Elaine Meinel Supkis
I didn't post this story yesterday due to being too tired after taking apart a collapsed oak tree that fell on our driveway. But today, it is raining hard and I have time inside to talk about the similarities to the death of one of the oldest and greatest oak trees on my property and how this mirrors our economy and our future.
Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal is probing Standard & Poor's, Moody's Investors Service and Fitch Ratings for strong-arming debt issuers into giving them business.Blumenthal's office is investigating complaints that the credit-ratings companies rank debt against issuers' wishes, then demand payment, he said today. The state also is probing whether the companies threaten to downgrade debt unless they're awarded business to rate all of an issuer's securities, and the practice of offering ratings discounts in return for exclusive contracts.
The entire financial system has been corrupted and corroded. This is a classic situation. Every time a financial system is saved from its own tendency towards deceit and deception, the rules forbidding fraud and follies are dropped or terminated one by one, step by step. Then the bubble/collapse happens again. Starting with the Tulip Mania, everyone assures each other, this will be prevented. The downside of a bubble economy are painfully obvious and everyone wants to avoid this pain as much as possible. Yet they do it over and over again.
On top of this, the desire to make money in a system that is out of whack with economic health and well-being is very strong so the people who have political and economic power will re-engineer economic rules so they can get rich quickly even if this means outright fraud, theft and the destruction of the core of an economy. Like my oak tree which dropped off one third of its limbs yesterday, stopping all traffic on my mountain, so it is here with our United States.
My oak tree is huge. It used to be twice as big but over the last 20 years, even as it continues to grow and have lots of leaves, it has really been dying. This is due to two things: when this field was first cleared 250 years ago by the Slatterlys, a colonial family in Berlin, they needed one spot in the field to rest out of the hot sun, a place for the oxen and the people haying that would be cool and also have a nice view of the entire valley. These hard-scrabble famers recently fleeing Europe lived in great poverty but they still appreciated the beauties of nature and so this tree grew greater and greater alongside America's growth into the world's greatest empire.
My huge oak tree attracted us when we came here in 1990 to build a house. Already, in the October Blizzard of '89, it lost one of its bigger limbs. Because it grew in the open and not in a forest, the limbs didn't reach to the sky but rather, grew outwards at a 90º angle to the ground. By 1990, this meant the branches were over 100' long in places. And this was the physical limit for this tree. No system in Nature is allowed to grow infinitely. There is always a breaking point.
The single branch that fell this week is at least 4' in diameter. The split in the trunk is over 7' tall. The fallen branch stretched across not only part of the hay field but the entire two lane road I built years ago. Now the tree, weakened by industrial pollution, namely acid rain, will die rapidly. Already, the crown shows many dead branches. Insects will enter the core of the tree and eat it inside-out. No longer can one rest at peace in its shade: the tree is no longer shelter but deadly, a hazard. For this great limb fell on a windless day. Silently, it suddenly fell with a tremendous boom.
So it is with our empire. Even if nothing is happening, it can suddenly fall with a boom. The fall itself will be violent but the trigger doesn't have to be any storm or earthquake: like the fall of the British Empire or the Soviet Union, previous storms will shake it and weaken it but the actual fall will take all by surprise. Economies are like this, too: there doesn't need to be any great event for it to collapse, all it needs is to be sick, overextended, overweighted and weakened by previous storms. Then it falls. We are watching exactly such a fall.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior Securities and Exchange Commission official said on Thursday insider trading appeared to be "rampant" among Wall Street professionals and the agency has formed a working group to focus on it."I believe we're going to see more insider trading cases," Linda Chatman Thomsen, the SEC's enforcement director, told reporters on the sidelines of a securities fraud conference.
"I am disappointed in the number of cases we are seeing by people who make an abundant livelihood in the market that they are sort of abusing by insider trading," Thomsen said, referring to cases already brought against professionals this year.
