February 19, 2008
Elaine Meinel Supkis
It looks like the US is joining England in destroying our civil rights. The courts were supposed to be established and run as machines that guarantee our civil rights and are supposed to support the BILL OF RIGHTS. Instead, we see the termites of terror eating up our rights and who are the terrorists? The Queen of England, the President of the United States and BANKERS! Yes, financial pirates, crooks, frauds and schemers who are out to strip us of our wealth via government bail outs, fishy loans, lying appraisers and funny money games with Japan! Wikileaks is an online organization that allows whistleblowers to publish documents. A court in the US at the behest of the British courts has completely shut down Wikileaks. We are no different from China, are we?
Whistle-blower site taken offline
A controversial website that allows whistle-blowers to anonymously post government and corporate documents has been taken offline in the US.
Wikileaks.org, as it is known, was cut off from the internet following a California court ruling, the site says.The case was brought by a Swiss bank after "several hundred" documents were posted about its offshore activities.
Other versions of the pages, hosted in countries such as Belgium and India, can still be accessed.
However, the main site was taken offline after the court ordered that Dynadot, which controls the site's domain name, should remove all traces of wikileaks from its servers.
Like all important web sites, Wikileak has many mirror sites that are still up and running. And as the news spreads around the web, people can flood into these mirror sites to see the Truth, Apple Pie and Motherhood. It really, really, really infuriates me when the monsters who are busy destroying world finance and global trade attack us whistle blowers online! This malicious and utterly irresponsible attack on a legitimate organization seeking to reveal basic information to us, is not just Soviet-style censorship, it is amoral as well as FUTILE. Namely, the information may embarrass various bankers, financial officers and other criminals and crooks but look at what the hell they are doing!
They are destroying everything they touch! The Midas touch created in the last 25 years via the establishment and then use of pirate coves across the planet to evade taxes, evade government regulations and evade investigations has created a monster that is exo-territorial, outside of the law which means, they are OUTLAWS and yet these same rich clowns who are rapidly driving the world off a derivative cliff, can use OUR courts which WE pay for via TAXES to attack anyone who seeks to see what the hell these criminals are up to!
Since they are rich they can afford to buy the best lawyers and politicians. Since they are rich, they can use their Midas touch to expand their powers and to expand their pirate coves. These have been growing at a madcap rate in the last 7 years. Doubling and redoubling in size, these postage-size stamp Crown territories are now financial Godzillas. And instead of debating the existence of these criminal quarters, we are persecuted and censored if we talk about anything they are doing! And this has happened to ME! I was treated to the same censorship that Wikileak was treated:
Here is an earlier story I wrote about how the English Crown censors the press:
Bloggers across the planet are being attacked by English lawyers who live in a country that is literally owned by Her Majesty, the Queen. The government there recently changed leaders and the voters had absolutely nothing to say about this, for example. And the Queen merrily hosts pirate coves for hell hounds right off the shores of Her truncated empire. The English not only don't have freedom of speech, they have no rights to privacy and as our empire is molded more and more into the shape and form of the British Empire, we lose our civil rights.
Not only has my little story not had any effect on the courts, the need to censor has grown. Recently, China has begun to censor me. This cut off around 300 readers I had in that police state. In the US, I have been censored in the past. The way this works is very simple: no one publishes me and no one talks to me and I can't go on TV anymore. I am too controversial.
This is all exo-judicial. Mr. Gandhi recently was shoved into my part of the non-person universe when he asked Jew to feel some shame about using the Holocaust as cover for destroying the Palestinian people the same way Hitler tried to destroy them. Professor Finkelstein was chased out of his University position for the same reasons: telling the truth. The Constitution was partially written by a great man, one who I admire tremendously: Ben Franklin! He knew that freedom of speech is meaningless unless there is freedom of the press! And the US courts used to be on the side of the press but no more.
Here is a previous story I wrote about all this:
Dear readers, I have been SLAPPed by the minions of the Queen of England. Heh. My family has a long, long history of irritating the royals in that lovely land. She doesn't like being called a 'despot' so anyone doing this gets a letter from a'gang' of lawyers who don't like being called a 'gang'. So I put this in parenthesis to emphisize that this is an opinion of mine and not a fact. Namely, they could also be a 'gaggle' or a 'lynch mob' or 'professional gunslinging lawyers' or a lot of other, unflattering names.Well, in America we had this 'revolution' which gave us a 'Constitution' and within that is the 'First Amendment' and it says that we have 'freedom of speech'. In England, 'despotic and vile' kings and queens have the ability to cut off anyone's metaphorical head and silence them if they irritate said 'queen' who is about as royal as a pain in the a...s. Metaphorically speaking. Heh.
