Elaine Meinel Supkis
The Govenor of New Jersey, rushing to Rutgers to suck up to the media in its latest silly feeding frenzy, was nearly killed because he thought the laws he enforces are not for him but for others. So I guess the Furies and the Fates decided to show him who is boss.
Gov. Jon S. Corzine's son said his father recognized him and responded to visitors Sunday, three days after an SUV crash left him on a ventilator with a dozen broken ribs and a severely fractured leg."When you talk to him, he can recognize your voice, that's my feeling," said Joshua Corzine, the eldest of two sons. "He definitely responds when you let him know who you are."
I found the entire fracas over the Imus Idiot, an old, ugly, really, really physically repulsive man who makes his living being obnoxious and playing the Stupid White Male up to the hilt, to be a waste of time.
The American media is full of clowns of all sizes and degrees of ugliness in character, mouth and visuals. They prosper here because there are plenty of people who seem to admire these sorts of creatures. Being aging children with no manners, they appeal to an audience of the same.
They said and do many stupid things, too many to count. They love stupid people like Bush, for example. They hate civilization. And corporate America advertises on their shows because stupid idiots who can't count, can't behave and can't connect the dots make great customers. Especially if the stuff being peddled is bad for oneself or is stupid or a waste of money.
For some odd reason, this particular specimen of stupidity was attacked and shoved into the streets thanks to the internet and the host of people who hang out here. I find it very ironic that a sector of the web that attacks each other over trivial disagreements by threatening to rape or murder each other (this happens on so-called 'liberal' blogs all the time!) and posters can and do use every sort of verbal insult, etc. This is the same part of the web that is attacking Imus for being a total jerk.
Indeed, the web is free speech central and I would have it no other way. If people disagree and the only sort of argument is to type in threats of rapine and other odd sexual acts, so be it. It doesn't bother me any. But for the web to to after people for acting this way in public is kind of amusing and rather hypocritical.
Indeed, I come from the Free Speech Movement at Berkeley in the 1960's. If someone wants to insult people, they may. Insults are part of free speech. Goon squads enforcing speech rules leads to censorship and what happened to Imus is certainly censorship.
On the other hand, corporate America has no need to subsidize idiots like Imus. He, like myself, can post his dreadful tripe on the internet for free. If he wants to be paid, he has to please more than just morons. So on the whole, losing his advertisers is OK. But we shouldn't be happy about this: censorship has this ugly habit of expanding and covering the land! So online commentators, beware: you have fed the Beast!
The govenor of New Jersey is just plain evil: he has laws about seat belts and if you drive without one, you are given a ticket and PUNISHED. Your insurance goes way, way up. And I used to live and drive in New Jersey. And got rear-ended several times by bad drivers.
Since 1958, I have worn seat belts because my family was in a big auto accident when a drunk rear-ended the stationwagon my father was driving. No American cars had seat belts back then. So my father bought a German Volkswagen that had seat belts. So I grew up using these things all the time. I feel funny if I can't use them.
With all the campaigns for years and years to educate people about this one would think the top politician of a state with one of the highest insurance rates because of accidents would be pushing hard to set a good example! I bet anything, he was speeding on the Thruway, too. The sense of being above the law, the sense of entitlement is much more important than the goofy hysteria over childish, racist insults yapped by ugly, old white men who can't get their dicks up anymore.
Namely, people die constantly because they don't wear seat belts. And the govenor of New Jersey is very definitely at death's door. I hope this man not only gets ticketed for this crime but is severely punished by the judge. If I were a judge, I would be furious.
But all I can do is mouth off on my blog. And I pray we can continue doing this in the future.....
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Well, if you pass away, and find yourself in a place with no sidewalks and hideous odors, in other words, New Jersey, you lose!
Corzine is almost a saint by their standards. Then, many decent unfortunates inhabit the Slimeball State.
Imus was much worse than Limbaugh. He looked a lot like Ronald McDonald, yet still failed to achieve clown status. I'm glad he's gone.
But it would have been better had they just kept the creep. Then everyone would know how they really are. The scum DID hire him! And paid him $MILLIONS.
Posted by: blues | April 16, 2007 at 05:46 AM
They should put you on. I bet it would be vastly more amusing.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | April 16, 2007 at 09:38 AM
Strange how many have said that very thing. How about if they let Imus back on, but blues runs the show and switches the mike.? (I could very slowly lower his audio volume!) Many who foolishly suggest such things are oblivious to my crucial advice, but will enjoy my humor. It never occurs to them what a snake I can be at odd times. Idiots, mostly.
I badly borked my system, corrupted my cookies, reset my CMOS (internal battery run) clock five hours ahead, deranged my startup settings, etc, etc, etc. last night by trying out an Off-Broadway 'live' CD version of Linux. The Slax Linux live CD was the only one I ever had any luck with. I had to use every trick to put it all back. (I have lots of tricks!)
'Computer science' has more people who don't want you to know what they are doing than the frickin mafia!
Posted by: blues | April 16, 2007 at 11:43 AM
That's awesome Bill. The B-52 is an amazing plane.
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