A wise farmer prunes their trees. When I bought this field, I climbed up into this tree to try to save it by pruning it but the damage from the first limb ripping off was too great. It was a fatal wound to a very lovely tree. My husband cut up the fallen limb to make firewood and we burned it. This latest, even bigger limb, is also going into the fire. In America, we are now taking the fallen limbs and chopping them up and literally burning them. Ever since 1974, when the US hit its personal Hubbert's Oil Peak, we have been 'growing' just like my tree, but dying at the same time, just like my tree. If one stood far off, the tree looks magnificent. But as a seasoned forester approaches the tree, the obvious signs of death are easily read.
One of my father-in-laws once joked that all stock trading is really insider trading. With his own company, he knew long before anyone, even anyone inside the company itself, what was going on. He could see trouble from very far off, he was a well-known publishing executive! By definition, he always knew better than anyone, what his stocks were really worth. Being a painfully honest man, a totally honest businessman, a humane boss and a man with a very powerful conscience, Joe never exploited this information. Nor did he use it to destroy the lives of his employees. He never sold stock to pirates, hell hounds or raiders. He fought them off, he was willing to take a personal loss rather than gain by destroying his own employees who considered to be his 'family.'
He is no longer with us, alas. Nor is his company flourishing, alas. Joe didn't stand alone: many of his contemporaries had this sense of responsiblity: they were building America! Joe's family fled Russia right before the Revolution due to the anti-Jewish progroms. They came here with nothing and lived on the Lower East side and worked harsh hours to survive. Joe won a scholarship and went to college but graduated right at the very start of the Great Depression.
His sense of honor and humanity was forged by his family being refugees, then the Depression and WWII. He told me, 'I want America to be strong because we have to protect everyone from people like Hitler.'
Today, I see an army of anti-Joes: people who want to WEAKEN America. They want to be richer and more powerful and think, they will be very powerful even if this means killing this nation, destroying the world's economy and starting many wars! Joe was a stunning example of goodness and these people are horrible examples of badness. I remember once, an executive decided he wanted more money for himself and his fellow top officers for Christmas so he frivolously announced a huge layoff of his workers.
The horror, despair and frantic attempts at getting a new job, the suicides, bankruptcies and divorces his careless action caused didn't bother him in the slightest. The stocks soared, he and his gang sold shares and made out like bandits. And they were bandits! Far from 'growing' their company in a HEALTHY way, they were destroying it. This ethos is now nearly universal in our empire: schemes to enrich the guys 'in the know' are being pursued ruthlessly even if this means utterly destroying everything.
Moody's Investors Service cut the ratings of collateralized debt obligations tied to $33 billion of subprime mortgage securities that were downgraded this month, a decision that may force owners to mark down the value of their holdings.Securities with ratings as high as AAA from at least 45 CDOs were either cut or put on review for a downgrade, according to individual statements distributed today by the New York-based ratings company. Moody's didn't release a summary.
The collapse of this huge branch blocked all traffic. I couldn't go out to do business and this meant cancelling appointments. Two neighbors came over to help us clear the road and with several chainsaws, we did this in 5 hours. The collapse of whole sectors of the US economy are causing traffic to flow elsewhere just as we had to walk around the backside of this tree in order to get up and down our mountain. And it will all be burned just as the insiders are burning our economy in order to heat their mansions.
Joe didn't live in a mansion. Taxes in the 1950's and 1960's were very high on the rich. So there was no point in him grabbing a huge share of profits for himself. Instead, he supervised the spreading of these profits so they flowed mostly to the workers. He was one fo the people who helped devise this system of taxes. When he graduated from college with a degree in mathematics, he was hired by the government for this purpose. So he lived a modest life and was the HEART of his community! Many people looked up to him and sought him out for advice. He was beloved by not only his loving family but the entire community. Since he lived only slightly better than his own employees, they all felt he was one of them and loved him in return.
His funeral was packed and spilled into the streets of Brooklyn. Everyone genuinely cried. The present crop of crooks are not like this. They live far from their own employees who they don't associate with. They live like gods and like gods, are quite cruel and cultivate cruelty. When Enron's executives were lying, cheating and stealing, they encouraged their employees to toy with California and to shut down power plants frivolously and then make the resulting energy deficits worse and worse. Some employees were on tape, chortling like so many little demons working for Satan, laughing as they yelled, 'Die, you old bitches!' as they shut down systems, causing economic chaos and deaths in auto accidents or fires in homes when desperate people tried to light up the night with candles!
