Because America loves and needs mass murderers for entertainment, NBC scored a coup when the latest MM prepared a media package plus his script to them after killing two students. He then went on to fulfill the rest of his publicity event. NBC first piously said they handed over all this stuff to the FBI but then someone in the heirarchy, probably the owner of the station, said, 'Let's put on this kid's show!'
Right on the heels of all the politicians rushing to Virginia Tech to dip their greedy hands in the pool of blood there, they all piously ordered sane people to NOT talk about gun control because it would dishonor the dead and upset the mourners. Anyone who dared talk about preventing these crimes was ghoulish and nasty.
Well, talk about ghouls! NBC got this media package that was professionally put together since the young man was not a mere English major, he was studying how to write scripts. He then sat down and wrote not only a script but he made a movie and a media proposal which he thoughtfully mailed to NBC.
NBC first said they would hand this over to the FBI but less than three hours later, they featured his stuff on national TV. Before hardly any funerals for the many dead students could commence, the media feeding frenzy turned the killer into a sensation. He succeeded in his objectives.
I knew the sorrows and wailings of Americans over this latest mass murder were alligator tears except for maybe the families, because not one parent stepped forwards to yell about the need for gun control. Some parents of the Columbine massacre did do this and they tried as hard as possible to change the laws but they failed since both the Republicans and the Democrats fear the NRA and gun nuts of America.
But in this case, not only have no parents shaken off the lassitude of this event to denounce Virginia's insane gun laws or rather non-laws, no politician attending this mess have said we should do something.
The top TV show this last several years aside from Survivor and CSI and other inhuman shows has been 'American Idol' and it is supposed to cull bad singers and reward good singers. Everyone is talking about this kid who can't sing but who can entertain with his crazy antics. Polls of small children asking them what they want to be when they grow up and 'celebrity' or 'star' wins!
Far from being an aberration, the latest killer is a perfect product of our culture. His artistic venture worked. He is now up there with Jim Jones and Adolf Hitler. He carefully studied modern entertainment to see how he should pull off his stunt and he gave a good imitation of what he enjoyed watching.
And it worked. Hitler, like Cho, was a failed artist who succeeded when he became a mass murderer. He was born before modern media but he was one of the first to understand how it works and how to use it. And so right at the very beginning of movies and radio, a psychopath used them to create WWII and the Holocaust.
We are supposed to be thinking about the Holocaust this week. Of course, we are not supposed to think about the real lessons of that event or we would force that racist, religious bigot state, Israel, to stop their criminal actions recreating Nazi Germany and force them to clean up their act.
The authors of the document called "The Democratic Constitution" maintain that the Arab citizens of Israel should be considered a "homeland minority" with national rights. The idea is to transform Israel into a bilingual and multicultural democracy for all its citizens, rather than a Jewish democracy, which they argue is an oxymoron. Such transformation would inevitably mean changing the laws of citizenship and immigration so that citizenship would no longer be granted automatically to any Jew wishing to immigrate but rather to anyone born within Israel's territory or whose parent or spouse is a citizen, or to people persecuted due to their political beliefs.Not long after the documents' publication, Israel's second-largest newspaper, Ma'ariv, reported a meeting between the head of the security agency, Yuval Diskin, and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. During the meeting Diskin warned Olmert that the radicalization of Israel's Arab citizens constitutes a "strategic threat to the state's existence." Diskin added that "the proliferation of the visionary documents published by the different Arab elites in Israel is particularly worrisome, [since] the documents are united by their conception of Israel as a state for all its citizens and not a Jewish state." The head of the security services concluded that "the separatist and subversive patterns represented by the elites might engender a new direction and mobilize the masses."
This is the week we are supposed to be talking about Waco, the Columbine killings, Hitler's birthday, the Oklahoma City bombing, etc. But instead, we are entertaining ourselves watching this horrible kid's media package. The irony of this week's media frenzy over a mass murderer comes on the heels of last week's frenzy over a stupid loud mouth radio personality calling some university students ''ho's'.
All this is doing is teaching future mass murderers how to do it better. On top of all this bloody mess, we see clearly once again that the enemy is ourselves and our culture. No matter how many peasants we kill in many lands, none of them die to make us safer. This is because the real problem lies here at home and it due to our present culture. And our lust for blood is very strong.
Homeland Security is a neo-Nazi Soviet entity that doesn't make us one iota safer. It is set up to prevent POLITICAL actions, not make America safe for children. It is run by a citizen of Israel which is a violent state that hates equality and freedom and we are losing our freedoms even as we are allowed to carry guns.
For the act of carrying guns doesn't make us free in the end. Many Iraqis had guns under Saddam. They were trained to fight and they are showing us just how capable they are of fighting since they kill more people each month even as we pour in more soldiers. The land is terrorized, not free. We are terrorists and they are creating terrorists. And our own children, our own families are churning out a stream of terrorists here at home and we seem unable to do anything.
