JSmith, only those with money and power and influence would be allowed to walk around freely -- brain scans be damned. I am walking evidence of what would happen under your system.
The government is already "very selective" about who it allows to run around freely.
Posted by: DeVaul | August 15, 2006 at 05:02 PM
The freest people often are those who are oppressed, even in prison.
For freedom is a state of mind, not an actuality. None of us are truly 'free'---forces are always acting upon us even if they are only internal, put in place during earliest childhood.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | August 15, 2006 at 05:27 PM
"My ex-wife could not pass a single pyschological test, her mother spent time in a mental ward, her father is clinnically depressed and on drugs, and my own mother is a lunatic, but I am the one who must be supervised."
We were talking about Alzheimer's, not garden-variety nuts.
Y'know something, DeVaul? You're not the only guy out there whose very soul got torn from his body and trampled underfoot by some vindictive bint who turned on him after he got married.
You need to listen to some blues and have a nice drink of the excellent Bourbon they make in Kentucky. I especially recommend Evan Williams Single Barrel. You'll feel lots better!
Posted by: JSmith | August 16, 2006 at 10:58 AM
I think we all need a stiff scotch at this point.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | August 17, 2006 at 10:00 PM