This attempt at exhorting money from California rate payers was one of the triggers of the Dot Com collapse. California is a huge part of the US economy. By deliberately sawing off a branch of our economy in order to make more profits for Enron, Lay and his Bush Pioneer gang unwittingly wrecked internal US trade and caused even more companies to flee this nation to better climes.
Joe used to say, 'Jesus saves but Moses invests.' And Joe invested in his community. This is why he was a pillar of the community, not a stalker seeking victims to rip off. Joe wouldn't shirk his taxes and use tax havens so he could then live above everyone while weakening America. Right now, many of our rich, despite record tax cuts that give them huge wealth advantages, are treasonously fleeing our taxes entirely to 0% tax havens. Europe is in the same boat. For a long time, the Japanese resisted this. They ran Japan like Joe ran his company. But the lure of easy riches, living like gods while everyone else starves to death, was too great.
This is the Zeitgeist of our civilizaton! No longer the beacon of democracy, the shining light in the dark, the generous harbor in the world's rough seas, the US is leading the entire world down the path of destruction as we encourage irresponsiblity, cruel labor practices, despotic rule and outright theft! Our ethos is now cruelty and inhumanity, torture and outrageous invasions on specious charges. We are living the lives of outlaws even as we yell about law and order.
We yell at the Chinese for manipulating their currency while the G7 manipulates currencies and gold markets. We pretend to be outraged by insider trading while secretly knowing that all trade by the top guys in business are insider trading from the get-go. All the blame for overspending is placed on the sick, the lame, the weak, on the elderly and children. Instead of dealing with the economic challenges of today's world, the people at the top work day and night to shove all blame onto the most helpless in the world. The people running this system put all the onus of dealing with this system's weaknesses on the poor, not the rich. On the powerless rather than the movers and shakers themselves.
Many people who support draconian cuts or the annihilation of the poor, the heatless economic system that is being imposed on us, the people who want even fewer taxes, less control over the thieves and frauds running things, they don't understand that they are digging their own graves. Far from some fabulous future whereby these right wingers who are at the lower levels of the system will end up in mansion is growing less and less possible. The chances they will be servants of another empire that views them as so many cattle, is growing, not shrinking.
If we kill off all grannies, children, poor people, etc, this won't make America stronger. It will be like signing our own death warrants. One never knows when one will be poor or weak. It can, like the falling of the limbs of my mighty oak, happen without warning, on a fine day. Fires can sweep in! Hurricanes or tornadoes can lay all to waste! Earthquakes, meteorite strikes, whatever, can happen with no warning at all!
This is why we need a community and not a devil-take-the-hindmost nation. All the people destroying America keep telling us, 'There is nothing wrong with this economy. Our nation is the strongest on earth. All is well,' even as they frantically move to protect themselves from our economic collapse. Stocks are up this last quarter only because the stock market no longer mirrors the economy. It really reflects the fraud economy. There are many non-taxpaying, offshore, international entities in the stock markets that make their profits by destroying the US work force, driving our government into debt and running all our systems in the red. Far from being a bellweather for us to gage how healthy our economy is, it is the opposite.
This is why we saw for the last 30 years, 'good news' for Wall Street nearly invariably was BAD NEWS for all of us. For example, when Bernanke decided to utterly destroy savers and kill grannies with inflation, he did this without hesitation in order to make Wall Street boom. And it boomed. But the process killed more jobs, killed more of our mighty economic oak tree. He fed the termites, not the workers. When job layoffs occur, stocks shoot up. When our nation goes to war but doesn't pay for this, stocks soar. Our own military can't protect America anymore, look at the absence of the National Guard from California or New Orleans! They aren't here! And on 9/11, a series of attacks on the heart of our empire wasn't even slightly impeded.