9/11 was a political event just as the OKC bombing. It was a declaration of war upon our imperial oppressions, specifically our support of Irsael AND Saudi Arabia. We dealt with it by attacking first Afghanistan's peasants and then Iraq who had nothing to do with Al Qaeda. And the results were inevitable.
And in the present case, it is obvious we have to talk about our own culture and do something but again, we will attack the wrong target and make things worse. So the only question is, who will be the next mass murderer? Will he use bombs, guns or both? And who will be his targets?
Obviously, innocent children. Our own Infantata continues.
Culture of Life News Main Page
I am really surprised you aren't more sympathetic to Cho. He rants against deceitful charlatans, debauchery, insatiable greed, and rich kids. No, he's not talking about the political shrubbery at the top of America. He is talking about America. He talking about our friends, neighbors, and our children. It's a fight or flight response, really. Add a dash of overwhelming odds, a dash of pride, some prescription meds, a stubbornness to no longer run and hide, and you get someone who knows they are going to lose, but is willing to take as many of "them" as they can with them. Some choose bombs. Some choose planes. Cho chose the gun. Banning pipes, planes, and guns won't fix the problem. The culture is the problem. Until America learns to stop picking on the weak, and cuts the smug arrogant self centered snobbery, many more of our sons and daughters will die senseless deaths.
Taking self defense away from the masses enables mass murder.
Posted by: neo | April 19, 2007 at 11:16 PM
Violent revolution hosted by suicidal manicas leads to World Wars and other horrors.
I love civilization. So I want to protect our system which is why I detail our collective dangers and and warn the ruling classes, they are building their own coffins.
Bin Laden's skillful attacks on the USA were designed to goad us into be reckless and careless and his family is very close to the Bush clan and he read his tea leaves correctly. He knew Bush would spend freely after 9/11 instead of being cautious and bingo.
We are going bankrupt.
This is NOT GOOD. For us individually or collectively. I don't want violence, I want peace and plenty. And I know that making 'the little people', ie, the lower classes, happy, is good.
Pushing them deep into debt is bad. Sending their jobs to Asia is bad. They have to buy cheap Chinese goods but this is, in the long run, bad for us all except fo the very top, the happy 1% that is making money hand over fist.
Cho was a psychopath. He thought of only himself. He built nothing, he is a destroyer just as we are in Iraq, destroyers.
Don't elevate him higher than he deserves.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | April 20, 2007 at 09:42 AM
"I am really surprised you aren't more sympathetic to Cho. ... The culture is the problem."
OK... what, specifically, do you suggest we do to ensure that the needs of people like Mr. Cho are properly met?
(That reminded me of the drivel I used to hear in school, in the early 70s, about how crime isn't the criminal's fault, it's society's fault.)
Posted by: JSmith | April 20, 2007 at 12:53 PM
Cho was trained to be a mass killer. Not by his parents but by the culture at large. In olden times, people like him were set off as bezerkers: the community would send him off to the neighbors to kill them and steal stuff.
Today, we do this via the Pentagon but they don't want bezerkers because they might get out of hand and attack the Pentagon. Just like Bush wanted the 9/11 attackers to spook us but didn't expect them to attack the Pentagon too.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | April 21, 2007 at 11:25 AM
"and warn the ruling classes, they are building their own coffins."
And Cho made them use them. When you build your own coffin, it is not reasonable to think that you will never be forced to use it, but that is how the rich think as they cut funding for social services.
As for Cho, he needed medical help. He needed to be closely monitored in an institutional type atmosphere to make sure he took his medications and also received therapy, but this all costs money, and our society has decided to set the mentally ill loose to fend for themselves. Jet skis are more important than building a sane society.
You would be amazed at how many mentally ill people are "cured" on the very day their private insurance runs out. They are then turned loose on the rest of us who do not live in gated communities.
There is a severely mentally ill man who walks up and down my street and has done so for over 20 years. He has schizophrenia (sp?)and talks to himself and inanimate objects and is only vaguely aware of others around him.
He is lucky. Someone cares for him and he is not violent, but he is also unprotected from gangs of rich kids who might want to go kill or beat someone for fun. (Rich kids get bored fast. I hung out with some in law school and was amazed at their shallowness. One joked about adopting a black kid as a little brother and then raping him. He claimed to be joking, but it still left me feeling chilled to the bone.)
I predict that rants and attacks against the ultra rich or even upper middle classes will increase over time, and the responses by the upper classes will become more violent and repressive over time as they realize that the masses are awakening to the fact that they have been swindled of all their collective wealth just to satisfy a tiny few at the very top.
There is nothing new under the sun. (Ancient philosopher).
Posted by: DeVaul | April 24, 2007 at 10:16 PM
It is trying to carry too many baskets that breaks most eggs in this country.
Posted by: Beats by Dr Dre | December 13, 2011 at 10:06 AM
It is the timid approach to life.
Posted by: Red Bottom shoes sale` | December 16, 2011 at 08:16 AM
My father did well in his business and I went to a good school. He wanted me to get a good job and live a quiet,com-fortable life. But I didn't want that.
Posted by: Red Bottom shoes | December 26, 2011 at 07:13 AM