A reader, Mock Turtle, showed me a most interesting graph from the Federal Reserve. The collapse of the banking system has barely begun but it is very significant. Something very bad is happening and it is not in the headlines at all but is an interior matter. So time to view a whole lot of graphs! I spend hours fiddling around with Federal Reserve graphs, seeking the answer to what is wrong here. Of course, there are a host of things that are quite wrong! We cannot be certain if our analysis is correct but my deepest inner feelings tell me that this 'wrong' thing is VERY BAD. It has NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. And the Federal Reserve should be explaining this to us, not sitting on it, silently.
From the St. Louis Federal Reserve Banks: comes this strange chart one of our readers noticed. It is quite alarming, actually. I did a screenshot of it and looked closely. It helps to name time frame events. Here is my alterations on this chart.
We all know that the Federal Reserve rode to the rescue on 9/11 and dropped the world's biggest helicopter load of money on NYC. And the entire nation. This has now been echoed by a nearly exactly mirror image of an identical drop in reserves. This is, of course, the Great Banking Crisis. A 7 year span where we had a huge, huge spike and now a huge, huge drop.
I went to the same chart location and put in the maximum data. I wanted to see how unusual the spike and the drop are. From 1950 to 9/11/2001, the rate barely varied within a narrow plus-minus $3 billion. On 9/11, it shot up to $15 billion. Then is resumed the average only destabilized on the positive side when there is a small spike and then a total plunge of $15 billion. I decided to color in the various accord eras. The Bretton Woods II period is quite stark, The reserves ran nearly constantly in the negative. This was the infamous 'stagflation' era when money was simultaneously tight and inflated. The tightness is obvious here, the Fed didn't hand out money. I suppose the thought was, if there were no loans, there would be no inflation.
This inflation was the fall out of several things at once: we misspent a fortune on the Vietnam and Cold Wars. We also saw the introduction of many new, expanded civilian programs including revenue sharing, etc. Medicaid was launched. And the Fed cut off 'free' and 'borrowed' reserves. I remember that time. Banks were not happy campers at all. We had many movies, books and stories about a possible Ice Age, not global warming. I find it rather amusing that during that financial chill, we worried about too much cold and now, after record hot markets and easy money, we worry about warming. There is a definite psychological framework here.
The main thing here is, both the 9/11 spike and the present collapse are UNPRECEDENTED. They are very destabilizing and are indicators of something very twisted and out of ordinary. Any way we look at this, it is terrible. It is also obvious that this crisis is much worse than the one that brought into being both the Bretton Woods II and the Plaza Accords. I sometimes read officials musing about the possibility of solving this mess via such a meeting but it never happens since it means China gets to dictate some terms to us in exchange of changing the value of the yuan. Namely, we have to live within a strict budget.
First, let's look at the M3 charts from the Federal Reserve. They announced that no one is interested in these charts but this is silly, of course.
Note how, from 1990 to 1995 when the Japanese Bubble burst, the growth of M3 was pretty much flat. Then it resumes its upward growth. Note how it didn't slow down when the Dot Com Bubble burst. And it grew nearly straight upwards during the 1% rate era. The M3 grew rapidly while global energy was laughably cheap. Let's go check out the M1 charts:
This chart starts in 1975 when the stagflation raged. Yikes! I see something isn't quite right here. In general, it climbs but during the cheap oil era, it fell significantly. Then, right when the Dot Com bubble burst, it is flat. then 9/11 happened. I noted back in early 2001, Greenspan loosened the money flow starting with Bush entering the White House and talking wildly about cutting taxes.
On this chart, we can see the 9/11 surge of easy money but the climb to 9/11 was already steep for the previous 8 months. It then it brought back online to the normal rate of inflating the M1 supply but then the 1% interest rates, the biggest give away from Santa Claus in our history, things go very, very wrong! I drew a red top and bottom line to show how the erratic M1 money situation is increasingly violent and unstable. Previous to this, the day to day variations were small but now, they are harmonically higher like an earthquake chart. Rises and falls that are almost as violent as the 9/11 spike are increasingly common. But the general trend is not upwards anymore. It has already leveled off and is indeed, declining, in general.