All over this planet, kings and queens attack and abuse writers who mock them. In Saudi Arabia, such writers are beaten to death. In Thailand, they are put in prison. In England, they are taken to court.
I wanted to share the SLAPP letter with the world. Since I am a non-person to the US media, I didn't make the news here in the US. The heavy blanket of censorship lies upon my life thanks to the CIA as well as other authorities who want Americans to not know what is going on. Sibel Edmonds was under the same blanket as I but Britain has chosen to show her information and do a story about her and despite this, until this week when a paper in the US finally published a story about her that is old news on the internet, did ANY paper mention the news about her! The Washington Post and the New York Times still keep her censored.
The owners and editors of both miserable, lying rags know me, they know my father, they know all about us, they even knew I was living in a tent for ten years and I had a NYT reporter actually visit me in the tent complex! But I am a nonperson. Dead. Except online. Someone even got Google to censor me in the past. If one googled my 'images' which I have thousands of images online, all one got for a while were pictures of a gagged woman! Yeow!
Now my images are back up but only until the State moves to prevent people from seeing anything, lord knows, your eyes might pop out! This miserable election we are being subjected to is being censored, too. As we can obviously see.
Here is the original Bloomberg story that got me in trouble with the creepy lawyers who work for a bunch of tax-evading creepy pirates in Jersey: Cambridge Place's Caliber Fund Shuts on Subprime Loss
Caliber Global Investment Ltd., a $908 million fund invested in subprime mortgage debt, will close as losses widen on defaulted U.S. home loans.The London-listed fund, managed by Cambridge Place Investment Management LLP, will sell its assets and shut within a year, Caliber said in a statement today.
Caliber is the second U.K. fund this week to report fallout from rising defaults by American homeowners, following a $91 million annual loss for Queen's Walk Investment Ltd., run by Cheyne Capital Management (UK) LLP in London. Carlyle Group, the Washington-based buyout fund, cut the size of its initial public offering for a fund that invests in bonds backed by mortgages by 25 percent to $300 million today.
``The losses are going to be phenomenal'' for funds worldwide holding subprime debt, said Peter Schiff, president of securities brokerage Euro Pacific Capital in Darien, Connecticut. ``My guestimate in the subprime world is that the majority of loans are going to go into default. Not just 5 or 10 percent, but the majority.''
This story was from last July right when the banking collapse began. Up until then, the true nature of the 'investments' were concealed from people buying the trashy tranches offered by these weasels. Today, they still sit on their treasure chest and still have lawyers who will probably send me a letter of reprimand for talking about them and calling them 'weasels'. We are supposed to pretend they are good, honest, upright citizens of the world, not a bunch of creeps lining their pockets by flooding the world with funny money that is now up to $500 trillion in ghost money that cannot possibly show up on the ledgers of the daylight side of the books or money will become WORTHLESS.
Why these guys are being allowed to do this baffles me. Governments should be very angry with them and going after these island pirate coves and shutting them down as hazards to world finances! But far from this, they are allowed to use our own courts to silence critics. Let's go back to the Wikileak story and get more details:
The Cayman Islands is located between Cuba and Honduras. In July 2000, the United States Department of the Treasure Financial Crimes Enforcement Network issued an advisory states stating that there were "serious deficiencies in the counter-money laundering systems of the Cayman Islands", "Cayman Islands law makes it impossible for the supervisory and regulatory authority to obtain information held by financial institutions regarding their client's identity", "Failure of financial institutions in the Cayman Islands to report suspicious transactions is not subject to penalty" and that "These deficiencies, among others, have caused the Cayman Islands to be identified by the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (The 'FATF') as non-cooperative in the fight against money laundering". As of 2006 the U.S. State Department listed the Cayman Islands in its money laundering "Countries of Primary Concern".The Cayman's case is not the first time Wikileaks has tackled bad banks. In the second half of last year Wikileaks exposed over $4,500,000,000's worth of money laundering including by the former president of Kenya, Daniel Arap Moi (see http://wikileaks.be/wiki/The_looting_of_Kenya_under_President_moi which became the Guardian's front page story in September 2007 and swung the Kenyan vote by 10% leading into the December 2007 election and http://wikileaks.be/wiki/A_Charter_House_of_horrors reported in the Nairobi paper The Standard and now the subject of a High Court Case in Kenya).
