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The only jobs that can't be outsourced is plumbing and electrical work. And even these are being undermined via illegal aliens and green card union busters. AMEN my co. does Electrical work and we compete w/ Illegal Aliens who dont have to pay insurance and have no license!!!! Then we have to fix there deadly mistakes so no one gets cooked and still client's bitch "youre to expensive". We have fixed in the last 5 jobs such deadly problems. "Price is an issue in the absence of Value"


TL, I heard the same thing recently from someone on the frontlines. He said that he had lost his house and that he set a bottom rate for which he will work at below a living wage. He nor his family have health insurance. However, the illegals are working for half that amount, so he has little work.

Elaine Meinel Supkis

And this is NEVER mentioned in the news! Contractors love illegal labor every bit as much as farmers need illegal aliens, another big story I am planning to do, it is so busy here. Heh. Gads.

The destruction of labor is nothing new. The US rulers did this in the past. Most of us descended from aliens brought over by the boatload during the long late-19th century depression.

Liberal AND Proud

"While incomes have been on the rise since 2002, the average income in 2005 was $55,238, still nearly 1 percent less than the $55,714 in 2000, after adjusting for inflation, analysis of new tax statistics show."

The rich get richer, the middle is slipping and the poor are run over. That is what the numbers say.

Take the millionaire athletes and CEOs out of the mix and see where the numbers are...since 1980.

Elaine Meinel Supkis

No kidding. I remember when we felt rich if we earned $40,000 a year. That was surgeon wages. My upper class parents felt exposed to financial danger when they bought a ranch and spent a total of $90,000 fixing it up---8 bedrooms, 4 baths, olympic pool, horse stables and all. Shows what a dollar was worth in 1962!

Inflation has been raging like crazy. In the asset world.


Portland Inymedia

Thanks To Someone
author: Den Mark, Vancouver

((----- Copy & Paste -----))



On my way yesterday to the small anti-recruiting vigil on Broadway in Portland, i saw on Weidler a series of evil signs which advertised a class on how to buy foreclosed houses.


Here’s Alberta bucking the trend again:

“Threats of a strike that could halt work on huge oilsands projects have eased after four out of five Alberta construction trade unions that had voted to walk off the job accepted a new contract.”

“Under the tentative agreement, the unions will get guaranteed minimum increases of 23 per cent over a four-year contract. If the Alberta inflation rate is higher than the annual increase, workers will receive that rate plus one per cent.”


So much for higher education:

“EDMONTON - The opportunity to earn a fat paycheque after high school is one major reason why many young Albertans are staying out of college and university, a new national report suggests.”

“Of the 1,682 Albertans surveyed, 35 per cent reported they had decided to work after high school prior to entering the post-secondary world. That was significantly higher than students from the other provinces, where the rates ranged between 20 per cent and 26 per cent.”


So much for higher education:
“EDMONTON - The opportunity to earn a fat paycheque after high school is one major reason why many young Albertans are staying out of college and university, a new national report suggests.”

“Of the 1,682 Albertans surveyed, 35 per cent reported they had decided to work after high school prior to entering the post-secondary world. That was significantly higher than students from the other provinces, where the rates ranged between 20 per cent and 26 per cent.”

“In B.C., 425,000 new jobs will be created from 2003 to 2013, and 70 per cent will require post-secondary education. In Alberta, approximately 400,000 jobs will be created in the next 10 years and government is predicting a shortfall of 86,000 workers.”

“The shortage of skilled construction workers remains acute, according to the latest survey of 567 Alberta construction companies carried out by the Merit Contractors Association. One position remained unfilled for every 8.5 employees, a slight improvement from June 2006 when one in 7.6 trades positions went unfilled.“

“The total value of Alberta’s major construction projects at the end of 2006 soared to $158.2 billion, an eye-popping 28.5 per cent increase over the $123.1 billion at the end of 2005. Alberta Economic Development statistics count only projects valued over $1 million that are recently completed, under construction or proposed to start construction within the next few years. “



Canuck, what is the eastern half of Canada's economy like?

Elaine Meinel Supkis

Hey, I should move there! Except I am getting to old to climb scaffolding all day long.


Bearing in mind that all of Canada is buoyed by economic activity in the west…

When you speak of eastern Canada economic conditions you’re really talking about the province of Ontario. Ontario holds what is traditionally considered the essence of Canadian manufacturing and heavy industry production also Toronto is the financial activity center for the country. Western Canada due to energy abundance is tilting this weighting away with both development and large relocations of people to the west to take advantage of the dynamic western economy. That being said Ontario and Quebec hold the largest population percentages and therefore still have a lot of clout. Ontario is experiencing overall positive growth but that may not have been the case without substantial material orders generated by Western Canada offsetting losses in the auto industry.

