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whine and cheese

gold and oil are down because people think that Germany and France are worse off than the US, and hence the Euro trade...

or at least that's what the media says=)


The Earth is Flat, authored by Friedman the Putz, was nothing more than a propaganda tool to create a collective psychosis. Countrys without trade barriers was nothing more than the offshoring of USA industries and a flood of imports onto our shores. With free trade why the need for any world military? To protect the country's borders from what? Hell, we are in the midst of the most invasive war of all. An all out Economic Assault.

Our voices will be heard loud and clear when we stop buying. live within our means, and start thinking of saving our hard earned labor as the new "must have."

Paul S

Elaine: Didn't you hear? "Dubaya" explained it completely and so even the lowly peasant could understand: "Wall Street got drunk." I can't beleive the media does not take him to task for such stupid remarks, but I guess if one thinks about it, it isn't a surprise. Little wonder the US has lost so much credibility in the world.

Elaine Meinel Supkis

Not only were they drunk, they were chasing lovely, lithesome MSNBC Wall Street news chicks.


The US and Big banks are all like Enron. They believe there own lies, its a sickness. Rome burns and they push and shove any responsible, reasonable solution into the ground. Insane, the Neocons want WWIII and it looks like were gonna get it. Only religious cults act like this. Pure justification, with divine right, and the worshiping of $$$ gods. I ask neocons all the time: where are you gonna get your clean water and air? Maybe they'll have it piped in from the Caymans while we all starve to death.
Credibility? that was lost with the value of the dollar, the collapse of our infrastructure and the absence of any intelligent discussion.....nor any knowledge of recent history!


The problem that plagues America is very basic. There is no doubt as to the quality and sincerity of it's people. It's leadership however, since mid-19th Century has had a very shallow bench.

Leadership has one, and only one goal, that is, to SERVE the people it LEADS. That sadly, has not happened in America for a long, long time.

The false illusion of prosperity created by the corporate interests has lulled the majority of Americans into buying this "American Dream".

rockpaperscissors, this is the collective psychosis you speak of.

To quote George Carlin, ..."Because the owners of this country know the truth, it's called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it!" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJ4SSvVbhLw)

If one reads War is A Racket, by Maj. Gen Smedley Butler, one realizes that this has been going on for a very long time, but only now because of the Internet, people are starting to wake up.

I'm with you Elaine, the US is in dire need of a PATRIOTIC leader. But it is the American people who must first decide that they have had enough putting up with these parasites for generations. Americans have to stop feeding the tapeworm, according to Catherine Austin Fitts (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2984480718427930625)

Then they must act, it is their country, they have to take it back.

Paul S

TL: the problem with the US is its ruling class. As a group, they are smug, arrogant and completely without an ethical or moral code of ANY kind. The Bush crime family is a perfect example. They have a complete aversion to taking ANY responsibility for their actions. This is why the elites so-called economists think rising wages cause inflation no matter how much evidence there is that they are wrong. It's always somebody else's fault. This is also how they cope with being scorned everywhere in the world. This part is only a guess of mine, but the ruling class MUST be mostly hemophiliac: these people like to breed only with their own kind. Finally, it is the general US public that enables these criminals. These are the people who look to Jerry Springer for direction while eating a bowlfull of Cheetos. They know more about Angelina Jolie's baby than they do of their own members of Congress. You can thank the US public education lobby for this outlook. And yes, the ruling elites WANT the education system thie way it is. The elites know that an informed, engaged public will not let the ruling/criminal class get away with their schemes. You see, these spolied rotten rich kids know FULLY well right from wrong: they just don't care.

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