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Haha, I didn't start reading your stuff until about a month ago. I love the cartoon drawings! Thanks.

Elaine Meinel Supkis

I wonder about the cartoons since few people mention them. Thanks.


YES!! Awesome! Elaine, you are on fire! ;-)


'With all the fuss there has been in the popular press of late about the so-called Japanese carry trade and its impact on global liquidity ... one important element in this fascinating global phenomenon seems to be in danger of escaping people's notice: the Swiss connection. This post, which accompanies Manuel's electoral posting, will focus on the Swiss carry phenomenon, and will attempt to situate it in the context of the battery of stylised facts which now characterise economic activity in the fastest ageing of our developed societies. Among these now reasonably well established "facts on the ground" are features like weak domestic consumption, growing export dependence, and a generally low internal interest rate environment. As we shall see, these features appear to be just as representative of what has been happening in Switzerland as they are of Japan.'

Swiss Franc Loans and Ageing



Great article and spot on!!

Thought I should mentioned that it's probably USD 2 trillion by end of this year for China...by the way the Chinese government are lousy tax collectors so it is possible that the Chinese people have squirrel away an additional USD2 trillions off the books.

If Hu unlease the Dollar tsunami, it's gonna be 4 trillion dollars suddenly being dumped into the markets.

Anyone could recommend a good lifeboat?


Andrei, wrong. I pointed out the game the Swiss bank played yesterday with their carry trade. The non rate hike was a non event, yet the CHF shoots up immediately in reaction. I quote from yesterday.."the Swiss bank must also be corralled."

Elaine, your favorite three headed abomination is not doing so well with Chrysler and GMAC. Maybe they can fire some more workers and outsource their jobs, after they ship the machinery overseas. Good idea?


Andrei, wrong. I pointed out the game the Swiss bank played yesterday with their carry trade. The non rate hike was a non event, yet the CHF shoots up immediately in reaction. I quote from yesterday.."the Swiss bank must also be corralled."

Elaine, your favorite three headed abomination is not doing so well with Chrysler and GMAC. Maybe they can fire some more workers and outsource their jobs, after they ship the machinery overseas. Good idea?


I meant to say the CHF drops down, not shoots up. It is early and I must brew my coffee. BTW, I love the cartoons.

Elaine Meinel Supkis

Calvino, I am very grateful for your input. I am glad you have taken the time to try to understand my point of view. Thanks. You give me some hope.

Cerberus is being slowly dragged into the Cave of Death. They are doomed if the system dies.


What I fear more than the decline of Americans ability to reason and think, is
their lack of ability to feel emotions
and thus any outrage.

In our massive Disneyland we are taught,since birth, to "accentuate the positive and refrain from the negative"
We have an inablity to feel empathy anymore for others. I see this on an hourly basis at my job.

This is due to constant corporate propagandizing from birth.We are told from birth that we are individualists and that bettering our lives is an individual act. And this is also due to fear of authority
figures. In most fundamentalist religions,
Godly authority and human authority are
closely linked.

And so it goes.

Elaine Meinel Supkis

This is why all tribal powers win, you know. They are very aware that they are NOT individuals at all. This is how one enters the Ruling Elites: not as individuals. Those are disposed of.

One has to have strong tribal affiliations! Ask the Zionists about this! They are horrified that this is being diluted by intermarriage, just for example.


Elaine, there is a peculiar form of brilliance in your writing. And I too love the cartoons. I read everything you write these days.

I'm just wondering - in the midst of this backdrop, what will prompt China (and central banks in general) to finally cease their incessant purchase of our debt? According to Setser it appears buying has *accelerated*. Yet in May 2008, China's exports to the US were a mere 18% of total *exports*. If Japan will screw its middle class to keep down the Yen and keep rates low, would that not imply their own capitulation only in the event of a riot? And if a Swiss bank account is no longer safe, I wonder where a poor soul is to put his/her hard earned savings to maintain its value. Ironically, I am thinking about allocating more to my own brokerage account, with the rest in a broad array of non-US currency. If you had any light to shed on this, it would be greatly appreciated.


Individualism vs Individuality

Individuality is good (and sorely needed)
Its based on the need for as much variety
as possible in people and other living things to keep things healthy in an ecosystem. Lots of checks and balances etc.

Individualism is monoculture of thought and
emotion. The iron filings may be seperate
and "individual" but when the big magnet
goes by, they all line up the same way. This is what is meant by "individualism" in the USAY.

Buffalo Ken

Sorry to interrupt here, but I had this idea today pretty unrelated i suspect to what has been discussed before, but not totally.

Anyhow, if Israel wants to attack Iran, shouldn't we get the hell out of that area? Because it will be no different than Pearl Harbor, only worse, and in essence world view would be that we supported the attack.

What will happen here then is it will turn into WW with the US and Israel against everyone else. Why not? Who wants to be on the side of a bunch of losers whose citizens can't even control their own governments.

What a shame.

Buffalo Ken

Now if we get the hell out of there (especially the navy whom is most vulnerable) but the army could also be over-run by a good ole tank blitz coming from the other side. Of course the air force would be decimated.

Now that means essentially all armed forces in that theatre would be destroyed.

Now the US really does have just about nothing.

Buffalo Ken

If we get the hell outta there maybe this won't happen.

Otherwise someone is setting someone else up for the fall. Big time.

Buffalo Ken

and that is not a riddle it is just the way many fine folks need to talk today so as not to make any "waves" that the so-called watchers find offensive....

Buffalo Ken

This kind of thinking happens when a president has their brains blown out in a non-indiscriminate manner. That ain't right.

It will not be left alone.

Buffalo Ken

I'm printing this and putting it up for safe keeping.


sorry for the storm of messages but it was just something i wanted to say.

Buffalo Ken

one last thing, don't you think "666" is a setup? An easy way to create a target out of nothing. I do.

The whole end-times crowd should just be directed off the cliff.

So say BUFFALO ken.

Buffalo Ken

i swear i had an s there but it works either way.....

Buffalo Ken

OK, now maybe i'm being flippant, but don't you think it would be nice to hear some things from Elliot Spitzer. I bet he has some stories to tell.

Just a thought.

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