Elaine Meinel Supkis
In supposedly 'free' countries we find lots of censorship, harrassment of reporters who don't work for the propaganda arms of the quasi-government and of course, blatant attempts at intimidation and imprisonment of anyone challenging the government's status quos.
From Category 305 News: Written by Rebecca WakefieldOn Feb. 20, around 7:30 p.m., I was on the phone with Category 305 photojournalist Carlos Miller about a story I'd asked him to do on the rapid gentrification happening along Biscayne Boulevard in Miami‘s Upper Eastside.
Miller told me that two minutes after we had spoken, he walked onto a scene that included several City of Miami police cars parked in the intersection of 67th Street and Biscayne Boulevard. They were parked along the torn up western section of the boulevard, which is closed to traffic. Five officers were interrogating a man, possibly in relation to a minor accident, although Miller only heard something along the lines of “You know we can arrest you for this.”
Great, Miller thought. He’d been looking for a few shots that would help illustrate the crime aspect of his story. But since most of the Biscayne streetwalkers and their pimps have been pushed north to 79th Street, it wasn’t as easy as it would have been just a year ago.
Miller, who estimates he was about 20 yards from the officers, began to shoot. Immediately, a female officer he identified as Officer Reid turned to him and said, “Sir, may I help you?”
The police helped him by beating him up and then arresting him for resisting arrest. I was once arrested this way. The only way I could prevent a police beating was to call for witnesses. To my surprise, this being an ordinary day, not some political event, over a hundred people came around and the police attacked the crowd that was only watching.
This started a riot. They then tried to charge me for inciting a riot only I had several hundred witnesses willing to tell the truth, that I asked the crowd to step back and let the police take me in.
The police have this ugly habit of lying. If there are no witnesses, they will make up stuff to their heart's content. In the case of this reporter, he had visual proof he was obeying the law and they were the criminals.
He is now suing them but this will not stop the police from intimidating witnesses in the future. They have been doing this all my life. What appalls me is how the mainstream media won't report this. Online magazines and newsmedia like Culture of Life News is legitimate and the courts have ruled in our favor in this regard.
We may be individually small, but we are part of the greater organization and the bigger fish better protect us small fry because when we go, they get fried, too.
From the Revolutionary Communist Party news:In October 2006, Bush signed into law the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007. Quietly slipped into the law at the last minute, at the request of the Bush administration, were sections changing important legal principles, dating back 200 years, which limit the U.S. government’s ability to use the military to intervene in domestic affairs. These changes would allow Bush, whenever he thinks it necessary, to institute martial law—under which the military takes direct control over civilian administration.
Sec. 1042 of the Act, "Use of the Armed Forces in Major Public Emergencies," effectively overturns what is known as posse comitatus.
So far, the mainstream media has mostly green-lighted any despotic moves our government makes. It is hard to keep up with Congress and Bush, what devilish plans they have to kill the Constitution which is wonderfully clear about things like 'freedom of speech' and 'the right to assembly' and 'the right to petition'. After 9/11, the Constitution fell faster than the WTC building and done in by the same gang.
Now, in the twilight of our once-democratic republic, we can still see the light of Liberty dimly shining and we can still turn back the clock if we want but even the Democrats don't seem to care about undoing the destruction so far.
Whoever runs for President better run on a platform that is very simple: they will respect the Constitution and restore it in all its glory.
From MosNewsThe Committee to Protect Journalists is deeply concerned by the prosecution for criminal insult of a Russian journalist who satirized President Vladimir Putin’s campaign to boost the birth rate, the group said in a statement published on its official website.
Vladimir Rakhmankov, editor-in-chief of the independent news Web site Kursiv, went on trial today in the city of Ivanovo, northeast of Moscow, charged with insulting the president in a May article titled “Putin as Russia’s phallic symbol.” The article satirized Putin’s goal, outlined in the president’s state of the nation address in May, of increasing Russia’s population.
