I studiously avoid TV. I consider it a poison like that pesticide factory in Georgia that is killing everything nearby. But I watched it last night. ABC had this 'Last Days' show which I mistakenly thought, when I looked at the story online, was about the caldera in Yellowstone. It really wasn't.
Last Days is about all the ways the Earth could be destroyed.
Aug. 29, 2006— What could cover the globe in ash, plunge Earth into an ice age and end life as we know it?The answer is found in what lies beneath: supervolcanoes. Supervolcanoes are very rare. There is no need to run out and buy duct tape and plastic sheeting for this one. The last known supervolcano was about 74,000 years ago. But they are real, and one potential supervolcano lies right here in the United States, in one of America's most profound areas of natural beauty.
After suffering through five minutes of commercials, I discovered ABC was running a show that was pure clap-trap designed to scare everyone. Throughout the show, they advertised new TV shows coming this season, all about torture, rape, being abandoned on an isolated island with criminals (hahaha, sounds like America!), CSI stuff, all angry, dark, unfunny and the funny stuff was pure evil. Is this our entertainment today? It really puzzles me...not.
For we are going mad, quite rapidly, in fact.
The commercials gripped my attention as they are designed to do. Fast foods being eaten by anorexia victims who professed they dined this way daily despite the obvious fact they could all be put in a telephone booth and dropped to the bottom of the sea and the fish would starve to death, eating them.
Then there were the uniformly happy people peddling drugs while a voice-over would sternly say, 'This medicine will destroy your liver, eat out your lungs, suck your brains down a drain and empty your wallet.' At least that pesky hangnail won't embarrass you!
There were ads to shoot poison into the face so the frown lines disappear. This is because the injections kills the skin cells. We have no idea how this method which has to be done repeatedly as the years pass, will do in the end. It has only been around less than fifteen years. I predict many faces peeling off in ten more years. Narcosis is a very nasty looking condition. I don't recommend it if one wishes to look beautiful.
On to the show, a feeble concoction. They excitedly talked about being sucked down black holes. Our galaxy is a collection of black holes and everything swirling around these monsters is being slowly reeled in. Ahem. Including our dear planet.
But they didn't talk about this! They talked about stray black holes that might pass by! They didn't mention the Great Attractor which is, contrary to present astronomical dogma, is not moving away but is reeling in our galaxy which it, too, will eat. Ahem. Be afraid. Be very afraid! In 10 billion years, blam!
Not utilizing this really important news, they advertised 9/11. Scary times! Then they talked about all sorts of grim things like asteroid attacks and then they got to nuclear war which concentrated on the possiblity of tiny oil nations having nukes. Ahem.
Then came the final part: a flurry of big, fat SUV ads and people begging us to go in hock for various energy intensive stuff, buy it now! Then they talked about global warming and didn't mention SUVs. Or much of anything. Oh, China is polluting the planet! There was zero mention of the Kyoto Accords. They did show Gore briefly and mentioned his work. They did show maps of Florida being flooded. This was good but it was all buried within the matrix of scaring people about things we don't control. I knew they would do this. Infantilize people before talking about the two things we totally, completely and absolutely control: nuclear war and global warming.
And both were China's problem, no ours! And this is how we are dealing with currency problems, trade balances, diplomacy, everything! It is all for China to straighten out!
So I went to my favorite ruling elite news, dear Xinhua news.
BEIJING, Aug. 31(Xinhuanet) -- Lung power normally declines as a person ages, but being angry and hostile can speed up the process, researchers said Thursday online in the journal Thorax.In a study of 670 men ranging in age from 45 to 86, they found that males who had higher levels of long-standing anger at the start of the eight-year project had significantly poorer lung function at the end of it.
"This study is one of the first to show prospectively that hostility is associated with poorer pulmonary function and more rapid rates of decline among older men," said Dr. Rosalind Wright, of Harvard School of Public Health in Boston.
Um, America is super-hostile. And super-scared. And we are going around, picking fights with everyone. And we are more and more frightened and pissed off. We hate each other and hate the world and are whinny, to boot.
This is all bad for the face. It makes for wrinkles. And boxtox shots won't fix it.
I notice all the pictures of Hu and Wen doing diplomacy, except when they are with Bush, they are always smiling. They seem pretty jolly. Laughing, even. The Cheshire cat of politics, the President of Iran, is always smiling, too. Seriously, even most pictures of bin Laden show him smiling. Laughing, even.
And so it goes. Our fear and loathing is causing tremendous merriment in the wrong circles. Well, the press laughs with Bush all the time. They love him. This is why we are all frowning and shortening our lives, filled with hate and fear.
Well, I will laugh at them. Hahaha. Fools.
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