Time to look at the GNP chart:
In this case, we go back to 1925. The depression years are definitely negative. Starting with WWII, it begins a gentle climb. During the stagflation/high interest rates years, the GNP climbs rapidly. I would, of course, suggest this is due to inflation as well as a growing economy. But look at the green sector of this chart! It is during a supposed low inflation/low interest rate environment. Far from looking like the Depression section, it shoots straight up as if it were the high-inflation period! Isn't that funny?
This chart shows the GNP from 1950.
In 40 years, it jumps from $1 trillion to $10 trillion. An interesting thing here is the fact that until 1975, we were a leading industrial power. But since then, we have steadily de-industrialized or foreign companies have built factories here. Generally speaking, as my previous article about the loss of industrial jobs shows, the US has lost lots of industrial jobs. During this vast deconstruction of our capitalist base, the GNP jumped $7 trillion. During the years of industrial increase, it rose only $3 trillion.
Let's look at trade charts:
Mexico was the 'giant sucking sound' that Ross Perot talked about when he ran for President. I remember a speech he made at the Common Wealth Club. I was working outside and the radio was playing. He made a very emotional appeal to not saddle our children and grandchildren with debts or deindustrialize America. I applauded him for talking about these things and the feedback he got motivated him to run for office. His amusing commercials where he showed charts like the ones above in this article, drew a lot of attention to things best hidden. He opened the door to a real conversation about what to do next.
What happened next was, Clinton rode into office promising to protect jobs and then sold everyone down the river and the giant sucking sound became a roar of a vortex. The present occupant of the White House likes to boast about how our exports are always increasing. But look at this chart! They look the same but if we look at the numbers we see the US chart is on a much lower scale than the Mexican chart. I drew two red lines to show how they diverge. This is bad news for the US.
We have trade deficits with everyone. Here is another key nation, one with the strangest chart, Japan:
In general, the Japanese trade to the US shoots upwards with violent temporary swings due to its total convergence with our economy. We have even the slightest problem, the Japanese trade reflects this quite violently. But in general, it is straight upwards.
The US, on the other hand, is far lower than the Japanese scale. Our exports to Japan, unlike with Mexico, are stagnating or falling. There was a very, very brief spike when we rammed the Plaza Accords down Japan's throat and they let some stuff filter in. Then they clamped down. The peak in our trade was in 1995, right when two things happened in Japan: the sub-1% interest era began and the Japanese began building their gigantic FOREX reserves.
Last but not least, we come to China. The value scales here are the widest.
It all starts out pretty flat and then curves upwards at the highest climb rate of any of the trade partners. The US trade with China climbs, too, but what a difference! We went from $0 to $6 billion while China rises from $0 to $35 billion! Ouch.
This banking crisis which is very much part of the world trade imbalance crisis and the instability of the dollar as well as the Japanese carry trade, is the framework for global economic developments in the next 5 years. And it is continuing.
SIVs Must Refinance $70 Billion This Year, Merrill Lynch Says
Dresdner Bank AG's K2 Corp., Bank of Montreal's Links Finance Corp. and nine other SIVs have to repay $21 billion of medium-term notes before April, Merrill analysts wrote in research dated yesterday. The figures are based on SIVs that haven't been bailed out by banks.SIVs, companies that use short-term debt to buy higher- yielding assets, have been unable to borrow since August as the collapse of the subprime market caused investors to shun securities linked to mortgages. U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson initiated talks to set up a fund to avert a firesale of SIV assets further roiling credit markets. Banks abandoned the initiative after cutting SIV assets to about $282 billion from a peak of $400 billion last year, based on Standard & Poor's data.
This is all connected with the top chart here showing the complete collapse of the 'free or borrowed reserves'. This is absolutely a once-in-a-century event! As far as the US is concerned. This has not happened before on this scale. This is, like the insane, low rates in Japan, totally ahistorical. It shouldn't be happening. But like the Japanese business, it is very real and is destructive. Or rather, shows the epic financial meltdown we are now in. This cannot be easily fixed by lowering rates like Greenspan did. Especially since this collapse echos the 9/11 spike. SIVs are not real money. It is based on loans from Japan, for the most part. They use the super-cheap loans to buy other things that are basically bonds or such that are what my grandfather's cohort called, 'coupon clipping.' Coupon clippers were the 'idle rich' who did nothing, not even sit on a board of directors. They just collected interest on various instruments. This has been turned into a career by a host of hanger ons who are just as idle as the earlier coupon-clippers.
