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Check THIS one out !!!:

U.K. Daily Mail
Human race will 'split into two different species'
By NIALL FIRTH » Last updated at 16:18pm on 26th October 2007

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In H G Wells' science fiction novel ~The Time Machine~, the super healthy, super intelligent, wealthy, and over-accessorized ~Eloi~ bask in the presence of endless material splendor, thanks to the grinding labor of the sickly, dimwitted, impoverished, and threadbare ~Morlocks~. ("Depleted" uranium?) (See the great illustrations in the link!)

Are the Morlocks those MidEast Oil bearers, who simply drop an occasional Eloi skyscraper? Or maybe we need to focus on eating real healthy food and getting plenty of exercise, so as to be in AA Prime condition to be served up at the coming great Chinese "pig-roasts?"


A great article, Elaine! Perhaps your best yet at explaining the overall picture that confronts us at this time.

It is sad that so few will read it, and even fewer will learn anything from it.

And yes, America will collapse on a day when no one expects it. It always happens this way. For if everyone knew what was about to happen, they would take immediate steps to stop it.

Very few Americans understand the collossal forces being brought to bear on our country's pressure points, so when it does snap, everyone will stand around shell-shocked saying "How did this happen? Who could have known?"

Those of us who do understand how it happened will try to explain, but no one will believe us or take us seriously. They will want to blame someone... anyone but themselves.

Neuro Artist

I agree, one of the best articles you have written Elaine (though I haven't been able to read all of them). Your Oak tree splitting in half reminds me of how most disc herniations happen. Very rarely do they happen while people are doing something very strenously or victims of high force accidents, in fact most disc herniations happen when people are sneezing, when they get out of their car, when they tie their shoe-laces or just looking over there shoulder from a sudden noice. Of course a healthy disc can't herniate from this kind of minimal trauma, in fact they don't herniate from really violent trauma either (the bone break before a healthy disc ruptures). What really causes a disc to herniate is really many years of unbalance, with the nerve supply to it malfunctioning, so that it is unable to maintain and repair it when damaged. What triggers the rupture isn't important, what is important is that the spine and the nervous system malfunctioned for a long time. Balance is important in every system. One may take a painkiller that supresses the connection between the pain in the body and the brain, but it doesn't really solve the problem, it actually make it worse. Take the pain when it comes and let your body find ways of adaptating to it. Pain is there for that very reason.


Your best ever, Elaine. Thank you for this beautiful and illuminating essay.

Your blog is one of my regular reads because of your understanding and constant exploring of our deep connection to the physical earth, atmosphere, and cosmos. Your mountain is my mountain.

Btw have you read The World Without Us by Alan Weisman. A tour de force of artfully presented facts on the human footprint and its hypothetical absence. One of the most oddly soothing books I've ever read.

hal lieberman

I'm an old man (91) and I can still tell the difference between those who know and care (your Joe) and the sharks who get their jollies by laying off people. Watching the Northern Rock debacle I was reminded of an image that never leaves me; people pounding on the bank doors and screaming overtheir inability to get their own. money. Your blog is an oasis for those who want to know what's truly going on. I can't thank you enough.
Hal Lieberman

Blunt Force Trauma

To Hal:

You're not "old". You're who we need to celebrate and understand and learn from. Just look at what us "youngsters" are doing to our home. I, for one, are sorry.


Damn you yanks are going downhill fast check this out..


unfortunately for myself, we here in Australia think your doing a damn fine job, now isnt that crazy LOL


I found this "Oak Tree" post to be especially good, like others have said. It's rare to see historical events summed up so well in real-time.


Mike Whitney never fails to please either LOL


Elaine Meinel Supkis

Mike is a wonderful writer who does this all for free. He really cares, he really cares. We are not alone, it just takes lots of effort and time, reaching out.


Hello Elaine,

Your comments remind me of one of my favorite people in history:

"If a society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich."

JFK - 1960

Rob the Granola Guy

Wow, this is an amazing comparison. It's the most comprehensive and comprehensible summary I've seen about the state of our economy. I'm going to pass it along to the economics teachers in my department.

Dan Dashnaw

One of your most cogent and eloquent essays. Velocity is the watchword of modern wealth creation. That's why we don't make anything anymore. We have abandoned the facade of American values for the neo-liberal global economic regime. We are not only economically doomed, (we have sold our souls for a quick buck), we have lost our bearings. When the crash comes,(and we all know it will), we will not have the resolve, the values, or the inclination to weather it together. And our spiritual poverty will magnify our suffering 100 fold.

Dan Dashnaw

One of your most cogent and eloquent essays. Velocity is the watchword of modern wealth creation. That's why we don't make anything anymore. We have abandoned the facade of American values for the neo-liberal global economic regime. We are not only economically doomed, (we have sold our souls for a quick buck), we have lost our bearings. When the crash comes,(and we all know it will), we will not have the resolve, the values, or the inclination to weather it together. And our spiritual poverty will magnify our suffering 100 fold.

Elaine Supkis

Thanks for all the thoughtful comments. I really was in shock when this happened. I couldn't post for 12 hours because of it and even though I am smiling in the photo, I will miss this gorgeous old tree a lot. It wsa very beautiful.


Good to see you're wearing your safety equipment while operating the chainsaw. Remember: Safety First!


For your wisdom, I would name you a goddess.

For your wise refusal to accept godhood, I will call you - Galadriel.

You may be the most truly conservative commentator - in the Teddy Roosevelt tradition - I've ever read. It's the rarest of blogs that can educate and illuminate as well as yours.

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Thanks for all the thoughtful comments. I really was in shock when this happened.

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Tim Giangiobbe

I like your perception of the state of affairs.
I may not Totally agree with you about everything but isn't that what America is all about.

It is way too bad that Americans can't be civil when they disagree.I may use sarcasm but I also try to find something good to say about everyone.

I upsets me when LIBERALS or CONSEVATIVES are blamed for everything.One way or the OTHER.

The SECRTIVE ELITE that run the Derivatives Clearing Houses love the DISCOURSE of Course.
IT's Profitable.

AS this CDO mess Unwinds the Poor will take a huge hit along with Baby Boomers who worked for years just to be fleeced.
I never realized how good I had it until I was in a Bind.

I lived the Sub Prime Fiasco and it Hit me Hard.
The House wasn't even mine but I had a stake.

The House at 531 Wallace in Vallejo was sold Last year for 108,000 dollars.The bottom fell out.WE were foreclosed on in 2004.Kris had the House for Twenty Five Years and I tried as well as he did to work with a LYING LENDER.
At the Height of the Scandal the House at 531 Wallace was appraised for 400,000 dollars.
I will never for get the man who showed up on Sunday morning taking pictures because he just purchsed the house in a FORECLOSURE AUCTION.
The Lender never applied the Payment they robbed us of to the loan they kept it!

They will BURN IN HELL.

By the Way Elaine You are Brilliant!
The Derivatives beast that EATS Miz Liberty is Perfectly THE TRUTH!!

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So sad. I hope it could be replace.


the dag is very cute,i like it very much!
cut the tree is bad behave on our life!!

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