The wars this launched were treated as looting expeditions and the loot was here in America: the wild spending has cost more than the Vietnam war in today's dollars. And the government is now looking for the Jewish guy who sold defective vests and who had a multi-million dollar bat Mitzvah for his spoiled child. He is being accused of fraud and insider trading. But he isn't the criminal, it is our own government that treated this war as a great opportunity to make a handful of Halliburton stock owners like Cheney, richer. This is all about them, not us. They wanted this war so they could line their own pockets. And this is killing our economy. The 'growth' we saw was actually people profitting on things that were destructive. And this caused more and more red ink and the red ink is still flowing like crazy.
There is a lot of growing anti-semitism due to people like the above example. Instead of using their influence and power to make America stronger, AIPAC and the others are using this as a golden opportunity to line their own pockets and make out like bandits. They are focused on destroying America for their own benefits. But Christians are doing this too! Atheists are doing this! People of ALL ethnic identities are doing this!
This is because our empire is dying. It is not healthy. It isn't growing, it is dropping huge branches. Right now, we are seeing our automotive branches falling. GM is still growing but NOT HERE. Ford is still growing but NOT HERE. Apple is growing but NOT HERE. The list of companies that are growing but NOT HERE is very long! The military/industrial complex is also guilty of this. They are 'outsourcing' stuff not just mere privatization, they are outsourcing it to other nations! This is because the executives can make more money this way.
Based on a desk-by-desk survey of traded notional at LCDX market makers, slightly over $55 billion of estimated notional was traded for the month of September for LCDX8.This, as with previous surveys, includes a conservative discounting of the notionals supplied by dealers to ensure inter-dealer trades are not double-counted.
The total volume traded on the index since inception is approximately $405 billion.
Nearly half a trillion is traded doing nearly nothing useful. It is all about making money any way possible and these systems were set up recently and have no real, honest function. None of these money-creation systems are strengthening America, they are WEAKENING America. This means they are bad, bad. Like, very bad. Yet they are being protected and even extended. Our Federal Reserve is focused on enabling them, not protecting us. This is why we have fake inflation caclulations: it is a cold-blooded attempt at shifting the burden of making wealth away from honest labor and towards ripping off people.
This is a screenshot of how these funds are collapsing.
I wrote about this fund when it was launched. I groaned and said, 'This is so destructive! It is pure gambling!' And it seems to have collapsed. Many of the branches we see falling this year are deadwood. But they infected this mighty oak and let in the termites which ate at the heart of this dying oaken economy. The frantic efforts as saving these deadly limbs is not only wasted, it is criminal. I want the SEC and others to investigate all these financial games and systems because they are bad. I want Congress to fix the huge tax loopholes that helps traitors to evade their obligations to this nation. I want Halliburton delisted from the Stock Exchanges here since they are now based in a tax haven in Dubai! And arrest Cheney, of course.
Congress, instead of doing the right thing, is soliciting bribes for the next election. Many of our politicians are courting the termites that are destroying our mighty economic oak tree. They are moving heaven and earth to continue the destruction. Instead of changing course, we sail into more ice fields as our Titanic sinks.
Mr. Howe, the inventor and tinkerer I interviewed yesterday isn't running off to tax havens nor is he destroying the economy. Even while retired, he is launching new industries, new businesses that hire people here to make things and bring him profits. He is doing this because he loves doing this and he cares passionately about America. He is one of the 'good guys' who reminds me of Joe and his fellow capitalists in the old days. There is hope for us as long as there are people like Joe, like Mr. Howe. People who understand we are all in this together. And we all have to make sacrifices in order to be free and safe. We can't be free or safe if we allow people to loot this nation, to evade taxes while ringing up huge deficits in trade and finance.
The United States has entered a recession, according to highly-regarded investor Jim Rogers, who told Britain's Daily Telegraph newspaper on Wednesday he was switching out of the dollar and into yen, the yuan and the Swiss franc.
"The US economy is undoubtedly in recession," Rogers told the Telegraph in Hong Kong in an article published on its Website."Many parts of industry are actually in a state worse than recession. If it were not for (Federal Reserve Chairman Ben) Bernanke putting huge amounts of money into the market, the stock market would probably be down much more than it is."