To find an injunction similar to the Cayman's case, we need to go back to Monday June 15, 1971 when the New York Times published excepts of of Daniel Ellsberg's leaked "Pentagon Papers" and found itself enjoined the following day. The Wikileaks injunction is the equivalent of forcing the Times' printers to print blank pages and its power company to turn off press power. The supreme court found the Times censorship injunction unconstitutional in a 6-3 decision.
The Wikileaks.org injunction is ex-parte, engages in prior restraint and is clearly unconstitutional. It was granted on Thursday afternoon by California district court judge White, Bush appointee and former prosecutor.
The order was written by Cayman Island's Bank Julius Baer lawyers and was accepted by judge White without amendment, or representations by Wikileaks or amicus. The case is over several Wikileaks articles, public commentary and documents dating prior to 2003. The documents allegedly reveal secret Julius Baer trust structures used for asset hiding, money laundering and tax evasion. The bank alleges the documents were disclosed to Wikileaks by offshore banking whistleblower and former Vice President the Cayman Island's operation, Rudolf Elmer. Unable to lawfully attack Wikileaks servers which are based in several countries, the order was served on the intermediary Wikileaks purchased the 'Wikileaks.org' name through -- California registrar Dynadot, who then used its access to the internet website name registration system to delete the records for 'Wikileaks.org'. The order also enjoins every person who has heard about the order from from even linking to the documents.
In order to deal with Chinese censorship, Wikileaks has many backup sites such as wikileaks.be (Belgium) and wikileaks.de (Germany) which remain active. Wikileaks never expected to be using the alternative servers to deal with censorship attacks, from, of all places, the United States.
The order is clearly unconstitutional and exceeds its jurisdiction.
How stupid is this? The New York Times got a previous court to grant them the right to print the truth about the Vietnam War. We saluted that ruling at the time because of course, I was out there yelling about government censorship and the lies of the press as well as all government officials, before the Pentagon Papers were leaked. Lest we forget, Nixon wanted to spy on Ellsberg for leaking the truth and this led to the Plumbers being formed and led to them breaking into the psychiatric offices of Ellsberg's doctor to find incriminating information to leak to the press...hahaha...and this led to the same men breaking into the Watergate Hotel! Which brought down Nixon.
The NYT leaked things that they thought were important even as they kept on and still keep on, censoring and turning into non-humans the brave sailors who were massacred by the Israeli Jews in the sinking of the spy ship Liberty scandal. We can't force the media to cover the news or tell the truth. But we should be able to force corporate America and our government to tell the truth! Indeed, we should be able to influence the media into telling the truth but these guys are all slippery as eels.
Here is the introduction to Wikileaks explaining how they operate and who they are: Wikileaks:Media Kit
Wikileaks is not like Wikipedia. Every submitted article and change is reviewed by our editorial team of professional journalists and anti-corruption analysts. Articles that are not of high standard are rejected and non-editorial articles are fully attributed. If you are unsure about the attribution for an article or other information appearing contact the editor. Open commentary is restricted to Talk: pages, clearly labeled as such in their title heading.Wikileaks should be described, depending on context, as the "journalists' network", "open government group", "transparency group", "press freedoms group" or "whistleblower's protection group".
Wikileaks staff should be described, unless otherwise specified and depending on context, as "investigative journalists", "analysts", "technologists", "open government activists" or, especially in an African context, "anti-corruption activists".Contributors not otherwise noted should be described as "writing for Wikileaks" (for articles) or "activists" otherwise (e.g technical volunteers).
Leaks should be described as having been "released by" Wikileaks or as having been "obtained by Wikileaks".
Wikileaks has never been mentioned in US news as far as I can tell. The news of this story about Wikileaks being censored and destroyed by a Swiss bank using offshore accounts to do creepy, dangerous and stupid things, is being censored by the US media.