Many bloggers mock our ruler. And years ago, he would stop us. When I used to run a little scheme inside the New York Times forums called 'Goooood morning, America!' which mocked the GOP and Bush specifically, he sent Haley Barbour to New York and he met with the Times who then banned me. I knew about this because a publication that is now defunct, the Brill's Report, told readers about it. To my shock.
Then an editor at the Times called me and told me, she tried to stop it. There are good people out there. They just have to shut up to keep their jobs.
Now we have our own websites. I don't have thousands and thousands of readers anymore but I have full editorial control over content and publication. But we are losing even that as many countries persecute people for publishing things that are obviously well within the realm of acceptance.
This poor Russian writer is terrified he will be murdered and I fear he is correct. The media in America should be putting him on the front page but he is barely noticed, just like the poor Egyptian student who is being put in prison for telling the truth about police brutality.
Quelle horreurs! The French government is curbing online reporters!
, From IDG News Service - Peter SayerThe French Constitutional Council has approved a law that criminalizes the filming or broadcasting of acts of violence by people other than professional journalists. The law could lead to the imprisonment of eyewitnesses who film acts of police violence, or operators of Web sites publishing the images, one French civil liberties group warned on Tuesday.
The council chose an unfortunate anniversary to publish its decision approving the law, which came exactly 16 years after Los Angeles police officers beating Rodney King were filmed by amateur videographer George Holliday on the night of March 3, 1991. The officers’ acquittal at the end on April 29, 1992 sparked riots in Los Angeles.
If we could go to the mainstream with these videos, photographs, etc, all would be well. But it is sick. For even if we provide pictures, the media will censor or lie about them. When the Israeli bulldozer driver murdered Rachel Corrie, the New York Times refused to show the film or photos that showed clearly, it was murder. They instead described the event in a totally dishonest way in order to hide the crime.
I learn much more from online reporters than the mainstream. I use them as a springboard but I trust the online news much more even if they are wrong, they are right far, far more often.
Heil, Merkel! Unser Fuehrerin!
From Germarrudolf.comOn March 20, 1997, the Austrian authorities confiscated all computers of the Internet Provider VIP located in Vienna, because it hosted a website with child pornography. In protest to this censorship all Internet service providers of Austria shut down all their services for two hours on March 25, 1997, but to no avail. [http://www.vov.de/von-uns/presse/mitteilung.phtml?id=40]. Also in early 1997, the head of CompuServe Germany, Felix Somm, was indicted for distributing pornographic as well as dissenting historical and political material deemed illegal in Germany. First sentenced to a two years suspended prison term, Somm was acquitted in late 1999 during his appeal only because the court stated that there is currently no technology available allowing the filtering of internet content [Associated Press, November 17, 1999, http://www.cyber-rights.org/isps/somm-dec.htm]. That decision meant, however, that Internet service providers will be held responsible for content hosted on computers located in Germany. It also meant that the intentional spreading of illegal content can and will be prosecuted and punished, which means that placing links to illegal content can suffice to cause a criminal investigation. [http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/51930: fined for placing links to political right-wingers]
This restriction to their own territory did not stop the German authorities, who keep threatening Internet service providers to filter out websites that have a content deemed illegal in Germany. In 1999, the German Supreme Court decided that even foreign citizens not residing in Germany who put content on the Internet deemed illegal in Germany will be prosecuted and sentenced, should they dare to step onto German soil.
If Nazis don't have free speech, no one has free speech. Increasingly, Europeans are getting angry about this. Now no one can challenge all sorts of goofy historic factoids. Whatever it is, it can no longer be even talked about. I harp about how we killed all the Neanderthals. This was true 'genocide.' Indeed, our destruction of many speices is 'genocide' writ large. We killed of much of the fauna and flora of many ecosystems back when we murdered all the Neanderthals.
People still refuse to accept this horrible fact. Maybe I should arrest everyone who refuses to admit guilt! Every scientist, writer or commentator, all swept into prisons! I could represent all the dead Neanderthals and sue for this privilage!
And this is how silly it all is: eveything should be open to debate, even obvious facts that seem plain as day.
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