Here is someone who is making money in Britain pointing out the obvious. He works for Soros and they make money playing money games. Making money by shifting funds from one currency to another is the most USELESS business imaginable. It is directly responsible for the collapse of our economic base, the collapse of the world's old systems. Clever countries with powerful leaders are cynically exploiting this desire to get rich by trading money for money, they are taking over the economic systems entirely just by manipulating the people who are trying to 'game' the monetary systems of all nations. The biggest players in this game are China, Japan and Russia. Since China and Russia are two-teaming Japan, we see the present market instabilities due to Japan desperately trying to keep the carry trade going while Russia and China are focused on strengthening their internal bases as Japan hollows out Japan by destroying the buying power of the working classes! So Japan is yet another sick oak tree. With nearly a trillion in FOREX reserves.
People who understand this new financial game are getting very, very rich. Soros is interested in the news so he understands this new, utterly rigged game. But our own termites here in America refuse to understand the implications of this new game. For it is making China the world's top industrial power and is destroying the grand US/EU/UK empire! And this is the Chinese plan: to help the termites eat out our economic oak tree and then we fall, boom, one fine day, on a calm, sunny day.
The Bank of England today warned that the credit crunch is set to continue as Chancellor Alistair Darling was quizzed by MPs over the Northern Rock crisis.In a report, it said the short-term outlook for financial stability had been left uncertain by recent turmoil.
There is no economic stability! England is dying. The US is dying. The system is extremely unstable because our economies are dying! So assuming there is some small problem to be tinkered with is pure insanity. This week, the US/EU/UK empire decided for very stupid reasons, to attack Iran Kitty yet again. World oil prices surged to well above $92 a barrel. This is killing our economic oak tree every bit as much as a hurricane or blizzard. Every day that oil is expensive and rising, so rises inflation, so falls our economy that imports vast seas of oil. For we passed the Hubbert Oil Peak here, long ago. Our entire system depends on cheap oil all the time. The cheaper, the better.
And this is pure madness. Inflation will now rage out of control due to easy-term money below the rate of inflation as Bernake tries to save all the termites eating our oak tree economy.
Mexico's central bank unexpectedly raised interest rates and said inflation will take longer to retreat than policy makers previously estimated.The five-member board, led by Governor Guillermo Ortiz, 59, lifted the benchmark rate a quarter percentage point to 7.50 percent, surprising 22 of 29 economists surveyed by Bloomberg. The peso climbed to a three-month high, making the biggest one- day jump since September.
As Russia, China and Japan play currency games, as Bernanke kills the dollar, everyone else is seeing inflation. Mexico is beginning its own downslope, falling down the same Hubbert Peak we fell from long ago. More limbs falling from our oak. For we need Mexico's oil. We import tremendous amounts of this oil and all Mexico got from this is a society with a top that is very, very rich and a bottom that is very, very poor and a country that limps along with virtually nothing to show for all this.
This is why we must become aware of what is going on. We can't blissfully live under this huge oak if it is going fall on all our heads.
Check THIS one out !!!:
U.K. Daily Mail
Human race will 'split into two different species'
By NIALL FIRTH » Last updated at 16:18pm on 26th October 2007
((----- Copy & Paste -----))
In H G Wells' science fiction novel ~The Time Machine~, the super healthy, super intelligent, wealthy, and over-accessorized ~Eloi~ bask in the presence of endless material splendor, thanks to the grinding labor of the sickly, dimwitted, impoverished, and threadbare ~Morlocks~. ("Depleted" uranium?) (See the great illustrations in the link!)
Are the Morlocks those MidEast Oil bearers, who simply drop an occasional Eloi skyscraper? Or maybe we need to focus on eating real healthy food and getting plenty of exercise, so as to be in AA Prime condition to be served up at the coming great Chinese "pig-roasts?"
Posted by: blues | October 27, 2007 at 10:29 AM
A great article, Elaine! Perhaps your best yet at explaining the overall picture that confronts us at this time.
It is sad that so few will read it, and even fewer will learn anything from it.
And yes, America will collapse on a day when no one expects it. It always happens this way. For if everyone knew what was about to happen, they would take immediate steps to stop it.
Very few Americans understand the collossal forces being brought to bear on our country's pressure points, so when it does snap, everyone will stand around shell-shocked saying "How did this happen? Who could have known?"