The banks refused to sell these SIVs but they managed to eliminate, bit by awful bit, 1/3rd of the overhang in bad investments. This, in turn, is probably behind the tremendous fall below the $0 line, of the free or borrowed reserves of the Fed. Money isn't flowing in and out of the Federal Reserve like it did for the last 75 years.
Goldman Sachs sees U.S. recession in 2008
Goldman Sachs on Wednesday said it expects the U.S. economy to drop into recession this year, prompting the Federal Reserve to slash benchmark lending rates to 2.5 percent by the third quarter.In a note to clients, Goldman said real gross domestic product would contract by 1 percent on an annualized basis in both the second and third quarters. For all of 2008, the investment bank said GDP would rise by 0.8 percent.
The unemployment rate will rise to 6.5 percent in 2009 from the current 5 percent, it said.
The weakening economy will force the Fed to lower policy rates by an additional 1.75 percentage points from the current 4.25 percent. Starting in September, the Fed cut rates at the last three meetings of the Federal Open Market Committee, reducing the target rate on loans between banks by 1 percentage point from 5.25 percent.
The Fed has this ritualistic response to any economic downturn. Instead of examining all the many elements, they have a childish and easily manipulated solution: if things go bad, they lower rates. Then, if there is inflation, they raise rates. Only now, they lie about all the statistics so the raising/lowering game is totally twisted. And all the raging mobs of coupon clippers and fee-seeking financial wizards as well as all the speculators can tell long before the Fed does anything, they know how to exploit this for their own profits and this, of course, means, all solutions FAIL.
The Fed is supposed to protect our banking system! Period. It is not a price control board like in the Soviet Union nor is it a Santa Claus handing out goodies. It is supposed to protect BANKING and this means protecting SAVERS who are the foundation of all banking as well as capitalist ventures. None can do a thing without SAVERS! In Europe, they are finally recognizing the fact that the Bank of Japan, in its eagerness to be Santa Claus to export industrialists, has flooded the world with money via loans. And now this is ending due to the flood destroying the world banking systems.
Yen Rises as Drop in Stocks Spurs Investors to Cut Carry Trades
The yen rose against 14 of the 16 most-actively traded currencies on speculation a decline in the nation's stocks spurred investors to cut holdings of higher- yielding assets funded with loans in Japan.The Japanese currency gained versus the British pound and the Canadian dollar as investors cut so-called carry trades on concern the global economy will cool. The yen remained higher after Bank of Japan Deputy Governor Toshiro Muto said Japan's economy will keep slowing ``for the time being.''
Like the Federal Reserve that has little reserves, the Bank of Japan is a mirror opposite. It has too much reserves. And this is a bad imbalance. And like the Federal Reserve, Japan has the same response to the same stimulus. We all know what they will do when certain things happen. Just like everyone and I do mean, everyone, knows that if the value of the yen rises against the dollar, Japanese stocks fall and vice versa. When a number of systems become totally predictable and if these systems interlock so that when one goes up the other must go down, we get a dynamic that is too easy to exploit and everyone destabilizes it by all rushing to do the same thing at the same time. This is why we have crashes.
By the time AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson had finished telling a Citigroup investor conference on Tuesday that "we're experiencing softness on the consumer side of the house from the economy," and buttressing that point by talking about cutting off phone service to cash-strapped customers, most of the assembled crowd clearly had their Blackberries in hand and were pecking out "sell" orders for AT&T stock. By the time Stephenson had finished speaking, shares of AT&T had declined by 10 percent. Ouch. Live by the wireless network, die by the wireless network.
My daughter shared this story with me. HAHAHA. Instant response! Thanks to the revolution of communications and computers, we can do many things, instantly. This means the herd instinct is increasing, not decreasing. Stampedes are harder to control. I think it is very significant that the Ron Paul organization is mostly online and is populated by techies who use modern systems. The vast majority of people still get their information in a passive way but the tech revolution means instant response to all events. This may be part of the reason why the chart above that shows increasing instability in the M1 charts?