Western Canada itself is absorbing considerable production of vehicles from Ontario. Particularly well liked are the largest of the 4 door trucks (customized of course) which are constantly seen plying the highways and idling in restaurant parking lots.

Now secondarily when you talk Eastern Canada you would be referring to Quebec. Quebec seems to be holding its own economically. It’s seeing considerably less economic spin-off from western activity. Montreal is known as a head office city in many ways this is generated by Canada’s dual language structure and federal laws regarding the application of these languages. Montreal is occasionally losing some of these head office’s to Ontario and the West but that has stemmed somewhat with the shocking jump in housing costs in Western Canada.

Quebec has been prepared from the orgination of the term “Carbon Credit” to take advantage of the western resource based economy with their “Montreal Climate Exchange”


This is seen in the west as another attempt at a blatant resource grab by eastern carpetbaggers. It’s not the first time it’s happened, see National Energy Program.


From a western perspective Quebec’s economic status is continuously suspect because it has been granted continual “have not” province status requiring all other productive regions of the country (Alberta, Ontario, occasionally British Columbia) to supplicate it with “transfer payments” which are essentially payoffs to provinces to act as the glue of confederation. In the case of Quebec to stave off separatist tendencies and in the case of Atlantic Canada to falsely invigorate their economy, provide uncommonly generous unemployment insurance terms and deflect the effects of the Federal Government mishandling the fishing industry… in total.

Here’s the main page from statistics Canada regarding economic activity.




Population 12,726,336
Labor 1.1% YOY
Unemployment 6.6%, 0.1% YOY
Participation 68%
Retail trade 12,294.9m, 5.9% YOY
Shipments -3.8% YOY



Population 7,676,097
Labor 2.3% YOY
Unemployment 6.9%, -1.2% YOY
Participation 65.6%
Retail trade 7,629.5m, 6% YOY
Shipments -1.2% YOY

Just for fun – Alberta


Population 3,435,511
Labor 5.3% YOY
Unemployment 3.3%, -0.3% YOY
Participation 74.1%
Retail trade 5,208,243m, 11.4% YOY (???- likely a typo 5,208.243-???)
Shipments 4.3% YOY

As of April 1, Canada's population was estimated at 32,852,800, up 75,500 from January 1, 2007. Only the four westernmost provinces had growth rates at or above the national average.
Alberta again led the provinces in growth. Its population increased 0.57% over the first quarter, more than twice the national average. However, this growth was slower than what was measured over the course of the first quarter of 2006 (+0.77%).
The estimates show a slowdown in interprovincial migration for Alberta, a trend that started in the last quarter of 2006. The province, whose population has been booming since the second half of 2004, had a net inflow of +7,400 people in the first quarter of 2007, less than half the net in-migration of +15,600 people observed between January and March 2006.
This slowdown occurred in large part because more people left Alberta for other parts of the country. As a result, net gains from interprovincial migration increased for most other jurisdictions, except for Quebec and Yukon.
British Columbia and Saskatchewan gained population in their exchanges with Alberta for a second quarter in a row.


Pet grooming can't be outsourced, prices and wages are going up, and it is fairly easy to set ones self up in business. I have been totally amazed to see my relatively low status job, business going up in both income and security these last few years.


Canuck, with NAFTA in place, the political change occuring not only worldwide, but in Canada, eg, Stelco, and with the increase in the exchange rate of the Canadian dollar, I think Canada is 15 years behind the US. IMHO, I think that all the GM and Chrysler plants (Cerberus) will close within 10 years in Canada along with a large chunk of its manufacturing base, and the cancerous black boxes will continue their relentless growth, assuming the world does not blow itself up by then.


If it wasn’t for energy development in Western Canada Stelco would likely have been toast years ago. The Edmonton area is literally littered with worksites which were previously bare lots with construction of heavy steel modular assemblies destined for oilsands, compressor stations and bitumen upgraders. I head up highway 63 to Ft. McMurray every few months and its unusual to not have to pass or wait for massive pressure vessels heading North. Most of this steel comes from Canada. Ditto the Auto industry, even with their global and market challenges without a healthy internal market they’d be toast already too. I’ve pointed out before that we’re overall consuming 70% of our auto production. Demand is extremely high out in the west. You wouldn’t believe the numbers of recreational vehicle retailers, there were huge numbers before and there’s still more going up all the time. It’s quite a site to be on the highways and see all the fancy ass trucks (70K) pulling the fifth wheel (60K) and the ski-boat (40K) (you can pull both at the same time in Alberta, Heh Heh). This is what I mean by the west invigorating the entire Canadian economy. Purchasers place orders far and wide across the country to get these projects accomplished. In a lot of cases the local distributors just can’t get the throughput or purchasers are going direct to the manufacturer’s. Ontario’s challenges in a global marketplace are not going to go away, the Western Canadian economy has held off some major hurt in Ontario. There are a few things that may tank the energy development activity in the west. I get in debates with friends and co-workers about this fairly frequently.