Those of us who do understand how it happened will try to explain, but no one will believe us or take us seriously. They will want to blame someone... anyone but themselves.
Posted by: DeVaul | October 27, 2007 at 12:57 PM
I agree, one of the best articles you have written Elaine (though I haven't been able to read all of them). Your Oak tree splitting in half reminds me of how most disc herniations happen. Very rarely do they happen while people are doing something very strenously or victims of high force accidents, in fact most disc herniations happen when people are sneezing, when they get out of their car, when they tie their shoe-laces or just looking over there shoulder from a sudden noice. Of course a healthy disc can't herniate from this kind of minimal trauma, in fact they don't herniate from really violent trauma either (the bone break before a healthy disc ruptures). What really causes a disc to herniate is really many years of unbalance, with the nerve supply to it malfunctioning, so that it is unable to maintain and repair it when damaged. What triggers the rupture isn't important, what is important is that the spine and the nervous system malfunctioned for a long time. Balance is important in every system. One may take a painkiller that supresses the connection between the pain in the body and the brain, but it doesn't really solve the problem, it actually make it worse. Take the pain when it comes and let your body find ways of adaptating to it. Pain is there for that very reason.
Posted by: Neuro Artist | October 27, 2007 at 03:37 PM
Your best ever, Elaine. Thank you for this beautiful and illuminating essay.
Your blog is one of my regular reads because of your understanding and constant exploring of our deep connection to the physical earth, atmosphere, and cosmos. Your mountain is my mountain.
Btw have you read The World Without Us by Alan Weisman. A tour de force of artfully presented facts on the human footprint and its hypothetical absence. One of the most oddly soothing books I've ever read.
Posted by: Sharkbabe | October 27, 2007 at 03:47 PM
I'm an old man (91) and I can still tell the difference between those who know and care (your Joe) and the sharks who get their jollies by laying off people. Watching the Northern Rock debacle I was reminded of an image that never leaves me; people pounding on the bank doors and screaming overtheir inability to get their own. money. Your blog is an oasis for those who want to know what's truly going on. I can't thank you enough.
Hal Lieberman
Posted by: hal lieberman | October 27, 2007 at 05:56 PM
To Hal:
You're not "old". You're who we need to celebrate and understand and learn from. Just look at what us "youngsters" are doing to our home. I, for one, are sorry.
Posted by: Blunt Force Trauma | October 27, 2007 at 06:42 PM
Damn you yanks are going downhill fast check this out..
unfortunately for myself, we here in Australia think your doing a damn fine job, now isnt that crazy LOL
Posted by: Greg | October 27, 2007 at 07:59 PM
I found this "Oak Tree" post to be especially good, like others have said. It's rare to see historical events summed up so well in real-time.
Posted by: David | October 27, 2007 at 09:02 PM
Mike Whitney never fails to please either LOL
Posted by: Greg | October 27, 2007 at 09:18 PM
Mike is a wonderful writer who does this all for free. He really cares, he really cares. We are not alone, it just takes lots of effort and time, reaching out.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | October 27, 2007 at 10:58 PM
Hello Elaine,
Your comments remind me of one of my favorite people in history:
"If a society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich."
JFK - 1960
Posted by: PFO | October 27, 2007 at 11:59 PM
Wow, this is an amazing comparison. It's the most comprehensive and comprehensible summary I've seen about the state of our economy. I'm going to pass it along to the economics teachers in my department.
Posted by: Rob the Granola Guy | October 28, 2007 at 01:57 PM
One of your most cogent and eloquent essays. Velocity is the watchword of modern wealth creation. That's why we don't make anything anymore. We have abandoned the facade of American values for the neo-liberal global economic regime. We are not only economically doomed, (we have sold our souls for a quick buck), we have lost our bearings. When the crash comes,(and we all know it will), we will not have the resolve, the values, or the inclination to weather it together. And our spiritual poverty will magnify our suffering 100 fold.