Look at the wall to wall coverage! If Britney Spears sneezes, she gets 2,000 story hits on Google. But this story is about non-humans who have non-rights so they get non-writes. Look at who is covering this besides me: Slash dot, a wonderful online magazine. Wired News and CNET News also cover this important story. As I expected. The ONLY mainstream media to carry this story is USA Today! I was surprised to see that one. Thank god one carried it! Many British papers carried this, they HATE this censorship and wish it would end and it is worse in England than here [but not for long, we are rapidly catching up!]. The IRANIAN news media carried this story! HAHAHA. Oddly enough, the Austin American Statesman carried this, too!
But not the creepy war mongering rags, the NYT and WP.
Here is the story that launched the frontal attack on our collective civil liberties: Clouds on the Cayman tax heaven
2008-02-15This is the story of Rudolf Elmer of Switzerland, former Chief Operating Officer of Bank Julius Baer on the Cayman Islands. The story of a man suspected of leaking to the press information about the activities of a Swiss bank specialized in hiding and laundering the money of the ultra rich through anonymizing offshore trust structures. It also is the story of a man and his family living with the consequences of being suspected of fouling the nest of a traditional Swiss bank engaging in dubious activities. This story might differ from previous one's related to this issue, mainly because while researching the story, Rudolf Elmer has also been asked for his account of things.
Over the last few months Wikileaks has obtained and published various documents related to allegedly illegal activities in the Cayman Islands performed by Bank Julius Baer and started initial research into these. Regarding the same bank Wikileaks had obtained legal documentation on the case of a Rudolf Elmer, former debuty head of BJB cayman, in a Dec 2007 Zurich court case against Bank Julius Baer. The law suit relates to various irregularities of health-care/social-security payments by the bank, as well as the matter of stalking (including at least one acknowledged car chase) Elmer and his family by BJB-hired Private Investigators Zurich-based Ryffel AG,
Initial research easily turned up that 2002/2003 some sensitive documents had slipped out of the Swiss banks office in the Cayman Islands, apparently reaching US tax investigation units and eventually sent to the Swiss financial magazine CASH, which reported on the disclosure, but possibly due to an injunction or Swiss banking law, not the details. This event also triggered an article in the Wall Street Journal an article in Swiss Weltwoche, titled "The leak in paradise", giving background information on what happened back in 2003 on the Caymans.
When the leak of trust structures was discovered in 2003, Bank Julius Baer initiated legal investigations on the Caymans, involving the search of the home of each employee and when not gaining any insights from that, undertaking a polygraph test on the employees. It still remained unclear where the data went.
The group of people having legitimate access to these documents was small, Rudolf Elmer, who was BJB Caymans deputy head and Chief Operating Officer at that point in time also fulfilled the position of Hurricane Officer, whos duties included keeping backups. Elmer, facing a spinal surgery coming up in a few days time, was on sick leave and had some trouble scheduling the test. He thus became a suspect.
Most banks are run like the Soviet Union. And they wish to run the host nations where they hide out as Soviet States. When the Constitution was written, the free press was left out until Ben Franklin, bless him, demanded it be put in and it was as the First Amendment! He was adamant about this, being a publisher and reporter. Hamilton wanted a more controlled place where he could launch a national bank and use it as a platform for power. He got shot dead in a duel as we well know. And the new born press covered the story instead of covering it up. Thank you again, Ben!
In this case, the cheesy banks of Switzerland that used to pride themselves on being gnomes who carefully tended their gold have devolved into funny money goblins who use pirate coves as places for generating profits doing really creepy things. And when this former top officer blew the whistle, the gnomes went batty and began to terrorize him. I know how this works. It has happened to me. I am hard to terrorize, though. I no longer have my 250 pound English Mastiff to scare people trying to scare me but then, even without her, I can scare people trying to scare me pretty easily. Once, many years ago, someone attacked me while the FBI was watching my house. I walked over to their black car and leaned on the roof and bent down. 'Listen, guys, either you protect me while you shadow me or you should go home and get some sleep.' They pretended to not hear me but the next time someone tried to hassle me, they got out of the car to and quietly told him to leave.
Another time, a group said they would assassinate me. This was before TV censored me, back in the days when there were many more media outlets and thus, competition. I went on TV to demand the Mayor of New York provide me with police protection. I got the cops who were pulled a day later. This led to a very public battle with the President of the City Council. He lost his position in the end and called me on the phone, crying, 'Why did you do this to me?' And I was so astonished. My life was in danger and he didn't give a hoot! Well...now I protect myself. This is why I live on a mountain and can see the entire countryside from my home.
Let's go back to this wonderful website that struggles to show us the truth: They covered stories about Northern Rock which I maliciously call 'Black Rock' only because it amuses me.
