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This is a screen shot of the NYT search engine for any news about the AIPAC mass-gathering this week.
Elaine Meinel Supkis
All Democratic candidates for President along with Cheney, cheered AIPAC this week. They were all begging for money and nice media attention and note how Cheney is virtually never mentioned in the press these days? And the media made fun of Valarie Plame? Well, this is why! AIPAC loves Cheney.
AIPAC rules DC and the airwaves.
By Gregory Levey (Salon)Mar. 16, 2007 | At the annual policy conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee this week in Washington, a conservative Christian couple from eastern Tennessee told me that their son had decided to join the Israeli army. It was one of many surreal moments during the three-day gathering hosted by AIPAC, the lobbying group devoted to ensuring close U.S.-Israel ties that remains extraordinarily influential in Washington. "We just love God, and we just love Israel," the couple beamed, when I asked why they had come to the conference.
Amid an energized and at times almost circuslike atmosphere, just about everyone in attendance shared two main preoccupations: the 2008 U.S. presidential election and confronting Iran. And this year's conference saw record attendance: more than 6,000 people, coming from every state in the country and exceeding last year's crowd of around 5,000. Many of them were American Jews, of course, but the evangelical Christian community also made a strong showing. For those feeling apocalyptic about the turmoil in the Middle East, pastor John Hagee was there to greet them. Of the many prominent speakers at the conference, Hagee got one of the most enthusiastic receptions.
"The sleeping giant of Christian Zionism has awoken!" Hagee proclaimed, taking the microphone at the opening dinner reception on Sunday. The electrified crowd -- most of it Jewish -- roared in support, pounding on the tables. Hagee went on to declare the United Nations a "political brothel" and asserted that Israel must never give up land. He agreed with Israeli writer Dore Gold that granting part of Jerusalem to the Palestinians would be "tantamount to turning it over to the Taliban." And, after rebuking Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, he led the crowd in a chant of "Israel lives!" urging them to "shout it from the mountaintops!"
At first I was going to write about the how deranged many Jewish people have become, embracing lunatics who are actively working to create the Apocalypse so they can kill all the Jews or force them to love a vicious Jesus who will kill anyone who doesn't love him. After all, nothing is possibly worse than the ultimate plans these rank anti-semites have. They are, to be blunt, Nazis.
But the right wing Jews have embraced Naziism. So I suppose they are the same thing at this point. Only the Jews want to destroy Islam. So make this a three-way death-a-thon: the Muslims hate the Jews who hate them and the Christians plan to kill everyone. Right? Good.
But aside from that bizarre triple decker death-wish, we have something much more annoying here: I tried to look up stories about Cheney, Mr. Invisible VP. He has been hiding from us for quite a while. But not from AIPAC! Far from hiding from them, he stalks amoungst them as a conquering hero because he wants non-stop wars with people Israeli Jews (there are non-Jews in Israel so I will not call these warmongers 'Israelis' since that implies Muslims in Israel are the same, this is strictly a Jewish thing) want to kill or suppress or destroy.
Cheney was a big hit at the biggest bash to occur so far this year in DC: AIPAC's annual Nüremberg Wanna Be Fest. Seig Heil! So, I decided to google more stories besides the Salon story and so I went to the NYT and clicked on their search engine and got this:
OK. So none of the thousands of Jewish readers of the New York Times, some of whom definitely give to AIPAC or are on some of AIPAC's committees, didn't want to know about this convention, right? HAHAHA. And the Jewish owners of the New York Times didn't know about AIPAC's about Shadowlands!
Shadowlands is this disgusting, dark place where people doing all sorts of extremely violent and dangerous stuff gather. They have these cloaking devices that prevent others from seeing them. The CIA is 100% shadowlands. Cheney is in trouble for uncovering Valerie Plame's shadow world, for example.
But this stuff is cloaked because the very violent Israel-supporting Jews in the USA don't want anyone to know how they have utterly corrupted the government and openly bribe politicians to work for Israel and not the USA.
In other words, they are foreign agents that get Congress, while cutting funds to New Orleans, will give them to illegal Jewish settlers to resettle them on stolen Palestinian lands! At this nearly totally hidden convention attended by NEARLY ALL AMERICAN POLITICIANS IN DC, they all worried about 'giving part of Jerusalem to the Muslims,'---isn't that some cheek? Like as if people living in that city for the last 1,000 years have no right to live there at all? Seig Heil, Moses.