Posted by: Dan Dashnaw | October 28, 2007 at 02:32 PM
One of your most cogent and eloquent essays. Velocity is the watchword of modern wealth creation. That's why we don't make anything anymore. We have abandoned the facade of American values for the neo-liberal global economic regime. We are not only economically doomed, (we have sold our souls for a quick buck), we have lost our bearings. When the crash comes,(and we all know it will), we will not have the resolve, the values, or the inclination to weather it together. And our spiritual poverty will magnify our suffering 100 fold.
Posted by: Dan Dashnaw | October 28, 2007 at 02:35 PM
Thanks for all the thoughtful comments. I really was in shock when this happened. I couldn't post for 12 hours because of it and even though I am smiling in the photo, I will miss this gorgeous old tree a lot. It wsa very beautiful.
Posted by: Elaine Supkis | October 28, 2007 at 08:02 PM
Good to see you're wearing your safety equipment while operating the chainsaw. Remember: Safety First!
Posted by: JSmith | October 29, 2007 at 10:07 AM
For your wisdom, I would name you a goddess.
For your wise refusal to accept godhood, I will call you - Galadriel.
You may be the most truly conservative commentator - in the Teddy Roosevelt tradition - I've ever read. It's the rarest of blogs that can educate and illuminate as well as yours.
Posted by: John | November 03, 2007 at 03:03 PM
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Posted by: Gucci Shoes | April 30, 2010 at 06:09 AM
Thanks for all the thoughtful comments. I really was in shock when this happened.
Posted by: NFL Jerseys | August 20, 2010 at 09:29 PM
In America, we have freedom of speech. If a group or gang or mob of lawyers wish to be called something, something else, they are free to do so. But if I want to call them something unflattering, I may do so if it is a metaphor and appropriate. And so I prefer to tell the truth, as I see fit.
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Posted by: gucci shoes | January 03, 2011 at 07:47 AM
I like your perception of the state of affairs.
I may not Totally agree with you about everything but isn't that what America is all about.
It is way too bad that Americans can't be civil when they disagree.I may use sarcasm but I also try to find something good to say about everyone.
I upsets me when LIBERALS or CONSEVATIVES are blamed for everything.One way or the OTHER.
The SECRTIVE ELITE that run the Derivatives Clearing Houses love the DISCOURSE of Course.
IT's Profitable.
AS this CDO mess Unwinds the Poor will take a huge hit along with Baby Boomers who worked for years just to be fleeced.
I never realized how good I had it until I was in a Bind.
I lived the Sub Prime Fiasco and it Hit me Hard.
The House wasn't even mine but I had a stake.
The House at 531 Wallace in Vallejo was sold Last year for 108,000 dollars.The bottom fell out.WE were foreclosed on in 2004.Kris had the House for Twenty Five Years and I tried as well as he did to work with a LYING LENDER.
At the Height of the Scandal the House at 531 Wallace was appraised for 400,000 dollars.
I will never for get the man who showed up on Sunday morning taking pictures because he just purchsed the house in a FORECLOSURE AUCTION.
The Lender never applied the Payment they robbed us of to the loan they kept it!
They will BURN IN HELL.
By the Way Elaine You are Brilliant!
The Derivatives beast that EATS Miz Liberty is Perfectly THE TRUTH!!
Posted by: Tim Giangiobbe | January 24, 2011 at 06:11 PM
So sad. I hope it could be replace.
Posted by: chill wine bag | February 10, 2011 at 04:24 AM
the dag is very cute,i like it very much!
cut the tree is bad behave on our life!!
Posted by: authenticjerseys | April 07, 2011 at 12:49 AM
And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed.
Posted by: Canada Goose Danmark | December 14, 2011 at 08:42 AM
A man has two ears and one mouth that he may hear much and speak little.
Posted by: Canada Goose | December 27, 2011 at 07:53 AM
Example is better than precept.
Posted by: Red Bottom shoes outlet | January 02, 2012 at 02:15 AM
And when he speaks to you, believe in him, though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden.
Posted by: Canada Goose | January 03, 2012 at 02:57 AM
If we only had some God in the country's laws, instead of beng in such a sweat to get him into the Constitution, it would be better all around.
Posted by: cheap canada goose | January 04, 2012 at 02:53 AM