The list of 'growth jobs' was just released and it is a terrible tale: low level health assistants are the leading edge in job growth! The loss of industrial jobs runs alongside the degradation of health care as imperial powers demand cheaper and cheaper hospitals. England's health care is in crisis and the USA is moving in the same direction.
Health care jobs are fastest growing but only at the lowest possible pay levels.
The Fastest Growing Jobs in the U.S.
By Hannah ClarkNo doctors or nurses made the list, which is compiled every two years and was last released in late 2005. But the ranks of medical assistants, dental assistants and physical therapist aides should all see growth of more than 30% by 2014. That's because the health care industry is "shifting responsibilities toward lower-wage, lower-skilled professions to combat escalating health care costs," says Hugo Sellert, a research manager at Monster Worldwide .
Number one on the list: Home health aides, with estimated growth of 56% in their numbers over the next eight years.
The top jobs are increasingly the lowest level service jobs. This 'dumbing down' of all job classifications is part and parcel of the classic 'internal rot' that plagues all empires. The USA has near-infinite sums that can be lavished on failing wars but the sums spent on medical care is rapidly being supressed. They cannot allow 'excessive' spending on health anymore.
We have a huge 'industry' called 'health insurance' which its sole function is to generate paperwork and to direct health spending. It is a collossal enterprise that produces exactly nothing. The profit magin of this fake industry rests upon not giving services as much as possible. Originally, they claimed they would do this by helping people stay healthy and strong via preventative medicine but now it has devolved into simply trying to rig a game so as few people can access the health services as possible.
For the last 40 years, nurses have tried to unionize and their unions have been brutally suppressed.
Anthony Pesce (Contact)
Published: Monday, July 10, 2006The University of California has filed charges against a nurses’ union, alleging the union was using unfair negotiating tactics during ongoing contract bargaining sessions.
After the UC and California Nurses Association were unable to agree on three points during contract negotiations last year, both parties agreed to a special negotiation session that would allow them to sign a new contract in December of 2005 and begin negotiations in April.
The State has to crush the pay scales of nurses. Once upon a time, nurses attended patients fully. Now they are replaced by often near-illiterate cheap labor who often don't speak the language of the patients they are serving. When real nurses moved patients around and bustled about them, they also noted their condition, etc.
Now, nurses only come when they have to perform some action such as administering medicines. Even that is being removed. So untrained people are now the first line of defense. As the population ages, these people will be the ones administering to the elderly.
When I was still a student in high school, I said, 'When we are old, they will put us two to a bed and then not feed us.' This was a recognition of the baby boom's sad future fate. Fewer boomers had children than the previous generation and of these, fewer had many children. And the only thing standing between little care and good care is one's own children.
We have to look to other previous empires to see our own future. This is pretty simple. The United Kingdom ruled the Seven Seas and ruled vast former empires like India and China. Wealthy Brits lived in fabulous palaces and the lower classes spread across the planet to places like North America and Australia, often as semi- or full slaves.
Liverpool being a typical example of how this empire grew by importing/exporting slave labor.
The street in Liverpool, home town of the Fab Four, is named after James Penny, a slave trader and investor in 11 voyages that took 500 to 600 captives at a time to the New World.Penny was among the many who enriched themselves and their city on human trafficking until the slave trade was abolished 200 years ago. Their ships carried millions of human beings from West Africa to the plantations of the Americas in a triangular trade that also brought profitable cargoes of sugar, tobacco and rum to England.
Liverpool's rise, says local historian Ray Costello, is summed up in the carving on a bank facade: two black children supporting a figure of the Roman god Neptune, representing Liverpool.
Today, the sector with the fastest future job growth is a proto-slave job classification. Namely, the humble carriers of human waste products and changing dirty sheets requires having cheap labor that can't complain too much or unionize. If it ceases being cheap, it fails to grow. So we are basically reverting to a pre-industrial slave society.
Doctors have refused to help NHS trusts cut their spending, leading to a massive cumulative deficit of more than £1bn, a committee of MPs says today.The reluctance of the medical profession to consider the cost when proposing treatment is singled out by the Public Accounts Committee as a key reason for the poor financial performance of the NHS. The report's emphasis on the role of doctors signals rationing of care may be inevitable if the NHS is to balance its books.
