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Off-topic (maybe ?)

Thought you might like to see this.

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What a odd plot twist in the national soap opera that the previous "heavies", the red menacers, may well be the rescuers from the tainted vision of RFID chipped, amero wielding consumerist automatons it seems we've been consigned to be. Waking up from the matrix (we've been programmed from baby boomers to accept as consensus reality) is jolting sometimes. How enlightening to be a fly on the wall at a Rockefeller family picnic these days. Keep the journalistic hi-beams on, EMS, and thanks for the effort. Your track record predicting events gets better every day.


"And Zimbabwe hits a physical wall: they can no longer print money faster than the dread Inflation Goddess. Now, the army will revolt due to lack of pay"...


Christian W

I thought the North Pole isn't frozen anymore, it's under water...



Dear Elaine,
If the FED and GOVT dont care about the price of Gold, why do they suppress its price everyday,by using gold swaps, and leases? GATA has done extensive research and is actively suing the FED and treasury for breaking Anti-trust laws. Alan Greenspan said in Congressional testimony in 1999 "Central Banks stand ready to lease gold in increasing quantities should the price rise" I agree with you 100% GOVT controls basically everything. However, Gold is high on their priority list of markets to intervene in. Suppressing ownership, and investor interest. I beleive that the Gold suppression is being used by the "gnomes" to accumulate the metal at depressed prices. Am I insane? please help. Thank you.

Paul S

The story of the IBM reminded me of former GE chairman Jack Welch. To me Welch epitomizes what is wrong in the American business world. Of course, rags like BusinessWeek think Welch is this brilliant,giant "innovator". Innovator my a##. Welch turned GE into little more than a M and A company. But wait: GE IS a world class polluter--that spends LOTS of money on lobbyists so they don't have to pay their massive fines. No cost cutting there.


Famous quote from mobster Jack Welch:

"Ideally every factory should be located
on a barge"

Tens of small towns in S.Vermont, W.Mass,
and upstate NY were the homes of GE Machine
Shops.I'd drive thru these towns at night on my way back from a ski trip and the factories would be lit up like torches. The only things saving these towns
now is tourism and home buying by NY hedge
fund artists.


Famous quote by gangster Jack Welch.

"Ideally you would have every factory located
on a barge."


FDIC Chairman Shelia Bair Is Out Of Control
In a sad twist of irony Shelia Bair is accusing blogs of being "out of control".

...Here's an interesting statement from the article. "The FDIC also plans to begin airing public service announcements as part of a public education campaign on the nation's deposit insurance program."

When I first saw the headline "The FDIC plans to pay closer attention to the blogosphere" I thought, WOW the FDIC is going to watch the only people that have called the housing bubble and banking problems accurately: blogs.

Silly me. Instead, Shelia Bair wants to shut off the only source of information as to how unsound the banking system and FDIC is.

Public Service Announcement #1 :Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. I am the Great and Powerful Wizard of OZ; the FDIC.

See how that works, It's not the fault of bankers, Fed & GS Sec.Of Treasury pirates who hijacked the wealth of the citizens of the USA. Or the politicians who serve the Gollums, "Mustn't hurt the precious!"s. They sold the USA down the Yangtze river, flowing red with US citizens eternal servititude. No, it's the bloggers fault for ripping away the curtain of piracy, deceit, and destruction of OUR COUNTRY.

In the immortal word's of Elaine, ARREST THEM ALL


FDIC Chairman Shelia Bair Is Out Of Control
In a sad twist of irony Shelia Bair is accusing blogs of being "out of control".

...Here's an interesting statement from the article. "The FDIC also plans to begin airing public service announcements as part of a public education campaign on the nation's deposit insurance program.",..... Shelia Bair wants to shut off the only source of information as to how unsound the banking system and FDIC is.

Government controlled Public Service Announcement #1 :Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. I am the Great and Powerful Wizard of OZ; the FDIC.