Today the transparency group Wikileaks released a number of censorship demands it has received over a confidential briefing memo relating to the dramatic financial collapse of the UK's Northern Rock bank.
The bank collapsed late last year under the weight of the US sub-prime lending crisis and was re-floated by Bank of England at a cost of £24 billion — £400 for each and every person in the United Kingdom.The memo led to stories in the Financial Times, the Telegraph and many others. Despite being of clear public interest, the document and even the some of the stories arising from it were hit by censorship injunctions. Only Wikileaks continues to withstand the attack.
What a novel idea. All communications from lawyers seeking to censor people are 'copyrights'? Eh? What the hell? If someone sends me a letter telling me to shut up, this is under the same laws that allows Disney to attack little tots for putting pictures of Mickey Mouse online at their little web pages? The copyright laws are being stretched to cover nearly everything generated by these thugs! The internet has been a most wonderful machine for freeing up our culture and our information base which has been shrinking rapidly due to parties trying to make it nearly impossible to transmit, talk about or participate in our culture. The number of outlets for information and entertainment have been rapidly shrinking over the last century. Newspapers have gone from literally many thousands of privately owned papers to less than a dozen. What looks like many magazines, for example, are owned by one person. The WP and Newsweek, for example, are one and the same.
They keep the old names but these are not real. They are Potemkin Village Voices. When the Village Voice was bought by Murdoch, he fired all the editors and turned it into another crummy, lying rag. He bought the London Times and turned it into a clone of all his Britney Spears--all the time gossip rag. The internet has been undoing all this consolidation work! The rich men buying up all the mainstream media outlets are being destroyed by the You Tube generation who work to chop up and use this information stream. The censorship of the media owners who constantly pull stories has been curtailed by an army of online users who grab these stories and carry them onwards, putting them back on History's pages! The net troubles these criminals who run our media and they are very anxious to eliminate the user-friendly interface and replace it with the Boot smashing the face forever as per 1984 by Orwell.
Here is the order abut Northern Rock's lawyer's letters:Pursuant to an Order of the Royal Courts of Justice dated 13th
November 2007 ("the Order") no person shall publish or communicate or disclose to any other person (other than by way of disclosure to legal advisers instructed in relation to the proceedings for the purpose of obtaining legal advice), inter alia, the information contained within the "Northern Rock Executive Summary"
The Order also provides that any person who knows of the Order and disobeys it or does anything which helps or permits any person to whom the Order applies to breach the terms of the Order may be held to be in contempt of court and may be imprisoned, fined or have their assets seized.In addition Schillings invoke the DMCA (Unites States federal Digital Millennium Copyright Act) and WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) treaty.
Schillings refused to hand over a copy of the orders they claim Wikileaks (and everyone else) must obey, under the basis that Wikileaks might do something, literally unspeakably evil, with the censorship judgements — publish them.
In their final salute to the absurd, Schillings claim copyright — on the demand letters themselves!
While the letters are laughable to any reasonable person, the UK censorship regime is not reasonable. Schillings attacks over the memo have been successful in censoring not only the Financial Times, the Telegraph and other UK papers, but at least half a dozen websites, including several located in the United States.The United Kingdom provides no simple way of discovering what is under injunction or in contempt of court reporting restrictions -- such orders are not even listed on the Her Majesty's Courts Service website, or the British and Irish Legal Information Institute.
The combined publishing might of the British press and the Internet has proved unfit (with the exception of Wikileaks), to provision a key document in British politics to the public. Every insider has it. Surely the British people deserve to see it, after all they've paid for it — £400 each.
The UK press is the most injuncted, litigated and censored among the liberal democracies. The population suffers accordingly and as we have seen, this hobbling of the UK press is now exported world wide via extra-territorial claims. The claims have limited power in theory, but are effective tools of suppression in practice as neither profit motivated ISPs nor publishers with UK business dealings will stand their ground. It is time for urgent reform.
Once upon a time, the press would publish these letters from lawyers. This would, in turn, cause the lawyers to hesitate to write such horrible letters. They would not want to be held up to public ridicule. Today, they append this stupid idea that their letters menacing people are copyrights and cannot be published or discussed in public. I remember when Ben was alive, back in the 1700's, letters like this from the Crown were public and usually put on bulletin boards so all could read. I also remember why Ben joined the Revolution: the Crown told him, the letters about the taxes and other matters were now SECRET! This is why our Founding Fathers insisted Courts should be open and NOT secret. And certainly not held at Gitmo after torturing people! This is VERBOTEN. The Nazis were the ones who had secret trials and who sent threatening letters and threatened anyone getting these letters, if they revealed them, they would go to secret prisons, etc!