When the 1929 stock panic happened, it was partially due to the invention of the ticker tape that allowed investors all over the world to use the rather new communication device, the telephone, to put in sell or buy calls. Everyone could react quite quickly to any news or any stimulus. Today, it is far more hair-trigger and thus, harder to control. We are seeing the global trading community fluctuating between the hopes of continued wealth and growth and the fears of collapse and poverty.
And the systems set up to curtail and control all this is, instead, making it worse. And this, because it has worked too well in the past. The picture at the top of this page was from a bad accident. A young driver, panicked by a deer jumping the road, yanked the truck straight into the rail that holds back cars from going over a small cliff and down into a river!
10 years ago, there was no rail. The boy was driving much too fast and so badly deformed the rail, it nearly failed. If it did, he would have died. Instead, he careened across the road, narrowly missing a tree and a stone wall, both potential killers. Took out a mail box. He then decided to not tell the police. Since this is a small village, everyone knew about this by the middle of the night and the sheriff found the kid and gave him summons.
Life is like this. Due to protections like the railing, people are careless and drive too fast and too wildly. Then, when an unexpected event happens, they oversteer and go wildly out of control. Then they try to hide responsibility for the mess. We have to stop acting like irresponsible teenagers and grow up.
Hi Elaine,
Even scarier is this one:
BOGNONBR, Non-Borrowed Reserves of Depository Institutions
If I interpret it correctly, this implies that banks have LOST 15.119 Billion dollars in November 2007 alone. (42.268-27.149)
Latest Observations:
Date 2007-08-01 2007-09-01 2007-10-01 2007-11-01 2007-12-01
Value 43.946 40.972 42.239 42.268 27.149
Posted by: Mike Warot | January 10, 2008 at 02:05 AM
Oh... and one more thing... that a loss of 35.8% of their reserves in a SINGLE MONTH!
From their own data...
Posted by: Mike Warot | January 10, 2008 at 02:07 AM
Mock Turtle also alerted us to the Sibel Edmonds story but no one has bothered to even make mention of it....why?????
is it taboo???
Posted by: Greg | January 10, 2008 at 04:15 AM
The Sibel Edmonds story is here:
((----- Copy & Paste - W/O The Line Breaks -----))
Here is an interesting piece about an economist (a professor, I would guess) trying to warn people that the USA is being sold into slavery by it "owners." He has this amazing story about how no one wants to listen:
Posted by: blues | January 10, 2008 at 04:37 AM
The Sibel story has no real news in it yet as far as I am concerned. She has been telling this story for a while.
On the other hand, unravelling the mess of entangled relations of our rulers is interesting but almost useless since NO ONE LISTENS TO ME. Everyone wants to rush from one revelation to another but then end up believing the WTC was blown up, for example. Gads.
Yet when I talk about black magic and our rulers, everyone ignores this. The Portals to the Outerdarkness were meddled with last night and if I were to talk about that, everyone but the Bushes and other CIA black ops entities will laugh at me.
Everyone in positions of power are playing these games and they are games and the pieces on the game boards are humans and they use every tool possible in this esoteric battle including tapping into the forces of what I call, our collective Id, our darker natures, and all this so they can be super-powerful and super-wealthy and this is tied to the Apocalypse which is super-bad.
Over and over again, we can see in history how despots love dead bodies around them. They bring death, not life. And the US handed itself over to a bunch of Skull and Bones death wizards who use Geronimo's skull to open the Gates of Death and they are very stupid and annoy me all to hell.
And I sound totally crazy when talking about this. Sibel is part of this magic system. Note her name! Gads! Is she black ops with a twist?
The fact that she is OFTEN in the news while I am NEVER in the news is important. I can't get in the news no matter what and the government knows I can 'see' the CIA knows. The BATF knows and they damn well know concerning 9/11.
So I can sound like a nut case here and be ignored. So what. Mother Nature does her own thing and she is rather restless lately, I would suggest. I talk about cold economics these days because this is believable. But then, I was kicked out of regular economics sites because I dare mention the connection between black magic, money creation and death.