See how that works, It's not the fault of bankers, Fed & GS Sec.Of Treasury pirates who hijacked the wealth of the citizens of the USA. Or the politicians who serve the Gollums, "Mustn't hurt the precious!"s as they sold USA's debt to Communist China and Japan who will never forgive Hiroshima and Nagasaki and despise us.

No, it's the bloggers fault for ripping away the curtain of piracy, deceit, and destruction of OUR COUNTRY.

In the immortal word's of Elaine, ARREST THEM ALL


The median sales price fell 6.l% in the past year to $215,100.
The inventory of unsold homes on the market rose 0.2% to 4.49 million, an 11.1-month supply at the current sales pace, the second-highest inventory level since the mid-1980s.
In a separate report, the Census Bureau said about 6.1 million housing units are vacant and available either to rent or buy. About 10% of the homes built for sale in this decade are vacant, while more than 25% of rental units built in this decade are vacant, the report said.
"We are faced with a considerable excess of housing units that is only likely to worsen over coming quarters, and for which there is no quick solution," wrote Richard Moody, chief economist for Mission Residential.


This is nowhere near the bottom. (with unemployment climbing, more people will leave those houses)




The Freddie and Fannie taxpayer bailout should be listed in the "Dumb as a Rock" category. I assume that the mortgage payees who haven't paid in months, also are not paying the real estate taxes/city services either. Now, the city and state governments can't foreclose on anyone due to real estate tax delinquencies. HAHAHAHA! I'm just wondering why the heck should I be a shlub and pay my RE tax bill or my mortgage? They're not gonna throw me out thanks to Congress saving Gollums preciouuuuuus Paulson's GSachs and Bernanke's private bankers club! Am I in error?

Elaine Meinel Supkis

Tell, those burial containers are simply what happens when a manufacturer makes stuff and then stores it outside...a common thing in the South. Up here in NY, these things would be stolen and used as gun storage containers underground, dope storage hiding holes, etc.


If we fear being killed by the government, remember, the government uses backhoes and simply covers the bodies in ditches or incinerates them a la Hitler.

As for the other comments here: The government cares about the price of gold! They want it to go up, not down. They hold a huge amount of gold and use it as collateral, etc. It goes up in value, their holding shoot up in value!

The gold investors who want gold to only go up get all knocked out of shape when it declines as all commodities and sales go up and down. So they think the government that can't control itself, is somehow controlling gold.

About central bankers selling gold in Europe: that was PURE INSANITY. They held on for 35 years wondering if the US would restart the gold standard. When Nixon quit the gold peg, he said, 'THIS IS TEMPORARY!'

But now it looks permanent. This is stupid. Usually, when people assume a status quo is forever, it collapses. The floating currency is a joke. Gold probably will come back. But when that happens, it will be after some great power confiscates a huge amount of gold, first. THEN they will use it as a currency peg again.

But then, we could float in this mess for another 50 years, first.



The year 2008 is the 37th Anniversary of the montary catastrophe in which the U.S. government disconnected the Dollar from its last connection to gold. It was 1971, the number of Dollars sent overseas had become greater than the amount of gold the U.S. held in reserve (in spite of accumulating 90% of the world's gold supply by 1946), and those pesky foreigners were turning in their Dollars for our gold.

The year 1971 happens to be the 37th Anniversary of the monetary catastrophe in which the U.S. government disconnected the Dollar from gold for all Americans (maintaining the connection for foreigners as a priviledge of not being American). It was 1934, and - surprise! - those pesky foreigners were turning in their Dollars for our gold.

The year 1934 happens to be the 37th Anniversary of the catastrophe of the inauguration of William McKinley, who launched us into the never-since-to-be-ended-ever series of foreign wars that has led us to our beloved multi-war present time. It was 1897, the U.S. was in a massive Depression, which the U.S. government had made worse by selling its gold to buy silver (and you thought stupidity was a recent invention).

For our current 37th Anniversary party, those pesky foreigners are going to bring their usual present - the destruction of our currency (not that we need their help to accomplish that - again). This year China, Japan, Russian and the Oil Sheiks are going to pop out the cake, hand over all their Treasuries for cash, and cut the world loose forever from the soggy remains of the so-called Dollar. Have a Ball, America!!


