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When a man falls off a cliff, he grabs for the first branch or outcrop he can reach. He does not compare various options below him. He does not think at all, but acts on pure instinct alone.

When the Masters of the Universe panic, the end is near.


German state to sell bank hit by US subprime crisis
Published: Sunday August 26, 2007

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The German state of Saxony said Sunday it would sell the Landesbank Sachsen (SachsenLB), which has been hard hit by the US subprime crisis, to the Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg (LBBW).

A government spokesman said the regional cabinet had held an urgent meeting to agree the sale of the troubled publicly owned bank.

Well, this would seem to have some bearing on the issue. The faithful Europeans are sacrificing themselves for the noble American Middle Classes! Now the rabbits are hunting tigers! Fish are buying motorcycles! Bush is shipping out to patrol Sadr City!


Is it possible that some tiny nation has so perfected the art of subversion that it has seized all the reins of power in both the USA and Europe to achieve its special goals?


Welll, sure...if you think the Carlyle Group is a "tiny nation." :o)


Nope, not the Carlyle Group. Try again.


Uhhhhhh...the Illuminati?!



So why care some much about China $1.3 trillion in reserves if the European and US central reserves just pumped close to half that amount in funny into the banking systems?

Just casting a line into the water, so to speak...


Rouse --

So why care some much about China $1.3 trillion in reserves if the European and US central reserves just pumped close to half that amount in funny into the banking systems?

From my perspective, I would ask: Who has all the serious industrial infrastructure? Who has the skilled workers? In the US, we have a huge number of people who basically know enough to do circumscribed (although difficult) jobs, and find their way from one bar to the next. I've posted too much on the hot-shot "progressive" blogs, and those people are apparently "educated," but they can't handle logic and reason. It's sad.

The real net worth of a nation lies not in its paper relationships, but in real assets, and real knowledge, and skills. The USA is only a "superpower" in a narrow sense. We are mainly good at blowing things up. How long will the world sustain a nation that merely produces threats?


Excellent article, as usual.

For many decades I have thought that Americans just wanted to dream their impossible dreams, dreams of security, wealth, a dream that somebody somewhere cared if they lived or died, acting as if whether they were fat or unhappy meant anything to anyone else, insisting their delusions were true, and demanding that their fantasies be made real.

Maybe all of that is coming to an end. Hubris brings nemesis.

Elaine Meinel Supkis

We are all part of the Wheel of Fortune and Vanna White is actually a harpie.

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