Posted by: Elaine Supkis | January 10, 2008 at 09:55 AM
Mike, thanks for the information. 38% looks about right, it explains the charts in my story here. I am just amazed by it all. What amazes me is...THIS ISN'T NEWS!
I have covered a number of stories in the last 3 years that don't make the news until two or three years too late. The news about Japan flooding the world with debts is one such story. I made the news in Europe but not here, yet.
Sigh. I can't force the media to pay attention and they know perfectly well, who I am. Bush sent Haley Barbour to the NYT to tell them to never talk to me again! And they did.
Phil Donohue was supposed to have me on national TV on his show and when the limo took me to the station, he ran up to me in hysteria, yelling for me to 'go away now!' And I left. Typical.
Only CNN would broadcast me and Ted Turner knew me and understood me but when he sold his station, I yelled at him, 'Don't do it! ' He said, 'I will be in control via the Board of Directors!' And they threw him out!
And immediately told me to go to hell.
So my hell is here. HAHAHA.
Posted by: Elaine Supkis | January 10, 2008 at 10:01 AM
That Edmonds had some important story to tell has been known for a couple years, but she has been under a gag order. If I remember the story correctly, she was threatened with a lengthy prison sentence if she said anything publicly.
Of course, the media ignored the story when she was gagged. It's not surprising if they play down the story now.
Posted by: shargash | January 10, 2008 at 11:17 AM
I looked at that chart on the Fed site. It is very alarming, considering that it is two giant, towering spikes with no precedent whatsoever over a period of half a century -- perhaps even longer.
I am not sure what it means, though. I understand the Fed injected money into the system after 9/11 and that was the first 15 billion dollar spike. But what is the second one heading down? Is this money that was returned to the Fed's vaults by those who had borrowed it?
I don't understand.
Posted by: DeVaul | January 10, 2008 at 12:17 PM
Read the article that you claimed we were conspiring to cover up. Nothing really surprising in it. That our government officials are owned and bribed by foreign powers is well known here and Elaine has talked about it for years now.
You are beginning to sound like the boy who cried "Wolf!".
Posted by: DeVaul | January 10, 2008 at 12:25 PM
"...all the speculators can tell long before the Fed does anything, they know how to exploit this for their own profits and this, of course, means, all solutions FAIL."
This comment is my favorite, Elaine. And it is really the most powerful observation. The system is predictable and has very strong positive and negative correlations, especially at the global banking/currency levels.
Whatever you say about the darkside, no matter how you define it with arcane terminology -- I follow the dollar and at the end of the day -- you are right on the money. My checkbook says so.
The thing is -- you might be looking in the rear view mirror. I believe the global takeover you fear, has already happened. The object of the game, now, is to survive. Americans will indeed be trapped like slaves, quite soon, because their money will be legal tender only in the US.
I think there are ways to win, personally, but no way to return the world to its former order. I think that world has passed on.
Meanwhile, Bernanke said a few moments ago that the Fed is going to drop rates (perhaps 50 basis points). So... we all know that means the dollar will plunge again. There are a million ways to make big money this month by betting against the dollar. It's a sure thing.
The reason the dollar didn't plunge when Greenspan slashed rates was because America still had assets and modest debt. People had savings. Those fundamentals are gone. The dollar is now backed by nothing.
As you say, its historically new. But its very predictable. Easy money for speculators. Who, in their right mind, would bet on the US economy?
Posted by: Pluto | January 10, 2008 at 02:58 PM
I find some of your comments to be very interesting, Pluto.
You may be right about it being too late to avoid debt slavery and "homeland" confinement. I still cannot pay off a rather small debt compared to most Americans because inflation is eating me alive. I will cancel my telephone soon.
Many people here accept what Elaine says as true and accurate, in a general sense at least, and they are mostly concerned with "how do I and my family survive"?
I once said here that perhaps all we were ever meant to know is how to survive. I was confused and overwhelmed when I said it, but it appears more and more over time to be the reality that most of us face in light of the forces arrayed against us.