Did the army of American politicians march out in disgust when this was said there? And what color is a dollar bill? Excuse me, but this is rank treason as well as...bribes are killing our democracy. The AIPAC aliens even boast about how they have corrupted both parties equally. Quite.
In rather a rage, I went to the Washington Post to search them for any mention of this totally public yet utterly secret convention. Here is a screen shot:
Nearly nothing. Froomkin has, on page 5 today, on his BLOG, a paragraph from the Salon article. No commentary. But at least he had the grace to mention it off handedly, sort of.
Here is one of the very, very few articles about this convention by a Jewish publication:
Cheney's appeal is part of Bush-administration efforts in recent months to shore up support for the Iraq war in quarters it once took for granted: Republicans in Congress, the Christian right and now the pro-Israel community.His message was not received enthusiastically: Only about one-third to one-half of the audience in the cavernous Washington Convention Center hall applauded politely.
Behind Cheney, some AIPAC board members sat stone-faced, including Amy Friedkin, a past AIPAC president who is close to Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), the speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives and a fierce critic of the administration's handling of the war.
It's not just that three-quarters of American Jews -- more than any other religious group -- now think the Iraq war was a mistake. That's partly due to perceptions that the war's failure has emboldened Iran and its nuclear ambitions, which AIPAC considers the gravest challenge to Israel.
Cheney's speech was jarring because the tone of this year's meeting was to have been emphatically bipartisan -- even more than normal for AIPAC, the powerhouse lobby that prides itself on crossing party lines.
This article strives to pretend Cheney wasn't popular at all and most of the AIPAC owners of our Congress are anti-Iraq war but look at Congress: they can't pass even a mild rebuke to Bush about increasing the war! Nor will more than two or three dare say something about not attacking Iran! So I wanted more points of view about simple facts: did or did not these Jewish/right wing Nazi Christians applaud wildly or not?
Here is a Muslim site that only cites Salon:
America's powerful Israel lobby, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), held a recent summit that featured moments described by one writer as "surreal," "energized" and even "circuslike.""AIPAC's three-day summit included fiery evangelical oratory, adoration for Dick Cheney -- and new plans for going after Iran," reports Gregory Levey for Salon.
When I used the Google 'news of the day' search, normally big meetings that feature 90% of Washington DC's power elites including the nearly never in public Cheney would have 2-3000 stories from AP on down. But lo and behold! There were only three or four and most tellingly, several JOKE sites like the stupid Wonkette and the even dumber Onion.
Hahaha. Laugh, laugh, laugh. So, we had this massive meeting of corrupt money weilded in proxy by a foreign nation that has attracted an army of American politicians and they talked about WARS? And this isn't NEWS????
What the effing HELL is going on here? Today, thousands of Americans and people across the planet demonstrated against the Iraq war. This did make the news this time. But no mention that many of these demonstrators want no war with Iran, too. Again, the super-cloaking device that hides reality went to work.
Here is the Zionist neo-con of the Washington Post, whining about people calling Cheney 'insane':
By Charles Krauthammer
Friday, March 16, 2007; Page A21"What is wrong with Dick Cheney?" asks Michelle Cottle in the inaugural issue of the newly relaunched New Republic. She then spends the next 1,900 words marshaling evidence suggesting that his cardiac disease has left him demented and mentally disordered.
What were the chances that Krauthammer, a notorious Zionist supporter of AIPAC, was at that little lovefest? 100%? Or more? And did he talk about this? No?
The need to conceal true intentions is a sure fire sign of criminality. And we can plainly see there are many criminals and I would say, quite a number of traitors in DC. And note that many so-called 'liberals' in the Democratic party never seem to get their asses into gear to pass campaign finance laws that eliminate the power of lobbies like this notorious and dangerous group!
This is why our media coverage is like swiss cheese: there are many holes in the cheese and these are so many in number, one can see straight through it. The cheese is our democracy and unfortunately, it is being hollowed out rapidly by criminals, thieves and traitors.