Check it out, the IOC has BANNED Iraqi athletes from Beijing:


Anyone else suppose this is a thinly veiled slap at the US and its failed foreign policy adventure?

Elaine Meinel Supkis

What? No IED Hummer Races at the Olympics? Rats.


Michael, knocked down a couple of tumblers before sitting down to write. Treasuries for cash? Which cash is that? The europeans can not absorb any more liquidity in the East, nor can they absorb any more industry destruction in Club Med. The yen. Ask Elaine if Onishi Takijiro will allow his people to have any purchasing power. Gold? Not a chance. Not enough of it to abosorb the toilet paper the chairrat has foisted upon us. So we are left with hard American assets. That is not cash. That is capital. Ask Elaine. Now tell me what is the value of the NYSE listings, and then you get the idea of the sort of asset transfer that would take place. This is different from bank, assets, which are actually liabilities. Perhaps with this prez that is possible. Or with the past one. If you fund my prezidential library, you can have Michigan, for instance. There are no ways out, except to keep dancing, until someone drops on the floor. To paraphrase that genius of American finance, Chuck Prince.


Re: AF post on Iraqi Olympics:

Ahmad al-Samarra'i, chairman of the committee dismissed by the government, and several other members had previously been abducted by gunmen while attending a meeting in central Baghdad in July 2006.

They have not been seen since.

One never knows what to believe out of there, what is misinformation, what is perpetuated by evil forces and what is true sectarian violence - but if true - very sad indeed.


Zi juus have all our gold, long since.

Raygun appointed a Gold Commission to find our gold in 1982. The Commission found no gold.

The banking system is kuput. Close the FED and start over.


Your gold? No. You pissed it away on liquor, whores, big trucks and playing social engineer. Chinese gold now.


Zi juus European Central Bankers and Black Nobility have 2/3 of the world's gold under their control.

Zi juss talking heads, minor minions of Media and AIPAC, whisper sweet nothings over their whores and liquors about a new gold standard, and zi whores think it a grand idea.

Allah be praised.


The yen carry trade unwound today as the chart of the EUR/JPY, FXE:FXY, fell lower to 1.690.

Libra reigns supreme.

The neoliberal Milton Friedman floating currency regime and its policies has met its Waterloo suffering defeat at the hands of gold investors as is seen in the currency harvest, DBV, falling 1% and gold, GLD, rising 0.8%; here is DBV weekly for reference.

Not only was there an extinguishment of stock wealth today, there was an extinguishment of currency wealth: interest rate differential traders suffered a set back

The Great Unwinding Of Investments commenced today.

For more comments please visit the linked article


"Auction Rate Securities"...


Paul S

Final word on sleazeball Jack Welch. I bet he didn't get laid in college and look how he turned out. There is something to this sex business and money. Welch wants the factories to be on barges so he can live in his New York penthouse apartment--at GE expense. Also: I am reminded of something corporate America seems to have forgotten. It was UAW head Walter Reuther who commented on GM's automation plans by saying, "And how many cars will these automated machines be buying?"


You said it, Calvino, what cash? This time we have no place to hide. Of course we'll try a Zimbabwe-type Dollar print-fest, but everyone everywhere will know (as you and I already know) that the U.S. has actually gone bankrupt, because the market value of our debts will be exactly zero (as opposed to their current worth of 30 cents on the Dollar). Don't cry for me, Argentina!!


OK so having a third of GDP based directly or indirectly on weapons production just hasn't done the trick. Markets are the russian mafia and certain wild eyed elements residing along the afghanistan-pakistan border, next... "But depressions are getting shorter aren't they? You said...[sob]" [slap][slap][slap]"Just get a hold of yourself!!!" Agribusiness, virtual hyper-reality farms, solar thermal - now there's an idea - we just need a few community minded saints to build everything and run the gauntlet of shareholder rage for about fifteen years.

Penny Stocks

Excellent post.I really like this.

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