Posted by: DeVaul | January 10, 2008 at 03:22 PM
The now promised rate cut, is a clear act of desperation. The feds never (officially) promised a rate cut before. Things are really out of controll of those who were given the image of being in controll. Nothing can controll this beast now.
Posted by: Neuro Artist | January 10, 2008 at 03:54 PM
Red in tooth and claw - that is just what I was thinking after reading this last night. It is still survival of the fittest here - we have just a thin veneer of civilization and much media spin to occlude the truth. There have been many negative economic indicators reported in the last few weeks but the one that hit me the hardest was the bare shelves at the food banks. I'm not talking about just the little church or social group food banks - this is Second Harvest, massive food banks that are supported by food and cash donations but also by salvage food and damaged food from manufacturers and retailers. The demand for food assistance is spiking upward at the same time as donations plummet and they are having to turn people away.
A gentleman claiming to be a banker posted on another blog that his bank is seeing an increase in credit card debt and an increase in late pays/foreclosures in mortgage debt. People are still paying revolving debt for now because they need it for "cash" flow to make ends meet each month. Since holiday retail was less than spectacular it does seem like the credit cards are being run up to cover fuel and food.
How much longer can the show go on? I'm hopeful that my family will be in a position to make some preparations so I want the juggler to keep those balls in the air as long as possible. My little family is between jobs right now - spouse laid off 2 weeks before Christmas - and we don't have much credit to tap.
Posted by: katya | January 10, 2008 at 04:02 PM
I do not know what NFORBRES is.
But I found this:
See the following dates:
2001.09 <- 9/11
2007.08 <- 17/7 (Ring a bell ?)
2007.12 <- Lets call it the Xmas crash of '07
Also found this in a blog:
"I lived through the period 1963 - 1983 in the capacity of senior executive of a financial intermediary and remember the inflation that caused the needless sacrafice of thousands of intermediaries in the 1980s. We avidly watched the weekly report of Net Free or Borrowed Reserves of Depository Institutions to see how "loose" money really was. In other words, how much money the system was unable to find borrowers for. The St. Louis Fed still reports them: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/series/NFORBRES We believed in the '70s, as Volcker later proved, that tightening the money supply was the only way to arrest the rate of inflation. Talk from the head of the Fed, and raising short-term rates, the increased cost of which we passed on to borrowers, which had been tried, just did not work. Finally, when Volker finally applied an objective, rather than a subjective standard, inflation fell, and Americans suffered much more pain and adjustment. NFORBRES is and has since Clinton's inaugural been greater than at any time on record. In view of my experience, I believe too much inflation is embedded in the economy, and what we need now is Volcker to return for a short period, even though we now have so many banks whose size are so great they cannot be allowed to fail. The longer we wait to take the only effective medicine, the worse the pain."
Dont know why, but it feels kind of important
Posted by: Hakan with the reindeers | January 10, 2008 at 05:00 PM
Confused, overwhelmed.....you are the classic defeatest Devaul....
people MUST tackle the hard issues that no one wants to talk about, fight the hard fight, expose the criminals and their provable treasonous activities and maybe just maybe you can turn the rest of it around.
I pity you devaul, I really do, no fight in you, the end and the darkness already envelopes you....history is repeating in many ways and in your own way you are the jew going quietly and meekly to the showers whilst your nazi minders mock you as they look on.
Elaine has spoken many times about the protests of the 60's and 70's and things like tianamen square where people put their lives on the line for what they believe in, you devaul are not one of those people and your defeatist attitude shames their memory.
WTC 7 "just pull it"
Posted by: Greg | January 10, 2008 at 05:05 PM
DeVaul and I know each other quite well. He has a hard life and takes great measures to struggle over tremendous odds. Such as disabilities. He is a fighter but he is also hammered by inflation just as many of us are today!
Thanks for all the new information about this particular banking chart! I didn't even know this was happening until a reader alerted me and yes, 7/17/7 is a day that will do down in history! As I predicted.
And the entire 1970-1980 decade was tight money yet we had inflation. This means, the inflation was war related. God help us as we lose our present wars, how much this will hammer us in 2 years!
