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Non-Cumulative preferred stock: That would be stock where the issuer can skip paying the promised dividend and not have the skipped payments accrue. Preferred stock, gets to eat the assets before the common stock holders but after the bond holders and the secured lenders. Wonder how much edible asset there is in Freddie Mac. Talk about a Mug's game.
Interest only is the way to go, payback with depreciating dollars. 6% interest 8% inflation real cost of borrowing -2%. For anyone of us operating in a vacuum this works beautifully, so what if you don't really "own" that flat screen TV or that house, you have the use of it without ever having to take the capital loss when it goes obsolete. When many of us try to do this simultaneously, things go to hell quickly because we each of us are both providers of and users of capital. Schizophrenically we will not supply ourselves at -2% what we will borrow at -2%.


Ms. Supkis,
I would like to express my admiration for your commentary on a complicated and important arena. This fine essay has shaken me from my passive reading to the point of posting a comment (oh the effort!). As an appreciator of irony which I have found is an acquired and rare taste, I would like to point out that the delicious savor that emanates from some of the articles you have excerpted is exceptional.

"Stuart Leckie, senior advisor at Britain's index provider FTSE Group, said at the launch of a report on China's capital market." How the times have changed, where once Britain launched mighty warships to rule the oceans, now they launch reports on how well the Asians are doing.

Your use of Pravda as a source for another interesting fact, reminds me how often I had heard in the years of the Cold War that Russian news reports were all propoganda, yet now I get much better information from Pravda and Al-Jazeera on conditions in the United States than from the American media.

I hope that you will permit a metaphor in keeping with your own writing style. As you mentioned the ability to do outside cooking, I would liken your commentary to a stew cooked over a campfire. Your presentation of facts and important details is the meat which though it is cut from the hellhound and is old, tough, and rancid, yet it provides the necessary ability to see into dark places. Your use of historical parallels is the vegetables that add texture and context, while the fairy tales and visual imagery are the spices that make it edible. Though there are occasionally bits of dirt or ash that get in, it is overall a delightful repast.

Whew, all this talk of food is making me hungry.

Finally I would suggest an observation that as often happens with charlatans and magicians, eventually they begin to believe their own lies unless they maintain some connections with reality. Obviously many of the financial elites have become lost in the hall of mirrors they themselves constructed to fool everyone.

Again, thank you for your efforts.

Elaine Supkis

Thanks, Bugout.

You forgot to pour wine on the stew. Then you don't care how tough the dog meat is. :)

Neuro Artist

Today the US stockmarket gained about 3% on the rumour that the Federal Reserve might reduce the interest rate, because the economy is sinking so rapidly. Truly a sign of the last days of a bubble! I bet the well-connected elites were net-sellers today....

Neuro Artist

Mamontov= son of Mamon, what an appropriate name :)



Try adding curry spices together with wine:

Curry spices to cover the low quality meat and wine to tenderize its toughness!

Just like the daily financial news!

Elaine Supkis

I love curry. Yum. How about venison? Plenty of deer here.
Yes, the market shot to the moon today and there was lots of people happily selling. Am writing about all this in an hour.


"Then you don't care how tough the dog meat is. :)"

Well, I care. These liberals are the limit. Is this a recipe from the Al Gore Cookbook?

Please see my current blog entry regarding homeland security.

Elaine Supkis

Fluff finds this all very funny. But he prefers mouse stew. Minus the stomach and the head, of course.

CEO Nutcracker

Is this you pictured above, Elaine?
If so, nice to finally see you.

CEO Nutcracker

I was under the belief that the 'financials', that were all suspiciously in the green today, were being infused by the elites. Please tell me Joe Investor is not that STUPID! Why do Freddie, Fannie, GS, MS, et al, go up always after bad news? It must be a bailout.

I notice the Yen always drops as the Dow goes up too. Maybe a correlation, maybe not. But it's consistent.

Elaine Supkis

A prize to CEO for noticing the direct connection between the yen and stock prices in the USA and Japan!

Yes, I have tracked this and talked about this. The top US traders have noticed this and the Japanese Nikkei news even dares mention this starting this last three months.

This is one leg of our mysterious status quo. These guys hyper-amplify this relationship and now they make it swing ever wilder which is a very bad thing. Any status quo that is running on automatic becomes destabilized the more and more people pile in to the dog pile and it collapses.

Government regulators, instead of trying to control prices which is a fool's errand and NOT proper capitalism, should seek to control this.

Carlos Ballantyne

Florida suspends withdrawals from state investment fund

Elaine Supkis

Thanks, Carl. I saw that this morning but had to take my husband out to the doctor. It is sad news, very sad for retirees there hoping for fun in the sun.


it is likely the usd will be redefined on a national/international level

as the amount {the govt says} individuals owe the State {bank}

thus ... we would be, in effect, slaves {to the State} until our {individual} debts are paid off ...

o ... you wanna leave the country ... papers/passport please ... o ... you still owe a 200,000 dollar {motgage} to the State {bank}

access denied

Elaine Supkis

Britain used to export dead beats. This is how they populated Australia and the US south.

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