Risk 1. Koyoto; Implementing carbon tax/credits to reduce greenhouse gasses will take a hell of a lot of money off the table real fast – modertate risk. Everyone basically agrees that this would happen IF Koyoto is implemented as the eco-green’s would like. My compatriots don’t agree that there’s a political will to apply Koyoto in this manner. It would be an issue of how much of a reduction in activity it would cause and how long it would take for the oil players to redirect the effects (taxes) to consumers.

Risk 2. Nationalization; The amount of oil we sell to the US is the equivalent of that which is imported by Eastern Canada. Any attempt to re-direct the final destination of energy exports away from US will cause a major contraction in the energy industry. Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Provinces will howl for oil if they get cut off from Venezuela and or the Saudi’s. Most of my compatriots totally dismiss as a potential risk, they say the east wouldn’t dare. I on the other hand am not so sure.

Risk 3. Pending financial Armageddon, there’s about 150 Billion in projects that have approval and proceeding in Alberta right now. Who knows how much will be left on the table if we play out ’29. Most of my compatriots dismiss my more pessimistic view on this one.

Crystal Balling it… 15 years behind. Hard to say. The level of development in Western Canada is unprecedented at this juncture. How much of the development is leveraged money and how much is bought with oil profits. I’d say the slim majority is oil profit re-investment. Without it I would agree that the Canadian economy would basically mirror the US save for activity in the west, even though we haven’t generated an indigenous sub-prime cesspool the Americans have.

Elaine Meinel Supkis

In Texas during the depression, oil fell in value fast. This is the danger of depressions: the price of everything including human life, falls. Fast. Oil benefits from wars. Note the price hikes the minute the US launched wars in the Middle East.


Can't outsource network plumbing either, and when computers are networked, as a corollary of Metcalfe's Law (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metcalfe's_law), the number of problems expands exponentially.

I've been in computers for 37 years, and the number of computer users who have problems, and need assistance right there on their computer(s), has also increased exponentially. Having said that, I'm still unemployed :-) but of course my age is a factor :-(

Elaine Meinel Supkis

They import computer experts from India. And yes, there is age discrimination, too. Stupidly. We older folk can sometimes be pretty smart, I would like to say.


Undoubtably experts come from India, though I don't see many here (Australia), and bound to be fewer after the Haneef fiasco. Sooner or later India will need its own experts to contibute to its own growth, and Indian governments and businesses will make it more and more attractive for experts to stay instead of leave.

But I'm not talking about experts, I'm talking about plumbers. People who can put in a pipe with a broadband connection, dig a trench to install a new drive or graphics card, or unblock a virus infection (a very popular line of work with the market share of the foolish and vulnerable Windows). These are not expert skills, just under-provided for the volume of computers we see today.

No real expert is going to cross the world to spend their time doing simple maintenance tasks and pacifying naive end users, any more than the naive end users are going to send their computers to India for service. They might be naive, but not stupid! OK, a few of them are too stupid to use a computer.

And as for age-related blindness, I suppose it's up to the market to soak up all the twenty-somethings with an order of magnitude less experience, who move on at whim, before there's significant demand for boring old farts who expect to die in harness. But I could be lucky :-)


Pet grooming and other service type jobs that cater to the well-to-do will probably do ok. As everyone knows, only wealthy people can afford to groom their pets or send them to a spa for relaxation during a recession or a depression.

This was how my grandfather and his brother made money for their family. They carried the golf clubs of rich people back in the early 20's (aka "caddies"). They also sold newspapers before and after school, but I do not believe they shined shoes. Each location had a price (bribe) that had to be paid in order to shine shoes there.

Those who reorganize their lives to serve the rich will do ok.

Elaine Meinel Supkis

Most rich people put the underclasses to work fighting wars. This is why depressions=wars.


You should read Dr. Richard A Levins' booklet Middle Class * Union Made. Dr. Levins is a Professor Emeritus in Applied Economics at the University of Minnesota. He shows the relationship between the rise and fall of the middle class and the rise and fall of labor unions. It's a great read.

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