Posted by: Elaine Supkis | January 10, 2008 at 05:16 PM
Russ Winter has a blog where he take his time to examine these charts:
It seems as the whole interbanksystem failed that week and the FED cannot do a lot about it.
Which makes me wonder..
- Iranian boats says threathen US warship.
- Presidents Working group has meeting.
- Oil price will just not go down even if a ressesion is starting.
- Bush (the president with most free days) is rushing to Israel on a visit.
- Stockmarkets and housing i plummeting.
- Pakistan (which is nuclear) makes affairs with Iran (a pipeline amongst others).
- Butto got assasinated.
All could boil down to an imminent strike.
The oilembargo from Iran would be perfect to hide Peak Oil behind.
Posted by: Hakan with the reindeers | January 10, 2008 at 05:38 PM
Well, Greg, you are right about one thing. The Nazis will come for me because they need Deaf and disabled people to test the new showers just like before, but I will not go peacefully. I plan to mow them down in the street, something the Germans were too afraid to do -- being christians and whatever.
I remember what it was like to stand alone in a courtroom by myself fighting for the rights of the Deaf, the disabled, and their children while people laughed at me, shook their heads, derided me, and so on just so they could feel superior and righteous.
You talk just like the opposing attorney in my divorce case. She was a highly paid professional child abuser who enjoyed the protection of the judge, the police, city hall, and countless politicians and movers and shakers.
I paid a heavy price for opposing her, the Jewish custodial evaluator, and the black judge, who I caught lying in open court and almost went to jail for it.
Yes, I was defeated by crooks and cowards and I lost my sons, but I do not regret fighting for years in court to regain their rights, or going bankrupt in the process -- that little debt I cannot seem to pay off.
And I don't feel pity for you. You are what you are.
Posted by: DeVaul | January 10, 2008 at 06:52 PM
Wow devaul, the jews and the blacks conspiring against you, sounds like something straight out of the Turner diaries, anyway good to see you come out swinging....maybe a little fight left in the old dog yet!!!
BTW you wont be alone in the streets mate, it'll be over my dead body before I let them take anyone to the fucking showers!!! disabled or not!
WTC 7 "Just pull it"
Posted by: Greg | January 10, 2008 at 07:52 PM
I always felt that China was having huge problems with inflation. Now I see they are copying the Richard Nixon style price freeze from the 70's. Jon Nadler, senior analyst at Kitco, is reporting that China is freezing prices on gasoline, natural gas, electricity, water, heating, public transportation, school tuition, and medical care. IMO, they printed up too much money in keeping the yuan pegged to the dollar. IMO,their factory workers are rioting for the simple reason that they are experiencing real wage declines, the syndrome being felt round the world. Also, I was very shocked and disappointed to hear that Bernanke wants to cut rates and maybe dramatically. I agree with Elaine that the US has serious inflation. I also feel we will ultimately have to face the popping of the bubble, and the longer it is delayed, the worse it will be.
Posted by: Teddy | January 10, 2008 at 08:08 PM
The revolution will not be televised, it will be blogged (by Elaine).
Thanks for sharing your thoughts,experience, analysis and wisdom!
Posted by: Dianna | January 10, 2008 at 09:25 PM
Wrong tense, the revolution is being blogged by Elaine. It will be televised but in French and Mandarin.
Unfortunately we will have to wait 100 years for the objective history.
Posted by: Bokonon | January 10, 2008 at 09:51 PM
I don't want a revolution, I want to go FORWARDS! Heh.
Not in circles. Ah well, it is a horror that the stupid Persian Kitty Gulf confrontation of tiny boats versus the world's biggest navy caused voters to chose war mongers as our future dictators.
Posted by: Elaine Supkis | January 10, 2008 at 11:05 PM
What a nice photos and paintings that I have never see before!Just a small requirement,can you post a tutorial on the HDRI?I am really have difficulty of getting any real one with this.Thank you very much in advance.
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Posted by: nike shox | November 12, 2010 at 02:38 AM
I don't want a revolution, I want to go FORWARDS! Heh.
Not in circles. Ah well, it is a horror that the stupid Persian Kitty Gulf confrontation of tiny boats versus the world's biggest navy caused voters to chose war mongers as our future dictators.
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