Ever since the Baker/Hamilton commission tried to bring some sanity to our Near Eastern disasters, the AIPAC crowd has been hard at work destroying any possibility of any diplomacy with any of the people or nations we are at odds with. This is why they are very, very anxious to start a shooting war with Iran and Syria. They know time is running against them as more and more people become disgusted with the ethnic/religious cleansing going on in the misnamed 'Holy Land'.
Hiding their activities with the help of their brethern and sistern (sic) in the media isn't going to make things turn out fabulous with the Jewish community. Instead, this will cause the second Holocaust and the allies who are rapidly infilitrating AIPAC, the Nazi-leaning right wing Christians, will be the leaders and executioners of this new Holocaust.
And AIPAC isn't hidden from these people! They are INSIDE! They are seeing everything, hearing everything and they will take everything and turn it into a sword and run it right through the bellies of the Jewish leadership!
How can anyone not see this? It is painfully obvious to me. The Jewish community has to denounce AIPAC and quickly disband it and tell the Jews colonizing Israel, they must do this on their own dime. And no one in America should have divided loyalties. Just like my German half of my own family: in WWI and WWII, we were 100% for the USA. Not one bit for Germany. We fought Germany. My father even entered Germany as an OSS officer.
And this is what patriotism is all about and I despise ALL the politicians who sold their flag so dearly to a foreign power.
Kristof, in tomorrow's NYT editorial page, talks about Israel and our politicians they own.
Whether they have "learned to muzzle themselves" or they "just don't get it," US politicians should stop biting their tongues when it comes to Israel, New York Times columnist Nicholas D. Kristof argues in Sunday's paper."Democrats are railing at just about everything President Bush does, with one prominent exception: Bush's crushing embrace of Israel," Kristof writes.
And since "[t]here is no serious political debate among either Democrats or Republicans about our policy toward Israelis and Palestinians," Kristof believes, the "silence harms America, Middle East peace prospects and Israel itself."
See how this invisibility works? This Jewish editorialist (how unusual!) pretends he cannot for the life of himself, understand why our politicians (he does NOT mention the media) cannot critisize Israel even slightly. How droll.
Was this man at the AIPAC convention? Were any NYT editorialists and reporters there at all? Didn't any invitations go out to them and their families and friends and business cohorts? Was it that...hahaha. Of course. Our politicians mysteriously cannot talk about Israel or support Palestine or demand Israel not drop bombs on schools and orphanages in Lebanon. I remember that war: the entire political class from top to bottom aside from a tiny, tiny handful of mavericks, joined with Israel in denouncing Hezbollah alone.
And this is due to a simple fact: people serve those who pay them and those who put them in power and the New York Times and all the other media outlets support only tools of Zionism. They attack anyone else with tremendous fury to the point of, as in the case of Gore and Carter, lying about them and making up quotes and in general, acting like Scientologists.
Shame of Kristof. He should go back to whining about Darfur and buying prostitutes in Cambodia.
Culture of Life News Main Page
"How can anyone not see this? It is painfully obvious to me. The Jewish community has to denounce AIPAC and quickly disband it and tell the Jews colonizing Israel, they must do this on their own dime."
That's pretty rich, and I want the tooth fairy to leave me a hummer under my pillow.
Posted by: Canuck | March 19, 2007 at 08:02 AM
Yup. Once someone gets access to another person's bank account, it is hard to stop the looting.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | March 19, 2007 at 12:11 PM
The link you posted goes to Maynard's writings.
That man is a rank right winger who cannot understand the connection between Zionism and Naziism: they are twins and the Anglo/ruling elites like the Bushes use both forces for obvious reasons.
Namely, the right wing christian plan is to use right wing Zionist plans to create the Apocalypse which will remove most humans, they are very concerned about the environment and overpopulation! And then the Nazi Nazis weill rule the world, see?
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | March 19, 2007 at 12:21 PM
Sure he just illustrates the socio-political constructs where changes are effected but not the necessarily the essence of the controlling influences. Gotta get meta-physical for that.
Posted by: Canuck | March 19, 2007 at 01:35 PM
"Once someone gets access to another person's bank account, it is hard to stop the looting."
Socialism in a nutshell?
Posted by: JSmith | March 20, 2007 at 11:07 AM