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“Of course, we can weasel out of this by declaring war on them”

Snip... “In the 1930s, the U.S. military developed a detailed 94-page document called "Joint Army and Navy Basic War Plan - Red” for invading Canada. The plan called for the U.S. military to launch a surprise attack to capture the port city of Halifax, cutting the Canadians off from their British allies. Canadian power plants near Niagara Falls would be seized as the U.S. Army invaded on three fronts — marching from Vermont to take Montreal and Quebec, charging out of North Dakota to grab the railroad center at Winnipeg, and storming out of the Midwest to capture the strategic nickel mines of Ontario. Meanwhile, the U.S. Navy seizes the Great Lakes and blockades Canada's ports.[1]

That invasion plan was scrapped as World War II began.”


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