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"I would suggest we have mandatory brain scans for all officials and elected people."

How about suggesting we have mandatory brain scans for all people? We could be more selective about who we allow to run around unsupervised.

D.F. Facti

Compare the shell thickness of a factory egg vs. a farm, free range egg. The shells of the farm egg are thicker - no chemicals, or, at least, not as many.


I have had several MRI's and brain scans. All show nothing, but I must be "supervised" by another adult whenever I have both of my sons together with me. In the past, I sometimes had to choose one over the other.

My ex-wife could not pass a single pyschological test, her mother spent time in a mental ward, her father is clinnically depressed and on drugs, and my own mother is a lunatic, but I am the one who must be supervised.

Under your system, JSmith, only those with money and power and influence would be allowed to walk around freely -- brain scans be damned. I am walking evidence of what would happen under your system.

The government is already "very selective" about who it allows to run around freely.

Elaine Meinel Supkis

The freest people often are those who are oppressed, even in prison.

For freedom is a state of mind, not an actuality. None of us are truly 'free'---forces are always acting upon us even if they are only internal, put in place during earliest childhood.


"My ex-wife could not pass a single pyschological test, her mother spent time in a mental ward, her father is clinnically depressed and on drugs, and my own mother is a lunatic, but I am the one who must be supervised."

We were talking about Alzheimer's, not garden-variety nuts.

Y'know something, DeVaul? You're not the only guy out there whose very soul got torn from his body and trampled underfoot by some vindictive bint who turned on him after he got married.

You need to listen to some blues and have a nice drink of the excellent Bourbon they make in Kentucky. I especially recommend Evan Williams Single Barrel. You'll feel lots better!

Elaine Meinel Supkis

I think we all need a stiff scotch at this point.

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