This nice lady took the trouble to come all the way from Texas to DC in 2003 to try to stop this fatal war.
Elaine Meinel Supkis
This is beyond pathetic. The Pentagon and our rulers use every media tool they have to turn public opinion to serve their imperial needs. Thanks to modern technology, masses of people can see the real news in real time! This irritates our rulers no end. They want the media's message totally controlled by themselves.
&hearts Newsweek is a warmongering imperialist rag just like 99% of American media.
A draft report recently produced by the Baghdad embassy's director of strategic communications Ginger Cruz and obtained by NEWSWEEK makes the stakes clear: "Without popular support from US population, there is the risk that troops will be pulled back ... Thus there is a vital need to save popular support via message." Under the heading domestic messages, Cruz goes on to recommend 16 themes to reinforce with the American public, several of which Bush is likely to hit: "vitally important we succeed"; "actively working on new approaches"; "there are no quick or easy answers."
What's even more telling is that the iraqi messages—the very next section—are still "TBD," to be determined. Indeed, the document so much as admits that despite spending hundreds of millions of dollars, the United States has lost the battle for Iraqi public opinion: "Insurgents, sectarian elements, and others are taking control of the message at the public level." Videos of U.S. soldiers being shot and blown up, and of the bloody work of sectarian death squads, are now pervasive. The images inspire new recruits and intimidate those who might stand against them. "Inadequate message control in Iraq," the draft warns, "is feeding the escalating cycle of violence." (A U.S. Embassy spokesperson claims the document reflects Cruz's personal views, not official policy.)
Sunni insurgents in particular have become expert at using technology to underscore—some would say exaggerate—their effectiveness. "The sophistication of the way the enemy is using the news media is huge," Lt. Gen. Peter Chiarelli, the former commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, told NEWSWEEK just before he returned to the United States. Most large-scale attacks on U.S. forces are now filmed, often from multiple camera angles, and with high-resolution cameras. The footage is slickly edited into dramatic narratives: quick-cut images of Humvees exploding or U.S. soldiers being felled by snipers are set to inspiring religious soundtracks or chanting, which lends them a triumphal feel. In some cases, U.S. officials believe, insurgents attack American forces primarily to generate fresh footage.
Guerrillas have always sought alternative technologies to undermine their better-equipped enemies. What's different now is the power and accessibility of such tools. Production work that once required a studio can now be done on a laptop.
Oh my god. The citizens of Iraq get information despite all the overt messages from the imperials? Hahaha. What can one say about this except, tough beanies.
All my life, I have fought the media. When CNN was launched, it gave the news in raw form with virtually no comment. I loved CNN and appeared there, happily. Alarmed by the fact that CNN was rapidly becoming more popular than the BBC even, a bunch of ruling elite men put together a big pot of money and lured the founder of CNN, Ted Turner, into becoming a 'partner.' I ground my teeth in rage. 'Don't do it! They will destroy you!' I told him.
Well, they waited less than a year and threw him out in a sort of coup. He had no power now, none. He said, he didn't care, there was no more danger of WWIII! Well, here we are, on the verge of WWIII thanks to the death of CNN which is now utterly useless for knowledge, it can only be mined for information showing the utter disconnect from reality that characterizes our empire these days.
And so it goes: the rulers think there is some sort of trick they can pull to pull the wool over the world's eyes. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, ain't gonna happen. Or something.
The Bush regime has tried every trick they could to fool Iraqis. These attempts were doomed from the start because the rulers needed jobs for their coddled, cowardly, corrupt little tykes like Cheney's children, and these useless idiots proliferated within the propaganda wing of the White House and they 'messaged' the world until blue in the face, not the veins (being all upstarts and not royalty).
Nothing is working. DUH. I go to many Muslim websites to see the carnage. It is disgusting and yet amusing in a horrible way. The Newsweek article complains about all the blood and gore. They say, we don't see it here!
Well, DUH!!! Of course not! Even the caskets of the dead 'heroes' are hauled home and hidden from view. See any news stories detailing the brain-damaged soldiers? Are they headlines on a daily basis? No? How about the scenes of carnage in Iraq? No?
Indeed. Our lovely media hard at work, hiding reality.
&hearts Bush is throwing aside seasoned generals and using young hot-tempered hot-shots.
Lt. Gen. David H. Petraeus, who is President Bush's choice to become the top U.S. military commander in Iraq, posed a riddle during the initial march to Baghdad four years ago that now becomes his own conundrum to solve: "Tell me how this ends."
That query, uttered repeatedly to a reporter then embedded in Petraeus's 101st Airborne Division, revealed a flinty skepticism about prospects in Iraq -- and the man now asked to forestall a military debacle.
Petraeus, if controversial among some peers who deem him arrogant or excessively ambitious, is seen by many others as perhaps the last, best hope for success in Iraq. "If anyone can pick up the baton and run with it, it is David Petraeus," said retired Gen. Gordon R. Sullivan, a former Army chief of staff.
After spending 2 1/2 of the past four years in Iraq, as a division commander and then as the officer overseeing the initial reconstruction of Iraqi security forces, Petraeus is known to believe that a stable, pacified Iraq is still possible -- if not probable -- but not without dramatically improved security. Having also served in Bosnia after the catastrophic civil war there, he has told friends that he sees troubling parallels between that country and Iraq. Two months ago, he said, "I actually stay awake occasionally at night trying to figure out the path ahead."
I'll spare poor Petraeus another sleepless night: this war is going to end exactly like our stupid imperial war in Vietnam. Since he sat out that war and spent it going to school instead of being a hero and volunteering to fight at age 18, like all the chickenhawks running America today, he doesn't know what war really is. He chose to read books instead of learning the hard way, actually fighting.
So he prissily goes about, chest out, yapping when he can't fight his way out of a paper bag without cheating by using depleted uranium proto-nuclear warheads to fight people who have virtually no weapons.
Well, smartypants, guess what? IEDs work just fine if the entire population wants to see you and your ilk dead.
The horror and stupidity of this particular imperial tool is how he explains how attempts at puzzling out the riddle of this war SOMETIMES keeps him up at night! Poor baby.
I have gone into my computer room at very strange hours, roused from my slumbers by my own helpers who tell me what is going on and I spent considerable time figuring out what is going on and it is pretty easy, actually.
The Christian/Jewish crusade to conquer and colonize and loot Muslims is failing because it is a religious war. And all Muslims are increasingly aware that there is no end to this but one: to fight the USA until the world's biggest empire with military bases in 137 countries goes bankrupt and dies! And bin Laden has patiently explained how this works and the Chinese are deep into implementing this program. And since the Chinese, the Russians and all Muslim people as well as more than quite a few South Americans are hoping our empire collapses after going bankrupt, this means much of the world wants us bankrupt.
And we are accommodating them nicely. This dumb Lt. General isn't staying up at night, worrying about the gigantic budget deficit this war and the Pentagon is creating. He doesn't give a fig. He wants more money, more soldiers, more wars. He is filled with blood lust, a man who hasn't nicked his pinkie finger, fighting, wants more soldiers to be blown away!
He doesn't care. None of these guys detroying America lose much sleep. They are cuddled in bed at night, dreaming of the sugar plum fairy and the ginerbread house they plan to eat. And this is why all the propaganda in the universe won't change a thing for us: we are doomed.
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