What the hell is going on here? I want my nation back. And I want the truth. And I want pirates taken care of via putting them back under the law, not having them run us around here at home, using the law to stop us from looking at their businesses.
From the website BoingBoing
Posted by: Bokonon | February 19, 2008 at 07:23 AM
The logic used against us, the proles, is that if we are innocent then we should have no problem with every phone call, email, purchase, etc. being monitored. Funny how those same organizations we trust to monitor our actions so desperately seek to hide thier own.
Posted by: TK | February 19, 2008 at 08:50 AM
I'm torn between moving to the Netherlands or Belgium.
Any suggestions?
Posted by: Liberal AND Proud | February 19, 2008 at 10:00 AM
All great wars end up being fought in the Low Lands. My ancestors fought there and then came here. The blood that has soaked into the soils of those fine lands can be measured in oceans. Like the Holy Land, it seems to be fated to be the scene of tremendous conflicts.
Of course, the hope it that it won't be in the future. But history tells us otherwise.
Note that Belgium can't even vote in a government anymore.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | February 19, 2008 at 10:29 AM
Oh, Gods-'n'-Goddesses... where to start with this?
"The courts were supposed to be established and run as machines that guarantee our civil rights and are supposed to support the BILL OF RIGHTS."
Courts also carve out exceptions to rights, like the cliche about not yelling fire in a crowded theater. The First: "Congress shall make no law..." In this case it appears that Congress didn't make a law, a court granted an injunction.
This whole thing is much less clear-cut than you want to see it. The bank in question is in the Cayman Islands - just a bit outside US jurisdiction. If Wikileaks has evidence of criminal activity, the office of the Comptroller of the Currency may be interested, but if BJB-Caymans has only limited operations in the US, there is only a limited set of actions the Comptroller can take.
Beyond that, the whole area of leaked proprietary information is vexed. Good old friendly hip groovy Appple sues and enjoins people all the time for making Apple proprietary info public. (Yes, the fine folks who make those wonderful iMacs have a security department that verges on the Stalinist. Who knew? That's not what their ads make you think!)
"The order is clearly unconstitutional and exceeds its jurisdiction."
If Wikileaks feels that way, Wikileaks needs to appeal.
There's more on the Wikileaks situation at slashdot:
(Caution: 2-line URL - cut&paste as necessary.)
One of commenters there has an interesting POV:
"RE: But Why? It generates more free publicity and advertising for the bank's tax-sheltering and money-laundering services, with the reassuring message that the U.S. courts are standing behind you should you patronize aforesaid bank. Meanwhile Wikileaks gets to have its operating premises reinforced, play victim, garner more support, funds, etc. So you see, it's a win-win strategy all around."
(Full disclosure: that commenter is NOT me.)
Posted by: JSmith | February 19, 2008 at 11:07 AM
Hey, Elaine... a short while back you mentioned a book titled "Hamlet's Mill". I borrowed it from the U. library last week; I wasn't through the first chapter when I had to get on abebooks.com and order a copy for my own library.
It seems an odd sort book, one of those expositions of a personal theory by an erudite individual who's near the end of a long career (Gregory Bateson's "Mind and Nature" is the same sort of thing.) Be that as it may, it's still very interesting and will fir nicely with the other "origins of consciousness" books on my shelves.
Thanks, Elaine!
Posted by: JSmith | February 19, 2008 at 11:13 AM
L & P: Don't move to the Netherlands unless you are positive you do not move into a New Orleans scenario. If the water levels keep rising to global warming the Netherlands are in a lot of trouble potentially. Dutch people are actually moving to Sweden partly for that very reason...
Posted by: Chris | February 19, 2008 at 12:27 PM
Between Holland and Belgium; I suggest Belgium.
The traditional Dutch food is worse than the British unless u eat Asian. Note that the Euro is getting stronger against the USD everyday.
When Peak oil and climate change hits, the Dutch would not be able to keep out the sea. Note that most Dutch are not in Holland.
Posted by: OC | February 19, 2008 at 04:28 PM