Hospital consultants control vast resources and their decisions can plunge a trust into deficit or help it claw its way back. Spending on the NHS has increased faster over the past five years than at any time in its history and is projected to rise to £92.6bn in 2007-08. But one in three NHS trusts is overspent, and some are so heavily in debt they have little hope of extricating themselves without outside help.
England is ahead of us on the scale of decline: we are still trying to depress the wages of nurses and poorly-trained, poverty-stricken aides. In England, they want to cut the wages of doctors! Of course, this will cause a mass exodus of good surgeons and medical staff.
England doesn't have a parasitical insurance complex squatting on top, sucking down massive amounts of loot, but they can't afford the system they have today. Even as Blair spends money on foreign military adventures, playing at imperial warrior, the Purse is telling the people they must cease asking for health care and live with fetid, decaying hospitals that are so dirty, they actively spread diseases.
Which reminds me of the scandal of Walter Reed Hospital here in the heart of the USA's world-girdling empire. The sick and injured soldiers pouring in daily from distant battles where they are fighting the peasants of many lands, are not cared for. Where money is lavished on some of the most insane projects of imperial projections of power, at home, there isn't a dime left over for medical care.
As I tell people who want me to wreck my health for something or another, 'I live in my body. It is the only place I live in.' So it is with health care: we see what is going on in the Third World where diseases are spreading and mutating in ways that will impact on us. And medical spending isn't slowing down this health-care collapse, it is spent on the wrong things.
It should be spent on public health as well as individual health. Namely, getting a great heart surgery doesn't do much good if a plague sweeps away nearly everyone suddenly. Clinging to imperial pretensions while letting the health care system collapse is a Miss Haversham life choice: to wear the rags of world domination while sitting at a table set with petrified food overrun by mice and bugs.
Culture of Life News Main Page
This has nothing whatever to do with the above post, however...
You can't help but have noticed that tomorrow is 3/21/07. Something had BETTER happen, or I will lose all faith in the ability of magic-numerology to predict squat diddly.
It's easy enough to look at an event like 9/11 AFTER it happened and say, "Of course! Look at all those magicky numbers!" What we really want is something reliably predictive of the future.
And 3/21/07 is pretty damn magicky...
Posted by: JSmith | March 20, 2007 at 10:37 AM
Well, the Russians did evacuate Iran yesterday, so...
I don't like the feel of that.
Posted by: DeVaul | March 20, 2007 at 02:11 PM
The Russians and the Iranians are currently having a billing dispute.
Posted by: JSmith | March 20, 2007 at 02:35 PM
I have no recollection of America recalling all of its technicians and advisors because of a billing dispute with a Third World country that we were trying to befriend or control for political purposes and not financial reasons.
If that were so, most of our technicians and advisors would have left all South American countries by now, as they are all in default (or were at one time) on their loans to US banks.
Posted by: DeVaul | March 20, 2007 at 03:23 PM
How did you find out that the Russians pulled their advisers from Iran, DeVaul? I didn't see it in any news.
Posted by: blues | March 20, 2007 at 04:07 PM
It is in the news. I haven't reported it here yet. The chances of Iran being bombed on 3/22 is very high.
BUT the Chinese are mad about us dropping the North Korean negotiations again. This is all up in the air....quite so.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | March 20, 2007 at 05:06 PM
I just did some research and posted a new story about how Putin is hiding his intentions by deliberately spreading contrary stories.
He will make his chess move in good time when he is ready to rook us.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | March 20, 2007 at 05:53 PM
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Posted by: penis size | March 18, 2009 at 12:08 AM
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Posted by: marni. | November 16, 2009 at 01:06 PM
I am a 29-year-old single guy, college educated, making about $40,000 a year - I am debt free and have a 401K and retirement plan. I just do not understand if there really is a financial and health crisis or if the average American is living beyond their means.
I have not really felt the financial crisis everyone is talking about. What is causing the average American's struggle today, or is there really a crisis going on ?
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