Not content with merely dropping WMD upon the heads of barely armed peasants, the USA Evil Empire plans to build a giant biowarfare lab....right where the original anthrax killer, attacking only people the Bushes wanted to intimidate or kill, got his materials. Obviously, the Skull and Bones people who pray to the Devil that is Death are flailing away, literally.
Just what we need: a super huge, super secret germ factory.
Common Dreams: by Julian Borger
Construction work has begun near Washington on a vast germ warfare laboratory intended to help protect the US against an attack with biological weapon, but critics say the laboratory's work will violate international law and its extreme secrecy will exacerbate a biological arms race.
The National Biodefence Analysis and Countermeasures Centre (NBACC), due to be completed in 2008, will house heavily guarded and hermetically sealed chambers in which scientists simulate potential terrorist attacks.To do so, the centre will have to produce and stockpile the world's most lethal bacteria and viruses, which is forbidden by the 1972 Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention. Three years before that treaty was agreed, President Richard Nixon halted the production of US biological weapons at Fort Detrick in Maryland. The same military base is the site for the new $128m (£70m), 160,000 sq ft laboratory.
Mother Nature's lab is cranking away like crazy, She views us as excess biomatter that must be reduced. Doctors in the 'civilized' world work like crazy to outwit Her. The knowledge of germs gives us Her powers of annihilation as well as life. The real rulers want to live as long as possible, thus their many bubbles they are madly building, and they also want the power to eliminate rival humans without the messy business of using WMD that show up on TV in the form of the pitiful bodies of small children, hopelessly mangled.
The lessons of history are remembered by the ruling class, at least, the lessons that give them the lust to rule. Not the 'falling empires' lessons. Namely, for thousands of years, diseases always marched with armies and they slew more, until the 20th century, than any death dealing army no matter how hard working or vast. When Europeans set a fatal foot upon the various isolated continents during the great conquest of the earth, 90% of the hard work subduing and eliminating the natives was done via germs.
Armies also spread the Black Plague. And various nasty sexual diseases such as syphillis. Conquering armies knew they were rendering women unable to have children that would be healthy forever and ever if they raped them and got them infected with a sexual disease. This was considered a good way to subdue populations after conquest.
Many people believe AIDS was concocted in a lab. I am sorry to say, Mother Nature probably is guilty of making this one happen for She knows that diseases connected with sex are hard to stamp out since it is connected directly to the desire to reproduce which is overwhelming in all animals and plants. The ruling elite don't like sex diseases. They like to have sex, even rapine. The thought of this stuff sneaking into their bedchambers gives them the willies.
3/27.2 From Susan Candiotti
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Almost six months after anthrax letters began turning up in the mail, the mystery of who sent those deadly missives and why persists.There has been some progress. Authorities have narrowed to about two dozen the number of labs believed capable of making the deadly spores.
Scientists also have learned the anthrax spores that filled letters to Sens. Tom Daschle, D-South Dakota, and Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont, were even purer than investigators thought.
The anthrax's purity and potency makes it highly unlikely the killer could have made and treated the spores in a makeshift setting, according to officials involved in the massive investigation.
HAHAHA. Massive, huge, eh? What? Investigation? Wasn't that funny. Ha. Ha. Ha.
Since the first victim was the man in Sarasota, Florida, home of Atta and the gang who toiled so openly to create 9/11, also home of Jupiter Island, the Bush/CIA hangout...well, he published the pictures of Jenna drunk, the one we laughed at so hard for Bush was talking about what a great father he was---this man was murdered and no one, no one wanted him dead but the Bushes who warned everyone a week before 9/11 to 'watch out what you say,' when asked about the pictures, they were obviously very peeved. This is right after they got the FBI to corner the author of 'Fortunate Son' and egged him into committing suicide because he revealed Bush's coke addiction and arrest.
I contacted Amerithrax, the FBI agents, telling them who to investigate. I wrote them a long letter, too, explaining how Sherlock Holmes worked and the question, 'Who wanted these people dead' all pointed to the White House. Whether the Bushes said, 'Will someone rid us of this photoeditor,' and a flunky said, 'Hey, I can get the Republicans back into power in the Senate,' he being a CIA agent, and the others in on the plot could have said, 'Hey, we can send an anthrax letter to the Senate, NOT the House of Representatives, and then clear everyone out and send in CIA/NSA agents to plant bugs and rifle through the Democrats' files, this is better than Watergate!'
And so they did! And so it went. The rest is history. The flaccid investigation of the anthrax killer collapsed the minute the white trail of powder went to the secret labs that are actually rather illegal.
So here we are, the anthrax killer still killing, in other ways, of course. Who is going to run this nifty lab that is against all the rules of warfare, our defensive lab which is used only when our President needs to assassinate people he hates? While blaming Muslims with silly death letters?
Ahem. War crimes are fun, especially when practiced on one's own people!
The anthrax killer, an expert, will probably run this lab. As all detective novelists know, killers don't hide far away, they prefer to be in plain sight. This means going on TV with a pious face and talking ernestly about firing anyone who outed Mrs. Plame or how they want peace in the Middle East or they are bringing democracy to Iraq. Yup. Aside from the Big Boss, the lower ranks have plenty of Mengeles to call upon. The utter lack of interest in discovering who the anthrax killer is doesn't puzzle me at all. This is why I am convinced Bush knows perfectly well, who it is.
The media nearly never mentions the anthrax killer who aimed some letters at them. Obviously, they got the message, loud and clear. There are no anniversary stories where pesky reporters bother the rulers with questions about this very important matter.
The opening a yet a worse, nastier, lab when we know for a fact that these germs will, WILL be unleashed upon us, is not merely news, it is another shot across our prows. Namely, the rulers, once they concoct a germ they can be protected from while it ravages the rest of humanity, eliminating the Muslims, for example, they will use it. For this preserves the infrastructure, unlike messy nuclear bombs, clears the decks. Like 'opening the West' during the rape of the Americas.
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